Name | Description | Owner | Idle | Links |
etc |
sijanec/r | razno
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 5 days | summarylogtree |
sijanec/n | datotečNi sistem
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 7 months | summarylogtree |
repo/luč | datoteke za osvetlitev gledaliških in koncertnih odrov
| Anton in Oliver <> | 12 months | summarylogtree |
prog |
sijanec/g | osebni gentoo ebuild repozitorij
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/pamldapd | Simple LDAP server, uses PAM as backend
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ldap | Basic LDAP v3 client & server functionality for the GO programming language.
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/asn1-ber | ASN1 BER Encoding / Decoding Library for the GO programming language.
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/travnik | bittorrent dht crawler
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 5 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/sear.c | sear.c scrapes search results of popular engines, caches them and creates a simp... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 11 months | summarylogtree |
| prof. dr. Konrad Lenasi | 12 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ADS1115_WE | An Arduino library for the 16-bit, 4 channel ADS1115 ADC. Convenient to use. All... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 19 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ebs | enobitni stroj, splecifikacija in emulacija
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 22 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/balkan-shortlink | Šortlink generator written in PHP and MySQL,
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/oldredditclient | everybody gangsta until my flair is the current time
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/server-status-logger | Creates an Apache log by constantly requesting server-status on an Apache server... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/short-domain-finder | a set of scripts that searches for available short domains by bruteforcing whois... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ttx-app | Datoteke, potrebne za objavo teletekst spletišča kot Android aplikacijo.
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/dnsfind | efficient program for searching for recursive DNS servers on IPv4 networks
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
zastarelo |
sijanec/soča | avtomatski radioamaterski odzivnik
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 20 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/biblos-stat | Unnamed repository
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/bicikelj-stat | arhiviranje podatkov o zasedenosti postaj sistema izposoje koles v ljubljani
| Anton Luka Šijanec | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/števec | branje števca elektrike in obdelava podatkov porabe
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/discord.tcl | yet another unfinished client in Tcl/Tk
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/itisclient | kremžljivi skripti za programsko delo s telefonskim imenikom slovenije
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/bverbose | DO NOT USE! Simple software for compiling posts and pages into a fully featured ... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ov | OV stands for OB (One Bit) VM (Virtual Machine).
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/sijaneciot | sijaneciot: starting point IoT template I use for my projects
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/upn | generator upn nalogov
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/rtv4d-dl | [zastarel] Program za prenos posnetkov arhiva Radiotelevizije Slovenije.
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/discord.c | discord.c is a lightweight chat client that connects to the chatting... | Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/prijave | simple daemon for creating polls for joining events, ...
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ircxmpp | one-to-one bridge between IRC and XMPP
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/ | moja spletna stran in blog
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
zrcalne kopije |
anonymous/cuberite | A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
| mirror | 19 hours | summarylogtree |
anonymous/UIC-barcode | implementation of the FCB barcode (IRS 90918-9)
| mirror | 43 hours | summarylogtree |
anonymous/lcp-decrypt | lcp-decrypt takes an ePUB file protected with a Readium LCP protection (sometime... | mirror | 12 days | summarylogtree |
anonymous/gpt4free | gpt4free
| mirror | 3 weeks | summarylogtree |
anonymous/ | Wiki for KrakenSDR
| mirror | 6 weeks | summarylogtree |
anonymous/tiny-AES-c | Small portable AES128/192/256 in C
| mirror | 2 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/xManager | Ad-Free, New Features & Freedom
| mirror | 5 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/1ka | arhiv odprtokodnega portala 1ka v rcs, prevzeto z
| mirror | 7 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/yuzu | yuzu is the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator — star... | mirror | 9 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/freestyle-hid | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| mirror | 10 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/glucometerutils | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| mirror | 10 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/freestyle-keys | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| mirror | 10 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/FTPCLientServer | Simple FTP Server and Client for the esp8266/esp32 with LittleFS and SPIFFS supp... | mirror | 11 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/wolfree-dockerfile | Self-hosting Wolfree instances with Docker Engine. This guide provides a step-by... | mirror | 12 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/eVinjeta | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| mirror | 15 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/The-Simpsons-Hit-and-Run | Stolen (and slightly cleaned up) version of The Simpsons: Hit & Run original sou... | mirror | 17 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/AltCraft | Minecraft:JE in C++
| mirror | 17 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/samloader | Download Samsung firmware from official servers
| mirror | 18 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/ | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| mirror | 23 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/entrust-identityguard-tools | Tools for playing with Entrust IdentityGuard soft tokens, such as decrypting QR ... | mirror | 23 months | summarylogtree |
anonymous/Starlink-FI | Starlink User Terminal Modchip
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/krakensdr_docs | Documentation for KrakenSDR
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/krakensdr_pr | Passive Radar Code for the KrakenSDR ("higher stratum" mirror from github - fix ... | mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/NT4.0 | Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/android_bootable_recovery | Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/widevine-l3-decryptor | A Chrome extension that demonstrates bypassing Widevine L3 DRM
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/Heimdall | Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ... | mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/re3 | fully reversed source code for gta III and gta VC
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/psa-nac-firmware-reverse-engineering | Continental OVIP firmware reverse engineering for PSA/Stellantis cars (Peugeot, ... | mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/psa-uds-nac | A short sort of karma and security, with code inside
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
anonymous/MicrocodeDecryptor |
| mirror | 2 years | summarylogtree |
šola |
sijanec/sola-gimb-4 | šolske datoteke v zadnjem letniku gimnazije
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 17 months | summarylogtree |
sijanec/gimsisextclient | Deprecated API for zGimSISExt2016 - BežiApp used it!
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
gimb/beziapp | Unofficial app for Gimnazija Bežigrad students and parents.-
| Dijaki GimB | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/sola-gimb-2 | Repozitorij z *javnimi* šolskimi datotekami v 2. letniku.
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |
sijanec/sola-gimb-3 | šolske datoteke v tretjem letniku gimb
| Anton Luka Šijanec <> | 2 years | summarylogtree |