#include "FTPCommon.h" FTPCommon::FTPCommon(FS &_FSImplementation) : THEFS(_FSImplementation), sTimeOutMs(FTP_TIME_OUT * 60 * 1000), aTimeout(FTP_TIME_OUT * 60 * 1000) { } FTPCommon::~FTPCommon() { stop(); } void FTPCommon::stop() { control.stop(); data.stop(); file.close(); freeBuffer(); } void FTPCommon::setTimeout(uint32_t timeoutMs) { sTimeOutMs = timeoutMs; } // // allocate a big buffer for file transfers // uint16_t FTPCommon::allocateBuffer(uint16_t desiredBytes) { #if (defined ESP8266) uint16_t maxBlock = ESP.getMaxFreeBlockSize() / 2; if (desiredBytes > maxBlock) desiredBytes = maxBlock; #endif while (fileBuffer == NULL && desiredBytes > 0) { fileBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(desiredBytes); if (NULL == fileBuffer) { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Cannot allocate buffer for file transfer, re-trying"); // try with less bytes desiredBytes--; } else { fileBufferSize = desiredBytes; } } return fileBufferSize; } void FTPCommon::freeBuffer() { free(fileBuffer); fileBuffer = NULL; } int8_t FTPCommon::dataConnect() { // open our own data connection data.stop(); FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Open data connection to %s:%u", dataIP.toString().c_str(), dataPort); data.connect(dataIP, dataPort); return data.connected() ? 1 : -1; } bool FTPCommon::parseDataIpPort(const char *p) { // parse IP and data port of "ip,ip,ip,ip,port,port" uint8_t parsecount = 0; uint8_t tmp[6]; while (parsecount < sizeof(tmp)) { tmp[parsecount++] = atoi(p); p = strchr(p, ','); if (NULL == p || *(++p) == '\0') break; } if (parsecount >= sizeof(tmp)) { // copy first 4 bytes = IP for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) dataIP[i] = tmp[i]; // data port is 5,6 dataPort = tmp[4] * 256 + tmp[5]; return true; } return false; } bool FTPCommon::doFiletoNetwork() { // data connection lost or no more bytes to transfer? if (!data.connected() || (bytesTransfered >= file.size())) { return false; } // how many bytes to transfer left? uint32_t nb = (file.size() - bytesTransfered); if (nb > fileBufferSize) nb = fileBufferSize; // transfer the file FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Transfer %d bytes fs->net", nb); nb = file.readBytes((char *)fileBuffer, nb); if (nb > 0) { data.write(fileBuffer, nb); bytesTransfered += nb; } return (nb > 0); } bool FTPCommon::doNetworkToFile() { // Avoid blocking by never reading more bytes than are available int16_t navail = data.available(); if (navail > 0) { if (navail > fileBufferSize) navail = fileBufferSize; FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Transfer %d bytes net->FS", navail); navail = data.read(fileBuffer, navail); file.write(fileBuffer, navail); bytesTransfered += navail; } if (!data.connected() && (navail <= 0)) { // connection closed or no more bytes to read return false; } else { // inidcate, we need to be called again return true; } } void FTPCommon::closeTransfer() { freeBuffer(); file.close(); data.stop(); }