path: root/private/nw/convert/nwconv/mem.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/convert/nwconv/mem.c b/private/nw/convert/nwconv/mem.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d499c0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/convert/nwconv/mem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+// Microsoft (R) Bloodhound (tm). Copyright (C) 1991-1992.
+// MODULE: mem.c
+// Modification History
+// raypa 01/28/93 Created
+// stevehi 07/21/93 Added memory checking functionality
+// raypa 07/21/93 Changed to use LPTR rather than LocalLock.
+// Tom Laird-McConnell 08/16/93 Changed to fix no size info in functions
+// arth 06/16/94 Added extra debug tracing code
+#include "switches.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "mem.h"
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "strings.h"
+#include <process.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+BOOL _rtlpheapvalidateoncall = TRUE;
+typedef struct _MEM_BUFFER {
+ struct _MEM_BUFFER *Next;
+ struct _MEM_BUFFER *Prev;
+ ULONG Size;
+ULONG AllocCount = 0;
+// Define Tags used by the following routines to stick into memory
+// and compare later.
+#define AllocTagTakeStart 0x3e4b4154 //... TAK>
+#define AllocTagTakeStop 0x4b41543c //... <TAK
+#define AllocTagReAllocStart 0x3e414552 //... REA>
+#define AllocTagReAllocStop 0x4145523c //... <REA
+#define AllocTagFreeStart 0x3e455246 //... FRE>
+#define AllocTagFreeStop 0x4552463c //... <FRE
+// Just load the dynamic strings so we don't have to do it if we run out of
+// memory (otherwise we might not be able to load them then).
+void MemInit() {
+ x = Lids(IDS_S_7);
+ x = Lids(IDS_S_8);
+} // MemInit
+#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+void DBG_MemEnum(void) {
+ MEM_BUFFER *lpMem;
+ ULONG TotSize = 0;
+ ULONG i = 1;
+ lpMem = MemList;
+ dprintf(TEXT("\nMem Dump\n# Allocations: %lu\n\n"), AllocCount);
+ while (lpMem != NULL) {
+ TotSize += lpMem->Size;
+ lpByte = (LPBYTE) lpMem;
+ lpByte -= sizeof(DWORD);
+ dprintf(TEXT("%lu %lX) Alloc Size: %lu\n"), i++, lpMem, lpMem->Size);
+ if ( *(LPDWORD)(lpByte) != AllocTagTakeStart ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("AllocTagStart Corrupt\n"));
+ dprintf(TEXT("Total Alloc Mem: %lu\n"), TotSize);
+ DebugBreak;
+ }
+ lpByte += sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER) + lpMem->Size;
+ if ( *(LPDWORD)(lpByte) != AllocTagTakeStop ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("AllocTagStop Corrupt\n"));
+ dprintf(TEXT("Total Alloc Mem: %lu\n"), TotSize);
+ DebugBreak;
+ }
+ lpMem = lpMem->Next;
+ }
+ dprintf(TEXT("\nTotal Alloc Mem: %lu\n"), TotSize);
+} // DBG_MemEnum
+// FUNCTION: AllocMemory()
+// Modification History
+// raypa 01/28/93 Created.
+// stevehi 07/21/93 Added memory checking functionality
+// raypa 07/21/93 Changed to use LPTR rather than LocalLock.
+// raypa 07/21/93 Return NULL if size is zero.
+LPVOID WINAPI AllocMemory(DWORD size) {
+ register LPBYTE lpByte;
+ int ret;
+#ifndef DEBUG_MEM
+ do {
+ ret = IDOK;
+ lpByte = LocalAlloc(LPTR, size);
+ if ((lpByte == NULL) && (size != 0)) {
+ MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
+ if (ret == IDCANCEL)
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } while (ret == IDRETRY);
+ return (LPVOID) lpByte;
+ DWORD ActualSize;
+ MEM_BUFFER *lpMem;
+ if ( size != 0 ) {
+ do {
+ ret = IDOK;
+ // take into account 2 tags and buffer header
+ lpByte = LocalAlloc(LPTR, size + (2 * sizeof(DWORD)) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+ if (lpByte == NULL) {
+ MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
+ DBG_MemEnum();
+ ret = MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Out of Memory"), TEXT("NwConv - Error"), MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_RETRYCANCEL);
+ if (ret == IDCANCEL)
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } while (ret == IDRETRY);
+ AllocCount++;
+ ActualSize = LocalSize(lpByte) - (2 * sizeof(DWORD)) - sizeof(MEM_BUFFER);
+ *((LPDWORD)(lpByte)) = AllocTagTakeStart;
+ lpMem = (MEM_BUFFER *) &lpByte[sizeof(DWORD)];
+ lpMem->Next = MemList;
+ lpMem->Prev = NULL;
+ if (MemList != NULL)
+ MemList->Prev = lpMem;
+ lpMem->Size = ActualSize;
+ MemList = lpMem;
+ *((LPDWORD)(lpByte + ActualSize + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER))) = AllocTagTakeStop;
+ return (LPVOID) &lpByte[sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER)];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} // AllocMemory
+// FUNCTION: ReallocMemory()
+// Modification History
+// raypa 01/28/93 Created.
+// stevehi 07/21/93 Added memory checking functionality
+// raypa 07/21/93 Changed to use LPTR rather than LocalLock.
+// raypa 10/22/93 If the ptr is NULL then use AllocMemory.
+LPVOID WINAPI ReallocMemory(LPVOID ptr, DWORD NewSize) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+ DWORD GSize;
+ MEM_BUFFER *lpMem;
+ //=========================================================================
+ // If the ptr is NULL then use AllocMemory.
+ //=========================================================================
+ if ( ptr == NULL ) {
+ return AllocMemory(NewSize);
+ }
+#ifndef DEBUG_MEM
+ return LocalReAlloc(ptr, NewSize, LHND);
+ // we are reallocing... might as well check the tags here...
+ (LPBYTE)ptr -= (sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+ GSize = LocalSize (ptr);
+ if ( *(LPDWORD)(ptr) != AllocTagTakeStart )
+ DebugBreak;
+ // get the size and check the end tag
+ if (GSize && ( *(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)ptr + GSize - sizeof(DWORD))) != AllocTagTakeStop ) {
+ DebugBreak;
+ }
+ // just for grins, mark the realloc part.
+ *(LPDWORD)(ptr) = AllocTagReAllocStart;
+ if ( GSize )
+ *(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)ptr + GSize - sizeof(DWORD) ) = AllocTagReAllocStop;
+ OldMem = (MEM_BUFFER *) ((LPBYTE)ptr + sizeof(DWORD));
+ ptr = LocalReAlloc(ptr, NewSize + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER) + (2 * sizeof(DWORD)), LHND);
+ if (ptr == NULL ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("NWConv - Local Realloc failed with %ld.\r\n"), GetLastError() );
+ DebugBreak;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lpMem = (MEM_BUFFER *) ((LPBYTE)ptr + sizeof(DWORD));
+ if (MemList == OldMem)
+ MemList = lpMem;
+ if (lpMem->Prev != NULL)
+ lpMem->Prev->Next = lpMem;
+ if (lpMem->Next != NULL)
+ lpMem->Next->Prev = lpMem;
+ lpMem->Size = NewSize;
+ *((LPDWORD)ptr) = AllocTagTakeStart;
+ *((LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)ptr + NewSize + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER) + sizeof(DWORD))) = AllocTagTakeStop;
+ return (LPVOID)((LPBYTE)ptr + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+} // ReAllocMemory
+// FUNCTION: FreeMemory()
+// Modification History
+// raypa 01/28/93 Created.
+// stevehi 07/21/93 Added memory checking functionality
+// raypa 07/21/93 Changed to use LPTR rather than LocalLock.
+// raypa 07/21/93 Fixed GP-fault on NULL ptr.
+// raypa 11/21/93 Allow freeing of NULL pointer.
+VOID WINAPI FreeMemory(LPBYTE ptr) {
+ //=========================================================================
+ // If the pointer is NULL, exit.
+ //=========================================================================
+ if ( ptr != NULL ) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+ register DWORD Size;
+ register LPDWORD DwordPtr;
+ MEM_BUFFER *lpMem;
+ ptr -= (sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+ lpMem = (MEM_BUFFER *) ((LPBYTE)ptr + sizeof(DWORD));
+ Size = LocalSize(ptr);
+ //... Check start tag
+ DwordPtr = (LPDWORD) &ptr[0];
+ if ( *DwordPtr != AllocTagTakeStart ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("NWConv - FreeMemory: Invalid start signature: ptr = %X\r\n"), ptr);
+ DebugBreak();
+ }
+ else {
+ *DwordPtr = AllocTagFreeStart;
+ }
+ //... get the size and check the end tag
+ DwordPtr = (LPDWORD) &ptr[Size - sizeof(DWORD)];
+ if ( *DwordPtr != AllocTagTakeStop ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("NWConv - FreeMemory: Invalid end signature: ptr = %X\r\n"), ptr);
+ DebugBreak();
+ }
+ else {
+ *DwordPtr = AllocTagFreeStop;
+ }
+ AllocCount--;
+ if (MemList == lpMem)
+ MemList = lpMem->Next;
+ if (lpMem->Prev != NULL)
+ lpMem->Prev->Next = lpMem->Next;
+ if (lpMem->Next != NULL)
+ lpMem->Next->Prev = lpMem->Prev;
+ LocalFree(ptr);
+ }
+} // FreeMemory
+// FUNCTION: MemorySize()
+// Modification History
+// Tom Laird-McConnell 08/02/93 Created.
+// Tom Laird-McConnell 08/02/93 Changed to use local var for size...
+DWORD WINAPI MemorySize(LPBYTE ptr) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+ register DWORD Size;
+ if ( ptr != NULL ) {
+ register LPDWORD DwordPtr;
+ ptr -= (sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+ Size = LocalSize(ptr);
+ DwordPtr = (LPDWORD) &ptr[0];
+ // Check start tag
+ if ( *DwordPtr != AllocTagTakeStart ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("NWConv - MemorySize: Invalid start signature!\r\n"));
+ DebugBreak;
+ }
+ // get the size and check the end tag
+ DwordPtr = (LPDWORD) &ptr[Size - sizeof(DWORD)];
+ if ( *DwordPtr != AllocTagTakeStop ) {
+ dprintf(TEXT("NWConv - MemorySize: Invalid end signature!\r\n"));
+ DebugBreak;
+ }
+ return (Size - (2 * sizeof(DWORD)) - sizeof(MEM_BUFFER));
+ }
+ return LocalSize(ptr);
+} // MemorySize