path: root/public/sdk/inc/mfc40/afx.inl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/sdk/inc/mfc40/afx.inl')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/sdk/inc/mfc40/afx.inl b/public/sdk/inc/mfc40/afx.inl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9d282ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/sdk/inc/mfc40/afx.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
+// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
+// All rights reserved.
+// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
+// electronic documentation provided with the library.
+// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
+// Inlines for AFX.H
+#ifdef _AFX_INLINE
+// CObject
+_AFX_INLINE CObject::CObject()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CObject::~CObject()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE void CObject::Serialize(CArchive&)
+ { /* CObject does not serialize anything by default */ }
+_AFX_INLINE void* PASCAL CObject::operator new(size_t, void* p)
+ { return p; }
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+// _DEBUG versions in memory.cpp
+_AFX_INLINE void PASCAL CObject::operator delete(void* p)
+ { ::operator delete(p); }
+_AFX_INLINE void* PASCAL CObject::operator new(size_t nSize)
+ { return ::operator new(nSize); }
+// _DEBUG versions in objcore.cpp
+_AFX_INLINE void CObject::AssertValid() const
+ { /* no asserts in release builds */ }
+_AFX_INLINE void CObject::Dump(CDumpContext&) const
+ { /* no dumping in release builds */ }
+_AFX_INLINE const CObject* AFX_CDECL AfxDynamicDownCast(CRuntimeClass* pClass, const CObject* pObject)
+ { return (CObject*)AfxDynamicDownCast(pClass, (const CObject*)pObject); }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+_AFX_INLINE const CObject* AFX_CDECL AfxStaticDownCast(CRuntimeClass* pClass, const CObject* pObject)
+ { return (CObject*)AfxStaticDownCast(pClass, (const CObject*)pObject); }
+// exceptions
+_AFX_INLINE CException::~CException()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CSimpleException::CSimpleException()
+ { m_bInitialized = FALSE; m_bLoaded = FALSE; }
+_AFX_INLINE CSimpleException::CSimpleException(BOOL bAutoDelete)
+ : CException(bAutoDelete) { m_bInitialized = FALSE; m_bLoaded = FALSE; }
+_AFX_INLINE CSimpleException::~CSimpleException()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CMemoryException::CMemoryException()
+ : CSimpleException() { }
+_AFX_INLINE CMemoryException::CMemoryException(BOOL bAutoDelete, UINT nResourceID)
+ : CSimpleException(bAutoDelete) { m_nResourceID = nResourceID; }
+_AFX_INLINE CMemoryException::~CMemoryException()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CNotSupportedException::CNotSupportedException()
+ : CSimpleException() { }
+_AFX_INLINE CNotSupportedException::CNotSupportedException(BOOL bAutoDelete, UINT nResourceID)
+ : CSimpleException(bAutoDelete) { m_nResourceID = nResourceID; }
+_AFX_INLINE CNotSupportedException::~CNotSupportedException()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchiveException::CArchiveException(int cause,
+ LPCTSTR lpszFileName /* = NULL */)
+ { m_cause = cause; m_strFileName = lpszFileName; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchiveException::~CArchiveException()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CFileException::CFileException(int cause, LONG lOsError,
+ LPCTSTR pstrFileName /* = NULL */)
+ { m_cause = cause; m_lOsError = lOsError; m_strFileName = pstrFileName; }
+_AFX_INLINE CFileException::~CFileException()
+ { }
+// CFile
+_AFX_INLINE CFile::operator HFILE() const
+ { return m_hFile; }
+_AFX_INLINE DWORD CFile::ReadHuge(void* lpBuffer, DWORD dwCount)
+ { return (DWORD)Read(lpBuffer, (UINT)dwCount); }
+_AFX_INLINE void CFile::WriteHuge(const void* lpBuffer, DWORD dwCount)
+ { Write(lpBuffer, (UINT)dwCount); }
+ { return Seek(0, CFile::end); }
+_AFX_INLINE void CFile::SeekToBegin()
+ { Seek(0, CFile::begin); }
+_AFX_INLINE void CFile::SetFilePath(LPCTSTR lpszNewName)
+ ASSERT(AfxIsValidString(lpszNewName, FALSE));
+ m_strFileName = lpszNewName;
+// CString
+_AFX_INLINE CStringData* CString::GetData() const
+ { ASSERT(m_pchData != NULL); return ((CStringData*)m_pchData)-1; }
+_AFX_INLINE void CString::Init()
+ { m_pchData = afxEmptyString.m_pchData; }
+_AFX_INLINE CString::CString(const unsigned char* lpsz)
+ { Init(); *this = (LPCSTR)lpsz; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CString& CString::operator=(const unsigned char* lpsz)
+ { *this = (LPCSTR)lpsz; return *this; }
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+_AFX_INLINE const CString& CString::operator+=(char ch)
+ { *this += (TCHAR)ch; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CString& CString::operator=(char ch)
+ { *this = (TCHAR)ch; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string, char ch)
+ { return string + (TCHAR)ch; }
+_AFX_INLINE CString AFXAPI operator+(char ch, const CString& string)
+ { return (TCHAR)ch + string; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CString::GetLength() const
+ { return GetData()->nDataLength; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CString::GetAllocLength() const
+ { return GetData()->nAllocLength; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CString::IsEmpty() const
+ { return GetData()->nDataLength == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE CString::operator LPCTSTR() const
+ { return m_pchData; }
+_AFX_INLINE int PASCAL CString::SafeStrlen(LPCTSTR lpsz)
+ { return (lpsz == NULL) ? 0 : lstrlen(lpsz); }
+// CString support (windows specific)
+_AFX_INLINE int CString::Compare(LPCTSTR lpsz) const
+ { return _tcscmp(m_pchData, lpsz); } // MBCS/Unicode aware
+_AFX_INLINE int CString::CompareNoCase(LPCTSTR lpsz) const
+ { return _tcsicmp(m_pchData, lpsz); } // MBCS/Unicode aware
+// CString::Collate is often slower than Compare but is MBSC/Unicode
+// aware as well as locale-sensitive with respect to sort order.
+_AFX_INLINE int CString::Collate(LPCTSTR lpsz) const
+ { return _tcscoll(m_pchData, lpsz); } // locale sensitive
+_AFX_INLINE TCHAR CString::GetAt(int nIndex) const
+ ASSERT(nIndex >= 0);
+ ASSERT(nIndex < GetData()->nDataLength);
+ return m_pchData[nIndex];
+_AFX_INLINE TCHAR CString::operator[](int nIndex) const
+ // same as GetAt
+ ASSERT(nIndex >= 0);
+ ASSERT(nIndex < GetData()->nDataLength);
+ return m_pchData[nIndex];
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator==(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator==(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator==(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) != 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) != 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) != 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) < 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) < 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) > 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) > 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) > 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) < 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) <= 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) <= 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) >= 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) >= 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2)
+ { return s1.Compare(s2) >= 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2)
+ { return s2.Compare(s1) <= 0; }
+// CTime and CTimeSpan
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(time_t time)
+ { m_timeSpan = time; }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(LONG lDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs)
+ { m_timeSpan = nSecs + 60* (nMins + 60* (nHours + 24* lDays)); }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(const CTimeSpan& timeSpanSrc)
+ { m_timeSpan = timeSpanSrc.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator=(const CTimeSpan& timeSpanSrc)
+ { m_timeSpan = timeSpanSrc.m_timeSpan; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetDays() const
+ { return m_timeSpan / (24*3600L); }
+_AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetTotalHours() const
+ { return m_timeSpan/3600; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetHours() const
+ { return (int)(GetTotalHours() - GetDays()*24); }
+_AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetTotalMinutes() const
+ { return m_timeSpan/60; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetMinutes() const
+ { return (int)(GetTotalMinutes() - GetTotalHours()*60); }
+_AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetTotalSeconds() const
+ { return m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetSeconds() const
+ { return (int)(GetTotalSeconds() - GetTotalMinutes()*60); }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTimeSpan::operator-(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return CTimeSpan(m_timeSpan - timeSpan.m_timeSpan); }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTimeSpan::operator+(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return CTimeSpan(m_timeSpan + timeSpan.m_timeSpan); }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator+=(CTimeSpan timeSpan)
+ { m_timeSpan += timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator-=(CTimeSpan timeSpan)
+ { m_timeSpan -= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator==(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan == timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator!=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan != timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator<(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan < timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator>(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan > timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator<=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan <= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator>=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return m_timeSpan >= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; }
+_AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime()
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime(time_t time)
+ { m_time = time; }
+_AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime(const CTime& timeSrc)
+ { m_time = timeSrc.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator=(const CTime& timeSrc)
+ { m_time = timeSrc.m_time; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator=(time_t t)
+ { m_time = t; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE time_t CTime::GetTime() const
+ { return m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetYear() const
+ { return (GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_year) + 1900; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetMonth() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_mon + 1; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetDay() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_mday; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetHour() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_hour; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetMinute() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_min; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetSecond() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_sec; }
+_AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetDayOfWeek() const
+ { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_wday + 1; }
+_AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTime::operator-(CTime time) const
+ { return CTimeSpan(m_time - time.m_time); }
+_AFX_INLINE CTime CTime::operator-(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return CTime(m_time - timeSpan.m_timeSpan); }
+_AFX_INLINE CTime CTime::operator+(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const
+ { return CTime(m_time + timeSpan.m_timeSpan); }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator+=(CTimeSpan timeSpan)
+ { m_time += timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator-=(CTimeSpan timeSpan)
+ { m_time -= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator==(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time == time.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator!=(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time != time.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator<(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time < time.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator>(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time > time.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator<=(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time <= time.m_time; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator>=(CTime time) const
+ { return m_time >= time.m_time; }
+// CArchive
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CArchive::IsLoading() const
+ { return (m_nMode & CArchive::load) != 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CArchive::IsStoring() const
+ { return (m_nMode & CArchive::load) == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CArchive::IsByteSwapping() const
+ { return (m_nMode & CArchive::bNoByteSwap) == 0; }
+_AFX_INLINE BOOL CArchive::IsBufferEmpty() const
+ { return m_lpBufCur == m_lpBufMax; }
+_AFX_INLINE CFile* CArchive::GetFile() const
+ { return m_pFile; }
+_AFX_INLINE void CArchive::SetObjectSchema(UINT nSchema)
+ { m_nObjectSchema = nSchema; }
+_AFX_INLINE void CArchive::SetStoreParams(UINT nHashSize, UINT nBlockSize)
+ ASSERT(IsStoring());
+ ASSERT(m_pStoreMap == NULL); // must be before first object written
+ m_nHashSize = nHashSize;
+ m_nGrowSize = nBlockSize;
+_AFX_INLINE void CArchive::SetLoadParams(UINT nGrowBy)
+ ASSERT(IsLoading());
+ ASSERT(m_pLoadArray == NULL); // must be before first object read
+ m_nGrowSize = nGrowBy;
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(int i)
+ { return CArchive::operator<<((LONG)i); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(unsigned u)
+ { return CArchive::operator<<((LONG)u); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(short w)
+ { return CArchive::operator<<((WORD)w); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(char ch)
+ { return CArchive::operator<<((BYTE)ch); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(BYTE by)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(BYTE) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED BYTE*)m_lpBufCur = by; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(BYTE); return *this; }
+#ifndef _MAC
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(WORD w)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(WORD) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED WORD*)m_lpBufCur = w; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(WORD); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(LONG l)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(LONG) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED LONG*)m_lpBufCur = l; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(LONG); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(DWORD dw)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(DWORD) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED DWORD*)m_lpBufCur = dw; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(DWORD); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(float f)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(float) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED _AFX_FLOAT*)m_lpBufCur = *(_AFX_FLOAT*)&f; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(float); return *this;
+ }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(double d)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(double) > m_lpBufMax) Flush();
+ *(UNALIGNED _AFX_DOUBLE*)m_lpBufCur = *(_AFX_DOUBLE*)&d; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(double); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(int& i)
+ { return CArchive::operator>>((LONG&)i); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(unsigned& u)
+ { return CArchive::operator>>((LONG&)u); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(short& w)
+ { return CArchive::operator>>((WORD&)w); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(char& ch)
+ { return CArchive::operator>>((BYTE&)ch); }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(BYTE& by)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(BYTE) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(BYTE) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ by = *(UNALIGNED BYTE*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(BYTE); return *this; }
+#ifndef _MAC
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(WORD& w)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(WORD) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(WORD) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ w = *(UNALIGNED WORD*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(WORD); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(DWORD& dw)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(DWORD) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(DWORD) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ dw = *(UNALIGNED DWORD*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(DWORD); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(float& f)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(float) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(float) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ *(_AFX_FLOAT*)&f = *(UNALIGNED _AFX_FLOAT*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(float); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(double& d)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(double) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(double) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ *(_AFX_DOUBLE*)&d = *(UNALIGNED _AFX_DOUBLE*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(double); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(LONG& l)
+ { if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(LONG) > m_lpBufMax)
+ FillBuffer(sizeof(LONG) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
+ l = *(UNALIGNED LONG*)m_lpBufCur; m_lpBufCur += sizeof(LONG); return *this; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive::CArchive(const CArchive& /* arSrc */)
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE void CArchive::operator=(const CArchive& /* arSrc */)
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CObject* pOb)
+ { ar.WriteObject(pOb); return ar; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CObject*& pOb)
+ { pOb = ar.ReadObject(NULL); return ar; }
+_AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, const CObject*& pOb)
+ { pOb = ar.ReadObject(NULL); return ar; }
+// CDumpContext
+_AFX_INLINE int CDumpContext::GetDepth() const
+ { return m_nDepth; }
+_AFX_INLINE void CDumpContext::SetDepth(int nNewDepth)
+ { m_nDepth = nNewDepth; }
+_AFX_INLINE CDumpContext::CDumpContext(const CDumpContext& /* dcSrc */)
+ { }
+_AFX_INLINE void CDumpContext::operator=(const CDumpContext& /* dcSrc */)
+ { }
+#endif //_AFX_INLINE