set _NT386TREE=%BINARIES%\nt set _CAIRO386TREE=%CAIROBINS%\nt REM REM bwill 8/2/96 - not sure what these lines are for, REM so I'm commenting them out of the REM QFE build. REM REM set FreeBuild=\\X86Fre\Binaries REM set FreeCBuild=\\X86Fre\CairoBin REM set NTDEBUG= set NTBBT= set MACHINENAME=x86fre set CheckInNtverp= REM REM bwill 9/17/96 - added files necessary for REM rebasing. REM set REBASELANG=usa set _QFE_BUILD=1 REM REM bwill 9/18/96 - added files for lego REM set _BLDTOOLS=%_NTDRIVE%\bldtools\qfe\nt40