/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: elfcfg.h Abstract: This file contains default settings for the eventlog service. Author: Rajen Shah (rajens) 16-Aug-1991 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _EVENTDEFAULTS_ #define _EVENTDEFAULTS_ // // Default for the Application log file // // #define ELF_DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME ELF_APPLICATION_MODULE_NAME #define ELF_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE L"\\SystemRoot\\system32\\config\\appevent.evt" #define ELF_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE L"\\SystemRoot\\system32\\config\\sysevent.evt" #define ELF_SECURITY_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE L"\\SystemRoot\\system32\\config\\secevent.evt" #define ELF_DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE 512*1024 #define ELF_DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD 1*24*3600 #define ELF_GUEST_ACCESS_UNRESTRICTED 0 #define ELF_GUEST_ACCESS_RESTRICTED 1 // // Maximum size for the buffer that will read the key values from the // registry. // #define ELF_MAX_REG_KEY_INFO_SIZE 200 // // String defines for the pre-defined nodes in the registry // These are used to get to the appropriate nodes. // #define REG_EVENTLOG_NODE_PATH \ L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog" // // String defines for the values for each of the configured pieces of // information in the eventlog\logfiles node. These exist per logfile. // // #define VALUE_FILENAME L"File" #define VALUE_MAXSIZE L"Maxsize" #define VALUE_RETENTION L"Retention" #define VALUE_RESTRICT_GUEST_ACCESS L"RestrictGuestAccess" #define VALUE_DEBUG L"DBFlags" #endif // ifndef _EVENTDEFAULTS_