; BIOS Interface Macros - Version 1.0 - for Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0 ; (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987. .XCREF .XLIST IF1 ; 0Fh @GetMode MACRO mov ah,0Fh int 10h ENDM ; 00h @SetMode MACRO mode mov al,mode xor ah,ah int 10h ENDM ; 0Bh @SetColor MACRO color sub bh,bh mov bl,color mov ah,0Bh int 10h ENDM ; 0Bh @SetPalet MACRO color mov bh,1 mov bl,color mov ah,0Bh int 10h ENDM ; 05h @SetPage MACRO page mov al,page mov ah,05h int 10h ENDM ; 03h @GetCur MACRO page IFNB mov bh,page ELSE xor bh,bh ENDIF mov ah,03h int 10h ENDM ; 02h @SetCurPos MACRO column,row,page IFNB mov dl,column ENDIF IFNB mov dh,row ENDIF IFNB mov bh,page ELSE xor bh,bh ENDIF mov ah,02h int 10h ENDM ; 01h @SetCurSz MACRO first,last mov ch,first mov cl,last mov ah,01h int 10h ENDM ; 08h @GetChAtr MACRO page IFNB mov bh,page ELSE sub bh,bh ENDIF mov ah,08h int 10h ENDM ; 09h @PutChAtr MACRO char,atrib,page,repeat IFNB mov al,char ENDIF IFNB mov bl,atrib ENDIF IFNB mov bh,page ELSE xor bh,bh ENDIF IFNB mov cx,repeat ELSE mov cx,1 ENDIF mov ah,09h int 10h ENDM ; 0Ah @PutCh MACRO char,atrib,page,repeat IFNB mov al,char ENDIF IFNB mov bl,atrib ENDIF IFNB mov bh,page ELSE xor bh,bh ENDIF IFNB mov cx,repeat ELSE mov cx,1 ENDIF mov ah,0Ah int 10h ENDM ; 06h and 07h @Scroll MACRO distance,atrib,upcol,uprow,downcol,downrow IFDEF upcol mov cl,upcol ENDIF IFDEF uprow mov ch,uprow ENDIF IFDEF upcol mov dl,upcol ENDIF IFDEF updownrow mov dh,downrow ENDIF IFDEF atrib mov bh,atrib ELSE mov bh,07h ENDIF IF distance LE 0 mov ax,0600h + (-(distance) AND 0FFh) ELSE mov ax,0700h + (distance AND 0FFh) ENDIF int 10h ENDM ; 08h, 06h, and 02h @Cls MACRO @GetChAtr mov bl,bh mov bh,ah sub cx,cx mov dx,184Fh mov ax,0600h int 10h mov bh,bl sub dx,dx mov ah,02h int 10h ENDM ENDIF .CREF .LIST