PAGE ,132 TITLE DXFUNC.ASM -- Dos Extender Function Handlers ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* DXFUNC.ASM - Dos Extender Function Handlers * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* Module Description: * ;* * ;* This module contains the functions for handling the Dos * ;* Extender user functions. These are functions called by * ;* the client application to request special Dos Extender * ;* services. * ;* * ;* Any INT 2Fh requests that aren't Dos Extender functions * ;* are handled by switching to real mode and passing control * ;* on to the previous owner of the real mode INT 2Fh vector. * ;* This is accomplished by jumping into the interrupt * ;* reflector entry vector at the location for int 2fh. * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* Revision History: * ;* * ;* 01/09/91 amitc At switch out time Co-Processor being reset* ;* 11/29/90 amitc Replaced FnSuspend/FnResume by FnObsolete * ;* These are not needed anymore for 3.1 * ;* 11/29/90 amitc Modified RMInt2FHandler to respond to the * ;* BuildChain SWAPI call. * ;* 11/29/90 amitc Added a SWAPI CallIn function to be called * ;* by the task switcher. * ;* 11/16/90 jimmat Added DPMI MS-DOS Extension support * ;* 08/08/90 earleh Started changes to make DOSX a DPMI server * ;* 8/29/89 jimmat Added real mode Int 2Fh hook * ;* 6/23/89 jimmat Added DOSX Info Int 2Fh * ;* 6/16/89 jimmat Ifdef'd out most DOSX Int 2Fh services * ;* 6/15/89 jimmat Added suspend/resume Int 2Fh hooks, and * ;* Win/386 compatible Int 31h check * ;* 6/14/89 jimmat Removed PTRACE hooks & unused DynaLink code * ;* 5/19/89 jimmat Reduce # mode switches by ignoring Win/386 * ;* Int 2Fh/1680h idle calls * ;* 5/07/89 jimmat Added Int 2Fh protected mode hook to XMS * ;* driver * ;* 3/21/89 jimmat Corrected problem with jmping to wrong int * ;* 2Fh handler if not for the DOS extender * ;* 3/09/89 jimmat Added FNDynaLink function * ;* 02/10/89 (GeneA): change Dos Extender from small model to * ;* medium model * ;* 01/24/89 (GeneA): removed all real mode dos extender * ;* function handlers. * ;* 09/29/88 (GeneA): created * ; 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI ;* * ;**************************************************************** .286p .287 ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- include include include include include IFDEF ROM include ENDIF include include include include include ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- XMS_ID equ 43h ;XMS driver Int 2Fh ID XMS_INS_CHK equ 00h ;Installition check function XMS_CTRL_FUNC equ 10h ;Get Control Function Addr WIN386_FUNC equ 16h ;Windows Enhanced mode Int 2Fh ID WIN386_VER equ 00h ;Windows 386 version WIN386_INIT equ 05h ;Windows/386 & DOSX startup call WIN386_IDLE equ 80h ;Windows/386 idle notification W386_Get_Device_API equ 84h ;es:di -> device API W386_VCD_ID equ 0Eh ;Virtual Comm Device ID WIN386_INT31 equ 86h ;Windows/386 Int 31h availability check DPMI_DETECT equ 87h ;WIN386/DPMI detection call WIN386_GETLDT equ 88h ;Windows/386 Get LDT Base Selector call WIN386_KRNLIDLE equ 89h ;Windows/386 special Kernel idle notification DPMI_MSDOS_EXT equ 8Ah ;WIN386/DPMI MS-DOS Extensions detection call DPMI_VER equ 005ah ;version 0.90 served here DPMI_SUCCESS equ 0000h ;zero to indicate success DPMI_FAILURE equ 0001h ;non-zero for failure DPMI_FLAGS equ 0001h ;32 bit support ;DPMI client requesting 32-bit support DPMI_MSDOS_VER equ 0100h ;WIN386/DPMI MS-DOS Extensions version 01.00 DPMI_MSDOS_API_GET_VER equ 0000h ;Get MS-DOS Extension version call DPMI_MSDOS_API_GET_LDT equ 0100h ;Get LDT Base selector call DISPCRIT_FUNC equ 40h ;Display driver critical section function DISPCRIT_ENTER equ 03h ;Enter critical section DISPCRIT_EXIT equ 04h ;Exit critical section ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- extrn AllocateSelector:NEAR extrn AllocateSelectorBlock:NEAR extrn FreeSelector:NEAR extrn FreeSelectorBlock:NEAR extrn ParaToLinear:NEAR externFP NSetSegmentDscr externNP NSetSegmentAccess extrn GetSegmentAddress:NEAR extrn DupSegmentDscr:NEAR extrn PMIntrEntryVector:NEAR extrn XMScontrol:NEAR extrn PMIntrDos:NEAR IFDEF WOW extrn Wow16TransitionToUserMode:near extrn Wow32TransitionToUserMode:near extrn Wow32IntrRefl:near ENDIF extrn HookNetBiosHwInt:NEAR extrn AllocateExceptionStack:NEAR DXSTACK segment extrn rgw2FStack:WORD DXSTACK ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXDATA segment extrn segGDT:WORD extrn segIDT:WORD extrn bpGDT:FWORD extrn bpIDT:FWORD extrn selGDT:WORD extrn selPSPChild:WORD extrn segPSPChild:WORD extrn idCpuType:WORD extrn pbReflStack:WORD extrn regUserSS:WORD extrn regUserSP:WORD extrn NoAsyncSwitching:BYTE extrn HCB_List:WORD extrn f286_287:BYTE extrn DtaSegment:WORD extrn DtaSelector:WORD extrn DtaOffset:WORD if VCPI extrn fVCPI:BYTE endif IFDEF ROM extrn segDXCode:WORD extrn PrevInt2FHandler:DWORD ENDIF IFDEF WOW extrn WowTransitionToUserMode:WORD extrn Wow16BitHandlers:WORD extrn selEHStack:WORD ENDIF IFDEF WOW_x86 extrn FastBop:FWORD ENDIF extrn bReflStack:WORD extrn HighestDxSel:WORD extrn HighestSel:WORD ; The following variables are used as temporary storage during ; function entry and exit. wPMUserAX dw ? selPMUserCS dw ? offPMUserIP dw ? selPMUserDS dw ? selPMUserSS dw ? offPMUserSP dw ? ; ; Count of DPMI clients active (that have entered protected mode). ; public cDPMIClients cDPMIClients dw 0 public selCurrentHostData, segCurrentHostData, DpmiFlags, DpmiSegAttr selCurrentHostData dw 0 segCurrentHostData dw 0 DpmiSegAttr dw 0 DpmiFlags dw 0 ; define a switcher API call back info structure DxSwapiCallBackBlock db SIZE Switch_Call_Back_Info dup (0) DxSwapiApiInfo API_Info_Struc DXDATA ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment extrn ChildTerminationHandler:NEAR IFNDEF ROM extrn segDXCode:WORD extrn segDXData:WORD extrn PrevInt2FHandler:DWORD ENDIF DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment extrn DelayNetPosting:NEAR extrn ResumeNetPosting:NEAR extrn selDgroupPM:WORD ; ; This table dispatches to the function handlers for the Dos ; Extender functions defined for the protected mode int 2Fh handler. pfnPmFunc label word dw FnQueryDosExtender ;AL=0 dw FnObsolete ;AL=1 (removed for Windows 3.1) dw FnObsolete ;AL=2 (removed for Windows 3.1) dw FnAbort ;AL=3 EXTRN MakeLowSegment:PROC szMSDOS db 'MS-DOS',0 DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PROTECTED MODE FUNCTION HANDLER ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PMInt2FHandler -- This routine will check for Dos Extender ; function requests on the INT 2Fh vector. Valid Dos ; Extender function requests are dispatched to the ; appropriate function to process the request. Other ; INT 2Fh requests will be reflected down to the real ; mode INT 2Fh handler. ; ; This routine also handles XMS driver installation ; check and get control function calls. ; ; Input: AH - DOS Extender Multiplex ID, OR XMS driver ID ; AL - function number ; Output: depends on function requested ; Errors: depends on function requested ; Uses: depends on function requested assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public PMInt2FHandler PMInt2FHandler: cld ;practice 'safe programming' ; Check if this is a Dos Extender Function. cmp ah,WIN386_FUNC jnz NotWin386 ; ------------------------------------------------------- cmp al,WIN386_KRNLIDLE ;If this is a Windows/386 idle call, jnz @f ; just ignore it. This cuts down on Iret2f: iret ; pMode to rMode switching and helps @@: ; things like the Windows comm driver. cmp al,WIN386_IDLE jz Iret2f ; ------------------------------------------------------- cmp al,WIN386_GETLDT ;Win/386 Get LDT Base Selector call? jnz @f cmp bx,0BADh ; yes, BX have the secret word? jnz @f ; no, don't do it. xor ax,ax ;yes, give it to 'em IFNDEF WOW_x86 mov bx,SEL_LDT_ALIAS or STD_RING ELSE mov bx,SEL_WOW_LDT or STD_RING ENDIF iret @@: ; ------------------------------------------------------- cmp al,WIN386_INT31 ;Windows/386 Int 31h availability check? jnz @f xor ax,ax ; yes, indicate Int 31h services are available iret ; by setting AX to 0! @@: ; WOW ; ------------------------------------------------------- cmp al,W386_Get_Device_API ;returns es:di -> device API jne @f IFDEF WOW cmp bx,W386_VCD_ID jne not_W386_VCD_ID mov di, cs mov es, di mov di, offset DXPMCODE:VCD_PM_Svc_Call iret not_W386_VCD_ID: ENDIF xor di,di mov es,di iret @@: ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; WOW cmp al,DPMI_MSDOS_EXT ;Detect DPMI MS-DOS Extensions? jnz Iret2f ;some other random Win386 to ignore push es push si push di push cx push cs ;does DS:SI -> 'MS-DOS',0? pop es mov di,offset DXPMCODE:szMSDOS mov cx,7 cld rep cmpsb pop cx pop di pop si pop es jnz Chain2F ;Chain int if not MS-DOS xor ax,ax ;Indicate services are available push cs ;Return API entry point in ES:DI pop es mov di,offset DXPMCODE:DPMI_MsDos_API iret ; ------------------------------------------------------- NotWin386: cmp ah,DISPCRIT_FUNC ;Display driver critical section? jnz NotDisplay cmp al,DISPCRIT_ENTER ;Simply eat the Display driver's jz Iret2f ; enter/exit critical section calls. cmp al,DISPCRIT_EXIT ; The don't apply in Standard mode. jz Iret2f ; Again, to cut down on mode switches. ; ------------------------------------------------------- NotDisplay: cmp ah,DOSXFunc ;DOS Extender Int 2Fh ID? jnz @f ; no, what about XMS? cmp al,DOSXLast ;valid DOSX func request? jbe do2F ; yes, go do it ; ------------------------------------------------------- Chain2F: notDX: jmp PMIntrEntryVector + 3*2Fh ;reflect request to real mode @@: cmp ah,XMS_ID ;XMS Driver Int 2Fh ID? jnz notDX ; no, it's not ours cmp al,XMS_INS_CHK ;It better be an XMS installation chk jz do2F cmp al,XMS_CTRL_FUNC ; or obtain XMS control func address jnz notDX ; ------------------------------------------------------- do2F: ; Save the caller's entry state and switch to the Dos Extender INT 2F stack. push bp ;stack has following: [0] [2] [4] [6] ; BP, IP, CS, FLAGS mov bp,sp push ds ;preserve the caller's DS push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING pop ds assume ds:DGROUP pop selPMUserDS ;keep caller's DS here until we can get it ; on the stack frame mov wPMUserAX,ax ;preserve caller's AX also mov ax,[bp+2] ;caller's IP mov offPMUserIP,ax mov ax,[bp+4] ;caller's CS mov selPMUserCS,ax mov ax,[bp+6] ;get the caller's flags and ax,0FFFEh ;force carry flag to 0 mov selPMUserSS,ss ;preserve location of caller's stack mov offPMUserSP,sp push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING pop ss mov sp,offset DGROUP:rgw2FStack push offPMUserSP ;save caller's stack location on our own stack push selPMUserSS push ax ;caller's flags go on our stack frame push selPMUserCS ;then his CS and IP push offPMUserIP mov ax,wPMUserAX pusha ;now all of caller's general registers push selPMUserDS push es push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING pop es mov bp,sp ;set up stack frame pointer ; Dispatch to the function handler for the requested function. The stack ; will have the following contents upon entry to the handler. ; SP[1E] Users SP ; SP[1C] Users SS ; SP[1A] Users FLAGS (with carry cleared) ; SP[18] Users CS ; SP[16] Users IP ; SP[14] Users AX ; SP[12] Users CX ; SP[10] Users DX ; SP[E] Users BX ; SP[C] Our SP + 16h ; SP[A] Users BP ; SP[8] Users SI ; SP[6] Users DI ; SP[4] Users DS ; SP[2] Users ES ; SP[0] Return Offset FSTI cmp ah,XMS_ID ;XMS Int 2Fh request? jnz @f call XMSfunc ; yes, use this handler jmp short i2F_ret @@: xor ah,ah add ax,ax mov bx,ax call pfnPmFunc[bx] ; no, use this one instead i2F_ret: ; Return from Dos Extender function back to caller. FCLI pop es pop selPMUserDS popa mov wPMUserAX,ax pop offPMUserIP pop selPMUserCS pop ax ;get back new flags pop selPMUserSS pop offPMUserSP mov ss,selPMUserSS mov sp,offPMUserSP mov [bp+6],ax ;store flags back into user iret frame mov ax,selPMUserCS ;user's CS mov [bp+4],ax mov ax,offPMUserIP ;user's IP mov [bp+2],ax mov ax,wPMUserAX mov ds,selPMUserDS pop bp riret ; WOW ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Simulate VCD API's. DX contains function number. ; assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public VCD_PM_Svc_Call VCD_PM_Svc_Call: DPMIBOP VcdPmSvcCall32 retf ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; WOW ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl Dos Extender Function Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DOS EXTENDER FUNCTION ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The following functions are the entry points for handling ; the Dos Extender functions. The general convention for ; these functions is that BP points to a stack frame that ; has all of the original caller's registers. Any parameters ; needed and values to be returned to the user are taken from ; or placed in this stack frame. The layout of the stack frame ; is defined by the structure FUNCSTACK. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FnQueryDosExtender -- This function identifies if the ; Dos Extender is resident in the machine. ; ; Input: ; Output: user AX - dos extender version number ; user BX - 'DX' ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers used assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:DGROUP public FnQueryDosExtender FnQueryDosExtender: mov [bp].fnsUserAX,DXVERSION mov [bp].fnsUserBX,'DX' ; fnqx90: ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FnObsolete -- This function is invoked when the now obsolete ; DOSX INT 2FH function is called with AL=1 or 2. ; These were valid functions for Windows 3.0. ; ; Input: ; Output: ; Errors: none ; Uses: none assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:DGROUP FnObsolete proc near ret FnObsolete endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FnAbort -- This function is invoked when the application ; asks to be aborted. This is an emergency exit that ; should only be used in the most dire circumstance. ; ; Input: ; Output: ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers used assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:DGROUP public FnAbort FnAbort proc near ; Tell DOS that we are the child app, and then do a DOS exit. This ; should result in DOS going to ChildTerminationHandler, where we ; do final clean-up and exit ourselves. mov ah,50h ;tell dos that the child is running mov bx,selPSPChild rpushf ;Don't do an Int 21h in case the FCLI ; child has hooked it for some reason push cs call PMIntrDOS mov ax,4C02h ;now exit the child with abort status rpushf FCLI push cs call PMIntrDOS FnAbort endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; XMSfunc - The following routine provides a protected mode ; service for XMS Int 2Fh services. Two services are ; implemented: XMS driver installation check, and obtain ; XMS driver control function address. ; ; Input: UserAL - function request ; Output: UserAL - XMS driver installed flag, or ; UserES:BX - XMS driver control function address ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers may be used assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public XMSfunc XMSfunc proc near cmp al,XMS_INS_CHK ;XMS driver installation check? jnz @f mov byte ptr [bp].fnsUserAX,80h ;indicate driver is installed ret @@: ; It must be an obtain XMS driver control function address request mov [bp].fnsUserBX,offset DXPMCODE:XMScontrol mov [bp].fnsUserES,cs ret XMSfunc endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl DPMI MS-DOS Extension API page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DPMI MS-DOS EXTENSION API ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The following routine implements the DPMI MS-DOS Extensions ; API. This API must be 'detected' by the use of the ; DMPI_MSDOS_EXT Int 2F function (above). DPMI_MsDos_API proc far cmp ax, DPMI_MSDOS_API_GET_VER ;Get version call? jne DPMI_MsDos_API_Not_Ver mov ax,DPMI_MSDOS_VER jmp short DPMI_MsDos_API_Exit DPMI_MsDos_API_Not_Ver: cmp ax, DPMI_MSDOS_API_GET_LDT ;Get LDT Base call? jne DPMI_MsDos_Api_Failed ifdef WOW_x86 mov ax,SEL_WOW_LDT or STD_RING ; yup, give it to 'em else mov ax,SEL_LDT_ALIAS or STD_RING ; yup, give it to 'em endif DPMI_MsDos_API_Exit: clc ;Succss ret DPMI_MsDos_API_Failed: stc ;Unsupported function ret DPMI_MsDos_API endp DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; DPMI_Client_Pmode_Entry -- This routine is the entry ; point for a DPMI client to switch to protected mode. ; Reference: DOS Protected Mode Interface Specification 0.9 ; Section 5.2: Calling the Real to Protected ; Mode Switch Entry Point ; ; Entry: AX = Flags ; Bit 0 = 1 if program is a 32-bit application ; ES = Real mode segment of DPMI host data area. This is the ; size of the data area we specified in RMInt2FHandler, ; below. ; ; Returns: ; Success: Carry clear. ; Program is in protected mode. ; CS = 16-bit selector with base of real mode ; CS and a 64k limit. ; SS = 16-bit selector with base of real mode ; SS and a 64k limit. ; DS = 16-bit selector with base of real mode ; DS and a 64k limit. ; ES = Selector to program's PSP with a 100h ; byte limit. ; 80386, 80486: ; FS, GS = 0 ; All other registers preserved. ; ; Failure: Carry flag set. ; Program is in real mode. ; ; Exceptions: ; 32-bit programs not (yet) supported. Any attempt to load ; a 32-bit program by this mechanism returns failure. ; ; The only error that can occur here is a failure to allocate ; sufficient selectors. ; ; ; Structure of the stack frame used to store the client's registers ; while implementing the DPMI protected mode entry. ; DPMI_Client_Frame STRUC Client_ES dw ? ; Client's ES Client_DS dw ? ; Client's DS Client_DI dw ? ; Client's DI Client_SI dw ? ; Client's SI Client_Pusha_BP dw ? ; BP at pusha Client_Pusha_SP dw ? ; SP at pusha Client_BX dw ? ; Client's BX Client_DX dw ? ; Client's DX Client_CX dw ? ; Client's CX Client_AX dw ? ; Client's AX Client_Flags dw ? ; Client's flags Client_IP dw ? ; Client's IP, lsw of return Client_CS dw ? ; Client's CS, msw of return DPMI_Client_Frame ENDS public DPMI_Client_Pmode_Entry DPMI_Client_Pmode_Entry proc far ; ; Reject any 32-bit program requests. ; IFNDEF WOW test ax, DPMI_32BIT ; 32-bit application? stc ; yep, refuse to do it jz dcpe_flags_ok ; no, try to get into Pmode jmp dcpe_x dcpe_flags_ok: ENDIF IFDEF WOW stc ENDIF pushf ;save client's flags (with carry set) pusha ;save caller's general registers push ds ;save caller's DS push es ;save caller's ES mov bp, sp ;create the stack frame dossvc 62h ;now get caller's PSP address mov di, bx ;and store it here for a while IFDEF FLATAPIXLAT push es dossvc 2fh ;get caller's dta address ENDIF IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ax, segDXData ;get our DGROUP mov ds, ax ;point to it ENDIF IFDEF FLATAPIXLAT mov DtaSegment,es mov DtaOffset,bx pop es ENDIF ; ; For now, we only support one DPMI client application at a time. ; ;; cmp cDPMIClients,0 ;Any active? ;; je @F ;; jmp dcpe_return @@: ; ; Remember the highest selector if we haven't yet ; cmp HighestDxSel,0 jne @f mov ax,HighestSel mov HighestDxSel,ax @@: mov ax,[segCurrentHostData] mov es:[HdSegParent],ax ; save rm link mov ax,es mov [segCurrentHostData],ax mov ax,[bp].Client_AX ; get dpmi flags mov es:[HdFlags],ax ; save for future reference mov DpmiFlags,ax test ax,DPMI_32BIT jne cpe10 mov DpmiSegAttr,0 jmp cpe20 cpe10: mov DpmiSegAttr,AB_BIG cpe20: mov si, ss ;SI = caller SS mov ax, ds ;use a DOSX stack during the mode ;switch FCLI mov ss, ax mov sp, offset DGROUP:rgw2FStack SwitchToProtectedMode mov ax, si ;make a selector for client's stack mov bx, STD_DATA or bx, DpmiSegAttr call MakeLowSegment jnc got_client_stack_selector jmp dcpe_error_exit ;back out if error got_client_stack_selector: or al,STD_TBL_RING mov ss, ax ;back to client's stack .386p movzx esp,bp .286p ; push [bp.Client_Flags] ;enable interupts if client had ; npopf ;them enabled ; ; After DOSX enters protected mode, convert the caller's segment registers ; to PMODE selectors, replacing the values in the client's register image ; on the stack. First, allocate the three or four selectors we will need. ; xor ax,ax ;an invalid selector push ax ;marker mov cx,4 ;CS, PSP, Environ, Host data cmp si,[bp.Client_DS] ;Client SS == Client DS ? je dcpe_allocate_loop inc cx dcpe_allocate_loop: call AllocateSelector jnc @F jmp dcpe_pfail @@: or al,STD_TBL_RING push ax loop dcpe_allocate_loop mov dx,[bp.Client_CS] ;get client CS paragraph call ParaToLinear ;convert to linear address in BX:DX mov cx,0ffffh ;limit = 64k pop ax ;get one of the selectors allocated mov [bp.Client_CS],ax ;save value for client cCall NSetSegmentDscr, mov dx, [bp.Client_DS] mov [bp.Client_DS],ss ;DS = SS for now cmp dx, si ;need separate DS selector? je dcpe_do_child_PSP call ParaToLinear ;convert to linear address in BL:DX mov cx,0ffffh ;limit = 64k pop ax ;get another selector mov [bp.Client_DS],ax ;save value for client push di mov di,STD_DATA or di,DpmiSegAttr cCall NSetSegmentDscr, pop di dcpe_do_child_PSP: mov dx,[bp.Client_ES] ; get HostData selector call ParaToLinear mov cx,HOST_DATA_SIZE ; limit = size of HostData pop ax ; get another selector push [selCurrentHostData] mov [selCurrentHostData],ax ; save for us cCall NSetSegmentDscr, mov es,ax pop ax mov es:[HdSelParent],ax mov ax,SelPSPChild mov es:[HdPSPParent],ax mov dx, di ;get client PSP paragraph mov segPSPChild, di call ParaToLinear ;convert to linear address in BL:DX mov cx,100h ;limit = 100h pop ax ;get another selector mov [bp.Client_ES],ax ;save value for client mov selPSPChild, ax ;save a copy for DOSX cCall NSetSegmentDscr, mov es:[HdSelPSP],ax mov es,ax ;point to client's PSP mov dx,es:segEnviron ;fetch client's environment pointer call ParaToLinear ;convert to linear address in BL:DX mov cx,0ffffh ;limit = 32k pop ax ;get another selector mov es:segEnviron,ax ;save client's environment selector cCall NSetSegmentDscr, IFDEF FLATAPIXLAT ; We need to set up the DTA selector mov dx,DtaSegment cmp dx,segPSPChild jne dcpe_50 mov dx,selPSPChild mov DtaSelector,dx jmp dcpe_60 dcpe_50: mov cx,1 call AllocateSelector jnc @f jmp dcpe_free_client_stack @@: or al,STD_TBL_RING mov DtaSelector,ax call ParaToLinear cCall NSetSegmentDscr, dcpe_60: ENDIF inc cDPMIClients ;increment count of Pmode clients cmp cDPMIClients, 1 ; first client? jne @f ; already taken care of call AllocateExceptionStack call DpmiStackSizeInit call DpmiSizeInit FBOP BOP_DPMI,DpmiInUse,FastBop ; @@: ; ; Everything OK. Clear error flag, and return to caller. ; not byte ptr [bp.Client_Flags] ;reverse status flags, clearing carry ; Let 32 bit code know if this is a 32 or 16 bit application mov ax,DpmiFlags push selPSPChild push DtaSelector push DtaOffset FBOP BOP_DPMI,InitApp,FastBop add sp,4 cmp cDPMIClients, 1 ; first client? jne @f ; already taken care of ; Note: We have to do InitApp before we try to hook the netbios ; interrupt. If we don't, we will fault in the dos extender. ; (HookNetBiosHwInt calls int 21, enabling interrupts) call HookNetBiosHwInt @@: ; jmp far ptr dcpe_return ;avoid need for fix ups db 0EAh dw offset DXCODE:dcpe_return dw SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING ; ; If we get here, it means DOSX failed to allocate enough selectors for the ; client. Deallocate those which have been allocated, switch back to ; real mode, and return an error to the caller. Selectors to deallocate ; are on the stack, pushed after a zero word. Then switch to a DOSX stack, ; deallocate the client stack selector, and switch to real mode. ; dcpe_pfail: pop ax ;any selectors allocated? or ax,ax ; (we pushed a zero before allocating) jz dcpe_free_client_stack ;done call FreeSelector ;free the selector jnc dcpe_pfail ;free any more dcpe_free_client_stack: mov di, ss ;make copy of client stack selector mov ax, ds ;have to be on a DOSX stack to do this FCLI mov ss, ax mov sp, offset DGROUP:rgw2FStack mov ax, di ;free client stack selector call FreeSelector dcpe_error_exit: ; ; Error exit from protected mode. Any allocated selectors have already ; been freed. Switch to real mode, restore client stack, pop off client's ; registers, return with the carry flag set. ; SwitchToRealMode mov ss, si ;restore client stack errnz dcpe_return: ; The next line must restore the stack. mov sp, bp jc dcpe_return_1 ; error return ; ; Pop the client's registers off the stack frame, switch back to the ; client's stack, and return. ; dcpe_return_1: pop es ;pop copy of PSP selector/segment pop ds ;pop client DS selector/segment popa ;pop client's general registers npopf ;restore interrupt flag, return status dcpe_x: retf ;and out of here DPMI_Client_Pmode_Entry endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; REAL MODE FUNCTION HANDLER ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; RMInt2FHandler -- This routine hooks the real mode Int 2Fh chain ; and watches for 'interesting' Int 2Fh calls. ; ; WIN386/DOSX startup broadcast ; DPMI server detection ; Switcher API functions ; assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public RMInt2FHandler RMInt2FHandler proc near IFDEF ROM push ds SetRMDataSeg assume ds:DGROUP ENDIF cmp ah,WIN386_FUNC ;WIN386/DOSX/DPMI call? jz rm2f_0 cmp ax,SWAPI_BUILD_CHAIN ;build chain call ? jz RM2F_SwAPI ;yes. rm2f_chain: IFDEF ROM ; Chain the interrupt without a code segment variable push bp mov bp,sp ; bp -> [bp] [ds] [ip] [cs] [fl] push word ptr PrevInt2FHandler[2] push word ptr PrevInt2FHandler mov ds,[bp+2] ; restore entry DS mov bp,[bp] ; .. BP .. retf 4 ; .. chain & clean up stack ELSE jmp [PrevInt2FHandler] ;no, just chain it on... ENDIF RM2F_SwAPI: ; call down stream first. IFDEF ROM pop ds ;restore the saved ds assume ds:NOTHING ; prepare an iret frame on the stack. pushf FCLI ;prepare call-iret frame push cs ;the chaining code pops this push offset RM2F_SWAPI_BackFromChaining push ds ;save ds again. SetRMDataSeg jmp short rm2f_chain RM2F_SWAPI_BackFromChaining: ELSE pushf FCLI call [PrevInt2FHandler] ENDIF push ax push dx ;save mov ax,es mov dx,bx ;ax:bx has current ES:BX ; get to our data segment push ds ;save IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ds,[segDXData] ;load our data segment ENDIF assume ds:DGROUP ; fill up the Switcher Info Call Back Block push ds pop es lea bx, DxSwapiCallBackBlock;ES:BX points to our node ; save the address of the next node. mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Next],dx mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Next][2],ax ; save the far address of our SWAPI call in function. lea ax,DxSwapiCallIn ;address of call in function mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Entry_Pt],ax mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Entry_Pt][2],cs lea ax,DxSwapiApiInfo ;address of call in function mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Api_Ptr],ax mov word ptr es:[bx.SCBI_Api_Ptr][2],ds RM2F_SWAPI_Ret: pop ds ;restore assume ds:NOTHING pop dx pop ax ;restore iret rm2f_0: IFDEF ROM assume ds:DGROUP ENDIF if 0 ; don't claim to be win 3.1 in enhanced mode cmp al,WIN386_INIT ;WIN386/DOSX startup attempt? jnz rm2f_1 ;no mov cx,-1 ;yes, don't let'm load jmp rm2f_x endif cmp al,W386_Get_Device_API ;not supported jne rm2f_1 xor di,di mov es,di jmp rm2f_x rm2f_1: cmp al,DPMI_DETECT ;DPMI detection? jnz rm2f_2 ;no mov ax,DPMI_SUCCESS ;yes, return Pmode switch entry mov bx,DPMI_FLAGS ;flags IFDEF ROM mov cl,byte ptr [idCpuType] ;CPU type ELSE push segDXData pop es assume es:DXDATA mov cl,byte ptr es:[idCpuType] ;CPU type assume es:nothing ENDIF mov dx,DPMI_VER ;DPMI server version mov si,(HOST_DATA_SIZE + 15) / 16 push cs ;entry point is in this segment pop es ;prospective client wants lea di,DPMI_Client_Pmode_Entry ;switch entry point in ES:DI jmp rm2f_x ;done rm2f_2: if 0 ; don't claim to be windows cmp al,WIN386_VER ;Windows 386 version check? jnz rm2f_chain ;no, chain the interrupt mov ax, 0a03h else jmp rm2f_chain endif rm2f_x: IFDEF ROM pop ds assume ds:NOTHING ENDIF iret RMInt2FHandler endp ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DxSwapiCallIn ; ; DESCRIPTION This routine handles all the Call Outs that the Switcher may ; make. We are only interested in the SWAPI_SUSPEND and ; SWAPI_SESSION_ACTIVE calls. Between these two calls, the main ; DOSX code will not be active and we have to make sure that ; the Global NetBios stub code does not call the main POST ; routine in the DOSX. ; ; ENTRY: ; AX = SWAPI CallOut function code. ; ; EXIT: ; AX = 0 (OK to Switch or resume) ; CY = Clear ; ; USES: ; AX, Flags ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DxSwapiCallIn proc far assume ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING, ss:NOTHING ; check to see if we are interested in the function or not. cmp ax,SWAPI_SUSPEND ;suspend call ? jz DXSCI_Interested ;yes, we are interested in it. cmp ax,SWAPI_SESSION_ACTIVE ;session active call ? jnz DXSCI_Ret ;ignore call with success DXSCI_Interested: ; we need access to our data segment. push ds ;save IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ds,[segDXData] ;load our data segment ENDIF assume ds:DGROUP ;we have our data segment ; now switch to protected mode mov regUserSP,sp mov regUSerSS,ss IFDEF ROM push ds pop ss ELSE mov ss,segDXData ENDIF mov sp,pbReflStack sub pbReflStack,CB_STKFRAME ;adjust pointer to next stack frame FIX_STACK push regUserSS ;save current stack loc on our stack push regUserSP ; so we can restore it later ; We are now running on our own stack, so we can switch into protected mode. push ax ;save function code SwitchToProtectedMode ;destroys ax ; --------------- START OF PROTECTED MODE CODE ------------------------- pop ax ;restore function code ; check the function type cmp ax,SWAPI_SUSPEND ;is it a suspend call ? jz DXSCI_Suspend ;yes it is ; it must be a resume session call. If [NoAsyncSwitching] is set, we would ; have switched out only because there were no asynchronous requests pending ; in this case we do not have to do the ResumeNetPosting call. cmp [NoAsyncSwitching],0 ;is this the case discussed above ? jnz DXSCI_SessionActiveOk ;yes. call ResumeNetPosting ;call the code to allow normal posting DXSCI_SessionActiveOk: xor ax,ax ;successful jmp short DXSCI_BackToRM ;go back to real mode and return DXSCI_Suspend: ; check to see whether we can switch out when asynchronous calls are pending ; or not. cmp [NoAsyncSwitching],0 ;can we switch out with async calls pending ? jz DXSCI_Suspend_OK ;yes, global stub will take care ; do we have any outstanding asynchronous requests ? xor ax,ax ;assume no requests outstanding cmp [HCB_List],0 ;requests outstanding ? jz DXSCI_BackToRM ;no, ok to switch. ; asynchronous requests are outstanding, we should allow a switch now. mov ax,1 ;suspend should fail jmp short DXSCI_BackToRM ;go back. DXSCI_Suspend_OK: ; suspend normal net posting. call DelayNetPosting ;Net posting delayed ; if this is a 286 system with a 287 Co-Processor, we should reset the ; Co-Processor to get it out of protected mode. ; Note: The Switcher is going to save the Co-Processor state after this, ; however, according to C conventions, the Co-Processor state may not be ; maintained accross function call and the Switcher switches Windows out ; from within a message body in Winoldap. Thus, it is OK to alter the state ; by resting the Co-Processor. xor ax,ax ;successfull. cmp [f286_287],0 ;is this a 80286 & 80287 combination? jz DXSCI_BackToRM ;no. ; we have a 286 and 287 configuration. Reset the Co-Processor to get it into ; real mode. out 0F1H,al ;reset the Co Processor or al,al ;set back zero flag DXSCI_BackToRM: pop regUserSP ;recover previous stack location pop regUserSS push ax ;save return code SwitchToRealMode ;Switch back to real mode. ; --------------- START OF REAL MODE CODE ------------------------------ pop ax ;restore return code ; Switch back to the original stack, deallocate the interrupt stack frame, ; and return to the network software CHECK_STACK mov ss,regUserSS mov sp,regUserSP add pbReflStack,CB_STKFRAME pop ds ;restore assume ds:NOTHING jmp short DXSCI_End ;ax has return code DXSCI_Ret: xor ax,ax ;indicate success DXSCI_End: ret DxSwapiCallIn endp ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE ends IFDEF WOW DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; DpmiSizeInit -- This routine insures that the appropriately sized ; interrupt handlers will be called ; ; Inputs: None ; Outputs: None ; public DpmiSizeInit assume ds:dgroup,es:nothing,ss:nothing DpmiSizeInit proc push ax push bx push cx push si push di push es rpushf FCLI call AllocateSelector mov bx,ax mov ax,cs call DupSegmentDscr cCall NSetSegmentAccess, mov es,bx assume es:DXPMCODE test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jnz dsi20 mov [WowTransitionToUserMode],offset DXPMCODE:Wow16TransitionToUserMode assume es:nothing xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov ax,bx call FreeSelector cCall NSetSegmentAccess, cCall NSetSegmentAccess, jmp dsi90 dsi20: assume es:DXPMCODE mov [WowTransitionToUserMode],offset DXPMCODE:Wow32TransitionToUserMode assume es:nothing xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov ax,bx call FreeSelector ; ; Copy 16 bit handler addresses ; .386p lea di,Wow16BitHandlers mov ax,ds mov es,ax assume es:DGROUP push ds mov ax,SEL_IDT OR STD_RING mov ds,ax assume ds:nothing mov si,0 mov cx,256 dsi40: movsd add si,4 loop dsi40 pop ds ; ; Put 32 bit handlers into IDT ; push ds mov ax,SEL_IDT OR STD_RING mov ds,ax mov bx,0 mov si,bx mov di,offset DXPMCODE:Wow32IntrRefl mov cx,8 dsi50: mov [si],di mov word ptr [si + 2],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 push word ptr VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_32 push bx push word ptr [si + 2] push word ptr [si + 6] push word ptr [si] DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc bx add si,8 add di,6 loop dsi50 mov cx,8 dsi55: mov [si],di mov word ptr [si + 2],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 push word ptr VDM_INT_INT_GATE OR VDM_INT_32 push bx push word ptr [si + 2] push word ptr [si + 6] push word ptr [si] DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc bx add si,8 add di,6 loop dsi55 mov cx,70h - 10h dsi60: mov [si],di mov word ptr [si + 2],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 push word ptr VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_32 push bx push word ptr [si + 2] push word ptr [si + 6] push word ptr [si] DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc bx add si,8 add di,6 loop dsi60 mov cx,8 dsi70: mov [si],di mov word ptr [si + 2],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 push word ptr VDM_INT_INT_GATE OR VDM_INT_32 push bx push word ptr [si + 2] push word ptr [si + 6] push word ptr [si] DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc bx add si,8 add di,6 loop dsi70 mov cx,0ffh - 78h dsi80: mov [si],di mov word ptr [si + 2],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 push word ptr VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_32 push bx push word ptr [si + 2] push word ptr [si + 6] push word ptr [si] DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc bx add si,8 add di,6 loop dsi80 pop ds assume ds:DGROUP dsi90: rpopf pop es pop di pop si pop cx pop bx pop ax ret DpmiSizeInit endp assume ds:DGROUP, es:NOTHING, ss:NOTHING DpmiStackSizeInit proc push ax test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz @f ; ; Make the dgroup selector 32 bit ; ; NOTE: The following equ is only necessary to get the cmacro package ; to pass the correct value to NSetSegmentAccess NEW_DX_DATA equ STD_DATA OR AB_BIG cCall NSetSegmentAccess, cCall NSetSegmentAccess, .286p @@: pop ax ret DpmiStackSizeInit endp DXPMCODE ends ENDIF ; ;**************************************************************** end