PAGE ,132 TITLE DXINT31.ASM -- Dos Extender Int 31h Handler ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;*********************************************************************** ; ; DXINT31.ASM -- DOS Extender Int 31h Handler ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This module provides the Int 31h services to the protected mode ; application running under the DOS Extender. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 12/03/90 amitc 'i31_GetSetRMInt' will map vectors in the range 50-57h ; to the range 8-fh if 'Win30CommDriver' switch is set in ; system.ini ; 12/18/89 jimmat Service 0003 changed from Get LDT Base to Get Sel Incr, ; and added Virtual Interrupt State services. ; 09/18/89 jimmat Added Allocate/Free Real Mode Call-Back services ; 08/20/89 jimmat Changed A20 diddling to use XMS local enable/disable ; 06/14/89 jimmat Added a few missing and new services. ; 05/17/89 jimmat Added protected to real mode call/int services. ; 05/12/89 jimmat Original version (split out from DXINTR.ASM) ; 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI ; ;*********************************************************************** .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- .xlist .sall include include include include include include Int_Get_PMode_Vec EQU 04h Int_Set_PMode_Vec EQU 05h IFDEF ROM include ENDIF include IFDEF XMEMNT include ENDIF include .list ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- RealMode_SaveBP equ word ptr RealMode_EBP+4 RealMode_SaveSP equ word ptr RealMode_EBP+6 cRM_CALL_BACK equ 16 ;Count of Real Mode Call-Backs supported ;DPMI 0.90 spec says 16 required. CallBackTableStruc struc ;Structure of Real Mode Call-Back Table fInUse db 0 ;use/free flag PM_CS_IP dd ? ;pMode EIP to call dw ? ;pMode CS to call PM_Client_Frame dd ? ;Client Register Frame dw ? ; segment of above CallBackTableStruc ends SelectorIncrement equ 8 ;DOSX increments consecutive selectors by 8 Trans_Reset_HW equ 01h ;Reset PIC/A20 line on PM->Call services I31VERSION equ 0090d ;Int 31 services major/minor version #'s ; version 00.90 (not quite ready for DPMI) I31FLAGS equ 000Dh ; 386 extender, pMode NetBIOS I31MasterPIC equ 08h ;Master PIC Interrupts start at 08h I31SlavePIC equ 70h ;Slave PIC Interrupts start at 70h ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- extrn EnterIntHandler:NEAR extrn LeaveIntHandler:NEAR extrn EnterRealMode:NEAR extrn EnterProtectedMode:NEAR extrn GetSegmentAddress:NEAR extrn SetSegmentAddress:NEAR extrn FreeSelector:NEAR extrn FreeSelectorBlock:NEAR extrn AllocateSelector:NEAR extrn AllocateSelectorBlock:NEAR extrn ParaToLDTSelector:NEAR extrn DupSegmentDscr:NEAR extrn GetFaultVector:NEAR extrn PutFaultVector:NEAR extrn AllocateXmemBlock:NEAR extrn FreeXmemBlock:NEAR extrn ModifyXmemBlock:NEAR extrn FreeLowBlock:NEAR extrn AllocateLowBlock:NEAR extrn AllocateLDTSelector:NEAR extrn ParaToLinear:NEAR extrn GetIntrVector:NEAR, PutIntrVector:NEAR extrn NSetSegmentLimit:near extrn NMoveDescriptor:near extrn NWOWSetDescriptor:near extrn RMIntrEntryVector:near extrn EndRMIntrEntry:near extrn DFSetIntrVector:near extrn RmSaveRestoreState:far extrn PmSaveRestoreState:far extrn RmRawModeSwitch:far extrn PmRawModeSwitch:far extrn IsSelectorFree:near extrn gtpara:near externNP NSetSegmentAccess externFP NSetSegmentDscr externNP FreeSpace ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXDATA segment extrn selGDT:WORD extrn segPSP:WORD extrn idCpuType:WORD extrn npXfrBuf1:WORD extrn rgbXfrBuf1:BYTE extrn pbReflStack:WORD extrn bReflStack:WORD extrn rglpfnRmISR:DWORD extrn lpfnXMSFunc:DWORD extrn A20EnableCount:WORD extrn regUserAX:WORD, regUserFL:WORD, regUserSS:WORD extrn regUserSP:WORD, regUserDS:WORD, regUserES:WORD extrn fWin30CommDrv:WORD extrn PMInt24Handler:DWORD extrn DpmiFlags:WORD IFDEF WOW_x86 extrn FastBop:fword ENDIF extrn selPspChild:WORD extrn RmHwIsr:DWORD extrn LowMemAllocFn:DWORD extrn LowMemFreeFn:DWORD public i31HWReset i31HWReset db 0 ;NZ if in 'standard' real mode state i31_dsp_rtn dw 0 ;Int 31h service routine to dispatch ifdef DEBUG debugsavess dw 0 ; Usefull when debugging WOW KERNEL debugsavesp dw 0 ; debugsavebp dw 0 ; debugsavecx dw 0 ; endif public i31_selectorbitmap i31_selectorbitmap dw 0000000000000000b ;Reserved LDT Selectors CallBackTable label byte ;Real Mode Call-Back Table rept cRM_CALL_BACK CallBackTableStruc <> endm DXDATA ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE IFNDEF ROM extrn segDXData:WORD extrn selDgroup:WORD ENDIF extrn segDXCode:word RMCallBackEntryVector label near ;Real Mode Call-Back Entry Points rept cRM_CALL_BACK call RMCallBackHook endm assume cs:NOTHING DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment extrn selDgroupPM:WORD extrn segDXCodePM:WORD i31_dispatch label word dw 0000h, offset i31_AllocSel dw 0001h, offset i31_FreeSel dw 0002h, offset i31_MapSeg2Sel dw 0003h, offset i31_GetSelIncr dw 0004h, offset i31_Success ;lock selector memory dw 0005h, offset i31_Success ;unlock selector mem dw 0006h, offset i31_GetSegAddr dw 0007h, offset i31_SetSegAddr dw 0008h, offset i31_SetLimit dw 0009h, offset i31_SetAccess dw 000Ah, offset i31_CreateDataAlias dw 000Bh, offset i31_GetSetDescriptor dw 000Ch, offset i31_GetSetDescriptor dw 000Dh, offset i31_SpecificSel ; Allocate specific descriptor dw 0100h, offset i31_AllocDOSMem dw 0101h, offset i31_FreeDOSMem dw 0102h, offset i31_SizeDOSMem dw 0200h, offset i31_GetSetRMInt dw 0201h, offset i31_GetSetRMInt dw 0202h, offset i31_GetSetFaultVector dw 0203h, offset i31_GetSetFaultVector dw 0204h, offset i31_GetSetPMInt dw 0205h, offset i31_GetSetPMInt dw 0300h, offset i31_RMCall dw 0301h, offset i31_RMCall dw 0302h, offset i31_RMCall dw 0303h, offset i31_AllocCallBack dw 0304h, offset i31_FreeCallBack dw 0305h, offset i31_GetStateSaveRestore dw 0306h, offset i31_GetRawModeSwitch dw 0400h, offset i31_Version dw 04f1h, offset i31_WOW_AllocSel dw 04f2h, offset i31_WOW_SetDescriptor dw 04f3h, offset i31_WOW_SetAllocFunctions ; ; INCOMPLETE !!!!!!!!!!! ; Needed by kernel. ; dw 0500h, offset i31_GetFreeMem dw 0501h, offset i31_AllocMem dw 0502h, offset i31_FreeMem ; ; Fails by design if block is to be extended and this cannot be done ; in place. ; dw 0503h, offset i31_SizeMem dw 0600h, offset i31_Success ;lock linear region dw 0601h, offset i31_Success ;unlock linear region dw 0602h, offset i31_Success ;mark real mode rgn pageable dw 0603h, offset i31_Success ;relock real mode region dw 0604h, offset i31_PageSize ;get page size dw 0700h, offset i31_fail ;reserved dw 0701h, offset i31_fail ;reserved dw 0702h, offset i31_Success ;demand page candidate dw 0703h, offset i31_Success ;discard page contents dw 0800h, offset i31_fail ;physical addr mapping dw 0900h, offset i31_VirtualInt ;get & disable Int state dw 0901h, offset i31_VirtualInt ;get & enable Int state dw 0902h, offset i31_VirtualInt ;get Int state ; ; UNIMPLEMENTED !!!!!!!!!!! ; To be used for MSDOS protected mode API? ; dw 0A00h, offset i31_unimplemented ;get vendor specific API IFDEF WOW_x86 NO386 = 0 else NO386 = 1 ENDIF ife NO386 ; ; 386 Debug Register access routines. ; dw 0B00h, offset i31_Debug_Register_Access ;set debug watchpoint dw 0B01h, offset i31_Debug_Register_Access ;clear debug watchpoint dw 0B02h, offset i31_Debug_Register_Access ;get debug watchpoint state dw 0B03h, offset i31_Debug_Register_Access ;reset debug watchpoint endif ; NO386 dw -1, offset i31_unimplemented DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Entry Point page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h SERVICE ENTRY POINT ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PMIntr31 -- Service routine for the Protect Mode INT 31h ; services. These functions duplicate the ; Windows/386 VMM INT 31h services for protected ; mode applications. They were implemented to ; support a protect mode version of Windows/286. ; ; Input: Various registers ; Output: Various registers ; Errors: ; Uses: All registers preserved, other than return values assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public PMIntr31 PMIntr31 proc near cld ;practice 'safe programming' ; Determine if this one of the services we support. push bx mov bx,offset i31_dispatch ;cs:bx -> dispatch table @@: cmp ax,cs:[bx] ;scan dispatch table for jz i31_do_it ; service code in AH/AL cmp word ptr cs:[bx],-1 ;end of table is -1 jz i31_do_it add bx,4 jmp short @b ; BX contains the offset of the routine to service this request! i31_do_it: push ds ;save the service routine address mov ds,selDgroupPM ; in our DGROUP for now assume ds:DGROUP mov bx,cs:[bx+2] FCLI ;needed for [i31_dsp_rtn] mov i31_dsp_rtn,bx ifdef DEBUG mov debugsavess,ss ; usefule when debugging WOW kernel mov debugsavesp,sp mov debugsavebp,bp mov debugsavecx,cx endif pop ds pop bx i31_doit: call EnterIntHandler ;build an interrupt stack frame assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ; also sets up addressability push i31_dsp_rtn ;routine address on stack DEBUG_TRACE DBGTR_ENTRY, 31h, ax, 0 FSTI ;no need to keep interrupts disabled retn ;go perform the service i31_unimplemented: ;not implemented or undefined Debug_Out "Unsupported Int 31h requested (AX = #AX)" ; Int 31h service routines return (jmp) here to indicate failure. The ; standard failure return sets the carry flag, and sets ax = 0. i31_fail: mov [bp].intUserAX,0 i31_fail_CY: or byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 jmp short i31_exit ; Int 31h service routines return (jmp) here -- they jump back instead ; of returning because they expect the stack to be setup by EnterIntHandler, ; no extra items should be pushed. i31_done: and byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,not 1 ;clear carry flag i31_exit: assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING FCLI ;LeaveIntHandler needs them off call LeaveIntHandler ;restore caller's registers, and DEBUG_TRACE DBGTR_EXIT, 31h, 0, 0 riret ; get on down the road PMIntr31 endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; This routine is for Int 31h services that the 286 DOS extender ; allows, but doesn't actually perform any work. Most of these ; services are related to demand paging under Windows/386. assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_Success i31_Success proc near jmp i31_done ;nothing to do currently i31_Success endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Page Size. Gotta be 1000h, even if we don't do anything ; with it. ; assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_PageSize i31_PageSize proc near mov [bp].intUserBX,0 mov [bp].intUserCX,1000h jmp i31_done ;nothing to do currently i31_pageSize endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h LDT/Heap Services page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; LDT/HEAP INTERRUPT (INT 31h) SERVICE ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/00 - Allocate Space in LDT for Selector ; in: cx - # selectors required ; out: ax - *index* of first selector assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_AllocSel i31_AllocSel proc near jcxz short i31_15 cmp cx,1 ;1 selector or more? ja @f call AllocateSelector ;allocate 1 selector jc i31_15 jmp short i31_10 @@: mov ax,cx push cx ; save # of selector to be allocated xor cx,cx ; allocate from lower range call AllocateSelectorBlock ;allocate a block of selectors pop cx jc i31_15 i31_10: or al,STD_TBL_RING ;add standard table/ring bits mov [bp].intUserAX,ax ;return 1st/only selector in AX setsel: mov bx,STD_DATA ;all the selectors we allocate ; xor bl,bl ; get initialized to data/ring ? xor dx,dx ; 0 base, 0 limit @@: cCall NSetSegmentDscr, add ax,SelectorIncrement loop @b jmp i31_done i31_15: jmp i31_fail ;fail the request i31_AllocSel endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/01 - Free LDT Selector ; in: bx - selector to free ; out: none assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_FreeSel i31_FreeSel proc near mov ax,bx ;release the selector cmp ax,SEL_DPMI_LAST ; reserved selector? ja i31_Free_Regular_LDT_Selector ; No. mov cx,ax shr cl,3 ; Selector to selector index in LDT mov ax,1 shl ax,cl ; AX = bit in i31_selectorbitmap test i31_selectorbitmap,ax ; test for already allocated jz i31_FreeSel_Fail ; already free! not ax and i31_selectorbitmap,ax ; mark as free jmp i31_done i31_Free_Regular_LDT_Selector: and ax,SELECTOR_INDEX ; only pass it the index or ax,SELECTOR_TI ;only allow LDT selectors jz i31_Check_DS_ES call FreeSelector jnc i31_Check_DS_ES i31_FreeSel_Fail: jmp i31_fail_CY i31_Check_DS_ES: ; check in case user frees the selector in DS or ES - we ; don't want to fault when popping his regs and bl,NOT SELECTOR_RPL ;compare without ring bits mov ax,[bp].pmUserDS and al,NOT SELECTOR_RPL cmp ax,bx jnz @f mov [bp].pmUserDS,0 @@: mov ax,[bp].pmUserES and al,NOT SELECTOR_RPL cmp ax,bx jnz @f mov [bp].pmUserES,0 @@: jmp i31_done i31_FreeSel endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/02 - Map Segment to Selector ; in: bx - real mode segment value ; out: ax - selector which maps area assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_MapSeg2Sel i31_MapSeg2Sel proc near mov ax,bx ;find/make selector for real memory mov bx,STD_DATA ;assume it's a data selector call ParaToLDTSelector jnc @f jmp i31_fail_CY ;Falied!? @@: mov [bp].intUserAX,ax jmp i31_done i31_MapSeg2Sel endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/03 - Get Next Selector Increment Value ; in: none ; out: ax - Next Selector Increment Value assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSelIncr i31_GetSelIncr proc near mov [bp].intUserAX,SelectorIncrement ;DOSX incr value jmp i31_done i31_GetSelIncr endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/06 - Get Segment Base address. ; in: bx - selector ; out: cx:dx - 32 bit lma of segment assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSegAddr i31_GetSegAddr proc near mov ax,selGDT assume es:nothing lsl ax,ax push bx and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,ax jnc gsa10 ; not in ldt call IsSelectorFree jc gsa20 gsa10: pop bx jmp i31_fail_CY gsa20: pop bx mov ax,bx call GetSegmentAddress mov [bp].intUserCX,bx mov [bp].intUserDX,dx jmp i31_done i31_GetSegAddr endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/07 - Set Segment Base address. ; in: bx - selector ; cx:dx - 32 bit lma of segment ; out: none assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SetSegAddr i31_SetSegAddr proc near mov ax,selGDT assume es:nothing lsl ax,ax push bx and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,ax jnc ssa10 ; not in ldt call IsSelectorFree jc ssa20 ssa10: pop bx jmp i31_fail_CY ssa20: pop bx mov ax,bx mov bx,cx call SetSegmentAddress jmp i31_done i31_SetSegAddr endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/08 - Set Segment Limit. ; in: bx - selector ; cx:dx - 32 bit limit of segment ; out: none assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SetLimit i31_SetLimit proc near mov ax,selGDT assume es:nothing lsl ax,ax push bx and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,ax jnc sl10 ; not in ldt call IsSelectorFree jc sl20 sl10: pop bx jmp i31_fail_CY sl20: pop bx mov es,selGDT and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX and es:[bx].cbLimitHi386,070h ; clear 'G' bit and old ; extended limit bits test cx,0fff0h ; bits 20-31 set? jz i31_SetLimit_0 ; No shr dx,12d ; Yes mov ax,cx shl ax,4d or dx,ax shr cx,12d or es:[bx].cbLimitHi386,080h ; set 'G' bit i31_SetLimit_0: mov es:[bx].cbLimit,dx or es:[bx].cbLimitHi386,cl cCall NSetSegmentLimit, jmp i31_done i31_SetLimit endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/09 - Set Segment Access Rights ; in: bx - selector ; cl - segment access rights byte assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SetAccess i31_SetAccess proc near mov ax,selGDT assume es:nothing lsl ax,ax push bx and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,ax jnc sa10 ; not in ldt call IsSelectorFree jc sa20 sa10: pop bx sa11: jmp i31_fail_CY sa20: pop bx test cl,010000b ; system segment? jz sa11 ; y: error push cx and cl,AB_DPL ; mask off all but DPL bits cmp cl,STD_DPL ; is this the correct DPL? pop cx jnz sa11 ; n: error cCall NSetSegmentAccess, jmp i31_done i31_SetAccess endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/0A - Create Data Segment Alias (for a code seg) ; in: bx - selector ; out: ax - new data selector assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_CreateDataAlias i31_CreateDataAlias proc near mov ax,bx ;make sure it's a vaild selector verr ax jnz cda_failed mov bx,ax ;get a new selector for the alias call AllocateSelector jc cda_failed xchg ax,bx ;copy old to new call DupSegmentDscr mov es,selGDT and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX mov al,es:[bx].arbSegAccess and al,11100000b ;mask off all but present and DPL bits or al,AB_DATA or AB_WRITE mov ah, es:[bx].cbLimitHi386 cCall NSetSegmentAccess, or bl,STD_TBL_RING ;set standard table/ring bits mov [bp].intUserAX,bx jmp i31_done cda_failed: jmp i31_fail_CY i31_CreateDataAlias endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/0B - Get Descriptor ; Service 00/0C - Set Descriptor ; in: bx - selector ; es:di -> buffer to hold copy of descriptor assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSetDescriptor i31_GetSetDescriptor proc near .386p push esi push edi .286p mov ax,selGDT mov es,ax assume es:NOTHING lsl ax,ax and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,ax ; range-test selector against jc @f ; the limit of the GDT/LDT .386p pop edi pop esi .286p jmp i31_fail_CY ;fail if invalid selector specified @@: call IsSelectorFree jc @f .386p pop edi pop esi .286p jmp i31_fail_CY @@: cmp byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,SelMgt_Get_Desc ;Get or Set? jz i31_GetDscr ; ; Set Descriptor ; test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jnz gsd10 .386p mov esi,0 ; zero high half mov edi,0 jmp gsd20 gsd10: mov esi,edi ; get high half of edi mov edi,0 ; zero high half .286p gsd20: push ds ;Set - mov ds,[bp].pmUserES assume ds:nothing mov si,[bp].pmUserDI ; ds:si -> caller's buffer mov di,bx ; es:di -> dscr slot in GDT/LDT .386p mov cl,ds:[esi].arbSegAccess386 .286p test cl,010000b ; system segment? jz gsd25 ; y: error and cl,AB_DPL ; mask off all but DPL bits cmp cl,STD_DPL ; is this the correct DPL? jnz gsd25 ; n: error jmp short i31_MovDscr gsd25: ; set ldt format error pop ds .386p pop edi pop esi .286p jmp i31_fail_CY i31_GetDscr: assume ds:DGROUP ; ; Get Descriptor ; test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jnz gsd30 .386p mov edi,0 ; zero high half of edi gsd30: mov esi,0 ; zero high half of esi .286p push ds ;Get - push es pop ds assume ds:nothing mov si,bx ; ds:si -> dscr slot in GDT/LDT mov es,[bp].pmUserES mov di,[bp].pmUserDI ; es:di -> caller's buffer i31_MovDscr: .386p cCall NMoveDescriptor, .286p i31_gs25: pop ds assume ds:DGROUP .386p pop edi pop esi .286p jmp i31_done i31_GetSetDescriptor endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 00/0D - Allocate Specific LDT Selector ; in: bx - selector ; out: carry clear if selector was allocated ; carry set if selector was not allocated assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SpecificSel i31_SpecificSel proc near and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp bx,SEL_DPMI_LAST ja i31_SpecificSel_Fail mov cx,bx shr cl,3 ; Selector to selector index in LDT mov ax,1 shl ax,cl ; AX = bit in i31_selectorbitmap test i31_selectorbitmap,ax ; test for already allocated jnz i31_SpecificSel_Fail ; allocated, fail or i31_selectorbitmap,ax ; mark as allocated ; ; Set up the DPL and size ; mov ax,bx mov cx,1 jmp setsel i31_SpecificSel_Fail: ; couldn't get that one jmp i31_fail_CY i31_SpecificSel endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h DOS Memory Services page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h DOS MEMORY SERVICE ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 01/00 - Allocate DOS Memory Block ; ; In: BX - # paragraphs to allocate ; Out: If successful: Carry Clear ; AX - segment address of block ; DX - selector to access block ; ; If unsuccessful: Carry Set ; AX - DOS error code ; BX - size of largest available block in paragraphs ; ; 13-Feb-1991 -- ERH This call is not supported under Windows 3.1, ; but try to find a block in our net heap to ; satisfy the request, anyway. ; assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_AllocDOSMem i31_AllocDOSMem proc near and [bp].intUserFL,NOT 1 ; clear carry in status mov cx,[bp].intUserBX mov dx,[bp].intUserBX shr dx,12 ; high half of byte count shl cx,4 ; low half of byte count call AllocateLowBlock jc adm30 mov [bp].intUserDX,ax mov si,ax call GTPARA ; get paragraph address mov [bp].intUserAX,ax jmp i31_done adm30: shr cx,4 shl dx,12 or cx,dx ; paragraph size of largest mov [bp].intUserBX,cx mov [bp].intUserAX,ax ; error code jmp i31_fail_CY i31_AllocDOSMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 01/01 - Release DOS Memory Block ; ; In: DX - SELECTOR of block to release ; Out: If successful: Carry Clear ; ; If unsuccessful: Carry Set ; AX - DOS error code assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_FreeDOSMem i31_FreeDOSMem proc near mov ax,[bp].intUserDX verw ax jnz fdm60 call IsSelectorFree jnc fdm60 mov ax,[bp].intUserDX call FreeLowBlock jc fdm60 jmp i31_Success fdm60: mov [bp].intUserAX,ax jmp i31_fail_CY i31_FreeDOSMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 01/02 - Resize DOS Memory Block ; ; In: BX - new block size in paragraphs ; DX - SELECTOR of block to release ; Out: If successful: Carry Clear ; ; If unsuccessful: Carry Set ; AX - DOS error code assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SizeDOSMem i31_SizeDOSMem proc near mov [bp].intUserBX,0 mov [bp].intUserAX,08h ; insufficient mem. available jmp i31_fail_CY i31_SizeDOSMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Real Mode Int Vector Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h INTERRUPT SERVICES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_GetSetRMInt -- Get/Set Real Mode Interrupt Vector ; ; In: bl - Interrupt # ; cx:dx - SEG:Offset of real mode int vector (if set) ; Out: cx:dx - SEG:Offset of real mode int vector (if get) assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSetRMInt i31_GetSetRMInt proc near push SEL_RMIVT or STD_RING ;address the real mode IVT pop es assume es:NOTHING ; HACK. Starting with Windows 3.1, we do not remap the PIC anymore. However, ; Windows 3.0 Comm Drivers, thinking that the PIC will always be remapped, ; deal with interrupts in the range 50h to 57h. There is now a SYSTEM.INI ; switch to tell us that a Windows 3.0 Comm Driver is being used. If this ; switch is set, we will map 50-57h to 8-0fh in this call. cmp fWin30CommDrv,0 ;are we using a Windows 3.0 Comm Drv ? je i31_GSRMInt_not_50to57h ;no. cmp bl,50h ;is it in the range 50 to 57h ? jb i31_GSRMInt_not_50to57h ;no. cmp bl,57h ;is it above 57h ja i31_GSRMInt_not_50to57h ;yes, no hack needed. ; map from the range 50-57h to 08-0fh. sub bl,50h-8h i31_GSRMInt_not_50to57h: xor bh,bh ;convert int # to offset shl bx,2 FCLI ;play it safe cmp al,Int_Get_Real_Vec ;Get or Set? jnz i31_gs_set mov cx,word ptr es:[bx+2] ;get segment:offset mov dx,word ptr es:[bx] ; ; If we have installed a reflector, return the original handler ; cmp cx,segDXCodePM jne gsr20 cmp dx,offset RMIntrEntryVector jb gsr20 cmp dx,offset EndRMIntrEntry jae gsr20 mov cx,word ptr RmHwIsr[bx + 2] mov dx,word ptr RmHwIsr[bx] gsr20: mov [bp].intUserCX,cx ;return them to caller mov [bp].intUserDX,dx jmp short i31_gs_ret i31_gs_set: ;setting the vector... mov es:[bx],dx ;set the real mode IDT vector mov es:[bx+2],cx i31_gs_ret: FSTI jmp i31_done i31_GetSetRMInt endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_GetSetFaultVector -- Get/Set Protected Mode Fault Vector (0h-1Fh) ; ; In: bl - Interrupt # ; cx:dx - Sel:Offset of pMode int vector (if set) ; Out: cx:dx - Sel:Offset of pMode int vector (if get) assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSetFaultVector i31_GetSetFaultVector proc near cmp bl,10h ; zero to 10h are defined for 80386 jbe @f jmp i31_fail_CY ;must be <= 10h or fail it @@: xor bh,bh mov ax,bx ;interrupt # to AX cmp byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,Int_Get_Excep_Vec ;Get or Set? jne i31_gfv_set call GetFaultVector ;wants to get the vector mov [bp].intUserCX,cx mov [bp].intUserDX,dx jmp short i31_gfv_ret i31_gfv_set: .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jnz sfv10 movzx edx,dx ; zero high half .286p sfv10: call PutFaultVector ;doing a set (args already set) i31_gfv_ret: jmp i31_done i31_GetSetFaultVector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_GetSetPMInt -- Get/Set Protected Mode Interrupt Vector ; ; In: bl - Interrupt # ; cx:dx - SEL:Offset of protected mode int vector (if set) ; Out: cx:dx - SEL:Offset of protected mode int vector (if get) assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetSetPMInt i31_GetSetPMInt proc near xchg al,bl xor ah,ah cmp bl,Int_Get_PMode_Vec ;Get or Set? jnz i31_gsp_set ; NOTE: we don't call DFGetIntrVector here, because all it does is a call to ; the following routine call GetIntrVector mov [bp].intUserCX,cx mov [bp].intUserDX,dx jmp i31_gsp_done i31_gsp_set: ; set up the appropriate real mode reflector, and hook the int. call DFSetIntrVector i31_gsp_done: FSTI jmp i31_done i31_GetSetPMInt endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Protected-to-Real Mode Call/Int page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h PROTECTED-TO-REAL MODE CALL/INT SERVICES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 03/00 -- Simulate real mode interrupt ; Service 03/01 -- Call real mode procedure with far return frame ; Service 03/02 -- Call real mode procedure with iret return frame ; ; In: es:di -> client register structure for real mode ; bl = interrupt number (03/00 only) ; cx = # words to copy from protected mode stack ; Out: es:di -> updated client register structure assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_RMCall i31_RMCall proc near ; First off, we need to copy the client register structure down to ; real mode addressable memory... Lets use rgbXfrBuf1 for now... ; Changed to use the interrupt reflector stack because these routines ; need to be reentrant. This also lets us leave interrupts enabled ; longer. ; Earleh - 27-Jun-1990. mov di,sp ; DI = SP = client regs. buffer sub di,size Real_Mode_Call_Struc+2 ; Make room for client sub di,[bp].intUserCX ; call structure plus sub di,[bp].intUserCX ; any optional stack params sub di,32 ; pushad push di ; plus copy of di. .386p pushad ; have to save high 16 bits .286p mov sp,di ; -------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The interrupt reflector stack frame now looks like this... ; ; pbReflStack + CB_STKFRAME-> --------------------------- ; (old pbReflStack) | | ; | INTRSTACK Struc | ; | from EnterIntHandler | ; | | ; --------------------------- ; pbReflStack + CB_STKFRAME | word pointer |>>--\ ; - (SIZE INTRSTACK) - 2 -> --------------------------- | IFDEF WOW_x86 ; | | | ; | Pushad frame | | ; | | | ; --------------------------- | ENDIF ; | | | ; | optional stack params | | ; | | | ; --------------------------- | ; | | | ; | | | ; | Real_Mode_Call_Struc | | ; | | | ; | | | ; ---------------------------<<--/ ; | | ; | Available stack space | ; | | ; pbReflStack---------->--------------------------- ; ; After returning from the real mode procedure, we will need ; to fetch the word pointer stored just below the EnterIntHandler ; frame, and use it to access our temporary Real_Mode_Call_Struc. ; In addition to holding the client register values, this also ; holds the SP and BP values we will need to switch back to our ; stack when we return from the real mode procedure. ; ; !!! -- Storing the optional stack parameters on top of our ; Real_Mode_Call_Struc has several problems. It eats up stack ; space if we call the real mode procedure on our stack, because ; we then have to make another copy of these. It also means we have to ; carry around a pointer to where the Real_Mode_Call_Struc lives. ; If we didn't have the stack parameters on top of the Real_Mode_Call_Struc, ; then we could find things strictly by offset from the value in ; pbReflStack. The picture above should be rearranged to make optimal ; use of space. I basically did it this way so I could have a minimum- ; change fix for a bug in Windows 3.0. ; !!! ; -------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; cld .386p xor ecx,ecx .286p mov cx,(size Real_Mode_Call_Struc) / 2 mov bx,di ;bx used to reference client regs below .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz rmc10 mov esi,edi ; copy over high 16 bits jmp rmc20 rmc10: xor esi,esi ; clear high 16 bits esi rmc20: xor edi,edi ; clear high 16 bits edi mov di,bx .286p mov si,[bp].pmUserDI mov ds,[bp].pmUserES assume ds:NOTHING .386p rep movs word ptr [esi],word ptr [edi] .286p ; Copy stack parameters from PM to RM stack if requested by caller. To ; avoid excessive selector munging, we do this in two steps (under the ; assumption the # words to copy will be small). First the PM stack args ; are copied to a buffer in DXDATA, then after switching to real mode, ; to the real mode stack. If the caller has more stack words than will ; fit in our buffer, or the real mode stack, bad things will happen... .386p xor ecx,ecx .286p mov cx,[bp].intUserCX ;caller's CX has # stack words to copy jcxz @f Trace_Out "Int 31h PM-to-RM int/call copying #CX stack words" .386p xor esi,esi .286p mov ds,[bp].pmUserSS mov si,[bp].pmUserSP .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz rmc30 ; ; Have to go groping for user stack, since we switched stacks to get ; here. ; ; | | ; +----------------+ ; | | ; +---- SS -----+ ; | | ; +----------------+ ; | | ; +---- ESP -----+ ; | | ; +----------------+ ; | Flags | ; +----------------+ ; | CS | ; +----------------+ ; | IP | ; ds:si -> +----------------+ push dword ptr ds:[si + 6] push word ptr ds:[si + 10] pop ds pop esi add esi,6 ; other half of 32 bit stack frame rmc30: add esi,6 ;ds:si -> PM stack args rep movs word ptr [esi],word ptr [edi] .286p ;es:di already points to buffer @@: push es ;restore ds -> DGROUP pop ds assume ds:DGROUP ; Switch to real mode, set up the real mode stack SwitchToRealMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP i31_rmcall_hw_ok: FSTI ;RestoreHardwareIntr disables ints ;don't need them disabled now mov [bx].RealMode_SaveBP,bp ;save our stack in reserved area of mov [bx].RealMode_SaveSP,sp ; real mode register frame mov cx,[bp].pmUserCX ;cx = caller's CX (# stk words) mov dh,byte ptr [bp].pmUserAX ;dh = caller's AL (subfunction) mov dl,byte ptr [bp].pmUserBX ;dl = caller's BL (RM int #) mov ax,[bx].RealMode_SS ;did caller specify his own stack? or ax,[bx].RealMode_SP jz @f ; NOTE: can't reference [bp].xxUserXX varaibles after switching stacks mov ss,[bx].RealMode_SS ;switch to caller's real mode stack mov sp,[bx].RealMode_SP assume ss:NOTHING @@: ; Copy stack args to real mode stack if there are any jcxz @f sub sp,cx sub sp,cx ;make space on stack for args mov di,sp mov ax,ss mov es,ax ;es:di -> real mode stack assume es:NOTHING lea si,[bx + size Real_Mode_Call_Struc] cld rep movsw push ds pop es assume es:DGROUP @@: ; Put a far ret or iret frame on stack to return to us cmp dh,Trans_Far_Call ;Does this service use a far ret or jz i31_rmcall_retf ; an iret frame? mov ax, [bx].RealMode_Flags ;real mode routine thinks these were and ax, NOT 100h ;remove TF push ax push cs ; the prior flags and CS:IP push offset i31_rmcall_ret FCLI ;flags with interrupts disabled -- real pushf ; mode rtn entered with these flags FSTI jmp short @f i31_rmcall_retf: push cs ;push a far ret frame so the push offset i31_rmcall_ret ; real mode routine returns to us mov ax, [bx].RealMode_Flags ;real mode rtn entered with these flags and ax, NOT 100h ;remove TF push ax @@: cmp dh,Trans_Sim_Int ;use an int vector, or caller's spec'd jnz i31_rmcall_csip ; cs:ip? mov al,dl ;push CS:IP for interrupt xor ah,ah ; number in caller's BL mov si,ax shl si,2 xor ax,ax ;address real mode IDT mov es,ax assume es:NOTHING push word ptr es:[si+2] push word ptr es:[si] jmp short @f i31_rmcall_csip: push [bx].RealMode_CS ;execute the real mode routine at push [bx].RealMode_IP ; specified CS:IP @@: ; Load the clients registers, and pass control to the real mode routine .386p mov edi,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DI mov esi,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_SI mov ebp,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BP mov edx,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DX mov ecx,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_CX mov eax,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_AX mov es,[bx].RealMode_ES assume es:NOTHING push [bx].RealMode_DS push dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BX pop ebx pop ds assume ds:NOTHING .286p iret ; The real mode routine returns here when finished i31_rmcall_ret: pushf ;save returned flags, ds, bx on stack FSTI ;don't need ints disabled push ds .386p push ebx .286p IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ds,segDXData ;address our DGROUP ENDIF assume ds:DGROUP ; ; Fetch word pointer to temporary client register save area, that we ; saved before switching stacks. ; mov bx,[pbReflStack] mov bx,[bx + CB_STKFRAME - (SIZE INTRSTACK) - 2] ; Save the real mode registers in client frame .386p mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DI,edi mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_SI,esi mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BP,ebp mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DX,edx mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_CX,ecx mov dword ptr [bx].RealMode_AX,eax mov [bx].RealMode_ES,es pop dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BX .286p pop [bx].RealMode_DS pop [bx].RealMode_Flags or [bx].RealMode_Flags,03000h ; IOPL always has to be 3 ; Restore our stack and return to protected mode ; SP will now point to base of temporary client register save area ; on our stack. BP points to stack frame set up for us by EnterIntHandler. ; SP must be restored to value in BP before calling LeaveIntHandler. IFDEF ROM push ds pop ss ELSE mov ss,segDXData ;address our DGROUP ENDIF mov sp,[bx].RealMode_SaveSP mov bp,[bx].RealMode_SaveBP SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP FSTI ;still don't need ints disabled ; Apparently in win31 standard mode, the pm caller's flags are set to the ; value of the rm flags at the handler's iret. On win31 enhanced mode, this ; was *not* done, and the pm flags are, except for carry, basically ; preserved. Since setting the flags kills some apps (winfax deltest), ; we should adhere to the enhanced mode convention. Thus, the following ; code is if'd out. if 0 mov ax,[bx].RealMode_Flags mov [bp].intUserFL,ax endif ; Copy the updated client register frame to the caller, and we're finished cld .386p xor ecx,ecx .286p mov cx,(size Real_Mode_Call_Struc) / 2 .386p xor esi,esi xor edi,edi mov si,bx add si,[bp].pmUserCX add si,[bp].pmUserCX add si,size Real_Mode_Call_Struc ; ; Si now points at pushad frame ; push si test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz rmc80 mov edi,[si] rmc80: .286p mov si,bx mov di,[bp].pmUserDI mov es,[bp].pmUserES assume es:NOTHING .386p rep movs word ptr [esi],word ptr [edi] pop sp ; value calculated above popad mov sp,bp .286p jmp i31_done ;finished! i31_RMCall endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 03/03 -- Allocate Real Mode Call-Back Address ; ; In: ds:si -> pMode CS:IP to be called when rMode ; call-back address executed ; es:di -> client register structure to be updated ; when call-back address executed ; Out: cx:dx -> SEGMENT:offset of real mode call-back hook ; CY clear if successful, CY set if can't allocate ; call back assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_AllocCallBack i31_AllocCallBack proc near ; Search call-back table for a free entry mov bx,offset DGROUP:CallBackTable mov cx,cRM_CALL_BACK @@: test [bx].fInUse,0FFh ;in use? jz i31_avail_callback add bx,size CallBackTableStruc loop @b jmp i31_fail_CY ;no call-backs available, fail ; Fill in the call back table entry with caller's info i31_avail_callback: mov [bx].fInUse,0FFh ;mark as in use mov ax,[bp].pmUserDS .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz acb20 mov [bx].PM_CS_IP,esi mov [bx].PM_Client_Frame,edi mov word ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP + 4,ax jmp acb30 acb20: mov word ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP,si mov word ptr [bx].PM_Client_Frame,di mov word ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP + 4,ax mov ax,0 mov word ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP + 2,ax mov word ptr [bx].PM_Client_Frame + 2,ax acb30: .286p mov ax,[bp].pmUserES .386p mov word ptr [bx].PM_Client_Frame + 4,ax .286p ; Return Seg:Off of Real Mode call-back to caller in CX:DX mov ax,segDXCodePM ;segment mov [bp].intUserCX,ax sub cx,cRM_CALL_BACK neg cx ;cx = allocated entry # (0..n) errnz ;code assumes cx <= 255 mov al,3 ;convert entry # to IP mul cl ;3 bytes per entry add ax,offset DXCODE:RMCallBackEntryVector mov [bp].intUserDX,ax jmp i31_done i31_AllocCallBack endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 03/04 -- Free Real Mode Call-Back Address ; ; In: cx:dx -> SEGMENT:offset of rMode call-back to free ; Out: CY clear if successful, CY set if failure assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_FreeCallBack i31_FreeCallBack proc near ; Determine which Real Mode Call-Back is being freed cmp cx,segDXCodePM ;sanity check the incoming CS:IP jne i31_FreeCBFail cmp dx,offset DXCODE:RMCallBackEntryVector jb i31_FreeCBFail mov ax,dx sub ax,offset DXCODE:RMCallBackEntryVector mov bl,3 div bl ;al = entry # (0..n) cmp al,cRM_CALL_BACK ;past end of table? jae i31_FreeCBFail errnz mov bl,size CallBackTableStruc mul bl mov bx,ax add bx,offset DGROUP:CallBackTable ;bx -> CallBackTable entry mov [bx].fInUse,0 ;mark it free jmp i31_done ;finished! i31_FreeCBFail: jmp i31_fail_CY i31_FreeCallBack endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RMCallBackHook -- Real Mode to Protected Mode Call-Back Hook ; ; This routine gets control whenever a user's real mode call-back ; hook is executed. This routine saves the current registers in ; the specified client register frame, switches to protected mode, ; and invokes the specified pMode CS:IP. Upon return from the ; pMode call-back, the registers are restored from a client frame ; and control is passed to the CS:IP specified in the frame. ; public RMCallBackHook assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING RMCallBackHook proc pushf ;save current flags FCLI ;protect global variables cld ;and we expect direction to be 'normal' push ds ;address our DGROUP IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ds,selDgroup ENDIF assume ds:DGROUP pop regUserDS ;save regs in global vars -- keep ints off! pop regUserFL mov regUserAX,ax mov regUserES,es pop ax ;ax = entry vector return address ; Convert the entry vector return address into a call-back table pointer push bx sub ax,offset RMCallBackEntryVector+3 mov bl,3 div bl mov bl,size CallBackTableStruc mul bl add ax,offset DGROUP:CallBackTable pop bx ; Allocate a new stack frame, and then switch to the reflector stack ; frame, and switch to pMode. mov regUserSS,ss ;save current user stack mov regUserSP,sp IFDEF ROM push ds pop ss ELSE mov ss,selDgroup ;switch to the reflector stack frame ENDIF mov sp,pbReflStack sub pbReflStack,2 * CB_STKFRAME ;adjust pointer to next stack frame FIX_STACK DEBUG_TRACE_RM DBGTR_STACKPTR, pbReflStack, 0, 0 push ax ;save CallBackTable pointer SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP mov ax,bx ;save bx in ax pop bx ;CallBackTable pointer to bx ; Store current registers into Client register frame .386p push edi les edi,fword ptr [bx].PM_Client_Frame assume es:NOTHING pop dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_DI push bx mov bx,ax mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_BX,ebx pop bx mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_CX,ecx mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_DX,edx mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_SI,esi mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_BP,ebp mov ax,regUserAX mov dword ptr es:[di].RealMode_AX,eax .286p mov ax,regUserDS mov es:[di].REalMode_DS,ax mov ax,regUserES mov es:[di].RealMode_ES,ax mov dx,regUserSS ;keep real mode SS in DX mov es:[di].RealMode_SS,dx mov si,regUserSP ; and rMode SP in SI mov es:[di].RealMode_SP,si mov ax,regUserFL mov es:[di].RealMode_Flags,ax ; Map a selector to the real mode stack segment call AllocateLDTSelector jnc @f mov ax,SEL_USERSCR or STD_TBL_RING ;use a scratch if can't alloc @@: push ax ;save selector on our stack push bx ;save CallBackTable entry pointer call ParaToLinear ;convert SS in DX to BX:DX lma mov cx,-1 cCall NSetSegmentDscr, pop bx ; Build an IRET frame on the stack for the pMode routine to return to us .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz rmcbh10 pushfd sub sp,2 push cs push dword ptr (offset i31_CBret) jmp rmcbh20 .286p rmcbh10: pushf push cs push offset i31_CBret rmcbh20: ; Build a far ret frame to give control to user's Call-Back routine .386p push dword ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP+4 push dword ptr [bx].PM_CS_IP ; Do final register setups, and give control to pMode call-back routine mov ds,ax ;DS:SI -> real mode stack assume ds:NOTHING public PMCallBack PMCallBack: db 066h retf ;and away we go... .286p ; The pMode call-back routine returns here when finished i31_CBret: cld ;take no chances mov ds,selDgroupPM ;restore DGROUP addressability assume ds:DGROUP pop ax ;recover selector for RM stack seg and al,SELECTOR_INDEX ;clear ring/table bits cmp ax,SEL_USERSCR ;free the selector, unless it was jz @f ; a scratch selector call FreeSelector @@: ; Copy the returned register Client frame to our stack so we can access ; it from real mode sub sp,size Real_Mode_Call_Struc+2 mov si,sp push es ;ES:DI, DS:SI need to be reversed mov es,selDgroupPM ; for rep movs assume es:DGROUP pop ds assume ds:NOTHING .386p push ecx xor ecx,ecx .286p mov cx,(size Real_Mode_Call_Struc) / 2 .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz rmcbh80 push si xor esi,esi pop si xchg esi,edi rep movs word ptr [esi], word ptr [edi] jmp rmcbh90 .386p rmcbh80: xchg si, di rep movsw rmcbh90: .386p pop ecx .286p push es ;everybody assumes ds=dgroup pop ds assume ds:DGROUP ; Switch to real mode, and switch to user specified stack SwitchToRealMode ;leaves ints disabled assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP mov bx,sp ;use bx as ptr to client reg frame CHECK_STACK mov ss,[bx].RealMode_SS mov sp,[bx].RealMode_SP ; Restore real mode registers as specified in client frame (all but DS & BX) .386p mov eax,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_AX mov ecx,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_CX mov edx,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DX mov esi,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_SI mov edi,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_DI mov ebp,dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BP .286p mov es,[bx].RealMode_ES assume es:NOTHING ; Build an IRET frame to return to specified CS:IP, and do it push [bx].RealMode_Flags push [bx].RealMode_CS push [bx].RealMode_IP push [bx].RealMode_DS ;last 2 regs to restore .386p push dword ptr [bx].RealMode_BX pop ebx .286p add pbReflStack,2 * CB_STKFRAME ;deallocate our stack frame pop ds iret ;finished! RMCallBackHook endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Memory Management Services page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h MEMORY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 05/00 -- Get Free Memory Information ; ; In: es:di -> 30h byte buffer ; Out: es:di -> Largest free block (in bytes) placed at ; start of caller's buffer ; Rest of buffer filled in with -1. assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_GetFreeMem i31_GetFreeMem proc near mov es,[bp].pmUserES ; Point to user buffer mov di,[bp].pmUserDI assume es:NOTHING FBOP BOP_DPMI, GetMemoryInformation, FastBop jmp i31_done i31_GetFreeMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 05/01 -- Allocate Memory Block ; ; In: bx:cx - size of block to allocate in bytes ; Out: successful, carry clear & ; bx:cx = linear memory address of block ; si:di = handle to block ; failed, carry set assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_AllocMem i31_AllocMem proc near mov bx,[bp].pmUserBX mov cx,[bp].pmUserCX mov dx, selPSPChild FBOP BOP_DPMI, AllocXmem, FastBop jnc @f jmp i31_fail_CY @@: mov [bp].intUserBX,bx mov [bp].intUserCX,cx mov [bp].intUserSI,si mov [bp].intUserDI,di jmp i31_Done i31_AllocMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 05/02 -- Free Memory Block ; ; In: si:di - 'handle' of block to free ; Out: successful, carry clear ; failed, carry set assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_FreeMem i31_FreeMem proc near mov si,[bp].pmUserSI mov di,[bp].pmUserDI FBOP BOP_DPMI, FreeXmem, FastBop jnc @f jmp i31_fail_CY @@: jmp i31_Done i31_FreeMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 05/03 -- Resize Memory Block ; ; In: bx:cx - new size of block to allocate in bytes ; si:di - 'handle' of block to free ; Out: successful, carry clear & ; bx:cx = linear memory address of block ; si:di = handle to block ; failed, carry set assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_SizeMem i31_SizeMem proc near mov bx,[bp].pmUserBX mov cx,[bp].pmUserCX mov si,[bp].pmUserSI mov di,[bp].pmUserDI FBOP BOP_DPMI, ReallocXmem, FastBop jnc @f jmp i31_fail_CY @@: mov [bp].intUserBX,bx mov [bp].intUserCX,cx mov [bp].intUserSI,si mov [bp].intUserDI,di jmp i31_Done i31_SizeMem endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 09/00 -- Get and Disable Virtual Interrupt State ; 09/01 -- Get and Enable Virtual Interrupt State ; 09/02 -- Get Virtual Interrupt State ; ; In: none ; Out: AL = previous interrupt state assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_VirtualInt i31_VirtualInt proc near mov ah,byte ptr [bp].intUserFL+1 ;get/isolate user's IF in AH shr ah,1 and ah,1 cmp byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,Get_Int_State ;only getting state? jz @f ; yes, skip set mov al,byte ptr [bp].intUserAX ;get desired state shl al,1 ; move into IF position and byte ptr [bp].intUserFL+1,not 02h ;clr old IF bit or byte ptr [bp].intUserFL+1,al ; set desired @@: mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,ah ;return old state in user's AL jmp i31_done i31_VirtualInt endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Utility Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h UTILITY ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_Version -- Return Int 31h version information. ; ; In: none ; Out: ah - major version ; al - minor version ; bx - flags ; cl - processor type ; dh - master PIC base interrupt ; dl - slave PIC bas interrupt ; public i31_Version assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP i31_Version proc near mov [bp].intUserAX,I31VERSION mov [bp].intUserBX,I31FLAGS mov al,byte ptr idCpuType mov byte ptr [bp].intUserCX,al mov [bp].intUserDX,(I31MasterPIC SHL 8) OR I31SlavePIC jmp i31_done i31_Version endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_MemGetHeader -- Get selector to our header on a Int 31h allocated ; DOS memory block. ; ; In: DX - SELECTOR of block to get header of ; Out: ES - selector pointing to our header for block ; Uses: none public i31_MemGetHeader assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING i31_MemGetHeader proc near ; User wants to release block pointed to by selector in DX. Use a scratch ; selector to point 1 paragraph before that to make sure this is a block ; we allocated, and get some misc info push ax push bx push cx push dx mov ax,dx call GetSegmentAddress ;BX:DX -> user's data area sub dx,10h ;backup one paragraph sbb bx,0 mov cx,0fh mov ax,SEL_SCR0 or STD_TBL_RING cCall NSetSegmentDscr, mov es,ax pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret i31_MemGetHeader endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RZCall -- Utility routine to call a Ring ; Zero procedure. Stack parameter is the NEAR ; address of the routine in the DXPMCODE segment to ; call. The called routine must be declared FAR ; and take no stack parameters. ; ; USES: Whatever Ring 0 routine uses ; +Flags ; RETURNS: Whatever Ring 0 routine returns ; ; NOTE: Assumes that interrupts must be disabled ; for the Ring 0 routine. ; ; History: ; 12-Feb-1991 -- ERH wrote it!!! ; ------------------------------------------------------- My_Call_Gate dd (SEL_SCR0 or STD_TBL_RING) shl 10h public RZCall RZCall proc near pushf FCLI push bp mov bp,sp cCall NSetSegmentDscr, pop bp call dword ptr My_Call_Gate cCall NSetSegmentDscr, npopf retn 2 RZCall endp ife NO386 i31_Debug_Register_Access proc near or byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 ;set carry flag cmp idCpuType,3 ;at least 386? jb i31_Debug_Register_Access_Done ;No. IFNDEF WOW_x86 push offset DXPMCODE:I31_Win386_Call call RZCall ELSE call far ptr I31_Win386_Call ENDIF i31_Debug_Register_Access_Done: jmp i31_exit i31_Debug_Register_Access endp .386 ;****************************************************************************** ; ; I31_Win386_Call ; ; The routine to implement the INT 31h debug register functions is copied ; directly from the WIN386 routine in vmm/int31.asm. This routine sets ; up the 386 registers so that the actual API is callable from the 16-bit ; DOS Extender. ; ;****************************************************************************** I31_Win386_Call proc far ; Called via ring-transition call gate ; ; Save 386 extended registers that are used by the WIN386 code. ; pushad ; ; Call the actual routine ; movzx ebp,bp call I31_Debug_Register_Support ; ; Restore 386 extended registers that are used by the WIN386 code. ; popad ret I31_Win386_Call endp DXPMCODE ends ;****************************************************************************** ; R E C O R D S ;****************************************************************************** ; ; The following record defines the debug status register. ; DBG6 RECORD d6_r1:16,d6_bt:1,d6_bs:1,d6_bd:1,d6_r2:9,d6_b3:1,d6_b2:1,d6_b1:1,d6_b0:1 DBG6_RESERVED EQU (MASK d6_r1) OR (MASK D6_r2) ; ; The following record defines the debug control register. ; DBG7 RECORD d7_ln3:2,d7_rw3:2,d7_ln2:2,d7_rw2:2,d7_ln1:2,d7_rw1:2,d7_ln0:2,d7_rw0:2,d7_rs:6,d7_ge:1,d7_le:1,d7_g3:1,d7_l3:1,d7_g2:1,d7_l2:1,d7_g1:1,d7_l1:1,d7_g0:1,d7_l0:1 DBG7_RESERVED EQU (MASK d7_rs) Num_Watchpoints EQU 4 ; Only 4 live watchpoints in 386, 486. ;****************************************************************************** ; m a c r o s ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; ; The following set of macros allows us to copy WIN386 code directly ; ;****************************************************************************** BeginProc macro fname fname proc near endm EndProc macro fname fname endp endm Assert_Client_Ptr macro dummy endm Client_Flags equ intUserFL Client_EAX equ intUserAX Client_AX equ intUserAX Client_BX equ intUserBX Client_CX equ intUserCX Client_DX equ intUserDX CF_MASK equ 1 OFFSET32 equ ;****************************************************************************** ; d a t a ;****************************************************************************** DXDATA segment PUBLIC Debug_Regs ; ; A memory image of the debug registers. The first version assumes ; that we have complete control over the debug registers, so only ; one copy is needed. ; ALIGN DWORD Debug_Regs LABEL DWORD DD_DR0 dd 0 DD_DR1 dd 0 DD_DR2 dd 0 DD_DR3 dd 0 DD_DR6 dd 0 DD_DR7 dd 0 DXDATA ends .386p DXPMCODE segment ;****************************************************************************** ; ; I31_Debug_Register_Support ; ; ENTRY: AL = Function code ; 01 -- Set debug watchpoint ; BX:CX = linear address of watchpoint ; DL = size of watchpoint (1, 2, or 4) ; DH = type of watchpoint ; 0 = Execute ; 1 = Write ; 2 = Read/Write ; ; Returns ; BX = debug watchpoint handle ; ; 02 -- Clear debug watchpoint ; ; 03 -- Get state of debug watchpoint ; Returns ; AX = bit 0 set if watch point has been executed ; ; 04 -- Reset debug watchpoint ; ; EXIT: Carry clear in client flags if successful ; Carry set in client flags if not ; ; USES: EDI, EAX, ECX, EDX, ESI ; ; History: ; 08-Feb-1991 -- ERH wrote it. ; ;****************************************************************************** BeginProc I31_Debug_Register_Support IFNDEF WOW_x86 call Store_DBG_Regs ; make copy of debug regs. ENDIF test [DD_DR6],MASK d6_bd jnz DD_I31_Error ; ICE-386 is active! and [ebp.Client_Flags],NOT CF_MASK mov eax, dword ptr [ebp.Client_EAX] cmp al, 03h ja DD_I31_Error je DD_I31_Reset_Watchpoint cmp al, 01h ja DD_I31_Get_Status je DD_I31_Clear_Watchpoint ; ; Function AX = 0A00h -- Set Debug Watchpoint ; PUBLIC DD_I31_Set_Watchpoint DD_I31_Set_Watchpoint: xor ecx, ecx mov edx,(MASK d7_l0) OR (MASK d7_g0); EDX = DR0 enable bits DD_I31_Search_Loop: ; ; Look for an unused breakpoint. In order for a breakpoint to be ; unused, the corresponding global and local enable bits must be clear. ; test [DD_DR7],edx jz SHORT DD_I31_SW_Found_One DD_I31_SkipIt: shl edx,2 ; EDX = next BP's enable bits inc ecx cmp ecx, Num_Watchpoints jb DD_I31_Search_Loop jmp DD_I31_Error DD_I31_SW_Found_One: mov esi, OFFSET32 Debug_Regs mov eax,ecx shl eax,2 add esi,eax ; ESI -> BP address buffer mov ax, [ebp.Client_BX] shl eax, 16 mov ax, [ebp.Client_CX] ; EAX = linear address mov dword ptr [esi],eax ; record address or [DD_DR7],edx ; enable the break point mov edx,NOT((MASK d7_ln0) OR (MASK d7_rw0)) shl cl,2 rol edx,cl shr cl,2 and [DD_DR7],edx ; clear type and size bits ; ; Client_DX = ; DH = 0 : execute ; DH = 1 : write ; DH = 2 : read/write ; ; DL = 1 : byte ; DL = 2 : word ; DL = 4 : dword ; movzx edx,[ebp.Client_DX] ; load BP size and type cmp dh,0 ; execute? jne SHORT @F ; no mov dl,1 ; yes, force size zero @@: cmp dl,4 ; check for valid values ja DD_I31_Error ; size in dl is 1, 2, or 4 cmp dl,3 je DD_I31_Error dec dl ; DL = 0, 1, or 3 for DR7 js DD_I31_Error ; len field cmp dh,2 ; type in dh is 0, 1, or 2 ja DD_I31_Error jne SHORT @F inc dh ; 386 wants 3, not 2 @@: ; DH = RWn field shl dl,2 or dl,dh xor dh,dh shl edx,d7_rw0 shl cl,2 shl edx,cl or [DD_DR7],edx ; set size, type shr cl,2 mov edx,NOT (MASK d6_b0) ; clear triggered bit rol edx,cl ; EDX = mask to clear hit and [DD_DR6],edx ; clear triggered bit mov [ebp.Client_BX],cx ; return address register ; number as BP handle or [DD_DR7],(MASK d7_ge) OR (MASK d7_le) ; enable debugging call Load_DBG_Regs ; load changes into debug registers ret ; ; Function AX = 0A01h -- Clear Debug Watchpoint ; ; Error if Watchpoint not previously set. In that case, do nothing. ; If Watchpoint was set, then clear enable bits, triggered bit, and ; breakpoint address. ; PUBLIC DD_I31_Clear_Watchpoint DD_I31_Clear_Watchpoint: movzx ecx,[ebp.Client_BX] cmp ecx, Num_Watchpoints jnb DD_I31_Error mov edx,(MASK d7_l0) OR (MASK d7_g0); EDX = enable DR0 mask shl edx,cl shl edx,cl ; EDX = enable DRn mask test [DD_DR7],edx ; BP set? jz DD_I31_Error ; No, error. not edx and [DD_DR7],edx ; disable the BP mov edx,NOT (MASK d6_b0) ; EDX = DR0 not hit rol edx,cl ; EDX = DRn not hit and [DD_DR6],edx ; clear triggered bit mov esi, OFFSET32 Debug_Regs ; ESI -> DRn table shl ecx,2 ; ECX = DWORD offset add esi,ecx ; ESI -> DRn mov dword ptr [esi],0 ; clear address mov edx,NOT((MASK d7_ln0) OR (MASK d7_rw0)) rol edx,cl and [DD_DR7],edx ; ; Test whether this leaves any breakpoints active. If not, disable ; the exact match condition. Note: the following is a long line. ; test [DD_DR7],(MASK d7_g3) OR (MASK d7_l3) OR (MASK d7_g2) OR (MASK d7_l2) OR (MASK d7_g1) OR (MASK d7_l1) OR (MASK d7_g0) OR (MASK d7_l0) jne SHORT @F and [DD_DR7],NOT ((MASK d7_ge) OR (MASK d7_le)) @@: call Load_DBG_Regs ; load changes into debug registers ret ; ; Function AX = 0A02h -- Get Status of Debug Watchpoint ; PUBLIC DD_I31_Get_Status DD_I31_Get_Status: movzx ecx,[ebp.Client_BX] cmp ecx, Num_Watchpoints jnb SHORT DD_I31_Error mov edx,(MASK d7_g0) OR (MASK d7_l0); EDX = DR0 enable bits shl edx,cl shl edx,cl ; EDX = DRn enable bits test [DD_DR7],edx ; DRn enabled? jz SHORT DD_I31_Error ; No, error. mov edx,MASK d6_b0 ; EDX = DR0 hit mask shl edx,cl ; EDX = DRn hit mask xor eax,eax test [DD_DR6],edx ; DRn hit? jne SHORT @F ; no inc al ; yes, store result @@: mov [ebp.Client_AX],ax ret ; ; Function AX = 0A03h -- Reset Debug Watchpoint ; PUBLIC DD_I31_Reset_Watchpoint DD_I31_Reset_Watchpoint: movzx ecx,[ebp.Client_BX] cmp ecx, Num_Watchpoints jnb SHORT DD_I31_Error mov edx,(MASK d7_g0) OR (MASK d7_l0); EDX = DR0 enable bits shl edx,cl shl edx,cl ; EDX = DRn enable bits test [DD_DR7],edx ; DRn enabled? jz SHORT DD_I31_Error ; No, error. mov edx,NOT (MASK d6_b0) ; EDX = DR0 hit mask rol edx,cl ; EDX = DRn hit mask and [DD_DR6],edx ; clear triggered bit call Load_DBG_Regs ; load changes into debug registers ret DD_I31_Error: Assert_Client_Ptr ebp or [ebp.Client_Flags], CF_Mask ret EndProc I31_Debug_Register_Support ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Load_DBG_Regs - Load debug registers from memory. ; Do not change undefined bits. ; ; ENTRY: NONE ; EXIT: Memory image copied to debug registers, undefined bits unchanged. ; USES: eax, ecx, edi, esi ; ;****************************************************************************** BeginProc Load_DBG_Regs mov esi,OFFSET32 Debug_Regs DPMIBOP SetDebugRegisters jnc short ldr_exit cld xor eax, eax mov ecx, 6 mov edi, OFFSET32 Debug_Regs rep stosd ;clear local copy ldr_exit: ret EndProc Load_DBG_Regs ; ------------------------------------------------------- IFNDEF WOW_x86 ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Load_DBG_Regs - Load debug registers from memory. ; Do not change undefined bits. ; ; ENTRY: NONE ; EXIT: Memory image copied to debug registers, undefined bits unchanged. ; USES: NONE ; ;****************************************************************************** BeginProc Load_DBG_Regs push esi push edx push eax cld mov esi,OFFSET32 Debug_Regs lods dword ptr ds:[esi] mov dr0, eax lods dword ptr ds:[esi] mov dr1, eax lods dword ptr ds:[esi] mov dr2, eax lods dword ptr ds:[esi] mov dr3, eax lods dword ptr ds:[esi] and eax,NOT DBG6_RESERVED mov edx,dr6 and edx,DBG6_RESERVED or eax,edx mov dr6, eax .ERRNZ dd_dr6 - dd_dr3 - 4 lods dword ptr ds:[esi] and eax,NOT DBG7_RESERVED mov edx,dr7 and edx,DBG7_RESERVED or eax,edx mov dr7, eax pop eax pop edx pop esi ret EndProc Load_DBG_Regs ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Store_DBG_Regs - Copy debug registers to memory. ; ; ENTRY: NONE ; EXIT: Debug registers copied to memory image. ; Undefined bits = don't care. ; USES: NONE ; ;****************************************************************************** BeginProc Store_DBG_Regs push eax push edi cld mov edi,OFFSET32 Debug_Regs mov eax, dr0 stos dword ptr es:[edi] mov eax, dr1 stos dword ptr es:[edi] mov eax, dr2 stos dword ptr es:[edi] mov eax, dr3 stos dword ptr es:[edi] mov eax, dr6 .ERRNZ dd_dr6 - dd_dr3 - 4 stos dword ptr es:[edi] mov eax, dr7 stos dword ptr es:[edi] pop edi pop eax ret EndProc Store_DBG_Regs ENDIF ; WOW_x86 ; ------------------------------------------------------- endif ; NO386 ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 31h Raw Modeswitch Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 31h Raw Modeswitch Routines ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_GetSaveRestoreState -- Return Int 31h Save/Restore State addresses. ; ; In: none ; Out: ax - size of buffer required to save state ; bx:cx - real mode address used to save/restore state ; si:di - protected mode address used to save/restore state ; public i31_GetStateSaveRestore assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP i31_GetStateSaveRestore proc near mov [bp].intUserAX,0 push es push SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING pop es assume es:DXCODE mov ax,segDXCode pop es assume es:DGROUP mov [bp].intUserBX,ax mov [bp].intUserCX,offset DXCODE:RmSaveRestoreState mov [bp].intUserSI,SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz gssr10 mov edi,dword ptr (offset DXPMCODE:PmSaveRestoreState) gssr10: mov [bp].intUserDI,offset DXPMCODE:PmSaveRestoreState jmp i31_done i31_GetStateSaveRestore endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; i31_GetRawModeSwitch -- Return Int 31h Save/Restore State addresses. ; ; In: none ; Out: bx:cx - real -> protected mode switch address ; si:di - protected -> real mode switch address ; public i31_GetRawModeSwitch assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP i31_GetRawModeSwitch proc near push es push SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING pop es assume es:DXCODE mov ax,segDXCode pop es assume es:DGROUP mov [bp].intUserBX,ax mov [bp].intUserCX,offset DXCODE:RmRawModeSwitch mov [bp].intUserSI,SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz grms10 mov edi,dword ptr (offset DXPMCODE:PmRawModeSwitch) grms10: mov [bp].intUserDI,offset DXPMCODE:PmRawModeSwitch jmp i31_done i31_GetRawModeSwitch endp ; ; make sure 286 protect mode else code generated for mips will be wrong. ; .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 04/f1 - Allocate Space in LDT for Selector (WOW only) ; Don't initialize the descriptor to Zero. ; in: cx - # selectors required ; out: ax - *index* of first selector assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_WOW_AllocSel i31_WOW_AllocSel proc near cmp cx,1 ;1 selector or more? ja @f call AllocateSelector ;allocate 1 selector jc i31_WOW_15 jmp short i31_WOW_10 @@: mov ax,cx ;WOW, cx != 0, allocate from higher range call AllocateSelectorBlock ;allocate a block of selectors jc i31_WOW_15 i31_WOW_10: or al,STD_TBL_RING ;add standard table/ring bits mov [bp].intUserAX,ax ;return 1st/only selector in AX jmp i31_done i31_WOW_15: jmp i31_fail ;fail the request i31_WOW_AllocSel endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 04/f2 - Set Descriptor (WOW only) ; in: bx - selector ; cx - number of contiguous selectors assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_WOW_SetDescriptor i31_WOW_SetDescriptor proc near mov ax,selGDT mov es,ax assume es:NOTHING lsl ax,ax and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX ; input selector cmp bx,ax ; range-test selector against jc @F ; the limit of the GDT/LDT jmp i31_fail_CY @@: cCall NWOWSetDescriptor, jmp i31_done i31_WOW_SetDescriptor endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Service 04/f3 - Set Descriptor (WOW only) ; in: bx:dx -- pointer to low memory allocation routine ; si:di -- pointer to low memory free routine assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public i31_WOW_SetAllocFunctions i31_WOW_SetAllocFunctions proc near mov word ptr [LowMemAllocFn],dx mov word ptr [LowMemAllocFn + 2],bx mov word ptr [LowMemFreeFn],di mov word ptr [LowMemFreeFn + 2], si jmp i31_done i31_WOW_SetAllocFunctions endp DXPMCODE ends ;**************************************************************** end