PAGE ,132 TITLE DXUTIL.ASM -- Dos Extender Miscellaneous Routines ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* DXUTIL.ASM - Dos Extender Miscellaneous * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* Module Description: * ;* * ;* This module contains miscellaneous routines for the Dos * ;* Extender. * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* Revision History: * ;* * ;* 08/08/90 earleh DOSX and client privilege ring determined * ;* by equate in * ;* 04/09/90 jimmat If 286 with 287, put 287 into pMode too. * ;* 08/20/89 jimmat Removed local A20 code since HIMEM 2.07 * ;* works properly across processor resets * ;* 07/28/89 jimmat Added A20 check/set routines, added * ;* SelOff2SegOff & Lma2SegOff routines. * ;* 06/19/89 jimmat Set direction flag before REP MOVS * ;* 05/25/89 jimmat Added GetSegmentAccess routine * ;* 03/30/89 jimmat Set IOPL = 3 when entering protect mode * ;* 03/16/89 jimmat Added more debug sanity checks * ;* 03/15/89 jimmat Minor changes to run child in ring 1 * ;* 03/13/89 jimmat Added support for LDT & TSS * ;* 02/10/89 (GeneA): changed Dos Extender from small model to * ;* medium model. Also added MoveMemBlock function. * ;* 01/25/89 (GeneA): changed initialization of real mode code * ;* segment address in EnterRealMode. caused by adding * ;* new method of relocationg dos extender for PM operation * ;* 12/13/88 (GeneA): moved EnterProtectedMode and EnterReal- * ;* Mode here from dxinit.asm * ;* 09/16/88 (GeneA): created by extracting code from the * ;* SST debugger modules DOSXTND.ASM, VIRTMD.ASM, * ;* VRTUTIL.ASM, and INTERRPT.ASM * ;* 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI * ;* 24-Jan-1992 v-simonf Added WOW callout when INT 8 hooked * ;* * ;**************************************************************** .286p .287 ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; .sall ; .xlist include include include include if VCPI include endif IFDEF ROM include ENDIF include .list ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- SHUT_DOWN = 8Fh ;address in CMOS ram of the shutdown code CMOS_ADDR = 70h ;i/o address of the cmos ram address register CMOS_DATA = 71h ;i/o address of the cmos ram data register DMAServiceSegment equ 040h ;40:7B bit 5 indicates DMA services DMAServiceByte equ 07Bh ; are currently required DMAServiceBit equ 020h ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXDATA segment extrn segGDT:WORD extrn segIDT:WORD extrn selGDT:WORD extrn selIDT:WORD extrn selGDTFree:WORD extrn selEHStack:WORD, npEHStackLimit:WORD extrn bpGDT:FWORD extrn bpIDT:FWORD extrn bpRmIVT:FWORD extrn idCpuType:WORD extrn rgbXfrBuf1:BYTE extrn i31HWReset:BYTE ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT extrn fHPVectra:BYTE endif extrn PMFaultVector:DWORD extrn lpfnXMSFunc:DWORD extrn PMInt24Handler:DWORD if VCPI extrn fVCPI:BYTE endif IFDEF ROM extrn segDXCode:WORD extrn segDXData:WORD ENDIF extrn pbReflStack:WORD bIntMask db 0 bpBogusIDT df 0 ;This is loaded into the IDT register to ; force a bogus IDT to be defined. When we ; then do an interrupt a triple fault will ; occur forcing the processor to reset. This ; is when doing a mode switch to real mode. IDTSaveArea dw 3 DUP (?) ;save area for IDT during mode switch public A20EnableCount A20EnableCount dw 0 ShutDownSP dw 0 ;stack pointer during 286 reset public f286_287 f286_287 db 0 ;NZ if this is a 286 with 287 coprocessor EXTRN FasterModeSwitch:WORD if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ extrn fTraceA20:WORD extrn fTraceMode:WORD public fA20 fA20 db 0 endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- selPmodeFS dw 0 selPmodeGS dw 0 public HighestSel HighestSel dw 0 ifndef WOW_x86 public IretBopTable IretBopTable label byte irp x,<0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15> db 0c4h, 0c4h, 05dh, x endm else public FastBop FastBop df 0 IretBopTable label byte irp x,<0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15> db 02eh, 066h, 0FFh, 01eh, 00h, 00h, 05dh, x endm NullSel dd 0 dd 0 endif extrn DpmiFlags:WORD DXDATA ends ifndef WOW_x86 DXSTACK segment extrn rgw0Stack:WORD DXSTACK ends endif ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment IFNDEF ROM extrn segDXData:WORD extrn segDXCode:WORD extrn selDgroup:WORD ENDIF if VCPI extrn fnVCPI:FWORD EXTRN laVTP:DWORD endif DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment extrn selDgroupPM:WORD DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl Real/Protected Mode Switch Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; REAL/PROTECTED MODE SWITCH ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; EnterProtectedMode -- This routine will switch the processor ; into protected mode. It will return with the processor ; in protected mode and all of the segment registers loaded ; with the selectors for the protected mode segments. ; (CS with the selector for DXCODE and DS,ES,SS with the ; selector for DXDATA) ; It will also switch mode dependent memory variables. ; It assumes that InitGlobalDscrTable and InitIntrDscrTable ; have been called to set up the descriptor tables appropriately. ; ; Note: Except for a very brief time in this routine and in ; EnterRealMode, the DOS Extender runs in the same ring along ; with it's child app. This has the benefit of eliminating ; ring transitions on hardware and software interrupts. ; It also makes it possible for the child to hook their ; own interrupt routine into the IDT. ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: AX, DS, ES, SS, CS modified, all others preserved ; ; NOTE: This routine turns interrupts of and does not turn them ; back on. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public EnterProtectedMode EnterProtectedMode proc near FCLI IFNDEF ROM ; Update the mode dependent variables. mov ax,SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING mov selDgroup,ax ENDIF ; Set the DMA services required bit for pMode users. mov ax,DMAServiceSegment mov es,ax or byte ptr es:[DMAServiceByte],DMAServiceBit if VCPI cmp fVCPI,0 ;if vcpi, don't touch jne epmVCPIstart ; the a20 line, et al endif ; 'local enable' the A20 line via HIMEM before switching to pMode. ; This is more complicated than you might think. Some real mode code ; (like old versions of SMARTDRV.SYS) may diddle with A20 on their own. ; These programs may not want us to change A20 on them. RMIntrReflector ; may do a XMS 'local enable' to turn A20 back on for one of these pgms. ; Also, on a 386 where we actually do the mode switch, we try to leave ; A20 enabled so as to not waste time diddling for nothing. The ; A20EnabledCount variable tracks if we've 'local enabled' A20 or not. ; Since we can't really trust real mode to leave A20 alone, we double ; check that it's really really on when we think it should be. push bx ;save bx around XMS calls cmp A20EnableCount,0 ;should A20 already be enabled? jz enpm10 ; no, (normal 4 286) just go enable it xmssvc 7 ; yes, is it really enabled? or ax,ax jnz enpm15 ; yes, we be done! if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ or fA20,1 ; somebody done us wrong endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------- xmssvc 6 ;keep enable/disable calls balanced dec A20EnableCount enpm10: xmssvc 5 ;local enable A20 inc A20EnableCount if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ or ax,ax jnz @f or fA20,2 ;enable failed! @@: cmp fTraceA20,0 jz @f xmssvc 7 ;in debug mode, make double sure or ax,ax ; A20 was enabled. Slows things jnz @f ; down, but it's better to know. or fA20,2 @@: endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- enpm15: pop bx ifndef WOW_x86 ; Make sure that the nested task flag is clear pushf pop ax and ax,NOT 4000h push ax npopf ; Make sure that we have the appropriate descriptor tables in effect, ; and switch the machine into protected mode enpr20: smsw ax ;get current machine state or ax,1 ;set the protected mode bit lgdt bpGDT lidt bpIDT lmsw ax ;and away we go ; Flush the instruction queue and load the code segment selector ; by doing a far jump. db 0EAh ;jump far opcode dw offset enpm40 ;offset of far pointer dw SEL_DXCODE0 ;selector part of PM far pointer (ring 0) if VCPI ; Switch when we are under VCPI epmVCPIstart: .386 push esi ;save regs modified by VCPI server push eax ; (saving high word of EAX) push bp ;save bp on stack & sp in bp mov bp,sp mov esi, laVTP ;linear address of structure RMvcpi vcpiSWITCHTOPM ;go for it ; Entry point (PM) when running under vcpi PUBLIC epmVCPI epmVCPI: mov ax,SEL_DXDATA0 ;stack has gotta be ring 0 mov ss,ax mov sp,bp ;restore sp pop bp ;restore old bp pop eax ;restore regs that VCPI server may have zapped pop esi .286p mov ax,SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING mov ds,ax ;ds to our DGROUP mov es,ax ;es too jmp short enpmSwitchRing ;rejoin common code endif ; Load the other segment registers with valid selectors (not under VCPI) enpm40: mov ax,SEL_DXDATA0 ;stack has gotta be ring 0 also mov ss,ax ; Load the LDT register and the Task Register mov ax,SEL_LDT lldt ax ;load the LDT register mov ax,SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING mov ds,ax ;ds to our DGROUP mov ax,SEL_GDT mov es,ax ;es to GDT push si ;make sure busy bit is off mov si,SEL_TSS ; in the TSS descriptor mov es:[si].arbSegAccess,STD_TSS ; before trying to load it ltr si ;now load the task register pop si else .386p push ebp if 0 movzx ebp,sp else mov ebp,esp endif push SEL_DXCODE or STD_RING ; new cs push 0 ; high half eip push offset epmwow ; new eip push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING ; new ss push ebp push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING ; new ds DPMIBOP DPMISwitchToProtectedMode epmwow: pop ebp .286p endif push ds ;point es to DGROUP pop es ; If this is a 286 machine with a 287 math coprocessor, put the coprocessor ; into protected mode also. cmp f286_287,0 ;286 and 287? jz @f xor al,al ; yup, clear co-processor busy line out 0F0h,al fsetpm ; and put it in pMode @@: ; We're currently running in ring 0. Setup an interlevel iret frame ; to switch to our normal ring, and also force IOPL=3. I spent 1+ day ; debugging on a 286 system (with no debugger!) because the 286 seemed ; switch into protected mode with IOPL=0, and once we got to an outer ; ring, we would fault on things like CLI instructions. enpmSwitchRing: ifndef WOW_x86 mov ax,sp ;still points to return address push SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING ;new ss push ax ;new sp pushf pop ax or ah,30h push ax ;new flags, with IOPL=3 push SEL_DXCODE or STD_RING ;new cs push offset DXCODE:epm_ret ;new ip iret endif ; When we get here, we are now in an outer ring. epm_ret: cmp idCpuType, 3 jc SegRegsOK .386 mov ax, selPmodeFS mov fs, ax mov ax, selPmodeGS mov gs, ax .286p SegRegsOK: if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ cmp fTraceMode,0 jz @f Trace_Out "^",x @@: if VCPI cmp fVCPI,0 jz @f jmp a20okay @@: endif ; VCPI cmp A20EnableCount,1 jz @f Debug_Out "EnterProtectedMode: A20EnableCount != 1" @@: cmp fTraceA20,0 jz a20okay test fA20,0FFh jz a20okay test fA20,01h jz @f Trace_Out "EPM: A20 was wrong!" @@: test fA20,02h jz @f Trace_Out "EPM: A20 enable failed!" @@: test fA20,04h jz @f Trace_Out "rM2pMInt: A20 was on" @@: mov fA20,0 a20okay: endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- ret ;near return to caller in pMode EnterProtectedMode endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EnterRealMode -- This routine will switch the processor ; from protected mode back into real mode. It will also ; reset the various mode dependent variables to their ; real mode values and load the segment registers with ; the real mode segment addresses. ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: AX, DS, ES, SS, CS modified ; ; NOTE: This routine must be called with the stack segment set ; to the Dos Extender data segment, as it resets the stack ; segment register to the Dos Extender real mode data segment ; but does not modify the stack pointer. ; NOTE: This routine turns interrupts off and and does not turn ; them back on. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public EnterRealMode EnterRealMode proc near if DEBUG ;-------------------------------------------------------- cmp fTraceMode,0 jz @f Trace_Out "v",x @@: endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------- cmp idCpuType,3 jc RegsOkay .386 mov ax,fs mov selPmodeFS, ax mov ax,gs mov selPmodeGS, ax RegsOkay: .286p FCLI IFDEF ROM push ds pop es ELSE mov es,selDgroup ENDIF IFNDEF WOW_x86 ; If we are running on an 80386, we can do the switch more efficiently. cmp idCpuType,3 ;80386? jc enrm20 ; We're on an 386 (or better)--do a faster mode switch. Call a ring 0 proc ; to actually do the switch. The call gate has been setup to select either ; the roll-our-own 386 switch, or the VCPI switch. enrm10: db 9Ah ;call far SEL_RESET:0 dw 0,SEL_RESET or STD_RING ; The Reset386 routine does a near return (cause the far CS on the stack ; is for protected mode, and it returns in real mode). Discard the PM ; CS value. pop ax ;discard old PM CS from stack ; The transition to the ring 0 procedure caused a stack switch. The return ; back to here (in real mode) didn't restore the old stack, so do it now... pop sp ;restore previous sp offset jmp enrm70 ;jmp to common exit code ; On the 80286, it is a lot more complicated. The PC BIOS start up code ; will check some special locations in the BIOS data segment to see if the ; machine was reset because it wants to do a mode switch. If this is the ; case, it will restore the machine state from these variables and return ; to the original process. We need to set up the state so that the BIOS ; will return control to us, and then generate a reset. The reset is ; generated by causing the machine to triple fault. This is an undocumented ; feature (i.e. bug) in the '286. enrm20: ; Set up the stack for the BIOS to use after the reset. cmp [FasterModeSwitch],0 jne enrm21 pushf ;Push an IRET type return address of where ; we want to come back to after the reset push segDXCode push offset enrm50 enrm21: mov ax,segDXData ;Our real mode data segment address IFNDEF ROM ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT test fHPVectra,HP_CLASSIC ;HP Vectra A & A+ systems have a bug jz enrm25 ; in their rom that requires a ; different stack setup push 0 ;HP Vectra A & A+ trashes this push ax ;real mode data seg pusha push ax ;es? jmp short enrm30 enrm25: endif ENDIF pusha ;The BIOS will do a POPA, so put all of the ; registers on the stack for it. push ax ;It will also pop these into ES and DS push ax enrm30: push SEL_BIOSDATA ;BIOS data segment selector pop es assume es:BIOS_DATA cmp [FasterModeSwitch],0 jne enrm31 ; Tell the BIOS where the stack is. mov IO_ROM_SEG,ax ;Set up the address of the stack for the mov IO_ROM_INIT,sp ; BIOS to use after the reset jmp enrm32 enrm31: ; Tell the BIOS where to transfer control. mov bx,segDXCode mov IO_ROM_SEG,bx mov IO_ROM_INIT,offset DXCODE:enrm45 mov ShutDownSP,sp ;save stack pointer in data seg enrm32: ; IDT save/restore taken from OS/2 mode switching code... ; ; Now preserve three words of the vector table at 03FAh ; so we can restore it after the mode switch. The ROM ; trashes the top three words of the real mode IDT by ; putting a stack at 30:100. push ds pop es push SEL_RMIVT or STD_RING ;address real mode IDT pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:DGROUP MOV SI,03FAH ;BIOS will pop regs, so MOV DI,OFFSET DGROUP:IDTSaveArea ; we don't need to save CLD ; them here MOVSW MOVSW MOVSW push es pop ds assume ds:DGROUP ; Write the shutdown type code into the CMOS ram. Code 9 causes the BIOS ; to load SS:SP from IO_ROM_SEG:IO_ROM_INIT, restore the registers and then ; do an IRET. Code 0Ah loads a CS:IP and jumps to it. mov al,SHUT_DOWN out CMOS_ADDR,al mov al,9 cmp [FasterModeSwitch],0 je enrm33 mov al,0ah enrm33: out CMOS_DATA,al ; Shut out all interrupts while we are resetting the processor. in al,INTA01 mov bIntMask,al mov al,0FFh out INTA01,al ; Now, force a reset by causing a triple fault. We do this via a far call ; to a call gate. The ring 0 procedure (Reset286) then loads the IDT ; register with a bogus IDT and does an INT 3. This causes the infamous ; "triple fault" which resets the processor. db 9Ah ;call far SEL_RESET:0 dw 0,SEL_RESET or STD_RING ; After the BIOS has finished its reset processing, control will come back ; to here in real mode. We will be using the same stack as before, all ; regular registers have been preserved, and DS and ES contain the real mode ; address of DXDATA. enrm45: FCLI IFDEF ROM %OUT What stack is in use here? GetRMDataSeg mov ss,ax ELSE mov ss,segDXData ;restore our stack ENDIF mov sp,ss:ShutDownSP pop es ;restore registers from stack pop ds popa ; Reset processing is almost finished. We are using the same stack as ; before, all regular registers have been preserved, and DS and ES ; contain the real mode seg of DXDATA. assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,SS:DGROUP enrm50: FCLI if DEBUG lgdt bpGDT ;We need to do this so that DEB386 can still ; dump things after we switch to real mode. ;When we went through the reset for '286 we ; have trashed the GDTR in the cpu. endif ; Restore trashed interrupt vector area xor ax,ax ;address real mode IDT mov es,ax push si ;restore the three IDT words push di mov si,offset DGROUP:IDTSaveArea mov di,03FAh cld movsw movsw movsw pop di pop si push ds ;resotre es -> DXDATA pop es ; Restore the state of the interrupt mask register mov al,bIntMask out INTA01,al cmp [FasterModeSwitch],0 jne enrm51 ; Back in real mode, 'local disable' the A20 line via HIMEM. We only do ; this on a 286 'cause the BIOS has already turned off A20. The 'local ; disable' lets the XMS driver know A20 is off, and possibly causes it to ; actually enable A20 if someone loaded prior to DOSX (like a TSR) wanted ; A20 on. push bx xmssvc 6 dec A20EnableCount pop bx jmp enrm70 enrm51: ; Enable NMIs mov al,0Dh out CMOS_ADDR,al ; This is common exit code that is performed for both '386 and '286 ; processors. else ; WOW_x86 push SegDxCode push offset DXCODE:enrmwow push SegDxData push sp push SegDxData .386p FBOP BOP_SWITCHTOREALMODE,,FastBop .286p enrmwow: add sp,6 ; remove rest of parameters push ds pop es ; es not set by mode switch endif ; WOW_x86 enrm70: push es ;clear DMA services required mov ax,DMAServiceSegment ; bit for real mode mov es,ax and byte ptr es:[DMAServiceByte],not DMAServiceBit pop es IFNDEF ROM mov ax,segDXData mov selDgroup,ax ENDIF ret EnterRealMode endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Reset286 -- This procedure is called via a gate as ; part of the switch to real mode. Most of ; the DOS Extender runs in the child application's ; ring. The lidt instruction has to execute in ring 0. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public Reset286 Reset286 proc far ifndef KBD_RESET ;---------------------------------------- lidt bpBogusIDT ;Load up IDTR with 0 length IDT int 3 ;Interrupt thru interrupt table with 0 length ;Causes "triple fault" which resets the 286 else ;---------------------------------------- call Sync8042 mov al,0feh ; Send 0feh - system reset command out 64h,al @@: hlt jmp short @b endif ;---------------------------------------- Reset286 endp ifdef KBD_RESET ;---------------------------------------- Sync8042 proc near xor cx,cx S8InSync: in al,64h and al,2 loopnz S8InSync ret Sync8042 endp endif ;---------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Reset386 -- This procedure is called via a gate as ; part of the switch to real mode. Most of ; the DOS Extender runs in ring 1. This ; routine has a few ring 0 instructions. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public Reset386 Reset386 proc far .386p push dx push eax ;save high word of eax mov dx,segDXData ;get the real mode data segment mov eax,cr0 ;turn off protected mode bit and al,0FEh lidt fword ptr bpRmIVT ;Load real-mode IDT mov cr0,eax IFDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- extrn segRomDXCODE:ABS db 0EAh ;jmp far to purge prefetch queue dw r386_10 public lCodeSegLoc lCodeSegLoc label word dw segRomDXCODE ELSE ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- ; Note, the following far jmp has special dispensation to use a SEG DXCODE ; operand which would normally require a fixup. DOSX used to relocate its ; code for protected mode and plug the segment value in at lCodeSegLoc. It ; doesn't perform the relocation any longer, but debug only code still ; checks for fix ups that might require fix ups. It knows lCodeSegLoc is ok. db 0EAh ;jmp far to purge prefetch queue dw r386_10 public lCodeSegLoc lCodeSegLoc label word dw seg DXCODE ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- r386_10: mov ss,dx ;real mode data segment address mov ds,dx mov es,dx pop eax pop dx .286p ; We entered this routine via a far call, even though it was from code in ; the same segment. However, the CS value on the stack is a protected ; mode selector, not a real mode segment. Do a near return, the caller ; will pop off the PM CS value. retn ;NOTE: near return even though far call! Reset386 endp if VCPI ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ResetVCPI -- This procedure is called via a gate as ; part of the switch to real (V86) mode when ; running under a VCPI server. Most of ; the DOS Extender runs in the user code ring. This ; routine runs in ring 0. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public ResetVCPI ResetVCPI proc far .386p push eax ;save eax & edx for after switch push edx IFDEF ROM GetPMDataSeg movzx edx, ax ELSE movzx edx,segDXData ;real mode DGROUP segment ENDIF mov eax, esp ;save esp for stack frame of dosext push 0 ;gs begin frame for VCPI push 0 ;gs push 0 ;fs push 0 ;fs push edx ;ds push edx ;es push edx ;ss push eax ;esp push eax ;eflags reserved push 0 ;cs push cs:[lCodeSegLoc] ;cs push 0 ;eip (high) push offset DXCODE:retVCPI ;eip (low) mov ax, SEL_VCPIALLMEM ;setup ds to be mov ds, ax ; selector for all memory mov ax, vcpiSWITCHTOV86 call [fnVCPI] ;call the VCPI server ; Return point for pMode to V86 switch. The VCPI server sets up ; segment registers & stack pointer. retVCPI: pop edx ;restore eax & edx pop eax .286p ; We entered this routine via a far call, even though it was from code in ; the same segment. However, the CS value on the stack is a protected ; mode selector, not a real mode segment. Do a near return, the caller ; will pop off the PM CS value. retn ;NOTE: near return even though far call! ResetVCPI endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CallVCPI -- This procedure is invoked via a call gate in ; order to call the VCPI protected mode entry ; point in ring 0. Most of the DOS Extender ; runs in the user code ring, this routine runs in ring 0. ; ; Note: This routine requires DS to point to the DOSX ; DGROUP, not a parameter to VCPI! assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public CallVCPI CallVCPI proc far .386p call [fnVCPI] ;call the VCPI server .286p ret CallVCPI endp endif ;VCPI --------------------------------------------------------- public RmUnsimulateProc RmUnsimulateProc proc far BOP BOP_UNSIMULATE RmUnsimulateProc endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RAW MODE SWITCH ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; PmRawModeSwitch -- This routine performs a raw mode switch from ; protected mode to real mode. NOTE: applications will JUMP at this ; routine ; ; Input: ax - new DS ; cx - new ES ; dx - new SS ; bx - new sp ; si - new CS ; di - new ip ; Output: DS, ES, SS, sp, CS, ip contain new values ; Errors: none ; Uses: ; ; ; assume ds:nothing, ss:nothing, es:nothing public PmRawModeSwitch PmRawModeSwitch proc far push ss pop ds push bx .386p mov bx,ss movzx ebx,bx lar ebx,ebx test ebx,(AB_BIG SHL 8) mov ebx,esp jnz prms10 movzx ebx,bx prms10: .286p ; Switch to dosx stack (since switch to real mode will do that to us anyway ; NOTE: no-one can call EnterIntHandler or ExitIntHandler until we switch to ; the user's new stack. If they do, they will use the area we stored ; the parameters for this call for a stack frame rpushf FCLI push SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING pop ss assume ss:DGROUP .386p movzx esp,word ptr pbReflStack .286p ; Save user registers push dx ; ss .386p push word ptr [ebx] push word ptr [ebx - 2]; flags pushed before cli .286p push si ; cs push di ; ip push ax ; ds push cx ; es ; switch modes mov ax,SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING mov ds,ax SwitchToRealMode ; set the registers, switch stacks, and return to the user pop es pop ds pop ax ; ip pop bx ; cs pop cx ; flags pop si ; sp pop ss assume ss:nothing mov sp,si push cx popf push bx push ax ret PmRawModeSwitch endp ; NOTE: this is now the DXCODE segment, NOT the DXPMCODE segment (courtesy ; of SwitchToRealMode ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; RmRawModeSwitch -- This routine performs a raw mode switch from ; protected mode to real mode. NOTE: applications will JUMP at this ; routine ; ; Input: ax - new DS ; cx - new ES ; dx - new SS ; bx - new sp ; si - new CS ; di - new ip ; Output: DS, ES, SS, sp, CS, ip contain new values ; Errors: none ; Uses: ; ; ; assume ds:nothing, ss:nothing, es:nothing public RmRawModeSwitch RmRawModeSwitch proc far push ss pop ds push bx mov bx,sp ; Switch to dosx stack (since switch to real mode will do that to us anyway ; NOTE: no-one can call EnterIntHandler or ExitIntHandler until we switch to ; the user's new stack. If they do, they will use the area we stored ; the parameters for this call for a stack frame pushf FCLI push segDxData pop ss assume ss:DGROUP mov sp,pbReflStack ; Save user registers push dx ; ss push word ptr [bx] ; sp push word ptr [bx - 2] ; flags from before cli push si ; cs push di ; ip push ax ; ds push cx ; es ; switch modes mov ax,segDxData mov ds,ax SwitchToProtectedMode ; set the registers, switch stacks, and return to the user pop es pop ds .386p test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jnz rrms10 xor eax,eax ; clear high 16 bits xor edi,edi ; clear high 16 bits .286p rrms10: pop di ; ip pop ax ; cs pop cx ; flags from before cli pop bx ; sp assume ss:nothing pop ss .386p mov esp,ebx .286p push cx rpopf .386p push eax push edi db 066h retf .286p RmRawModeSwitch endp DXPMCODE ENDS DXCODE SEGMENT ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; STATE SAVE/RESTORE ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RmSaveRestoreState -- This routine exists as a placeholder. It ; is not currently necessary to perform any state saving/restoring ; for raw mode switch. The DPMI spec states that the user can call ; this routine with no adverse effect. ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: none ; assume ds:nothing, ss:nothing, es:nothing public RmSaveRestoreState RmSaveRestoreState proc far ret RmSaveRestoreState endp DXCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RmSaveRestoreState -- This routine exists as a placeholder. It ; is not currently necessary to perform any state saving/restoring ; for raw mode switch. The DPMI spec states that the user can call ; this routine with no adverse effect. ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: none ; assume ds:DGROUP, ss:nothing, es:nothing public PmSaveRestoreState PmSaveRestoreState proc far push ax push ds mov ax, SEL_DXDATA or STD_RING mov ds, ax test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT pop ds pop ax jnz short @f ; 32-bit return ret @@: db 66h ret PmSaveRestoreState endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GetIntrVector -- This routine will return the interrupt ; vector from the Interrupt Descriptor Table for the ; specified interrupt. ; ; Input: AX - interrupt number of interrupt to return ; Output: CX - selector of the interrupt service routine ; DX - offset of the interrupt service routine ; Errors: none ; Uses: CX, DX modified, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public GetIntrVector GetIntrVector proc near push si mov si,ax push es shl si,3 ;otherwise it's in the IDT mov es,selIDT test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT je giv20 ; Get upper 16 bits of ip .386p mov dx,es:[si + 6] shl edx,16 .286p giv20: mov dx,es:[si].offDest mov cx,es:[si].selDest pop es pop si return GetIntrVector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PutIntrVector -- This routine will place the specified ; interrupt vector address into the Interrupt Descriptor ; Table entry for the specified interrupt. ; ; Input: AX - interrupt number ; CX - selector of interrupt routine ; DX - offset of interrupt routine ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public PutIntrVector PutIntrVector proc near .386p push di push ax push ebx push edx test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz piv10 mov ebx,VDM_INT_32 jmp piv20 piv10: mov ebx,VDM_INT_16 movzx edx,dx piv20: mov di,ax push es shl di,3 ;otherwise it goes directly in the IDT mov es,selIDT FCLI ; Put upper 16 bits of ip push edx shr edx,16 mov es:[di + 6],dx pop edx mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,cx FSTI pop es ; If setting the Critical Error Handler, store the routine's address for ; easy access later. cmp al,24h jnz piv23 mov word ptr PMInt24Handler+4,cx mov dword ptr PMInt24Handler,edx ; ; set the handler in the actual "ivt", so it will get called on interrupts ; piv23: cmp ax,8 jb piv30 cmp ax,0fh jbe piv24 cmp ax,70h jb piv30 cmp ax,77h ja piv30 piv24: ; ; Hardware interrupts get interrupt gates ; or ebx,VDM_INT_INT_GATE jmp piv40 ; ; Everyone else gets trap gates ; piv30: or ebx,VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE piv40: push bx push ax push cx push edx DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 piv90: pop edx pop ebx pop ax pop di ret PutIntrVector endp .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GetFaultVector -- This routine will return the fault ; handler address from the fault handler vector. ; ; Input: AX - fault number of fault handler to return ; Output: CX - selector of the fault handler routine ; DX - offset of the fault handler routine ; Errors: none ; Uses: CX, DX modified, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public GetFaultVector GetFaultVector proc near push si mov si,ax ;if the Int # is below CRESERVED cmp ax,CRESERVED ; then we do it jnb @f shl si,3 .386p mov edx,dword ptr PMFaultVector[si] .286p mov cx,word ptr PMFaultVector[si+4] @@: pop si return GetFaultVector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PutFaultVector -- This routine will place the specified ; fault handler address into the fault handler vector. ; ; Input: AX - fault number ; CX - selector of fault handler routine ; DX - offset of fault handler routine ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public PutFaultVector PutFaultVector proc near push di mov di,ax ;if the fault # is below CRESERVED cmp ax,CRESERVED ; then we do it jnb short pfv_exit shl di,3 .386p mov dword ptr PMFaultVector[di],edx .286p mov word ptr PMFaultVector[di+4],cx .386p push ebx mov ebx,VDM_INT_16 test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz short @f mov ebx,VDM_INT_32 @@: or ebx, VDM_INT_INT_GATE push ebx push ax push cx push edx push 0 push 0 push 0 DPMIBOP SetFaultHandler add sp,18 pop ebx .286p pfv_exit: pop di ret PutFaultVector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GTPARA -- This routine will return the real mode paragraph ; address of the specified protected mode memory segment. ; ; Input: SI - selector of the segment ; Output: returns ZR true if segment is in lower 1MB range ; AX - real mode paragraph address ; returns ZR false if segment is in extended memory ; Errors: returns CY true if selector isn't valid ; Uses: AX modified, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public gtpara gtpara: push cx push es push si push bx mov bx,selGDT ;selector for the GDT segment mov es,bx lsl bx,bx and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX and si,SELECTOR_INDEX cmp si,bx ;check the given selector against ; the GDT segment limit pop bx jc gtpr20 ; The given selector is beyond the end of the GDT, so return error. or sp,sp stc Debug_Out "gtpara: invalid selector (#si)" jmp short gtpr90 ; The selector specified is inside the range of defined descriptors in ; the GDT. Get the address from the descriptor. gtpr20: mov cl,es:[si].adrBaseHigh test cl,0F0h jnz gtpr90 shl cl,4 mov ax,es:[si].adrBaseLow if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ test al,0Fh jz @f Debug_Out "gtpara: segment not on para boundry, sel #si at #cl#ax" @@: endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- shr ax,4 or ah,cl cmp ax,ax ; gtpr90: pop si pop es pop cx ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; SelOff2SegOff -- This routine will return will translate a ; protected mode selector:offset address to the corresponding ; real mode segment:offset address. ; ; Input: AX - PM selector ; DX - PM offset ; Output: if Z set: ; AX - RM segment ; DX - RM offset ; if NZ set, address is not in conventional memory, and ; cannot be translated ; ; Errors: none ; Uses: AX, DX; all else preserved ; ; Note: This routine is very similar to gtpara, and could replace it! assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public SelOff2SegOff SelOff2SegOff proc near push bx push cx push dx call GetSegmentAddress ;bx:dx = lma of segment pop cx ;cx = offset test bl,0f0h ;above 1 Meg line? jnz @f ; yes, cut out now add dx,cx adc bx,0 ;bx:dx = lma of segment:offset call Lma2SegOff ;bx:dx = seg:off mov ax,bx ;dx:ax = seg:off cmp ax,ax ;under 1 Meg, set Z flag @@: pop cx pop bx ret SelOff2SegOff endp ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Lma2SegOff -- This routine converts a linear memory address ; in BX:DX to a normalized SEG:OFF in BX:DX. ; ; Input: BX:DX = lma ; Output: BX:DX = normalized SEG:OFF ; Uses: none public Lma2SegOff Lma2SegOff proc near push dx shl bx,12 shr dx,4 or bx,dx pop dx and dx,0fh ret Lma2SegOff endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GetSegmentAddress -- This routine will return with ; the linear address of the specified segment. ; ; Input: AX - segment selector ; Output: DX - low word of segment address ; BX - high word of segment address ; Errors: none ; Uses: BX, DX, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public GetSegmentAddress GetSegmentAddress: push es push di mov es,selGDT mov di,ax and di,SELECTOR_INDEX mov dx,es:[di].adrBaseLow mov bl,es:[di].adrBaseHigh mov bh,es:[di].adrbBaseHi386 pop di pop es ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; SetSegmentAddress -- This routine will modify the ; segment base address of the specified segment. ; ; Input: AX - segment selector ; Output: DX - low word of segment address ; BX - high word of segment address ; Errors: None ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public SetSegmentAddress SetSegmentAddress: push si push es mov es,selGDT mov si,ax and si,SELECTOR_INDEX mov es:[si].adrBaseLow,dx mov es:[si].adrBaseHigh,bl mov es:[si].adrbBaseHi386,bh push ax push bx push cx mov ax,si mov cx,1 mov bx,si .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p pop cx pop bx pop ax pop es pop si ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NSetSegmentAccess -- This routine will modify the ; access rights byte of a specified segment. ; ; Input: Selector - segment selector ; Access - Access rights byte value ; Output: none ; Errors: Carry set, AX = error code ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NSetSegmentAccess,, parmW Selector parmW Access cBegin mov es,selGDT mov si,Selector and si,SELECTOR_INDEX mov ax,Access mov es:[si].arbSegAccess,al ; Set access byte. and ah,0F0h ; Mask off reserved bits. and es:[si].cbLimitHi386,0fh ; Clear old extended bits. or es:[si].cbLimitHi386,ah ; Set new extended bits. IFDEF WOW_x86 push ax push bx push cx mov ax,si mov cx,1 mov bx,si .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p pop cx pop bx pop ax ENDIF cEnd ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NSetSegmentLimit -- This routine will modify the ; limit of a specified segment. ; ; Input: Selector - segment selector ; Limit - Limit value ; Output: none ; Errors: Carry set, AX = error code ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NSetSegmentLimit,, parmW Selector cBegin mov es,selGDT mov si,Selector and si,SELECTOR_INDEX push ax push bx push cx mov ax,si mov cx,1 mov bx,si .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p pop cx pop bx pop ax cEnd ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NSetSegmentBase -- This routine will modify the ; base address of a specified segment. ; ; Input: Selector - segment selector ; Base - base address ; Output: none ; Errors: Carry set, AX = error code ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NSetSegmentBase,, parmW Selector parmD Base cBegin mov es,selGDT mov si,Selector and si,SELECTOR_INDEX mov ax,word ptr Base mov es:[si].adrBaseLow,ax mov ax,word ptr Base + 2 mov es:[si].adrbBaseMid386,al mov es:[si].adrbBaseHi386,ah clc push ax push bx push cx mov ax,si mov cx,1 mov bx,si .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p pop cx pop bx pop ax cEnd ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NMoveDescriptor -- This routine copy a descriptor from ; the source address to the destination address. This ; can be to or from the descriptor table. If it copied ; to the descriptor table, the system will be notified as ; appropriate. ; ; Input: Source -- address of source descriptor ; Dest -- address of destination descriptor ; Output: none ; Errors: Carry set, AX = error code ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING .386p cProc NMoveDescriptor,, ParmW SourceSel ParmD SourceOff ParmW DestSel ParmD DestOff cBegin .386p xor ecx,ecx mov cx,SourceSel mov ds,cx mov esi,SourceOff mov cx,DestSel mov es,cx mov edi,DestOff mov cx,8 rep movs byte ptr [esi], byte ptr [edi] mov ds,selDgroupPM assume ds:DGROUP mov cx,es cmp cx,ds:selGdt jne nm20 mov cx,1 mov ebx,DestOff mov ax,bx FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .386p nm20: cEnd .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NWOWSetDescriptor -- ; The Descriptors are set on the system side. ; ; Input: Source -- address of source descriptors ; Count -- count of descriptors to set ; Output: none ; Errors: Carry set, AX = error code ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NWOWSetDescriptor,, ParmW Count ParmD Source cBegin les bx, Source mov cx, Count mov ax, bx mov ds,selDgroupPM assume ds:DGROUP .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p cEnd ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ParaToLDTSelector -- This routine will convert a segment ; address relative to the start of the exe file into the ; corresponding selector for the segment. It searches the ; LDT to see if a segment is already defined at that address. ; If so, its selector is returned. If not, a new segment ; descriptor will be defined. ; ; Note: The LDT and GDT are currently one and the same. ; ; Input: AX - paragraph aaddress of real mode segment ; BX - access rights byte for the segment ; Output: AX - selector for the segment ; Errors: returns CY set if unable to define a new segment ; Uses: AX, all other registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public ParaToLDTSelector ParaToLDTSelector proc near push bx push cx push dx ; Convert the paragraph address to a linear address and see if there ; is a segment defined at that address. mov dx,ax call FindLowSelector jnc @f ;if so, we don't need to make one ; This segment isn't defined, so we need to create a descriptor for it. mov ax,dx call MakeLowSegment if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ jnc ptos80 Debug_Out "ParaToLDTSelector: can't make selector!" ptos80: endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- jc ptos90 @@: or al,SELECTOR_TI or STD_RING ;look like LDT selector ; All done ptos90: pop dx pop cx pop bx ret ParaToLDTSelector endp public FarParaToLDTSelector FarParaToLDTSelector proc far call ParaToLDTSelector ret FarParaToLDTSelector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DESCRIPTOR TABLE MANIPULATION ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AllocateLDTSelector -- This function will obtain the ; next free descriptor in the local descriptor table. ; ; Note: Currently the LDT and GDT are in the same table! ; ; Note: The function InitGlobalDscrTable must have been ; called before calling this function. ; ; Input: none ; Output: AX - selector if one is available ; Errors: CY clear if successful, AX=0 and CY set if not free selectors ; Uses: AX, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public AllocateLDTSelector AllocateLDTSelector proc near call AllocateSelector ;get a GDT selector jc @f or al,SELECTOR_TI or STD_RING ;say it's in the LDT @@: ret AllocateLDTSelector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; AllocateSelector -- This function will obtain the ; next free descriptor in the global descriptor table. ; The descriptors in the GDT are stored on a linked list ; of free descriptors. The cbLimit field of the descriptor ; is used as the link to the next element of the list. In ; addition, free descriptors have the access rights byte ; set to 0. ; ; Note: The function InitGlobalDscrTable must have been ; called before calling this function. ; ; Input: none ; Output: AX - selector if one is available ; Errors: CY clear if successful, AX=0 and CY set if not free selectors ; Uses: AX, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public AllocateSelector AllocateSelector proc near ; Get the next free descriptor on the list. mov ax,selGDTFree ;get head of free list cmp ax,-1 ;is the list empty? jnz alsl20 ;if so, report error. stc ;set error flag Debug_Out "AllocateSelector: out of selectors!" jmp short alsl90 ;and get out ; We now need to update the new head of list to point to the ; following one on the list. ; Whenever we allocate a descriptor, the access rights byte is set ; to 0Fh. This marks it as a '386 task gate, which is not legal to ; have in the GDT. We need to stick something in this byte, because ; having the access rights byte be 0 means that it is free, which is ; no longer the case. alsl20: if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ test al,not SELECTOR_INDEX jz @f Debug_Out "AllocateSelector: selGDTFree invalid! #AX" and al,SELECTOR_INDEX @@: endif ;DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------- push bx push es mov bx,ax ;BX points to the descriptor mov es,selGDT ;ES points to the GDT segment push es:[bx].cbLimit ;push the link field of the descriptor pop selGDTFree ;make it be the new head of the list mov es:[bx].adrbBaseHi386,0 mov es:[bx].arbSegAccess,0Fh pop es pop bx or al,SELECTOR_TI ; ; Remember the highest selector alloced, so we can reinit the ldt ; cmp ax,HighestSel jbe alsl50 mov HighestSel,ax alsl50: clc ; ; All done alsl90: ret AllocateSelector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; AllocateSelectorBlock -- This function will allocate ; a set of contiguous descriptors from the global ; descriptor table. It will search the GDT from the ; beginning looking for a sufficiently large contiguous ; set of descriptors. When if finds a set, it will ; then remove each one from the free descriptor list. ; ; Input: AX - Number of selectors needed ; CX - non-zero if allocation should be started from higher range ; first. ; Output: AX - starting selector of the block ; Errors: return CY set if error occurs ; Uses: AX modified, all other registers preserved ; modifies global descriptor table free list ; ; ******************************************************* ; The strategy of allocating selectors has been modified to ; give preference to selector values above 1000h. This is an ; attempt to emulate typical values that are returned by win31. ; -neilsa ; ; Some DPMI DOS applications demand that all selectors(no matter it comes ; from AllocateLDTSelector or this function) be contiguous, so ; the strategy for WOW doesn't work for DPMI DOS applications. ; For this reason, a new parameter is added so the caller can control ; where to start searching for free selectors. ; -williamh ; SEL_START_HI equ 1000h .erre SEL_START_HI GE SEL_USER ;make sure SEL_START_HI really ;is larger than SEL_USER assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public AllocateSelectorBlock AllocateSelectorBlock proc near push cx push dx push si push di push es mov es,selGDT mov dx,ax ;remember descriptor count in DX lsl di,selGDT ;stop search at table limit ; Start at the first user selector and search until we find a ; sufficiently large block of contiguous selectors. mov si,SEL_USER jcxz alsb10 mov si, SEL_START_HI ;no branch on WOW, so it is faster alsb10: push cx ; save the starting selector indicator alsb20: mov ax,si ;remember the starting one mov cx,dx ;number of descriptors to check if 0 alsb30: cmp es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 ;is this one free else alsb30: cmp word ptr es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 ;is this one free endif jnz alsb40 ;if not, we have to continue looking add si,8 ;bump to next descriptor cmp si,di ;check if at end of table jae alsb80 ;if so, get out with error loop alsb30 ;repeat for the number of selectors requested jmp short alsb50;we found the block ; This one wasn't free, try the next one alsb40: add si,8 ;bump to next descriptor cmp si,di ;are we at the end of the table. jc alsb20 ;and repeat if not jmp short alsb80;we didn't find it, so report error ; AX has the starting selector of the block of descriptors. We need ; to remove each of them from the free list. alsb50: push ax ;remember the starting point mov cx,dx ;get descriptor count mov dx,ax ;remember current selector number alsb52: mov ax,dx call RemoveFreeDescriptor add dx,8 loop alsb52 ; ; Remember the highest number ; or dl,SELECTOR_TI cmp dx,HighestSel jbe alsb60 mov HighestSel,dx alsb60: pop ax ;restore starting selector or al,SELECTOR_TI add sp, 2 ; throw away starting selector indicator clc jmp short alsb90 ; Couldn't find them, so return error. alsb80: pop cx ; get back starting selector indicator jcxz alsb81 ; we started at SEL_USER, no more search cmp si, SEL_START_HI+SEL_USER+8 ;is this really the end? jbe alsb81 ;yes, now failure mov di, SEL_START_HI+SEL_USER ;new end location mov si,SEL_USER ;restart low jmp alsb10 ;try again alsb81: stc Debug_Out "AllocSelectorBlock: Failed!" alsb90: pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx ret AllocateSelectorBlock endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; RemoveFreeDescriptor -- This routine will remove the ; specified descriptor from the free descriptor list ; of the GDT. ; ; Input: AX - selector of the descriptor to remove ; ES - segment address of GDT ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: AX used, all other registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public RemoveFreeDescriptor RemoveFreeDescriptor proc near push si push di and ax,SELECTOR_INDEX ;clear table/pl bits ; Check that the segment is really free. mov si,ax ;Segment index if 0 cmp es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 ; Should be 0 if free else cmp word ptr es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 ; Should be 0 if free endif jnz rmfd80 ;Error if segment is not free! ; xor di,di mov si,selGDTFree ;start at the head of the list. ; Look for a selector matching the one to free rmfd20: cmp si,-1 ;check for end of list. jz rmfd90 ;and get out if so cmp ax,si ;is this the one we are looking for jz rmfd40 mov di,si mov si,es:[si].cbLimit ;point SI at next one in the list jmp rmfd20 ;and repeat ; We found the one we want, so now remove it from the list. rmfd40: mov es:[si].adrbBaseHi386,0 mov es:[si].arbSegAccess,0Fh mov ax,es:[si].cbLimit or di,di ;is it the head of the list jz rmfd50 ; The one we have isn't the head of the list, so make the previous ; list element point at the one beyond the one being removed. mov es:[di].cbLimit,ax jmp short rmfd90 ; The one we have is the head of the list. Make the head of the list ; point to the one following the one being removed. rmfd50: mov selGDTFree,ax jmp short rmfd90 rmfd80: stc ;Flag allocation error Debug_Out "RemoveFreeDescriptor: Failed!" rmfd90: pop di pop si ret RemoveFreeDescriptor endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; IsSelectorFree -- This routine determines if the specified ; selector is on the free list. It is used to prevent ; apps from corrupting the free list by doing things like ; set selector on a descriptor in the free list. ; ; Input: BX - Descriptor index ; Output: CY - set if decriptor is not free ; clear otherwise ; assume ds:dgroup,es:nothing,ss:nothing public IsSelectorFree IsSelectorFree proc near push es push si mov si,selGdt mov es,si test byte ptr es:[bx].adrbBaseHi386,080h jnz isf30 stc jmp isf40 isf30: clc isf40: pop si pop es ret IsSelectorFree endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FreeSelector -- This routine will mark the segment ; descriptor for the specified selector as free. This ; is used to release a temporary selector when no longer ; needed. The descriptor is marked as free by setting the ; access rights byte to 0 and placing it on the free list. ; ; Note: This routine can only be called in protected mode. ; ; Input: AX - selector to free ; Output: none ; Errors: CY clear if no error, set if selector is invalid ; Uses: AX used, all other registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public FreeSelector FreeSelector proc near push bx push es ; Check for this being a valid selector. cmp ax,SEL_USER ;make sure it is a user selector jb frsl80 mov bx,SEL_LDT_ALIAS mov es,selGDT mov bx,es lsl bx,bx cmp ax,bx ;make sure it is in the range of the table jnc frsl80 ; We have a legitimate selector, so set the access rights byte to 0, and ; place it at the head of the free list. mov bx,ax and bx,SELECTOR_INDEX ;clear unwanted bits if 0 cmp es:[bx].arbSegAccess,0 ;already marked as free? else cmp word ptr es:[bx].arbSegAccess,0 ;already marked as free? endif jz frsl80 ; yes, don't free it again! if 0 mov es:[bx].arbSegAccess,0 else mov word ptr es:[bx].arbSegAccess,0 mov byte ptr es:[bx].adrbBaseHi386,080h endif mov ax,selGDTFree ;pointer to current head of list mov es:[bx].cbLimit,ax ;store in link field of this dscr. mov selGDTFree,bx ;make this one be the head of list. if 0 BUGBUG fix this IF 1 ; DaveHart was IFDEF WOW_x86, need it for MIPS too int 3; debugbug push ax push bx push cx mov ax,bx mov bx,offset NullSel push ds pop es mov cx,1 IFDEF WOW_x86 .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p ELSE DPMIBOP SetDescriptorTableEntries ENDIF pop cx pop bx pop ax ENDIF endif clc jmp short frsl90 ; Bogus selector given. Return error. frsl80: stc Debug_Out "FreeSelector failed, #AX invalid or not used!?" frsl90: pop es pop bx frsl99: ret FreeSelector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FreeSelectorBlock -- This routine will free the specified ; range of segment descriptors in the global descriptor ; table. ; ; Input: AX - starting selector in the range ; CX - number of selectors to free ; Output: none ; Errors: returns CY set if error occurs ; Uses: AX, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public FreeSelectorBlock FreeSelectorBlock proc near jcxz frsb99 push cx frsb20: push ax call FreeSelector pop ax jc frsb90 add ax,8 loop frsb20 frsb90: pop cx frsb99: ret FreeSelectorBlock endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FindLowSelector -- This function will search the global ; descriptor table for a descriptor matching the given ; address. ; ; Input: AX - real mode paragraph to search for ; BX - access rights byte for the segment ; Output: AX - selector corresponding to input paragraph address ; Errors: returns CY set if specified descriptor not found ; Uses: AX, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public FindLowSelector FindLowSelector: push bx push dx ; mov dx,ax push bx call ParaToLinear pop ax mov bh,al call FindSelector ; pop dx pop bx ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FindSelector -- This function will search the global ; descriptor table for a segment descriptor matching ; the specified linear byte address. ; ; Note that this routine cannot be used to find ; selectors pointing to addresses above 16 Megabytes. ; This is not really a problem, since the routine ; is used to find selectors in real mode DOS land ; most of the time. ; ; Input: DX - low word of linear byte address ; BL - high byte of linear address ; BH - access rights byte for the segment ; Output: AX - selector of corresponding segment ; Errors: returns CY set if specified descriptor not found ; Uses: AX used, all other registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public FindSelector FindSelector proc near push si push di push es push cx ; Get segment limit of the GDT to use as a limit on the search. lsl di,selGDT mov es,selGDT ; Look for a descriptor matching the address in BL:AX mov si,SEL_USER ;search starting here if 0 fnds20: cmp es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 else fnds20: cmp word ptr es:[si].arbSegAccess,0 endif jz fnds28 ;skip if unused descriptor cmp bl,es:[si].adrBaseHigh jnz fnds28 cmp dx,es:[si].adrBaseLow jnz fnds28 if 0 cmp es:[si].cbLimit,0 jz fnds28 ;skip if dscr has 0 limit else cmp es:[si].cbLimit,0ffffh jnz fnds28 ;skip unless dscr has 64k limit endif mov cl,bh xor cl,es:[si].arbSegAccess and cl,NOT AB_ACCESSED jz fnds90 fnds28: add si,8 ;bump to next descriptor jc fnds80 cmp si,di ;check against end of GDT jc fnds20 ;if still less, continue on. ; Hit the end of the GDT and didn't find one. So return error. fnds80: stc jmp short fnds99 ; We found it, so return the selector fnds90: mov ax,si fnds99: pop cx pop es pop di pop si ret FindSelector endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DupSegmentDscr -- This function will duplicate the specified ; segment descriptor into the specified destination descriptor. The ; end result is a second segment descriptor pointing to the same place ; in memory as the first. ; ; Input: AX - selector of segment descriptor to duplicate ; BX - selector of the segment descriptor to receive duplicate ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: All registers preserved. Modifies the segment ; descriptor for the specified segment. If this selector happens ; to be in a segment register when this routine is called, that ; segment register may end up pointing to the new location. assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING public DupSegmentDscr DupSegmentDscr proc near push cx push si push di push ds push es mov si,ax mov di,bx and si,SELECTOR_INDEX and di,SELECTOR_INDEX mov es,selGDT mov ds,selGDT assume ds:NOTHING mov cx,4 cld rep movs word ptr [di],word ptr [si] pop es pop ds pop di pop si pop cx ret DupSegmentDscr endp IFDEF ROM ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE ENDIF ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NSetSegmentDscr -- This function will initialize the ; specified descriptor table entry with the specified data. ; ; This function can be called in real mode or protected mode. ; ; Input: ; Param1 - WORD segment selector ; Param2 - DWORD 32-bit segment base address ; Param3 - DWORD 32-bit segment limit ; param4 - WORD segment access/type ; Output: returns selector for the segment ; Errors: none ; Uses: Flags assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NSetSegmentDscr,, parmW Selector parmD Base parmD Limit parmW Access cBegin mov es,selGDT mov di,Selector and di,SELECTOR_INDEX mov ax,off_Base ; Set segment base mov es:[di].adrBaseLow,ax mov ax,seg_Base mov es:[di].adrBaseHigh,al mov es:[di].adrbBaseHi386,ah mov ax,word ptr Access and ax,070ffh ; clear 'G' bit and ; extended limit bits mov word ptr es:[di].arbSegAccess,ax ; set access mov ax,seg_Limit mov bx,off_Limit ; AX:BX = segment limit test ax,0fff0h ; big? jz ssd_0 ; No shr bx,12d ; Yes, make it page granular. shl ax,4d or bx,ax mov ax,seg_Limit shr ax,12d or al,080h ; set 'G' bit ssd_0: or es:[di].cbLimitHi386,al ; set high limit mov es:[di].cbLimit,bx ; set low limit push ax push bx push cx mov ax,di mov cx,1 mov bx,di .386p FBOP BOP_DPMI,,FastBop .286p pop cx pop bx pop ax cEnd ifndef WOW_x86 ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; NSetGDTSegmentDscr -- This function will initialize the ; specified descriptor table entry with the specified data. ; ; This function can be called in real mode or protected mode. ; ; Input: ; Param1 - WORD segment selector ; Param2 - DWORD 32-bit segment base address ; Param3 - DWORD 32-bit segment limit ; param4 - WORD segment access/type ; Output: returns selector for the segment ; Errors: none ; Uses: Flags assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING cProc NSetGDTSegmentDscr,, parmW Selector parmD Base parmD Limit parmW Access cBegin mov ax,SEL_GDT mov es,ax mov di,Selector and di,SELECTOR_INDEX mov ax,off_Base ; Set segment base mov es:[di].adrBaseLow,ax mov ax,seg_Base mov es:[di].adrBaseHigh,al mov es:[di].adrbBaseHi386,ah mov ax,word ptr Access and ax,070ffh ; clear 'G' bit and ; extended limit bits mov word ptr es:[di].arbSegAccess,ax ; set access mov ax,seg_Limit mov bx,off_Limit ; AX:BX = segment limit test ax,0fff0h ; big? jz @f ; No shr bx,12d ; Yes, make it page granular. shl ax,4d or bx,ax mov ax,seg_Limit shr ax,12d or al,080h ; set 'G' bit @@: or es:[di].cbLimitHi386,al ; set high limit mov es:[di].cbLimit,bx ; set low limit cEnd endif ; WOW_x86 IFDEF ROM ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ENDIF ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; MakeLowSegment -- This function will create a segment ; descriptor for the specified low memory paragraph address. ; The segment length will be set to 64k. The difference ; between this and MakeScratchSelector is that this function ; allocates a new segment descriptor in the user area of ; the global descriptor table, thus creating a more or less ; permanent selector. MakeScratchSelector always uses the ; same descriptor location in the descriptor table, thus ; creating a very temporary selector. ; ; Input: AX - paragraph address in low memory ; BX - access rights word for the segment ; Output: AX - selector to use to access the memory ; Errors: returns CY clear if no error, CY set if unable to ; allocate a segment descriptor ; Uses: AX used, all else preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public MakeLowSegment MakeLowSegment proc near ; We need to allocate a segment descriptor, convert the paragraph address ; to a linear byte address, and then initialize the allocated segment ; descriptor. push dx push cx mov cx,bx mov dx,ax ;paragraph address to DX call AllocateSelector ;get a segment descriptor to use jc mksl90 ;get out if error call ParaToLinear cCall NSetSegmentDscr, clc mksl90: pop cx pop dx ret MakeLowSegment endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ParaToLinear ; ; This function will convert a paragraph address in the lower ; megabyte of memory space into a linear address for use in ; a descriptor table. ; ; Input: DX - paragraph address ; Output: DX - lower word of linear address ; BX - high word of linear address ; Errors: none ; Uses: DX, BL used, all else preserved assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public ParaToLinear ParaToLinear proc near mov bl,dh shr bl,4 shl dx,4 xor bh,bh ret ParaToLinear endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; MoveMemBlock -- This routine will copy a block ; from one place to another. It copies from the bottom ; up, so if the address ranges overlap it can only be ; used to copy down. ; ; Input: BX - selector of GDT ; CX - low word of block length ; DX - high word of block length ; DS - selector pointing to source address ; ES - selector pointing to destination address ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: modifies segment descriptors selected by ES and DS ; AX used, other registers preserved assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public MoveMemBlock MoveMemBlock: cld push cx push dx push si push di ; mvsd30: xor si,si mov di,si or dx,dx ;is there more than 64k left to move jz mvsd32 ;if not, move the amount left dec dx push cx mov cx,8000h ;move 64k bytes this time rep movs word ptr [di],word ptr [si] pop cx jmp short mvsd36 mvsd32: jcxz mvsd90 shr cx,1 rep movs word ptr [di],word ptr [si] jnc mvsd90 movs byte ptr [di],byte ptr [si] jmp short mvsd90 ; ; There is still something to move, so bump the segment descriptors to ; point to the next chunk of memory and repeat. mvsd36: mov di,es push di and di,SELECTOR_INDEX mov es,bx inc es:[di].adrBaseHigh ;bump the destination segment to pop di ; the next 64k boundary mov si,ds push si and si,SELECTOR_INDEX inc es:[si].adrBaseHigh ;bump the source segment to the pop si ; next 64k boundary mov ds,si mov es,di jmp mvsd30 ; ; All done mvsd90: pop di pop si pop dx pop cx ret ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl Utility Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; UTILITY ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- BeginLowSegment ; ------------------------------------------------------- if DEBUG ; MemCopy -- This routine is for use in a debugger to ; copy a block of extended memory down to real mode ; memory so that it can be looked at. The data is ; copied to rgbXfrBuf1. (This buffer is 4k bytes in ; size, so don't copy more than this amount) ; ; Input: CX - Number of bytes to copy ; DS:SI - protected mode address of start of copy ; Output; none ; Errors: none ; Uses: all registers trashed. assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public MemCopy MemCopy: in al,INTA01 mov dl,al mov al,0FFh out INTA01,al push ds IFDEF ROM SetRMDataSeg ELSE mov ds,segDXData ENDIF call EnterProtectedMode pop ds push SEL_DXDATA pop es mov di,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsb IFDEF ROM push SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING pop ds ELSE mov ds,selDgroup ENDIF call EnterRealMode mov al,dl out INTA01,al int 3 endif ; ------------------------------------------------------- EndLowSegment ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXPMCODE ends ; ;**************************************************************** end