PAGE ,132 TITLE DXSTRT.ASM -- Dos Extender Startup Code ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* DXSTRT.ASM - Dos Extender Startup Code * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* Module Description: * ;* * ;* This module contains the executive initialization code for * ;* the Dos Extender. The module DXBOOT.ASM contains the code * ;* specific to starting up the Dos Extender. The module * ;* DXINIT.ASM contains the code specific to starting up the * ;* child program of the Dos Extender. The code in these * ;* two modules is discarded at the end of the initialization. * ;* The code in this module calls the initialization routines * ;* in the other to init modules, and then performs the final * ;* juggling of things to throw away the low memory init code, * ;* and transfer control to start up the child program. * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* Revision History: * ;* * ;* 01/09/91 amitc At exit time Co-Processor being reset * ;* 08/08/90 earleh DOSX and client privilege ring determined * ;* by equate in * ;* 12/08/89 jimmat Added call to reenable EMM driver. * ;* 08/29/89 jimmat Restores Int 2Fh vector at exit * ;* 08/20/89 jimmat Removed A20 code, since HIMEM version 2.07 * ;* A20 code now works properly. * ;* 06/28/89 jimmat Now calls OEM layer instead of NetMapper * ;* 06/16/89 jimmat Implemented Windows/386 startup/exit Int * ;* 2Fh calls and ifdef'd combined EXE code * ;* 05/17/89 jimmat ChildTerminationHandler sets its SS:SP * ;* 04/18/89 jimmat Added calls to init/term NetBIOS mapper * ;* 03/28/89 jimmat Incorporated bug fix from GeneA related * ;* to nested GP faults in ChildTermHandler * ;* 03/11/89 jimmat Added support for TSS & LDT * ;* 03/07/89 jimmat converted to use WDEB386 * ;* 02/27/89 (GeneA): shrink initial memory block size on entry * ;* 02/25/89 (GeneA): added support for combined exe file where * ;* the Dos Extender and the child reside in the same exe * ;* file. * ;* 02/17/89 (GeneA): fixed error termination code for startup * ;* errors that occur while in protected mode * ;* 02/14/89 (GeneA): added code to reduce size of real mode * ;* code segment to throw away initialization code. * ;* 01/31/89 (GeneA): created by copying code from the old * ;* DXINIT.ASM * ;* 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI ;**************************************************************** .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- .sall .xlist include include include if VCPI include endif include IFDEF ROM include ENDIF include include include .list ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- WIN386_INIT equ 1605h ;Win/386 startup Int 2Fh WIN386_EXIT equ 1606h ;Win/386 shutdown Int 2Fh WIN386_DOSX equ 0001h ;Win/386 init/exit really DOSX flag ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- extrn InitDosExtender:NEAR ; extrn ReleaseXmemHeap:NEAR extrn RestoreRMIntrVectors:NEAR extrn InitXmemHeap:NEAR extrn AllocateLDTSelector:NEAR extrn SaveRMIntrVectors:NEAR extrn EnterRealMode:NEAR extrn EnterProtectedMode:NEAR extrn InitializeOEM:NEAR extrn TerminateOEM:NEAR extrn AllocateSelector:NEAR extrn FreeSelector:NEAR externNP NSetSegmentAccess extrn DupSegmentDscr:NEAR IFDEF WOW extrn RmUnsimulateProc:FAR extrn Wow16TransitionToUserMode:near extrn Wow16CopyEhStack:near extrn Wow16CopyIretStack:near ENDIF if NOT VCPI extrn EMMEnable:NEAR endif if VCPI externNP FreeEMSHandle endif extrn AllocateXmem32:NEAR IFNDEF ROM ifdef WOW externFP NSetSegmentDscr else externFP NSetGDTSegmentDscr ENDIF; wow ENDIF; rom IFDEF ROM extrn ROMEntry:NEAR extrn ROMCleanUp:NEAR extrn ROMInitLDT:NEAR extrn InvokeROMChild:NEAR ENDIF extrn FreeMemByOwner:NEAR extrn PMIntr19:NEAR extrn PMIntr13:NEAR extrn PMIntr31:NEAR extrn PMIntr28:NEAR extrn PMIntr25:NEAR extrn PMIntr26:NEAR extrn PMIntr4B:NEAR extrn PMIntr70:NEAR extrn PMIntrDos:NEAR extrn PMIntrMisc:NEAR extrn PMIntrVideo:NEAR extrn PMIntrMouse:NEAR extrn PMIntrIgnore:NEAR extrn PMInt2FHandler:NEAR extrn PMIntrEntryVector:NEAR extrn PMFaultEntryVector:NEAR extrn PMReservedEntryVector:NEAR extrn TrapInvalidOpcode:NEAR extrn TrapDoubleFault:NEAR extrn TrapExtensionOverrun:NEAR extrn TrapInvalidTss:NEAR extrn TrapSegmentNotPresent:NEAR extrn TrapStackOverrun:NEAR extrn TrapGP:NEAR extrn TrapPageFault:NEAR extrn FarParaToLDTSelector:FAR extrn WowHwIntrEntryVector:NEAR extrn Wow16HwIntrReflector:NEAR IFNDEF WOW extrn FreeXmemHeap:NEAR ENDIF ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXSTACK segment extrn rgw0Stack:WORD extrn rgw2FStack:WORD DXSTACK ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXDATA segment ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT extrn fHPVectra:BYTE endif extrn A20EnableCount:WORD extrn lpfnUserMouseHandler:DWORD extrn lpfnUserPointingHandler:DWORD extrn f286_287:BYTE if VCPI extrn fVCPI:BYTE extrn segBootPmode:WORD endif extrn cDPMIClients:WORD extrn selCurrentHostData:WORD extrn segCurrentHostData:WORD extrn fDebug:BYTE extrn lmaIdt:DWORD ifdef WOW extrn rgwWowStack:word extrn FastBop:fword extrn WowTransitionToUserMode:WORD extrn WowCopyEhStack:WORD extrn WowCopyIretStack:WORD extrn PMReservedReflector:near endif extrn PMFaultVector:DWORD extrn PMIntelVector:DWORD extrn RmHwISR:DWORD extrn DpmiFlags:WORD extrn HwIntHandlers:WORD org 0 public rgwStack,npEHStackLimit,npEHStacklet, selEHStack, ; ; Pmode fault handler stack used during initialization only. ; dw 80h dup (?) rgwStack label word ; ; This is the stack area used while running in the interrupt reflector. ; This is divided up into a number of stack frames to allow reentrant ; execution of the interrupt reflector. The stack pointer pbReflStack ; indicates the current stack frame to use. Each entry into the interrupt ; reflector decrements this variable by the size of the stack frame, and ; each exit from the interrupt reflector increments it. C_STKFRAME = 36 CB_REFLSTACK = C_STKFRAME * CB_STKFRAME if DEBUG ;-------------------------------------------------------- public StackGuard StackGuard dw 1022h ;unlikely value to check for stk overrun endif ;-------------------------------------------------------- public pbReflStack,bReflStack if DBG bReflStack db CB_REFLSTACK dup (0AAh) else bReflStack db CB_REFLSTACK dup (?) endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following stack is used for hw interrupts on platforms (e.g. x86) where ; the kernel or ntvdm switches the stack before an interrupt is reflected. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF WOW CB_HWINTRSTACK = 1000h if DBG bHwIntrStack db CB_HWINTRSTACK dup (0AAh) else bHwIntrStack db CB_HWINTRSTACK dup (?) endif public pbHwIntrStack pbHwIntrStack dw bHwIntrStack + CB_HWINTRSTACK ENDIF ; WOW pbReflStack dw bReflStack + CB_REFLSTACK npEHStackLimit dw offset DGROUP:rgwStack npEHStacklet dw offset DGROUP:rgwStack selEHStack dw SEL_STACK_ALIAS OR STD_RING public cdscGDTMax, selGDTFree, segGDT, selGDT cdscGDTMax dw CDSCGDTDEFAULT selGDTFree dw ? ;head of list of free descriptors in GDT segGDT dw 0 ;real mode paragraph address of the GDT ; This variable always stores the real mode ; paragraph address selGDT dw 0 ;current mode segment/selector for the GDT ; segment. This variable holds the real ; mode paragraph address during initialization ; and then holds the protected mode selector ; when running in protected mode. public bpGDT, bpGDTcb, bpGDTbase bpGDT label fword bpGDTcb dw ? bpGDTbase dd ? public cdscIDTMax, segIDT, selIDT cdscIDTMax dw CDSCIDTDEFAULT segIDT dw 0 selIDT dw 0 public bpIDT, bpIDTcb, bpIDTbase bpIDT label fword bpIDTcb dw ? bpIDTbase dd ? public bpRmIVT bpRmIVT dq 0FFFFh ;This is the segment descriptor for the real ; mode interrupt vector table. public selDOSScr selDOSScr dw 0 ;Scratch selector used for DOS mapping public lpfnXMSFunc lpfnXMSFunc dd 0 ;far pointer to XMS memory driver entry point public idCpuType idCpuType dw 0 public segPSP, selPSP segPSP dw ? ;segment address of Dos Extender PSP selPSP dw ? ;selector for Dos Extender PSP ; code during processing of GP faults public selPSPChild, segPSPChild segPSPChild dw ? ;real mode segment address of child's PSP ; note the following in 1, so that in low mem heap management, we can use ; selPSPChild to mark the owner of the memory. selPSPChild dw 1 ;selector of child program's PSP public DtaSegment, DtaOffset, DtaSelector DtaSegment dw 0 DtaSelector dw 0 DtaOffset dw 0 public regChildSP, regChildSS, regChildIP, regChildCS regChildSP dw ? ;initial user stack pointer from exe file regChildSS dw ? ;initial user stack segment from exe file regChildIP dw ? ;initial user program counter from exe file regChildCS dw ? ;initial user code segment from exe file public hmemDOSX hmemDOSX dw 0 IFDEF ROM public segDXCode, segDXData segDXCode dw ? ;holds real mode paragraph address ; of the code segment segDXData dw ? ;holds real mode paragraph address ; of the data segment ENDIF ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT public fMicroChannel fMicroChannel db 0 ;NZ if running on a Micro Channel system endif public fFaultAbort, ExitCode fFaultAbort db 0 ;NZ if terminating due to unrecoverable fault ExitCode db 0FFh ;exit code to use when terminating fQuitting db 0 fEMbit db 0FFh ;MSW EM bit at startup (FF = not checked yet) public fUsingHMA fUsingHMA db 0 if NTDEBUG public fDebugTrace fDebugTrace db 0 endif ; The one and only Task State Segment is here (it's too small to allocate ; a block for it in extended memory) public sysTSS sysTSS TSS286 <> public HighestDxSel HighestDxSel dw 0 ; After initialization is complete, the following buffers (rgbXfrBuf0 and ; rgbXfrBuf1) are used to transfer data between real mode address space ; and protected mode address space during the processing of various interrupt ; function calls. During the initialization process, these buffers are also ; used as temporary work space as described below: ; CheckCPUType uses the first 6 bytes of rgbXfrBuf0 as scratch space. ; The functions for moving the Dos Extender protected mode code segment ; and the GDT and IDT use rgbXfrBuf0 as buffer space for building a ; parameter block. The child loading code in DXINIT.ASM uses the buffer ; RELOC_BUFFER for holding the base part of the file name (name.exe portion) ; of the child exe file while determining the complete path to the child ; in the case where the child name is specified on the command line. Note, ; this buffer is also used for holding sectors from the relocation table ; while loading the program, but that occurs after the child exe file name ; has been determined. ; The child loading code in DXINIT.ASM also uses rgbXfrBuf1 to hold several ; buffers as well. The locations and purposes of these buffers are ; described in GENDEFS.INC. All of the buffers are defined with equates ; named EXEC_????? ; ; The file search logic in DXFIND.ASM assumes some parameters are setup in ; the rgbXfrBuf1 file name buffers. Some of the code was moved from ; DXINIT.ASM to DXFIND.ASM. public rgbXfrBuf0, rgbXfrBuf1 public npXfrBuf0, npXfrBuf1 align 2 rgbXfrBuf0 db CB_XFRBUF0 dup (?) rgbXfrBuf1 db CB_XFRBUF1 dup (?) npXfrBuf0 dw offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf0 npXfrBuf1 dw offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 ifdef FLATAPIXLAT DtaBuffer dw 128 dup (0) ; used as the dta for PM if dta changed endif IFNDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Parameter block for passing to DOS EXEC call to run the child ; program. ; public exec_par_blk exec_par_blk dw 0 cmd_off dw OFFSET EXEC_CMNDLINE cmd_seg dw DXDATA dw OFFSET EXEC_FCB0 fcb1_seg dw DXDATA dw OFFSET EXEC_FCB1 fcb2_seg dw DXDATA ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- ; The following variables are used during reading the relocation table ; from the exe file and relocating the child program. public fhExeFile public clpRelocItem public plpRelocItem fhExeFile dw ? ;DOS file handle for the exe file clpRelocItem dw ? ;number of relocation items in the exe file plpRelocItem dw ? ;pointer to next relocation item in the table public SMRTDRVDelta, SMRTDRVName SMRTDRVDelta SD_IOCTL_WR_GrwShrk <,0> ; Struc to IOCTL write SMARTDRV SMRTDRVName db SD_DEV_NAME ; Name for smart drive opens szDebugHello label byte if DEBUG db 'DOSX: Beginning protected mode initialization.',13,10,0 endif db 0 IFDEF ROM public PrevInt2FHandler PrevInt2FHandler dd ? ;previous real mode Int 2F handler ENDIF FreeMem dw 0 DXDATA ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment extrn CodeEnd:NEAR extrn ER_DXINIT:BYTE extrn ER_REALMEM:BYTE extrn RMDefaultInt24Handler:FAR if VCPI externNP QEMM386Trap endif IFNDEF ROM public segDXCode, segDXData, selDgroup segDXCode dw ? ;holds the real mode paragraph address ; of the code segment segDXData dw ? ;holds the real mode paragraph address ; of the data segment selDgroup dw ? ;holds the paragraph address/selector for ; DGROUP depending on the current mode public PrevInt2FHandler, PrevInt69Handler PrevInt2FHandler dd ? ;previous real mode Int 2F handler PrevInt69Handler dd ? ;previous HP Vectra A & A+ keyboard interrupt ENDIF IFDEF ROM externFP NSetSegmentDscr ENDIF DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment extrn CodeEndPM:NEAR extrn WowHwIntDispatchProc:WORD org 0 IFDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- extrn segRomDXCODE:ABS public selDgroupPM, segDXCodePM selDgroupPM dw SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING ;This variable contains the ; data segment selector segDXCodePM dw segRomDXCODE ;This variable contains the paragraph ; address of the real mode code segment ELSE ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- public selDgroupPM, segDXCodePM, segDXDataPM selDgroupPM dw ? ;This variable always contains the ; data segment selector segDXCodePM dw ? ;This variable contains the paragraph ; address of the real mode code segment segDXDataPM dw ? ;This variable contains the paragraph ; address of the data segment ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- IFNDEF ROM externFP NSetSegmentDscr ENDIF IFDEF WOW extrn WowReservedReflector:WORD ENDIF DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- BeginLowSegment ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DOS EXTENDER ENTRY FUNCTION ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This is the program entry point for the Dos Extender. This ; function decides if the Dos Extender is being run as a single ; time operation to extend a single program, or if it is being ; run as a TSR to wait for programs to request its services ; later on. ; assume ds:PSPSEG,es:PSPSEG,ss:NOTHING public start start: IFDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- call ROMEntry ;setup special ROM environment assume ds:DGROUP mov ax,ds ;code below expects DGROUP in ax ELSE ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- ; Set up the initial segment registers. mov ax,DGROUP mov ds,ax assume ds:DGROUP ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- mov segPSP,es ;save the PSP segment address mov ss,ax mov sp,offset DGROUP:rgwStack assume ss:DGROUP ; ; Set up the INT 24h handler. The default INT 24h handler fails the ; system call in progress, for DPMI compatibility. ; push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov dx,offset DXCODE:RMDefaultInt24Handler mov ax,2524h int 21h pop ds ; Issue the Win/386 startup Int 2Fh (almost) first thing push ds mov ax,WIN386_INIT ;gives other PM software a chance xor bx,bx ; to disable itself, release XMS, etc. mov cx,bx mov si,bx mov ds,bx mov es,bx assume ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING mov dx,WIN386_DOSX mov di,DXVERSION int 2Fh pop ax ;restore ds/es DGROUP addressability mov ds,ax mov es,ax assume ds:DGROUP, es:DGROUP jcxz Allow_Startup ;if cx still == 0, keep going (we ignore ; all the other possible return values) if VCPI cCall QEMM386Trap je Allow_Startup endif ; VCPI mov ExitCode,2 ; otherwise we should abort now jmp RealModeCleanUp Allow_Startup: ; Initialize the Dos Extender call InitDosExtender ;NOTE: passes data to InitChildProgram jnc @F ; in rgbXfrBuf1 -- don't overwrite it! jmp strt88 @@: ; Save the state of the MSW EM bit (Emulate Math coprocessor), and turn ; it off (win87em wants it off). ifndef WOW smsw ax out1 test al,01h ;in V86 mode? jnz @f ; can't do the lmsw if so push ax and al,04h mov fEMbit,al pop ax and al,not 04h lmsw ax @@: endif ; wow ; Switch the machine into protected mode. FCLI call SaveRMIntrVectors SwitchToProtectedMode public DXPMInit DXPMInit LABEL BYTE if DEBUG Trace_Out "*******************************************************************************" Trace_Out "*******************************************************************************" Trace_Out "**** ****" Trace_Out "**** THIS IS A DEBUG RELEASE THIS IS A DEBUG RELEASE ****" Trace_Out "**** ****" Trace_Out "*******************************************************************************" Trace_Out "*******************************************************************************" endif ; ; The following code MUST appear in both the retail and debug versions. ; It uses a side effect of the WDEB386 conditional breakpoint command ; to cause WDEB386 to initialize its copy of the protected mode IDT ; register. [ERH] 06-Dec-1990 ; cmp fDebug,0 je @F lea si,szDebugHello mov ax,0F001h ; WDEB386 conditional breakpoint int 41h @@: assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING mov ax,SEL_IDT or STD_RING mov selIDT,ax mov ax,SEL_LDT_ALIAS OR STD_RING mov selGDT,ax ; Initialize the LDT now that we are in protected mode. First, set the ; contents to zero. mov es,selGDT ; actually LDT assume es:NOTHING mov cx,cdscGDTMax IFDEF WOW mov di,GDT_SIZE sub cx,di ENDIF shl cx,2 ; CX = words in LDT segment xor ax,ax ; AX = 0 IFNDEF WOW mov di,ax ENDIF cld rep stosw ; CX = 0 dec cx ; CX = 0FFFFh push ax mov ax,es DPMIBOP PassTableAddress pop ax ; ; Set the two scratch selectors to 64k data starting at zero. Actual ; addresses set as used. ; cCall NSetSegmentDscr, cCall NSetSegmentDscr, ; Place all descriptors beginning at SEL_USER on a linked list of ; free descriptors. A descriptor is identified as being free by ; being on this list, and also by having the access rights byte set ; to 0. The cbLimit field of the descriptor is used as the link to ; the next descriptor on the list. Note: the GDT was initialized ; to 0 above, so the access rights byte is already 0 on these. mov di,SEL_USER and SELECTOR_INDEX mov selGDTFree,di ;init head of free list pointer mov dx,cdscGDTMax shl dx,3 jnc @F dec dx @@: mov ax,di ;pointer to current descriptor igdt50: add ax,8 ;point to following one mov es:[di].cbLimit,ax ;store as link in this descriptor jc igdt58 ;in case of segment wrap around cmp ax,dx ;are we at the end of the table jnc igdt58 ;if so, then get out of loop mov di,ax ;point at the next one jmp igdt50 ;and repeat ; We just set the link field of the last one in the list to point to ; a bogus location. So we need to go back and set it to 0 to indicate ; end of list. igdt58: mov es:[di].cbLimit,0 IFDEF ROM ; Initialize the predefined LDT descriptors/selectors for the ROM version. ; This has to be done now since the ROM Image Builder starts allocating ; at SEL_USER. call ROMInitLDT ENDIF ; Allocate a scratch selector for DOS mapping call AllocateLDTSelector mov selDOSScr,ax FSTI ;don't need ints disabled ; Initialize the extended memory heap ; call InitXmemHeap IFDEF WOW ; Bop to initialize 32 bit support. Eventually this needs to be done ; on mips too. push es mov ax,SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING mov es,ax assume es:DXCODE push SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING push offset DXPMCODE:FarParaToLDTSelector push SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING push SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING push ds push offset DGROUP:DtaBuffer push segDXCode push segDXCode push offset DXCODE:RmUnsimulateProc push word ptr CB_STKFRAME push ds push offset DGROUP:pbReflStack push ds push offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 push ds push offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf0 push segDXData mov si,sp FBOP BOP_DPMI,InitDosx,FastBop add sp,34 pop es assume es:nothing ENDIF IFNDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Shrink the size of our real mode code segment to throw away init code. SwitchToRealMode if VCPI mov bx,segBootPmode add bx,CBPAGE386 shr 4 cmp fVCPI,0 jne @F endif mov bx,(offset CodeEnd) + 15 shr bx,4 add bx,segDXCode if VCPI @@: endif sub bx,segPSP push es mov es,segPSP dossvc 4Ah pop es call DetermineFreeMemory mov FreeMem,bx SwitchToProtectedMode ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize the OEM layer. This can allocate DOS memory, so it goes ; after the final program shrink. call InitializeOEM ;currently initializes NetBIOS mapper if1 %OUT InitializeOEM can fail!!!!! endif ; Exec the child application SwitchToRealMode FSTI ;; bugbug hack ...... williamh ;; turn off A20 line before we terminate and keep resident. cmp A20EnableCount, 0 jz A20IsOff @@: xmssvc 6 dec A20EnableCount jnz @B A20IsOff: mov ax,segPSP mov es,ax assume es:nothing mov ax,es:[2ch] mov es,ax dossvc 49h ; free env block call DetermineFreeMemory mov dx,(offset CodeEnd) + 15 shr dx,4 add dx,FreeMem sub dx,bx add dx,segDXCode sub dx,segPSP mov al,0 dossvc 31h ; tsr. help: int 3 ; should never get here jmp help IFDEF ROM ;-------------------------------------------------------- call InvokeROMChild ;setup ROM child environment ; and invoke the child app ;DOS will transfer directly to ChildTerminationHandler if child ;does a DOS Exit call, comes back here if child app returns (usually ;an init error). The registers may be in a strange state here so be ;careful.... ELSE ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- lea bx, exec_par_blk lea dx, EXEC_PROGNAME xor al, al dossvc 4bh ENDIF ;ROM --------------------------------------------------------- ; If we get here, the EXEC failed for some reason! mov bx,offset DXCODE:ER_REALMEM ;assume insufficient memory xchg ax,bx cmp bx,8 ;is it really? jz strt88 mov ax,offset DXCODE:ER_DXINIT ;no, use generic msg strt88: mov ExitCode,1 ;return NZ exit code mov dx,cs ;pass msg ptr in DX:AX (ax already set) push cs ;fake a far call so no fixup push offset DXCODE:RealModeCleanUp ; needed -- return to clean up jmp near ptr DisplayErrorMsg ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ChildTerminationHandler -- This routine receives control ; when the child program running under the Dos Extender ; terminates. It will free all resources being used by ; the child. If we were not running TSR, then the Dos ; Extender will complete cleaning up and terminate itself. ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public DosxTerminationHandler DosxTerminationHandler: IFDEF ROM GetRMDataSeg mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax ELSE mov ds,selDgroup mov es,selDgroup mov ss,selDgroup ;make sure we know where the ENDIF mov sp,offset DGROUP:rgwStack ; stack is when we get here assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ; Check if we are already in the middle of a termination sequence and ; bail out if so. This will prevent us from hanging up in an infinite ; loop if we get a GP fault while we are quitting. cmp fQuitting,0 jz @f jmp chtm90 @@: mov fQuitting,1 ; Terminate the OEM layer call TerminateOEM ;current term's NetBIOS mapper & low net heap ; Make sure that no interrupt vectors still point to us. call RestoreRMIntrVectors ; if this is a 80286 & 80287 configuration, we should reset the Co-Processor. cmp [f286_287],0 ;286 and 287 config ? jz CTH_Not286And287 ;no. ; reset the 80287 Co-Processor to make sure that it gets out of protected ; mode. xor al,al ;need to out 0 out 0F1H,al ;reset the coprocessor CTH_Not286And287: ; If we're aborting due to a processor fault, do some extra clean-up on ; the mouse (just to be nice). If this is a normal termination, we leave ; it up to the child to save/restore the mouse state. test fFaultAbort,0FFh jz normal_exit ; Check if the mouse driver callback function has been set, and ; reset the mouse driver if so. mov ax,word ptr lpfnUserMouseHandler or ax,word ptr lpfnUserMouseHandler+2 jz @F xor ax,ax int 33h @@: ; Check if the PS/2 Pointing Device Handler Address has been set and ; disable it if so. mov ax,word ptr lpfnUserPointingHandler or ax,word ptr lpfnUserPointingHandler+2 jz @f mov ax,0C200h xor bh,bh int 15h @@: ; Hmmm, we have HP mouse code in dxhpbios.asm, but no clean up here... normal_exit: ; Release the extended memory heap. ; call ReleaseXmemHeap ; Release the space being used for the descriptor tables and ; the protected mode code segment. if VCPI cmp fVCPI,0 ;space not in himem area if under VCPI jz @f call FreeEmsHandle ;under VCPI, we free EMS memory this way jmp short chtm90 @@: endif ; ; If we have allocated an extended memory block, then free it. ; If we have allocated the HMA, then free it. ; mov dx,hmemDOSX or dx,dx jz @F xmssvc 0Dh xmssvc 0Ah @@: cmp fUsingHMA,0 je @F xmssvc 2 @@: ; Clean up after real mode code (and possible real mode incomplete ; initialization) -- restore real mode interrupt vectors. chtm90: RealModeCleanUp: ; Disable A20 if it was left enabled (normally 1 on 386 systems, 0 on 286) if VCPI cmp fVCPI,0 ;don't diddle A20 if under VCPI jnz A20Okay endif mov cx,A20EnableCount jcxz A20Okay @@: xmssvc 6 loop @b A20Okay: ; Restore the MSW EM bit (Emulate Math coprocessor) to its initial state ifndef WOW inc fEMbit ;if fEMbit = FF, we never got far 'nuff to jz @f ; change it dec fEMbit smsw ax if VCPI out1 endif ; VCPI test al,01h ;in V86 mode? jnz @f ; can't do the lmsw if so or al,fEMbit lmsw ax @@: endif ; Make sure DOS knows that the DOS extender is the current process mov bx,segPSP dossvc 50h ; Restore SmartDrv cache size if it was shrunk cmp [SMRTDRVDelta.SD_I_W_GS_Size],0 je short NoSmartReset mov dx,offset DGROUP:SMRTDRVName mov ax,3D02h int 21h jc short NoSmartReset mov bx,ax mov [SMRTDRVDelta.SD_I_W_FuncGS],SD_IOCTL_WR_Grow_Cache mov dx,offset DGROUP:SMRTDRVDelta mov cx,SIZE SD_IOCTL_WR_GrwShrk mov ax,4403h int 21h mov ax,3E00H int 21h NoSmartReset: ; Reenable a friendly EMM driver if we disabled it at startup if NOT VCPI call EMMEnable endif ; Restore real mode interrupt vectors push ds lds dx,PrevInt2FHandler ;Int 2Fh handler assume ds:NOTHING mov ax,ds ;may not have gotten far enough to or ax,dx ; set interrupt vectors, so make jz @f ; sure before resotring. mov ax,252Fh int 21h IFNDEF ROM ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT test fHPVectra,HP_CLASSIC jz @f mov ax,2569h lds dx,PrevInt69Handler ;HP Vectra A & A+ keyboard slime int 21h endif ENDIF @@: pop ds assume ds:DGROUP IFDEF ROM ;Do any ROM specific clean up call ROMCleanUp ENDIF ; We have cleaned up after ourselves, so now we can quit. mov ax,WIN386_EXIT ;use Win/386 exit Int 2Fh to tell any mov dx,WIN386_DOSX ; interested parties that we are int 2Fh ; terminating mov al,ExitCode ;exit the extender with either the exit cmp al,0FFH ; status from the child, or a status jnz @f ; that we have forced dossvc 4Dh ;get child exit status if we haven't forced it @@: dossvc 4Ch ;say goodnight Gracy... ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ChildTerminationHandler -- ; Input: none ; Output: none ; Errors: none ; Uses: assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public ChildTerminationHandler ChildTerminationHandler: sub sp,4 ; room for far ret push ds push es pusha mov si,ss mov di,sp mov ds,selDgroup mov es,selDgroup mov ss,selDgroup ;make sure we know where the mov sp,offset DGROUP:rgwStack ; stack is when we get here assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ;bugbug less than zero? dec cDPMIClients ; free xmem allocated to this client SwitchToProtectedMode mov ax,[SelCurrentHostData] mov es,ax mov bx,es:[HdSelPSP] ; get "owner" call FreeMemByOwner mov dx, selPspChild DPMIBOP TerminateApp test DpmiFlags,DPMI_32BIT jz cth05 ; ; Return the stack frame used by the Wow32Intr16 interrupt handler ; add pbReflStack,CB_STKFRAME cth05: cmp cDPMIClients,0 jne cth10 ; ; Reset the exception stack pointer ; mov selEHStack,SEL_STACK_ALIAS OR STD_RING ; ; Give back the xms memory ; FCLI FBOP BOP_DPMI,FreeAllXmem,FastBop call ReInitIdt push 0 pop es call ReInitGdt FBOP BOP_DPMI,DpmiNoLongerInUse,FastBop cth10: SwitchToRealMode ;bugbug put resource cleanup code here cmp cDPMIClients,0 jne cth20 cth20: mov ax,[SegCurrentHostData] mov es,ax mov ax,es:[HdSegParent] mov [SegCurrentHostData],ax mov ax,es:[HdSelParent] mov [SelCurrentHostData],ax mov ax,es:[HdPSPParent] mov SelPSPChild,ax mov ax,word ptr es:[HdPspTerminate + 2] mov bx,word ptr es:[HdPspTerminate] mov cx,segPSPChild mov ds,cx assume ds:nothing ; ; Restore termination vector (app may think it knows what's here) ; mov ds:[0ah],bx mov ds:[0ch],ax xor cx,cx mov ds,cx ; ; Restore int 22 vector (terminate) Just in case ; mov ds:[22h * 4],bx mov ds:[22h * 4 + 2],ax mov es,si mov es:[di+20],bx mov es:[di+22],ax mov ss,si mov sp,di popa pop es pop ds retf ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DisplayErrorMsg -- Display an error message on the screen. We set the ; video adapter to a text mode so the msg is visable (and gets rid ; of any bizarre mode that others may have set (like WIN.COM)). ; ; Note: This routine can be executed in real OR protected mode, so ; don't do anything mode specific--keep is short and sweet. ; ; Input: AX - offset of msg to display ; DX - segment of msg to display ; Output: None. ; Uses: AX, DX modified, all else preserved assume ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING public DisplayErrorMsg DisplayErrorMsg proc far push ds ;save current DS push ax ;save msg offset ; Set a text mode (normally 3, but possibly 7) mov ax,0003h ;set video mode 3 int 10h mov ah,0Fh ;get video mode int 10h cmp al,03h ;did we change to 3? jz @f mov ax,0007h ;no, must be mode 7 int 10h @@: ; Display the msg mov ds,dx pop dx dossvc 9 pop ds ret DisplayErrorMsg endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DetermineFreeMemory -- Determine how much memory is free ; ; Input: none ; Output: bx = #paragraphs free memory ; Uses: bx ; assume ds:dgroup,es:nothing public DetermineFreeMemory DetermineFreeMemory proc near push ax mov bx,0ffffh ; allocate all of memory dossvc 48h jnc @f pop ax ret ;bugbug report error @@: mov bx,0ffffh pop ax ret DetermineFreeMemory endp EndLowSegment DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; ReInitIdt -- Set Idt entries back to default values ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; uses: none ; assume ds:dgroup,es:nothing public ReInitIdt ReInitIdt proc near push bx push cx push dx push si push di push es mov ax,SEL_IDT OR STD_RING mov es,ax ; Fill the IDT with interrupt gates that point to the fault handler and ; interrupt reflector entry vector. xor di,di ifndef WOW mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMFaultEntryVector ;the 1st 32 go here mov cx,32 iidt15: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_EH or EH_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_INTR mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,3 add di,8 loop iidt15 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrEntryVector+(32*3) ; the rest go here mov cx,070h - 32 ELSE mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrEntryVector mov cx,8 iidt16: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_DXPMCODE or STD_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_TRAP mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,3 add di,8 loop iidt16 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:WowHwIntrEntryVector mov cx,8 iidt17: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_DXPMCODE or STD_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_INTR mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,8 add di,8 loop iidt17 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrEntryVector + 3 * 16 mov cx,070h - 16 ENDIF iidt20: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_DXPMCODE or STD_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_TRAP mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,3 add di,8 loop iidt20 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:WowHwIntrEntryVector + 8*8 mov cx,8 iidt22: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_DXPMCODE or STD_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_INTR mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,8 add di,8 loop iidt22 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PmIntrEntryVector + 078h * 3 mov cx,cdscIdtMax sub cx,078h iidt23: mov es:[di].offDest,dx mov es:[di].selDest,SEL_DXPMCODE or STD_RING mov es:[di].cwParam,0 mov es:[di].arbGate,STD_TRAP mov es:[di].rsvdGate,0 add dx,3 add di,8 loop iidt23 ; ; Set up the hw interrupt entry points ; mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PmIntrEntryVector + 8*3 mov si,offset HwIntHandlers mov cx,8 iidt24: mov [si],dx mov word ptr [si + 2],0 mov word ptr [si + 4],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 add si,8 add dx,3 loop iidt24 mov cx,8 mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PmIntrEntryVector + 070h * 3 iidt24a: mov [si],dx mov word ptr [si + 2],0 mov word ptr [si + 4],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING mov word ptr [si + 6],0 add si,8 add dx,3 loop iidt24a ; Now, fix up the ones that don't point to the interrupt reflector. IFDEF WOW mov es:[1h*8].offDest,offset PMIntrIgnore mov es:[3h*8].offDest,offset PMIntrIgnore mov es:[10h*8].offDest,offset PMIntrVideo mov es:[13h*8].offDest,offset PMIntr13 mov es:[15h*8].offDest,offset PMIntrMisc mov es:[19h*8].offDest,offset PMIntr19 ENDIF mov es:[21h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrDos mov es:[25h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr25 mov es:[26h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr26 mov es:[28h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr28 mov es:[2Fh*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMInt2FHandler mov es:[30h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrIgnore mov es:[31h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr31 mov es:[33h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrMouse mov es:[41h*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntrIgnore if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------- cmp fTraceBug,0 jz @f mov es:[41h*8].offDest,offset DXCODE:PMDebugInt mov es:[41h*8].selDest,SEL_DXCODE or STD_RING @@: endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------- ifndef WOW mov es:[4Bh*8].offDest,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr4B ifdef NOT_NTVDM_NOT ; HP Extended BIOS System Call handler test fHPVectra,0ffh ;only do this for an HP Vectra jz NoHPBios ; Supposedly the system driver is going to force the HP Bios to ; use interrupt 6Fh while Windows is running, so we don't need to ; search for the moveable HP Bios interrupt--just use Int 6Fh. ; mov es:[6Fh*8].offDest,offset HPxBios NoHPBios: endif endif mov HwIntHandlers[8*8],offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr70 ifdef WOW .386p xor di,di mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PmFaultEntryVector movzx edx,dx mov cx,32 iidt25: push dword ptr VDM_INT_INT_GATE push di push SEL_EH OR STD_RING push edx push SEL_DXDATA OR STD_RING push dword ptr (offset DXDATA:rgw0Stack) DPMIBOP SetFaultHandler add sp,18 inc di add dx,3 loop iidt25 ; ; Set up all of the "gates" between 0 and 7 to be trap gates ; mov cx,8 mov bx,0 xor di,di iidt30: push word ptr (VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_16) push di push es:[bx].selDest push es:[bx].rsvdGate ; high half of handler address push es:[bx].offDest ; low half of handler address DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc di add bx,8 loop iidt30 ; ; Set up all of the "gates" between 8 and F to be int gates ; mov cx,8 iidt40: push word ptr (VDM_INT_INT_GATE OR VDM_INT_16) push di push es:[bx].selDest push es:[bx].rsvdGate ; high half of handler address push es:[bx].offDest ; low half of handler address DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc di add bx,8 loop iidt40 ; ; Set up all of the "gates" between 10 and 70 to be trap gates ; mov cx,70h - 10h iidt50: push word ptr (VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_16) push di push es:[bx].selDest push es:[bx].rsvdGate ; high half of handler address push es:[bx].offDest ; low half of handler address DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc di add bx,8 loop iidt50 ; ; Set up the "gates" for the hardware interrupts to be int gates ; mov cx,8 iidt60: push word ptr (VDM_INT_INT_GATE OR VDM_INT_16) push di push es:[bx].selDest push es:[bx].rsvdGate ; high half of handler address push es:[bx].offDest ; low half of handler address DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc di add bx,8 loop iidt60 ; ; Set up the rest of the "gates" to be trap gates mov cx,0ffh - 78h iidt70: push word ptr (VDM_INT_TRAP_GATE OR VDM_INT_16) push di push es:[bx].selDest push es:[bx].rsvdGate ; high half of handler address push es:[bx].offDest ; low half of handler address DPMIBOP SetProtectedModeInterrupt add sp,10 inc di add bx,8 loop iidt70 .286p ; ; Put the 16 bit hanlders into PMFaultVector ; mov dx,offset PMReservedEntryVector mov bx,offset PMFaultVector mov cx,32 iidt75: mov [bx],dx mov word ptr [bx +4],SEL_DXPMCODE OR STD_RING add bx,8 IFNDEF WOW add dx,3 %out BUGBUG ERROR! Should NEVER see this ELSE add dx,5 ENDIF loop iidt75 mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*06h),offset TrapInvalidOpcode mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*08h),offset TrapDoubleFault mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*09h),offset TrapExtensionOverrun mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*0Ah),offset TrapInvalidTss mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*0bh),offset TrapSegmentNotPresent mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*0ch),offset TrapStackOverrun mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*0dh),offset TrapGP mov word ptr (PMFaultVector + 8*0eh),offset TrapPageFault ; ; Put back the 16 bit transition code ; call AllocateSelector mov bx,ax mov ax,cs call DupSegmentDscr cCall NSetSegmentAccess, mov es,bx assume es:DXPMCODE mov [WowTransitionToUserMode],offset DXPMCODE:Wow16TransitionToUserMode mov [WowCopyEhStack],offset DXPMCODE:Wow16CopyEhStack mov [WowCopyIretStack],offset DXPMCODE:Wow16CopyIretStack mov [WowReservedReflector],offset DXPMCODE:PMReservedReflector mov [WowHwIntDispatchProc], offset DXPMCODE:Wow16HwIntrReflector assume es:nothing mov ax,es call FreeSelector xor ax,ax mov es,ax .286p endif ; ; Restore hooked RM handlers ; push ds mov bx,SEL_DXCODE OR STD_RING mov ds,bx assume ds:DXCODE mov bx,segDXCode pop ds assume ds:DGROUP push SEL_RMIVT or STD_RING ;selector to real mode int table pop es xor di, di mov cx,78h ;last possible hooked interrupt+1 iidt80: cmp word ptr RmHwISR[di],0 ;is this a hooked int? jnz @f ;jif yes cmp word ptr RmHwISR[di+2],0 ;is this a hooked int? jz iidt85 ;jif no @@: mov ax,es:[di + 2] cmp ax,bx ; if it isn't really hooked, jne iidt84 ; don't change it mov ax,word ptr RmHwISR[di] ;get offset of old RM vector mov es:[di],ax mov ax,word ptr RmHwISR[di+2] ;get segment of old RM vector mov es:[di+2],ax iidt84: xor ax,ax mov word ptr RmHwISR[di],ax ; forget old handler mov word ptr RmHwISR[di+2],ax ; forget old handler iidt85: add di,4 loop iidt80 IFDEF WOW ; make the stacks 16 bit again cCall NSetSegmentAccess, cCall NSetSegmentAccess, ENDIF ; All done iidt90: pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx ret ReInitIdt endp assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING public ReInitGdt ReInitGdt proc near push ax push dx push di push es mov dx,cdscGDTMax shl dx,3 jnc @f dec dx @@: mov ax,HighestDxSel and ax,NOT SELECTOR_TI add ax,8 mov selGDTFree,ax mov es,selGDT rig30: mov di,ax add ax,8 mov word ptr es:[di],ax ; set limit as link to next mov word ptr es:[di + 2],0 mov word ptr es:[di + 4],0 mov word ptr es:[di + 6],0 jc rig40 cmp ax,dx jnc rig40 jmp rig30 rig40: pop es pop di pop dx pop ax ret ReInitGdt endp ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; AllocateExceptionStack -- Get space for exception handler ; ; Input: none ; Output: none ; carry set on error ; uses: AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI ; assume ds:dgroup,es:nothing public AllocateExceptionStack AllocateExceptionStack proc near xor bx,bx mov dx,bx mov cx,1000h ;length of block call AllocateXmem32 jc @F call AllocateSelector or ax,STD_RING mov selEHStack,ax cCall NSetSegmentDscr, mov ax,selEHStack mov cx,1000h ;reload length dec cx and cx,0fffeh ; Make sure SP is WORD aligned mov npEHStackLimit,cx ;; mark the stack with 0DEADh mov bx, cx push ds mov ds,ax sub bx,2 mov word ptr [bx],0DEADh pop ds mov npEHStacklet, bx clc @@: ret AllocateExceptionStack endp DXPMCODE ends ;**************************************************************** end start