; Copyright (c) Microsoft Coropration 1988-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;**************************************************************** ;* * ;* SEGDEFS.INC -- Segment Declarations for Dos Extender * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ;* Revision History: * ;* * ;* 12/13/88 (GeneA): reordered segments so that the code * ;* segment is last. * ;* * ;**************************************************************** ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DOS EXTENDER SEGMENTS ; ------------------------------------------------------- ;; Touch here to force rebuild of DOSX! EarleH ?DF=1 ?PLM=1 ?WIN=0 ?MEDIUM=1 DOS5=1 IFNDEF WHEN_COMMAND_COM_WORKS WINDOWS=1 ELSE WINDOWS=0 ENDIF include .\cmacros.inc DXDATA segment para public 'DATA' DXDATA ends DXSTACK segment para stack 'STACK' DXSTACK ends ; ; This segment contains both real mode and protected mode code and ; resides in low memory. DXCODE segment para public 'CODE' DXCODE ends ; ; This segment contains protected mode code only, and is moved up ; into extended memory during the initialization process. DXPMCODE segment para public 'PMCODE' DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GROUP DECLARATIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DGROUP group DXDATA, DXSTACK ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; MS-DOS PROGRAM SEGMENT PREFIX DEFINITION ; ------------------------------------------------------- PSPSEG segment at 0 fnExit dw ? ;INT 20h instruction for termination linkage segMemEnd dw ? ;segment address of end of program's memory rsvd1 db ? ;undefined fnDosFunc db 5 dup (?) ;far call to DOS function dispatcher lpfnParent dd ? ;far pointer to parent program lpfnInt23 dd ? ;previous contents of INT 23h vector (^C) lpfnInt24 dd ? ;previous contents of INT 24h vector segParentPSP dw ? ;segment address of parent PSP bFileTable db 20 dup (?) ;process file table segEnviron dw ? ;segment address of environment lpStack dd ? ;application's SS:SP (updated on each dos call) cbFileTable dw ? ;size of process file table lpFileTable dd ? ;far pointer to process file table org 5Ch fcbDefault1 db 10h dup (?) ;default FCB 1 fcbDefault2 db 10h dup (?) ;default FCB 2 org 80h cbCommand db ? ;lenght of command string chCommand db 7Fh dup (?) ;command string PSPSEG ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; BIOS DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- BIOS_DATA segment at 40h ;BIOS Data segment org 67h IO_ROM_INIT dw ? ;Shutdown code 0Ah will cause the IO_ROM_SEG dw ? ; bios to return control to the far ; address stored here. ;Shutdown code 09h will cause the ; bios to load SS:SP from here and ; do an IRET. INTR_FLAG db ? org 72h RESET_FLAG dw ? ;For Ctrl-Alt-Del BIOS_DATA ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ;****************************************************************