/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Helpp.c Abstract: This module contains the processor specific help routine. Help processor specific extensions go here. Author: Dave Hastings (daveh) 1-Apr-1992 Revision History: --*/ #include VOID helpp( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine prints out help for the processor specific extensions Arguments: None Return Value: None. --*/ { (*Print)("dr\n"); (*Print)("\tTogles whether debug faults (1 and 3) are reflected to the\n"); (*Print)("\tdebugger or the application\n"); (*Print)("er\n"); (*Print)("\tTogles whether GP faults are reflected to the debugger or \n"); (*Print)("\tthe application\n"); (*Print)("eventinfo [address]\n"); (*Print)("\tIf [address] is present, it is used as the address of the\n"); (*Print)("\tEventInfo structure. If not, the address of the EventInfo\n"); (*Print)("\tlooked up\n"); (*Print)("ireg [address]\n"); (*Print)("\tDumps the IntelRegister structure (not necessarily the\n"); (*Print)("\tcurrent 16 bit register state). If [address] is present it\n"); (*Print)("\tis used as the address of the IntelRegisters structure,\n"); (*Print)("\totherwise the address is looked up\n"); (*Print)("pdump\n"); (*Print)("\tCauses profile information to be dumped to \\profile.out\n"); (*Print)("pint ProfileInterval\n"); (*Print)("\tSets the profile interval\n"); (*Print)("pstart\n"); (*Print)("\tCauses profiling to start\n"); (*Print)("pstop\n"); (*Print)("\tCauses profiling to stop\n"); (*Print)("vdmtib [address]\n"); (*Print)("\tIf [address] is present, it is used as the address of the\n"); (*Print)("\tVdmTib. If not, the address of the VdmTib is looked up\n"); }