#ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H /*[ ************************************************************************** Name: config.h Author: J.D. Richemont Created On: Sccs ID: @(#)config.h 1.44 04/24/95 Purpose: General (base+host) configuration defines + typedefs. See SoftPC Version 3.0 Configuration Interface - Design Document (c)Copyright Insignia Solutions Ltd., 1990. All rights reserved. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Changing this file by adding a new config type requires some hosts to recompile their message catalogs or nls stuff. Don't forget to put this in the host impact field on the BCN. Also, please only add new config types to the END of the current list, otherwise it is a real pain to edit the host catalogs! WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ************************************************************************** ]*/ /* Make sure error.h gets included - it is necessary for the typedefs referred ** to from the ANSI declarations. */ #ifndef _INS_ERROR_H #include "error.h" #endif /* _INS_ERROR_H */ /* General messages returned from config funcs */ #define C_CONFIG_OP_OK 0 /* General 'all went well' message */ #define C_CONFIG_NOT_VALID -1 /* the config item is not valid */ #define COMMENT_MARK '#' #define PAD_CHAR ' ' #define MIN_PAD_LEN 8 /* * Below are the definitions of the masks used by with the flags field * of the config structure. Note there are currently four unused bits * 0x04 0x08 0x10 and 0x20 * * The first group is used as the config entry type. * * C_SYSTEM_ONLY - indicates resource comes from the system config file only * C_DO_RESET - Changing this element by default will cause a SoftPC reboot * C_EXPERT_OPTION - If missing from .spcconfig, take default without * asking user. */ #define C_TYPE_MASK ((UTINY) 0x03) #define C_NAME_RECORD ((UTINY) 0x00) #define C_STRING_RECORD ((UTINY) 0x01) #define C_NUMBER_RECORD ((UTINY) 0x02) #define C_RECORD_DELETE ((UTINY) 0x03) #define C_EXPERT_OPTION ((UTINY) 0x10) #define C_INIT_ACTIVE ((UTINY) 0x20) #define C_SYSTEM_ONLY ((UTINY) 0x40) #define C_DO_RESET ((UTINY) 0x80) /* * Note: config processes the Configuration file in hostID order so the * ordering of hostIDs is significant. * * These items are usually system only fields and must be validated * before the later config items that refer to them * * EG if C_EXTEND_MAX_SIZE is not validated before then the check in * C_EXTENDED_MEM_SIZE is against whatever crap max was malloced. * * ===================================================================== * To avoid backwards compatibility problems, * never change any of the numbers. * ===================================================================== */ #define C_FILE_DEFAULT 0 #ifdef macintosh #define C_PRINTER_DEFAULT 1 #define C_PLOTTER_DEFAULT 2 #define C_DATACOMM_DEFAULT 4 #else /* macintosh */ #define C_DEVICE_DEFAULT 1 #endif /* macintosh */ #define C_PIPE_DEFAULT 3 #define C_DRIVE_MAX_SIZE 5 #define C_EXTEND_MAX_SIZE 6 #define C_EXPAND_MAX_SIZE 7 /* Extended Mem Size validation depends on Extended MAX size */ #define C_EXTENDED_MEM_SIZE 8 #define C_MEM_SIZE C_EXTENDED_MEM_SIZE /* LIM size validation depends on Expanded MAX size */ #define C_LIM_SIZE 9 #define C_MEM_LIMIT 10 /* Spares for hosts to provide their own system only fields which need ** early validation. */ #define C_HOST_SYSTEM_0 11 #define C_HOST_SYSTEM_1 12 #define C_HOST_SYSTEM_2 13 #define C_HOST_SYSTEM_3 14 #define C_HOST_SYSTEM_4 15 #define C_SECURE 16 #define C_SECURE_MASK 17 #define C_CDROM_DEVICE 18 #define C_SWITCHNPX 24 #define C_HARD_DISK1_NAME 25 #define C_HARD_DISK2_NAME 26 #define C_FSA_DIRECTORY 27 /* * Extra config options used by multiple-HFX */ #define C_FSA_DIR_D 28 #define C_FSA_DIR_E 29 #define C_FSA_DIR_F 30 #define C_FSA_DIR_G 31 #define C_FSA_DIR_H 32 #define C_FSA_DIR_I 33 #define C_FSA_DIR_J 34 #define C_FSA_DIR_K 35 #define C_FSA_DIR_L 36 #define C_FSA_DIR_M 37 #define C_FSA_DIR_N 38 #define C_FSA_DIR_O 39 #define C_FSA_DIR_P 40 #define C_FSA_DIR_Q 41 #define C_FSA_DIR_R 42 #define C_FSA_DIR_S 43 #define C_FSA_DIR_T 44 #define C_FSA_DIR_U 45 #define C_FSA_DIR_V 46 #define C_FSA_DIR_W 47 #define C_FSA_DIR_X 48 #define C_FSA_DIR_Y 49 #define C_FSA_DIR_Z 50 #define C_FLOPPY_A_DEVICE 51 #define C_FLOPPY_B_DEVICE 52 #define C_SLAVEPC_DEVICE 53 #define C_GFX_ADAPTER 54 #define C_WIN_SIZE 55 #define C_MSWIN_WIDTH 56 #define C_MSWIN_HEIGHT 57 #define C_MSWIN_COLOURS 58 #define C_SOUND 59 /* * All of the lpt hostID's must be kept sequential because * the lpt code tends to do (hostID - C_LPT1_NAME) * calculations to index into an array of structures. */ #define C_LPT1_TYPE 60 #define C_LPT2_TYPE ( C_LPT1_TYPE+1 ) /*61*/ #define C_LPT3_TYPE ( C_LPT1_TYPE+2 ) /*62*/ #define C_LPT4_TYPE ( C_LPT1_TYPE+3 ) /*63*/ #define C_LPT1_NAME 64 #define C_LPT2_NAME ( C_LPT1_NAME+1 ) /*65*/ #define C_LPT3_NAME ( C_LPT1_NAME+2 ) /*66*/ #define C_LPT4_NAME ( C_LPT1_NAME+3 ) /*67*/ #define C_LPTFLUSH1 68 #define C_LPTFLUSH2 ( C_LPTFLUSH1+1 ) /*69*/ #define C_LPTFLUSH3 ( C_LPTFLUSH1+2 ) /*70*/ #define C_LPTFLUSH4 ( C_LPTFLUSH1+3 ) /*71*/ #define C_FLUSHTIME1 72 #define C_FLUSHTIME2 ( C_FLUSHTIME1+1 ) /*73*/ #define C_FLUSHTIME3 ( C_FLUSHTIME1+2 ) /*74*/ #define C_FLUSHTIME4 ( C_FLUSHTIME1+3 ) /*75*/ #define C_LPT1_OTHER_NAME 76 #define C_LPT2_OTHER_NAME ( C_LPT1_OTHER_NAME+1) /*77*/ #define C_LPT3_OTHER_NAME ( C_LPT1_OTHER_NAME+2) /*78*/ #define C_LPT4_OTHER_NAME ( C_LPT1_OTHER_NAME+3) /*79*/ /* com hostIDs need to be grouped, same reason as lpt hostIDs */ #define C_COM1_TYPE 80 #define C_COM2_TYPE ( C_COM1_TYPE+1 ) /*81*/ #define C_COM3_TYPE ( C_COM1_TYPE+2 ) /*82*/ #define C_COM4_TYPE ( C_COM1_TYPE+3 ) /*83*/ #define C_COM1_NAME 84 #define C_COM2_NAME ( C_COM1_NAME+1 ) /*85*/ #define C_COM3_NAME ( C_COM1_NAME+2 ) /*86*/ #define C_COM4_NAME ( C_COM1_NAME+3 ) /*87*/ #define C_COM1_XON 88 #define C_COM2_XON ( C_COM1_XON+1) /*89*/ #define C_COM3_XON ( C_COM1_XON+2) /*90*/ #define C_COM4_XON ( C_COM1_XON+3) /*91*/ #define C_AUTOFREEZE 92 #define C_AUTOFLUSH 93 #define C_AUTOFLUSH_DELAY 94 #define C_KEYBD_MAP 95 #define C_DOS_CMD 96 #define C_SOUND_DEVICE 97 #define C_SOUND_LEVEL 98 #define C_RODISK_PANEL 99 #define C_HU_FILENAME 100 #define C_HU_MODE 101 #define C_HU_BIOS 102 #define C_HU_REPORT 103 #define C_HU_SDTYPE 104 #define C_HU_CHKMODE 105 #define C_HU_CHATTR 106 #define C_HU_SETTLNO 107 #define C_HU_FUDGENO 108 #define C_HU_DELAY 109 #define C_HU_GFXERR 110 #define C_HU_TS 111 #define C_HU_NUM 112 /* Strings for Boolean value - we allow for 6 possibilities */ #define C_BOOL_VALUES 113 /* to 118 */ /* COMMS adapter destination types */ #define ADAPTER_TYPE_FILE 119 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_PRINTER 120 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_PLOTTER 121 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_PIPE 122 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_DATACOMM 123 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_NULL 124 #define ADAPTER_TYPE_DEVICE 125 #define C_MSWIN_RESIZE 126 /* Enable Windows PostScript printer flushing */ #define C_LPT1_PSFLUSH 127 #define C_LPT2_PSFLUSH (C_LPT1_PSFLUSH + 1) #define C_LPT3_PSFLUSH (C_LPT2_PSFLUSH + 1) #define C_LPT4_PSFLUSH (C_LPT3_PSFLUSH + 1) #define C_COM1_PSFLUSH 131 #define C_COM2_PSFLUSH (C_COM1_PSFLUSH + 1) #define C_COM3_PSFLUSH (C_COM2_PSFLUSH + 1) #define C_COM4_PSFLUSH (C_COM3_PSFLUSH + 1) #if !defined(NTVDM) && !defined(macintosh) #define C_CMOS 135 #endif #if defined(NTVDM) #define C_VDMLPT1_NAME 140 #define C_VDMLPT2_NAME (C_VDMLPT1_NAME + 1) #define C_VDMLPT3_NAME (C_VDMLPT1_NAME + 2) #define C_COM_SYNCWRITE C_VDMLPT3_NAME + 1 #define C_COM_TXBUFFER_SIZE C_COM_SYNCWRITE + 1 #endif /* Host-specific entries in the message catalogue start at * the following number plus 1 - note that the value must * fit into an IU8, so 255 is an upper limit */ #define LAST_BASE_CONFIG_DEFINE 240 /* Names of runtime vars that host_runtime_set/_inquire() will use. * These do not appear in the message catalogue anywhere. */ typedef enum { C_NPX_ENABLED=0, C_HD1_CYLS, C_HD2_CYLS, C_AUTOFLUSH_ON, C_LPTFLUSH1_ON, C_LPTFLUSH2_ON, C_LPTFLUSH3_ON, C_COM1_FLOW, C_COM2_FLOW, C_COM3_FLOW, C_COM4_FLOW, C_SOUND_ON, C_MOUSE_ATTACHED, C_FLOPPY_SERVER, C_COM1_ATTACHED, C_COM2_ATTACHED, C_DRIVEC_ATTACHED, C_DRIVED_ATTACHED, C_LAST_RUNTIME } RuntimeEnum; /*********** Definitions for states of things **************/ /* Graphics adapter types */ #define NO_ADAPTOR 0xff #define MDA 0 #define CGA 1 #define CGA_MONO 2 #define EGA 3 #define HERCULES 4 #define VGA 5 /* Floppy drive states * This is only used by the system that mainatins the interloack between * slave PC and a real device emulation */ #define GFI_REAL_DISKETTE_SERVER 0 #define GFI_SLAVE_SERVER 1 /* Please always be last */ /*************** Structure definitions ******************/ typedef struct { CHAR string[MAXPATHLEN]; SHORT index; BOOL rebootReqd; } ConfigValues; typedef struct { CHAR *string; SHORT value; } ntable; #define NameTable ntable typedef struct { CHAR *optionName; NameTable *table; SHORT (*valid) IPT4( UTINY, hostID, ConfigValues, *vals, NameTable, table[], CHAR, errString[] ); VOID (*change) IPT2( UTINY, hostID, BOOL, apply); SHORT (*active) IPT3( UTINY, hostID, BOOL, active, CHAR, errString[]); UTINY hostID; UTINY flags; } OptionDescription; typedef struct _resource_node { CHAR *line; /* resource string */ CHAR *arg; /* a pointer to the argument */ struct _resource_node *next; /* pointer to next node in list */ SHORT allocLen; /* length of string allocated */ } LineNode; /* Base Config functions declarations */ extern void config IPT0(); extern void *config_inquire IPT2(UTINY, hostID, ConfigValues *, values); #if !defined(NTVDM) || (defined(NTVDM) && !defined(MONITOR)) extern void config_get IPT2(UTINY, hostID, ConfigValues **, values); extern void config_unget IPT1(UTINY, hostID); extern void config_unget_all IPT0(); extern SHORT config_put IPT2(UTINY, hostID, ErrDataPtr, errDataP); extern void config_put_all IPT0(); extern void IPT0config_get_all(); extern BOOL config_reboot_check IPT0(); extern SHORT config_check IPT2(UTINY, hostID, ErrDataPtr, errDataP); extern void config_store IPT0(); #endif extern void config_activate IPT2(UTINY, hostID, BOOL, reqState); extern void config_set_active IPT2(UTINY, hostID, BOOL, state); extern BOOL config_get_active IPT1(UTINY, hostID); extern LineNode *add_resource_node IPT1(CHAR *, str); extern CHAR *translate_to_string IPT2(SHORT, value, NameTable, table[]); extern SHORT translate_to_value IPT2(CHAR *, string, NameTable, table[]); extern UTINY find_hostID IPT1(CHAR *, name); extern CHAR *find_optionname IPT1(UTINY, hostID); extern void host_config_init IPT1(OptionDescription *, common_defs); #if !defined(NTVDM) || (defined(NTVDM) && !defined(MONITOR)) extern SHORT host_read_resource_file IPT2(BOOL, system, ErrDataPtr, err_buf); extern SHORT host_write_resource_file IPT2(LineNode *, head, ErrDataPtr, err_buf); #endif extern void *host_inquire_extn IPT2(UTINY, hostID, ConfigValues *, values); extern SHORT host_runtime_inquire IPT1(UTINY, what); extern void host_runtime_set IPT2(UTINY, what, SHORT, value); extern void host_runtime_init IPT0(); extern SHORT validate_item IPT4(UTINY, hostID, ConfigValues *, value, NameTable *, table, CHAR, err[]); extern CHAR *convert_to_external IPT1(UTINY, hostID); #ifndef host_expand_environment_vars extern CHAR *host_expand_environment_vars IPT1(const char *, string); #endif /* nhost_expand_environment_vars */ extern CHAR ptr_to_empty[]; #ifdef SWITCHNPX extern IS32 Npx_enabled; #endif /* SWITCHNPX */ /* Dumb Terminal UIF Flag */ extern IBOOL Config_has_been_edited; #include "host_cfg.h" #endif /* _CONFIG_H */