/* * MODULE: standard.h * * PURPOSE: Some macros and forward declarations to make * life a bit easier. * * AUTHOR: Jason Proctor * * DATE: Fri Aug 11 1989 */ /* SccsID[]="@(#)standard.h 1.4 08/10/92 Copyright Insignia Solutions Ltd."; */ #ifndef FILE #include #endif /* boolean stuff */ #define bool int /* best way I have for declaring bools */ #define NOT ! #ifndef TRUE #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE !0 #endif /* ! TRUE */ /* for system calls etc */ #undef SUCCESS #undef FAILURE #define SUCCESS 0 #define FAILURE ~SUCCESS /* equivalence testing */ #define EQ == #define NE != #define LT < #define GT > #define LTE <= #define GTE >= /* operators */ #define AND && #define OR || #define XOR ^ #define MOD % /* hate single quotes! */ #define SPACE ' ' #define LF '\n' #define TAB '\t' #define Null '\0' #define SINGLEQ '\'' #define DOUBLEQ '"' #define SHRIEK '!' #define DOLLAR '$' #define HYPHEN '-' #define USCORE '_' #define DECPOINT '.' /* for ease in deciphering ioctl-infested listings etc */ #define STDIN 0 #define STDOUT 1 #define STDERR 2 /* for readability only */ #define NOWORK #define NOBREAK #define TYPECAST /* null pointer as a long */ #undef NULL #define NULL 0L /* to escape compiler warnings and lint errors etc */ #define CNULL TYPECAST (char *) 0L #define FNULL TYPECAST (int (*) ()) 0L /* some stuff to help out */ #define streq(x, y) (strcmp (x, y) == 0) /* standard stuff */ extern char *malloc (); extern char *getenv ();