/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: platform.c Abstract: These are the entry points of the commands that don't exist on every platform. Author: Neil Sandlin (NeilSa) 15-Jan-1996 Notes: Revision History: --*/ #include #pragma hdrstop VOID es( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); PRINTF("es has been replaced with the 'x' command\n"); } VOID eventinfo( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) EventInfop(); #else PRINTF("Eventinfo is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID pdump( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) ProfDumpp(); #else PRINTF("pdump is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID pint( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) ProfIntp(); #else PRINTF("pint is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID pstart( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) ProfStartp(); #else PRINTF("pstart is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID pstop( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) ProfStopp(); #else PRINTF("pstop is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID vdmtib( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) VdmTibp(); #else PRINTF("VdmTib is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif } VOID fpu( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); #if defined(i386) Fpup(); #else PRINTF("fpu is not implemented on this platform\n"); #endif }