page ,132 title wfpinit - Functions for initializing win87em.exe from a DLL ;*** ;wfoinit.asm - Functions for initializing win87em.exe from a DLL ; ; Copyright (c) 1988-89, Microsoft Corporation ; ;Purpose: ; Functions for initializing win87em.exe from a DLL ; ;Revision History: ; 04/06/89 WAJ Added this header. ; 04/06/89 WAJ Cleaned up source, Save more registers in __fpsignal ; ;******************************************************************************* memL = 1 ?PLM = 1 ; Pascal naming ?WIN = 1 ; Windows calling convention .xlist include ; old, customized masm510 cmacros .list externFP POSTQUITMESSAGE sBegin code assumes cs,code assumes ds,data ; ; Windows floating-point emulator error routine ; (replaces CFPSIG.ASM in regular C math runtime) ; ; The behavior is to die with error code. ; (Calling POSTQUITMESSAGE doesn't cause immediate termination of ; the Windows "task", but sends a WM_QUIT message ; to the application queue of the current Windows app.) ; cProc __fpsignal,, cBegin sub ah, ah push ax call POSTQUITMESSAGE cEnd sEnd code end