/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/ //#define prmNil 0 #define docNil (-1) #define cpNil ((typeCP) -1) #define cpMax ((typeCP) 2147483647) #define fcNil ((typeFC) -1) #define cp0 ((typeCP) 0) #define fnNil (32767) #define fc0 ((typeFC) 0) #define tcMax 255 #ifdef SAND #define xaMax 9500 #endif #define pn0 ((typePN) 0) #define cdocInit 4 #define cwExpand 256 #define cchMaxExpand (cwExpand * sizeof (int)) /* FetchCp Modes */ #define fcmChars 1 #define fcmProps 2 #define fcmBoth (fcmChars + fcmProps) #define fcmNoExpand 4 #define fcmParseCaps 8 /* Return separate runs for U&lc if sm. caps*/ /* Document types -- two bits only */ #define dtyNormal 0 #define dtyBuffer 1 #define dtySsht 2 #define dtyPrd 3 #define dtySystem 4 /* Never written; smashed to dtyNormal */ #define dtyHlp 5 /* Never written */ #define dtyNormNoExt 6 /* Never written */ #ifdef INTL /* international version */ #define dtyWordDoc 6 /* when saving in Word format */ #endif /* international version */ #define dtyNetwork 7 /* Never written; smashed to dtyNormal */ #define dtyAny 0 struct DOD { /* Document descriptor */ struct PCTB **hpctb; /* Piece table */ typeCP cpMac; /* Number of lexemes in doc */ unsigned fFormatted : 1; /* Default save is formatted */ unsigned fDirty : 1; /* Document has been edited */ unsigned fAbsLooks : 1; /* Absolute looks applied */ unsigned fBackup : 1; /* Make auto backup of file? */ unsigned fReadOnly: 1; /* Read only doc (no edits allowed)? */ unsigned fDisplayable : 1; unsigned : 4; unsigned dty : 2; /* Document type */ unsigned cref : 4; /* Reference count */ CHAR (**hszFile)[]; /* Document name */ struct FNTB **hfntb; /* Footnote table */ #ifdef CASHMERE struct SETB **hsetb; /* Section table */ #else struct SEP **hsep; /* Section properties */ #endif int docSsht; /* Style sheet if dty == dtySsht */ struct PGTB **hpgtb; /* Page table (for Jump Page) */ struct FFNTB **hffntb; /* font name table */ struct TBD (**hgtbd)[]; /* Table of tab stops */ #ifdef SAND int vref; /* Volume that this document is on */ #endif /* SAND */ }; #define cwDOD (sizeof (struct DOD) / sizeof (int)) #define cbDOD (sizeof (struct DOD)) struct FNTB **HfntbGet();