/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 * * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * WGPRNSET.H * WOW32 printer setup support routines * * These routines help a Win 3.0 task to complete the printer set-up, * when a user initiates the printer setup from the file menu of an * application. * * History: * Created 18-Apr-1991 by Chandan Chauhan (ChandanC) --*/ #define DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE(V) (V) ULONG FASTCALL WG32DeviceMode (PVDMFRAME pFrame); ULONG FASTCALL WG32ExtDeviceMode (PVDMFRAME pFrame); ULONG FASTCALL WG32DeviceCapabilities (PVDMFRAME pFrame);