############################################################################# # # Microsoft Confidential # Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1995 # All Rights Reserved. # # Makefile for VNBT directory # ############################################################################# ROOT = $(BLDROOT) DEVICEDIR = NBT IS_32 = TRUE IS_PRIVATE = TRUE IS_SDK = TRUE IS_DDK = TRUE DIRLIST = COMMONMKFILE = VNBT.mk LIBS=vxdwraps.lib !include $(ROOT)\DEV\MASTER.MK disk: copy debug\vnbt.vxd a:vnbt.VXD copy debug\vnbt.sym a: ############################################################################# # # Beginning of saved settings used by makemake. Do not edit between here # and the end of the file, except by deleting the entire section. Do not # delete the blank line that precedes this comment block. # # MAKE SURE TO DELETE EVERYTHING FROM HERE TO THE END OF THE MAKEFILE BEFORE # YOU CHECK IT IN. If you need to add more gunk, add it BEFORE this comment # block. # # #############################################################################