/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Netware to Windows NT Transfer Loop | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (c) Copyright 1993-1994 | | Microsoft Corp. | | All rights reserved | | | | Program : [Transfer.c] | | Programmer : Arthur Hanson | | Original Program Date : [Jul 27, 1993] | | Last Update : [Jun 16, 1994] | | | | Version: 1.00 | | | | Description: | | | | History: | | arth June 16, 1994 1.00 Original Version. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "globals.h" #include #include #include #include #include "nwconv.h" #include "convapi.h" #include "ntnetapi.h" #include "nwnetapi.h" #include "userdlg.h" #include "statbox.h" #include "filedlg.h" #include "map.h" #define NWC_ERR_IGNORE 1 #define NWC_ERR_NAMELONG 2 #define NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE 3 #define NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID 4 #define ILLEGAL_CHARS TEXT("\"\\/[]:;=,+*?<>") // define for routines in fcopy.c void ConvertFiles(HWND hDlg, BOOL TConversion, USER_LIST *Users, GROUP_LIST *Groups); void ConvertFilesInit(HWND hDlg); void VSharesCreate(DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ, BOOL TConversion); // Cache of user and group lists typedef struct _LIST_CACHE { struct _LIST_CACHE *next; ULONG Count; void *ul; } LIST_CACHE; static LIST_CACHE *UserCacheHead = NULL; static LIST_CACHE *GroupCacheHead = NULL; // Misc string holders static LPTSTR LocalName = NULL; static LPTSTR SourceServer, DestServer; TCHAR UserServerName[MAX_SERVER_NAME_LEN + 3]; static TCHAR tmpStr[80]; static TCHAR tmpStr2[60]; static TCHAR ErrorText[256]; static TCHAR NewName[256]; static TCHAR pLine[256]; static CONVERT_OPTIONS *ConvOpt = NULL; static FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions = NULL; static BOOL TConversion; static BOOL WarningDlgForNTFS; // Totals for stat box static UINT TotErrors; static UINT TotGroups; static UINT TotUsers; static UINT TotConversions; UINT TotFiles; ULONG StartTime; ULONG CurrTime; // User and Group list pointers static USER_LIST *Users = NULL; static USER_LIST *NTUsers = NULL; static GROUP_LIST *Groups = NULL; static GROUP_LIST *NTGroups = NULL; static DWORD UserCount, NTUserCount; static DWORD GroupCount, NTGroupCount; static BOOL TransferCancel = FALSE; static MAP_FILE *hMap; // All of this is used for transfer lists in the conversion #define USER_SERVER 0 #define USER_SERVER_PDC 1 #define USER_SERVER_TRUSTED 2 typedef struct _TRANSFER_BUFFER { LPTSTR ServerName; UINT UserServerType; CONVERT_LIST *ConvertList; } TRANSFER_BUFFER; typedef struct _TRANSFER_LIST { ULONG Count; TRANSFER_BUFFER TList[]; } TRANSFER_LIST; /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ErrorIt() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ErrorIt(LPTSTR szFormat, ...) { static TCHAR tmpStr[1024]; va_list marker; va_start(marker, szFormat); wvsprintf(tmpStr, szFormat, marker); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("Errorit: %s\n"), tmpStr); #endif TotErrors++; Status_TotErrors(TotErrors); LogWriteErr(TEXT("%s"),tmpStr); va_end(marker); } // ErrorIt /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTFS Check Routines | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShareListNTFSCheck() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL ShareListNTFSCheck() { CONVERT_LIST *ConvList; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ; SOURCE_SERVER_BUFFER *SServ; SHARE_LIST *ShareList; SHARE_BUFFER *SList; VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *VShare; DRIVE_BUFFER *Drive; ULONG i; FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions; // Go through the convert list checking for any shares to non NTFS drives ConvList = ConvertListStart; while (ConvList != NULL) { DServ = ConvList->FileServ; SServ = ConvList->SourceServ; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) ConvList->FileOptions; if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ShareList = SServ->ShareList; if (ShareList != NULL) { SList = ShareList->SList; for (i = 0; i < ShareList->Count; i++) { // if not flagged as okay for going to fat, then must check if (SList[i].Convert && !SList[i].ToFat) if (SList[i].DestShare != NULL) if (SList[i].Virtual) { VShare = (VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *) SList[i].DestShare; Drive = VShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->Type != DRIVE_TYPE_NTFS)) return FALSE; } else { Drive = SList[i].DestShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->Type != DRIVE_TYPE_NTFS)) return FALSE; } } // for loop through shares } } // if FileOptions ConvList = ConvList->next; } return TRUE; } // ShareListNTFSCheck /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShareListNTFSListboxFill() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ShareListNTFSListboxFill(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR AddLine[256]; CONVERT_LIST *ConvList; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ; SOURCE_SERVER_BUFFER *SServ; SHARE_LIST *ShareList; SHARE_BUFFER *SList; VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *VShare; DRIVE_BUFFER *Drive; ULONG i; HWND hCtrl; FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions; // Go through the convert list checking for any shares to non NTFS drives ConvList = ConvertListStart; hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LIST1); while (ConvList != NULL) { DServ = ConvList->FileServ; SServ = ConvList->SourceServ; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) ConvList->FileOptions; if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ShareList = SServ->ShareList; if (ShareList != NULL) { SList = ShareList->SList; for (i = 0; i < ShareList->Count; i++) { // if not flagged as okay for going to fat, then must check if (SList[i].Convert && !SList[i].ToFat) if (SList[i].DestShare != NULL) if (SList[i].Virtual) { VShare = (VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *) SList[i].DestShare; Drive = VShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->Type != DRIVE_TYPE_NTFS)) { wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, VShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } else { Drive = SList[i].DestShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->Type != DRIVE_TYPE_NTFS)) { wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, SList[i].DestShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } } // for loop through shares } } // if FileOptions ConvList = ConvList->next; } } // ShareListNTFSListboxFill /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShareListFATOK() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ShareListFATOK() { CONVERT_LIST *ConvList; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ; SOURCE_SERVER_BUFFER *SServ; SHARE_LIST *ShareList; SHARE_BUFFER *SList; ULONG i; FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions; // Go through the convert list checking for any shares to non NTFS drives ConvList = ConvertListStart; while (ConvList != NULL) { DServ = ConvList->FileServ; SServ = ConvList->SourceServ; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) ConvList->FileOptions; if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ShareList = SServ->ShareList; if (ShareList != NULL) { SList = ShareList->SList; for (i = 0; i < ShareList->Count; i++) { if (SList[i].Convert) SList[i].ToFat = TRUE; } } } // if FileOptions ConvList = ConvList->next; } } // ShareListFATOK /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Space Check Routines | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShareListSpaceCheck() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL ShareListSpaceCheck() { CONVERT_LIST *ConvList; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ; SOURCE_SERVER_BUFFER *SServ; SHARE_LIST *ShareList; SHARE_BUFFER *SList; VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *VShare; DRIVE_BUFFER *Drive; ULONG i; FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions; // Go through the convert list checking for any shares to non NTFS drives ConvList = ConvertListStart; while (ConvList != NULL) { DServ = ConvList->FileServ; SServ = ConvList->SourceServ; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) ConvList->FileOptions; if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ShareList = SServ->ShareList; if (ShareList != NULL) { SList = ShareList->SList; for (i = 0; i < ShareList->Count; i++) { if (SList[i].Convert && (SList[i].DestShare != NULL)) if (SList[i].Virtual) { VShare = (VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *) SList[i].DestShare; Drive = VShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->AllocSpace > Drive->FreeSpace)) return FALSE; } else { Drive = SList[i].DestShare->Drive; if ((Drive == NULL) || (Drive->AllocSpace > Drive->FreeSpace)) return FALSE; } } // for loop through shares } } // if FileOptions ConvList = ConvList->next; } return TRUE; } // ShareListSpaceCheck /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShareListSpaceListboxFill() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ShareListSpaceListboxFill(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR AddLine[256]; TCHAR Free[25]; CONVERT_LIST *ConvList; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *DServ; SOURCE_SERVER_BUFFER *SServ; SHARE_LIST *ShareList; SHARE_BUFFER *SList; VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *VShare; DRIVE_BUFFER *Drive; ULONG i; HWND hCtrl; FILE_OPTIONS *FileOptions; // Go through the convert list checking for any shares to non NTFS drives ConvList = ConvertListStart; hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LIST1); while (ConvList != NULL) { DServ = ConvList->FileServ; SServ = ConvList->SourceServ; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) ConvList->FileOptions; if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ShareList = SServ->ShareList; if (ShareList != NULL) { SList = ShareList->SList; for (i = 0; i < ShareList->Count; i++) { if (SList[i].Convert && (SList[i].DestShare != NULL)) if (SList[i].Virtual) { VShare = (VIRTUAL_SHARE_BUFFER *) SList[i].DestShare; Drive = VShare->Drive; if (Drive != NULL) { if (Drive->AllocSpace > Drive->FreeSpace) { // List shares then space wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, VShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); lstrcpy(Free, lToStr(Drive->FreeSpace)); wsprintf(AddLine, Lids(IDS_D_13), Free, lToStr(Drive->AllocSpace)); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } else { wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, VShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); wsprintf(AddLine, Lids(IDS_D_14)); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } else { Drive = SList[i].DestShare->Drive; if (Drive != NULL) { if (Drive->AllocSpace > Drive->FreeSpace) { // List shares then space wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, SList[i].DestShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); lstrcpy(Free, lToStr(Drive->FreeSpace)); wsprintf(AddLine, Lids(IDS_D_13), Free, lToStr(Drive->AllocSpace)); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } else { wsprintf(AddLine, TEXT("%s\\%s: -> \\\\%s\\%s"), SServ->Name, SList[i].Name, DServ->Name, SList[i].DestShare->Name); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); wsprintf(AddLine, Lids(IDS_D_14)); SendMessage(hCtrl, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) AddLine); } } // if Virtual } // for loop through shares } } // if FileOptions ConvList = ConvList->next; } } // ShareListSpaceListboxFill /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Conversion Warning Dialog | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DlgConversionWarning() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ LRESULT CALLBACK DlgConversionWarning(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int wmId, wmEvent; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // Center the dialog over the application window CenterWindow (hDlg, GetWindow (hDlg, GW_OWNER)); if (WarningDlgForNTFS) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PANEL1, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) Lids(IDS_D_15)); ShareListNTFSListboxFill(hDlg); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PANEL1, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) Lids(IDS_D_16)); ShareListSpaceListboxFill(hDlg); } return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case IDYES: if (WarningDlgForNTFS) ShareListFATOK(); EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return (TRUE); break; case IDNO: TransferCancel = TRUE; EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return (TRUE); break; } break; } return (FALSE); // Didn't process the message lParam; } // DlgConversionWarning /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ConversionWarningDlg_Do() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ConversionWarningDlg_Do(HWND hDlg) { DLGPROC lpfnDlg; lpfnDlg = MakeProcInstance((DLGPROC) DlgConversionWarning, hInst); DialogBox(hInst, TEXT("AlertSel"), hDlg, lpfnDlg) ; FreeProcInstance(lpfnDlg); } // ConversionWarningDlg_Do /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTFSCheck() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void NTFSCheck(HWND hDlg) { WarningDlgForNTFS = TRUE; if (!ShareListNTFSCheck()) ConversionWarningDlg_Do(hDlg); } // NTFSCheck /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SpaceCheck() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void SpaceCheck(HWND hDlg) { WarningDlgForNTFS = FALSE; if (!ShareListSpaceCheck()) ConversionWarningDlg_Do(hDlg); } // SpaceCheck /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | End of Conversion Dialog | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DlgConversionEnd() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ LRESULT CALLBACK DlgConversionEnd(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hFile; int wmId, wmEvent; static char CmdLine[256]; HWND hCtrl; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // Center the dialog over the application window CenterWindow (hDlg, GetWindow (hDlg, GW_OWNER)); hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_VIEWLOG); // check if logfile exists, if it does allow log file viewing... hFile = CreateFileA( "LogFile.LOG", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != (HANDLE) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( hFile ); else EnableWindow(hCtrl, FALSE); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_S_TOT_COMP, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lToStr(TotConversions)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_S_TOT_GROUPS, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lToStr(TotGroups)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_S_TOT_USERS, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lToStr(TotUsers)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_S_TOT_FILES, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lToStr(TotFiles)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_S_TOT_ERRORS, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lToStr(TotErrors)); if (TransferCancel) SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) Lids(IDS_D_17)); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return (TRUE); break; case IDC_VIEWLOG: lstrcpyA(CmdLine, "LogView "); lstrcatA(CmdLine, "Error.LOG Summary.LOG LogFile.LOG"); WinExec(CmdLine, SW_SHOW); return (TRUE); break; } break; } return (FALSE); // Didn't process the message lParam; } // DlgConversionEnd /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ConversionEndDlg_Do() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ConversionEndDlg_Do(HWND hDlg) { DLGPROC lpfnDlg; lpfnDlg = MakeProcInstance((DLGPROC) DlgConversionEnd, hInst); DialogBox(hInst, TEXT("ConversionEnd"), hDlg, lpfnDlg) ; FreeProcInstance(lpfnDlg); } // ConversionEndDlg_Do /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | User / Group lists and Cache routines | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FindUserMatch() | | Searches through the user list using a binary search. Returns a | pointer to the found user record or NULL if no match. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ USER_BUFFER *FindUserMatch(LPTSTR Name, USER_LIST *UserList, BOOL NewName) { LONG begin = 0; LONG end; LONG cur; int match; USER_BUFFER *UserBuffer; if (UserList == NULL) return NULL; UserBuffer = UserList->UserBuffer; end = UserList->Count - 1; while (end >= begin) { // go halfway in-between cur = (begin + end) / 2; // compare the two result into match if (NewName) match = lstrcmpi(Name, UserBuffer[cur].NewName); else match = lstrcmpi(Name, UserBuffer[cur].Name); if (match < 0) // move new begin end = cur - 1; else begin = cur + 1; if (match == 0) return &UserBuffer[cur]; } return NULL; } // FindUserMatch /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FindGroupMatch() | | Searches through the group list using a binary search. Returns a | pointer to the found group record or NULL if no match. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ GROUP_BUFFER *FindGroupMatch(LPTSTR Name, GROUP_LIST *GroupList, BOOL NewName) { LONG begin = 0; LONG end; LONG cur; int match; GROUP_BUFFER *GroupBuffer; if (GroupList == NULL) return NULL; GroupBuffer = GroupList->GroupBuffer; end = GroupList->Count - 1; while (end >= begin) { // go halfway in-between cur = (begin + end) / 2; // compare the two result into match if (NewName) match = lstrcmpi(Name, GroupBuffer[cur].NewName); else match = lstrcmpi(Name, GroupBuffer[cur].Name); if (match < 0) // move new begin end = cur - 1; else begin = cur + 1; if (match == 0) return &GroupBuffer[cur]; } return NULL; } // FindGroupMatch /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The List Cache's are a linked list of previously converted user and | group lists. This is mostly for when running trial conversions you can | check if a previously transferred name conflicts with a new name (since | the name won't actually be out on the destination server). | | The Cache is kept around while working with the same destination server | or domain. Once a new domain/server is selected the cache and all lists | should be freed. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ListCachePut() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL ListCachePut(LIST_CACHE **CacheHead, void *ul, ULONG Count) { LIST_CACHE *cc; LIST_CACHE *pc; cc = (LIST_CACHE *) AllocMemory(sizeof(LIST_CACHE)); if (cc == NULL) return FALSE; // Init the cache entry cc->next = NULL; cc->Count = Count; cc->ul = ul; // Now put it at the end of the chain if (*CacheHead == NULL) { *CacheHead = cc; return TRUE; } pc = *CacheHead; while (pc->next) pc = pc->next; pc->next = cc; return TRUE; } // ListCachePut /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ListCacheFree() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ListCacheFree(LIST_CACHE **CacheHead) { LIST_CACHE *cc; LIST_CACHE *pc; cc = *CacheHead; while (cc) { // Free the user list attached to this cache entry FreeMemory(cc->ul); // Save next cache entry pc = cc->next; // Free up the cache entry and loop FreeMemory(cc); cc = pc; } *CacheHead = NULL; } // ListCacheFree /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UserCacheMatch() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL UserCacheMatch(LPTSTR UserName) { LIST_CACHE *cc; BOOL match = FALSE; cc = UserCacheHead; // loop through the cache entries and try to match with each user list while (cc && !match) { if (FindUserMatch(UserName, (USER_LIST *) cc->ul, TRUE)) match = TRUE; else cc = cc->next; } return match; } // UserCacheMatch /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GroupCacheMatch() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL GroupCacheMatch(LPTSTR GroupName) { LIST_CACHE *cc; BOOL match = FALSE; cc = GroupCacheHead; // loop through the cache entries and try to match with each user list while (cc && !match) { if (FindGroupMatch(GroupName, (GROUP_LIST *) cc->ul, TRUE)) match = TRUE; else cc = cc->next; } return match; } // GroupCacheMatch /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Logging Garbage | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ConvertOptionsLog() | | Writes all the admin selected conversion options to the log file. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ConvertOptionsLog() { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_136)); if (ConvOpt->TransferUserInfo) LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_137), Lids(IDS_YES)); else LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_137), Lids(IDS_NO)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); if (ConvOpt->TransferUserInfo) { LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_140)); if (ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) { LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_138), Lids(IDS_YES)); LogWriteLog(3, Lids(IDS_L_139), ConvOpt->MappingFile); } else { LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_138), Lids(IDS_NO)); // Password Options LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_141)); switch (ConvOpt->PasswordOption) { case 0: // Use NULL LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_142)); break; case 1: // Password is username LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_143)); break; case 2: // Use constant LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_144), ConvOpt->PasswordConstant); break; } } if (ConvOpt->ForcePasswordChange) LogWriteLog(3, Lids(IDS_L_145), Lids(IDS_YES)); else LogWriteLog(3, Lids(IDS_L_145), Lids(IDS_NO)); if (!ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) { // User Names Options LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_146)); switch (ConvOpt->UserNameOption) { case 0: // Don't transfer - log failures LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_148)); break; case 1: // Ignore LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_149)); break; case 2: // Overwrite with new info LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_151)); break; case 3: // Pre-Pend constant LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_150), ConvOpt->UserConstant); break; } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); // Group Names Options LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_147)); switch (ConvOpt->GroupNameOption) { case 0: // Don't transfer - log failures LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_148)); break; case 1: // Overwrite with new info LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_149)); break; case 2: // Pre-Pend constant LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_150), ConvOpt->GroupConstant); break; } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } if (ConvOpt->SupervisorDefaults) LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_152), Lids(IDS_YES)); else LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_152), Lids(IDS_NO)); if (ConvOpt->AdminAccounts) LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_153), Lids(IDS_YES)); else LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_153), Lids(IDS_NO)); if (ConvOpt->UseTrustedDomain && (ConvOpt->TrustedDomain != NULL)) LogWriteLog(2, Lids(IDS_L_154), ConvOpt->TrustedDomain->Name); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } // ConvertOptionsLog /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OptionsFileLog() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void OptionsFileLog() { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_155)); if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_156), Lids(IDS_YES)); else LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_156), Lids(IDS_NO)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } // OptionsFileLog /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ConvertPairLog() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void ConvertPairLog() { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_LINE)); wsprintf(tmpStr, Lids(IDS_L_157), SourceServer); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_BRACE), tmpStr); wsprintf(tmpStr, Lids(IDS_L_158), DestServer); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_BRACE), tmpStr); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_LINE)); GetTime(tmpStr2); wsprintf(tmpStr, Lids(IDS_L_159), tmpStr2); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_BRACE), tmpStr); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_LINE)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteSummary(0, TEXT("[%s -> %s]\r\n"), SourceServer, DestServer); ErrorContextSet(TEXT("[%s -> %s]\r\n"), SourceServer, DestServer); } // ConvertPairLog /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UsersLogNames() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void UsersLogNames(USER_LIST *Users) { ULONG i; DWORD UserCount; USER_BUFFER *UserBuffer; if (Users == NULL) return; UserCount = Users->Count; UserBuffer = Users->UserBuffer; if (UserCount) { LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_160)); LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_161)); // Check Mapping File for (i = 0; i < UserCount; i++) { if (UserBuffer[i].IsNewName) wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("%s -> %s"), UserBuffer[i].Name, UserBuffer[i].NewName); else wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("%s"), UserBuffer[i].NewName); LogWriteLog(1, TEXT(" %-50s"), pLine); if (UserBuffer[i].err) { if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMELONG) LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_162)); if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE) LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_163)); if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID) LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_164)); } // Need to check this seperatly - as it's not an error if (UserBuffer[i].Overwrite) LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_163)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } } // UsersLogNames /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UserNewName_Check() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void UserNewName_Check(USER_BUFFER *Users) { // We have done any mappings that need to be done, now check for // name validity if there is a new name... if (Users->IsNewName) if (UserCacheMatch(Users->NewName)) { Users->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; } if (lstrlen(Users->NewName) > MAX_NT_USER_NAME_LEN) { // Name is too long Users->err = NWC_ERR_NAMELONG; } // Check if a valid name (no illegal characters)... if ((int) wcscspn(Users->NewName, ILLEGAL_CHARS) < (int) lstrlen(Users->NewName)) Users->err = NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID; } // UserNewName_Check /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UserNames_Resolve() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void UserNames_Resolve(USER_BUFFER *Users) { LPTSTR TheName; LPTSTR ErrorText; ULONG RetType; // Figure out which name to use if (Users->IsNewName) TheName = Users->Name; else TheName = Users->NewName; // If using mapping file then map the name appropriatly if (ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) { if (UserCacheMatch(TheName)) Users->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; } else { // check if the user name is in the destination list (duplicate) if (UserCacheMatch(TheName)) { // There was - so figure out based on conversion options what // to do with it... switch (ConvOpt->UserNameOption) { case 0: // Log Errors Users->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; break; case 1: // ignore Users->err = NWC_ERR_IGNORE; break; case 2: // Overwrite Users->Overwrite = TRUE; break; case 3: // Pre-Pend constant lstrcpy(NewName, ConvOpt->UserConstant); lstrcat(NewName, Users->Name); lstrcpy(Users->NewName, NewName); Users->IsNewName = TRUE; break; } // switch } } do { RetType = IDIGNORE; UserNewName_Check(Users); if (Users->err && (Users->err != NWC_ERR_IGNORE) && PopupOnError()) { switch(Users->err) { case NWC_ERR_NAMELONG: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_165); break; case NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_166); break; case NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_167); break; } RetType = UserNameErrorDlg_Do(Lids(IDS_L_168), ErrorText, Users); } } while (RetType == IDRETRY); if (RetType == IDABORT) TransferCancel = TRUE; } // UserNames_Resolve /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UserSave() | | Given a user-name, moves their account information from the source | to the destination server. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL UserSave(BOOL *NWInfo, LPTSTR origUserName, LPTSTR newUserName, NT_USER_INFO *NTInfo, void **OldInfo, BOOL Replace) { NET_API_STATUS ret = 0; void *NWUInfo; FPNW_INFO fpnw; static TCHAR ServerName[MAX_SERVER_NAME_LEN+3]; // +3 for leading slashes and ending NULL *NWInfo = FALSE; // Overlay NetWare info into record NWUserInfoGet(origUserName, OldInfo); NWUInfo = *OldInfo; if (NWUInfo == NULL) return FALSE; *NWInfo = TRUE; NWNetUserMapInfo(origUserName, NWUInfo, NTInfo); // Force user to change password if required if (ConvOpt->ForcePasswordChange) NTInfo->password_expired = (DWORD) (-1L); // Now get/map special FPNW info if (ConvOpt->NetWareInfo) { NWFPNWMapInfo(NWUInfo, &fpnw); } if (!TConversion) if (Replace) if (ConvOpt->NetWareInfo) ret = NTUserInfoSet(NTInfo, &fpnw); else ret = NTUserInfoSet(NTInfo, NULL); else if (ConvOpt->NetWareInfo) ret = NTUserInfoSave(NTInfo, &fpnw); else ret = NTUserInfoSave(NTInfo, NULL); if (ret) return FALSE; else { // now save out FPNW Info if (ConvOpt->NetWareInfo) NTSAMParmsSet(newUserName, fpnw, NTInfo->password, ConvOpt->ForcePasswordChange); return TRUE; } } // UserSave /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UsersConvert() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void UsersConvert() { static TCHAR Password[MAX_PW_LEN + 1]; USER_BUFFER *UserBuffer = NULL; BOOL NWInfo; DWORD status = 0; DWORD i; void *NW_UInfo; static NT_USER_INFO NT_UInfo; ULONG TotConv = 0; Status_ConvTxt(Lids(IDS_D_18)); Status_ItemLabel(Lids(IDS_D_19)); Status_CurTot((UINT) UserCount); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_169)); LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_170), UserCount); ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_171)); if (Users == NULL) return; UserBuffer = Users->UserBuffer; // This will update the status pane - but we will reset it afterwards for (i = 0; i < UserCount; i++) { // Don't update totals yet, but update item ref incase this takes // awhile Status_CurNum((UINT) i + 1); Status_Item(UserBuffer[i].Name); UserNames_Resolve(&UserBuffer[i]); if (TransferCancel) return; } UsersLogNames(Users); i = 0; while (i < UserCount) { Status_CurNum((UINT) i + 1); Status_Item(UserBuffer[i].Name); lstrcpy(pLine, UserBuffer[i].Name); if (UserBuffer[i].IsNewName) wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("[%s -> %s]"), UserBuffer[i].Name, UserBuffer[i].NewName); else wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("[%s]"), UserBuffer[i].NewName); LogWriteLog(1, TEXT("%-50s"), pLine); ErrorItemSet(TEXT("%s\r\n"), pLine); // If duplicate or other type error just do logging - don't try to save if (UserBuffer[i].err) { if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_172)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_173)); } if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMELONG) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_174)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_175)); } if (UserBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_176)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_177)); } } else { // Init the user record NTUserRecInit(UserBuffer[i].NewName, &NT_UInfo); // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | User name figured out - now map password | // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ memset(Password, 0, sizeof(Password)); if (ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) // If using map file, password is already set lstrcpy(Password, UserBuffer[i].Password); else if (lstrlen(Password) == 0) { // Didn't map password - so find what to use switch (ConvOpt->PasswordOption) { case 0: // No Password // Don't need to do anything break; case 1: // Username // BUGBUG: Name can be longer then password!!! lstrcpy(Password, UserBuffer[i].NewName); break; case 2: // Constant lstrcpy(Password, ConvOpt->PasswordConstant); break; } // switch } NT_UInfo.password = Password; #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("User: %s\n"), UserBuffer[i].Name); #endif if (!UserSave(&NWInfo, UserBuffer[i].Name, UserBuffer[i].NewName, &NT_UInfo, &NW_UInfo, UserBuffer[i].Overwrite )) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_178)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_179)); } else { // only increment total if actually converted... TotUsers++; TotConv++; Status_TotUsers(TotUsers); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_180)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); // Converted - now need to save info to logs... if (NWInfo) { if (VerboseUserLogging()) NWUserInfoLog(UserBuffer[i].Name, NW_UInfo); if (VerboseUserLogging()) NTUserRecLog(NT_UInfo); } } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } i++; } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteSummary(1, Lids(IDS_L_181), lToStr(TotConv)); } // UsersConvert /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GroupSave() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL GroupSave(LPTSTR Name, DWORD *Status) { *Status = 0; if (!TConversion) if ((*Status = NTGroupSave(Name))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // GroupSave /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GroupNewName_Check() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void GroupNewName_Check(GROUP_BUFFER *Groups) { // We have done any mappings that need to be done, now check for // name validity if there is a new name... if (Groups->IsNewName) if (GroupCacheMatch(Groups->NewName)) { Groups->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; } // make sure not too long if (lstrlen(Groups->NewName) > MAX_NT_GROUP_NAME_LEN) { // Name is too long Groups->err = NWC_ERR_NAMELONG; } // Check if a valid name (no illegal characters)... if ((int) wcscspn(Groups->NewName, ILLEGAL_CHARS) < (int) lstrlen(Groups->NewName)) Groups->err = NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID; } // GroupNewName_Check /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GroupNames_Resolve() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void GroupNames_Resolve(GROUP_BUFFER *Groups) { LPTSTR TheName; LPTSTR ErrorText; ULONG RetType; // Figure out which name to use if (Groups->IsNewName) TheName = Groups->Name; else TheName = Groups->NewName; // If using mapping file then map the name appropriatly if (ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) { if (GroupCacheMatch(TheName)) Groups->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; } else { // check if the user name is in the destination list (duplicate) if (GroupCacheMatch(TheName)) { // There was - so figure out based on conversion options what // to do with it... switch (ConvOpt->GroupNameOption) { case 0: // Log Errors Groups->err = NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE; break; case 1: // ignore Groups->err = NWC_ERR_IGNORE; break; case 2: // Pre-Pend constant lstrcpy(NewName, ConvOpt->GroupConstant); lstrcat(NewName, Groups->Name); lstrcpy(Groups->NewName, NewName); Groups->IsNewName = TRUE; break; } // switch } } do { RetType = IDIGNORE; GroupNewName_Check(Groups); if (Groups->err && (Groups->err != NWC_ERR_IGNORE) && PopupOnError()) { switch(Groups->err) { case NWC_ERR_NAMELONG: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_182); break; case NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_183); break; case NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID: ErrorText = Lids(IDS_L_184); break; } RetType = GroupNameErrorDlg_Do(Lids(IDS_L_185), ErrorText, Groups); } } while (RetType == IDRETRY); if (RetType == IDABORT) TransferCancel = TRUE; } // GroupNames_Resolve /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GroupsConvert() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void GroupsConvert() { USER_LIST *GUsers = NULL; USER_BUFFER *GUserBuffer; USER_BUFFER *pUser; GROUP_BUFFER *pGroup; GROUP_BUFFER *GroupBuffer = NULL; DWORD GUserCount; DWORD status = 0; ULONG Count, i; ULONG TotConv = 0; LPTSTR NewName; BOOL SecEquivTitle = FALSE; BOOL SecEquivUser = FALSE; TCHAR GroupTitle[TMP_STR_LEN_256]; // update status pane Status_ConvTxt(Lids(IDS_D_20)); Status_ItemLabel(Lids(IDS_D_21)); ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_186)); Status_CurTot((UINT) GroupCount); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_187)); LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_188), GroupCount); if (Groups == NULL) return; GroupBuffer = Groups->GroupBuffer; for (i = 0; i < GroupCount; i++) { // Don't update totals yet, but update item ref incase this takes // awhile Status_CurNum((UINT) i + 1); Status_Item(GroupBuffer[i].Name); GroupNames_Resolve(&GroupBuffer[i]); if (TransferCancel) return; } i = 0; while (i < GroupCount) { // update status pane for this group Status_CurNum((UINT) i + 1); Status_Item(GroupBuffer[i].Name); lstrcpy(pLine, GroupBuffer[i].Name); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("Working on Group: %s\r\n"), GroupBuffer[i].Name); #endif if (GroupBuffer[i].IsNewName) wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("%s -> %s"), GroupBuffer[i].Name, GroupBuffer[i].NewName); else wsprintf(pLine, TEXT("%s"), GroupBuffer[i].NewName); LogWriteLog(1, TEXT("%-50s"), pLine); ErrorItemSet(TEXT("[%s]\r\n"), pLine); // If duplicate or other type error just do logging - don't try // to save... if (GroupBuffer[i].err) { if (GroupBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_DUPLICATE) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_163)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_189)); } if (GroupBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMELONG) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_162)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_190)); } if (GroupBuffer[i].err == NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_164)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_191)); } } else { // Try to save it and get any errors... if (!GroupSave(GroupBuffer[i].NewName, &status)) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_192)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_193)); } else { // only increment total if actually converted... TotGroups++; TotConv++; Status_TotGroups(TotGroups); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_180)); } } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); i++; } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_194)); // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Go through and add users to the groups | // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ for (Count = 0; Count < GroupCount; Count++) { GUserCount = 0; if (!(status = NWGroupUsersEnum(GroupBuffer[Count].Name, &GUsers)) && (GUsers != NULL)) { GUserCount = GUsers->Count; GUserBuffer = GUsers->UserBuffer; if (GUserCount > 0) { wsprintf(GroupTitle, Lids(IDS_S_46), GroupBuffer[Count].NewName); EscapeFormattingChars(GroupTitle, sizeof(GroupTitle)/sizeof(GroupTitle[0])) ; Status_ItemLabel(GroupTitle); LogWriteLog(1, TEXT("[%s]\r\n"), GroupBuffer[Count].NewName); } for (i = 0; i < GUserCount; i++) { pUser = FindUserMatch(GUserBuffer[i].Name, Users, FALSE); if (pUser == NULL) NewName = NWSpecialNamesMap(GUserBuffer[i].Name); else NewName = pUser->NewName; LogWriteLog(2, TEXT("%-20s"), NewName); Status_Item(NewName); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("Adding User [%s] to Group: %s\n"), NewName, GroupBuffer[Count].NewName ); #endif if (!TConversion) if (NTGroupUserAdd(GroupBuffer[Count].NewName, NewName, FALSE)) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_196)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_195), NewName, GroupBuffer[Count].NewName); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); FreeMemory((LPBYTE) GUsers); } else { LogWriteLog(1, Lids(IDS_L_197), GroupBuffer[Count].Name); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_197), GroupBuffer[Count].Name); } } // loop adding users to groups ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_198)); // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Convert Security Equivalences to Group Names | // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ SecEquivTitle = FALSE; for (Count = 0; Count < UserCount; Count++) { GUserCount = 0; SecEquivUser = FALSE; if (!(status = NWUserEquivalenceEnum(Users->UserBuffer[Count].Name, &GUsers)) && (GUsers != NULL)) { GUserCount = GUsers->Count; GUserBuffer = GUsers->UserBuffer; if (GUserCount > 0) { for (i = 0; i < GUserCount; i++) { pGroup = FindGroupMatch(GUserBuffer[i].Name, Groups, FALSE); if (pGroup != NULL) { if ((pGroup->err != NWC_ERR_NAMELONG) && (pGroup->err != NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID)) if (!SecEquivTitle) { SecEquivTitle = TRUE; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_199)); } if (!SecEquivUser) { SecEquivUser = TRUE; wsprintf(GroupTitle, Lids(IDS_S_47), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName); EscapeFormattingChars(GroupTitle, sizeof(GroupTitle)/sizeof(GroupTitle[0])) ; Status_ItemLabel(GroupTitle); LogWriteLog(1, TEXT("[%s]\r\n"), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName); } LogWriteLog(2, TEXT("%-20s"), pGroup->NewName); Status_Item(pGroup->NewName); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("User [%s] Security Equivalence: %s\n"), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName, pGroup->NewName ); #endif if (!TConversion) if (NTGroupUserAdd(pGroup->NewName, Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName, FALSE)) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_196)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_195), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName, pGroup->NewName); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } else { // There was not a group match - check if this is supervisor // equivalence if (!lstrcmpi(GUserBuffer[i].Name, Lids(IDS_S_28))) { // Check if we should add them if (ConvOpt->AdminAccounts) { if (!SecEquivTitle) { SecEquivTitle = TRUE; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_199)); } if (!SecEquivUser) { SecEquivUser = TRUE; LogWriteLog(1, TEXT("[%s]\r\n"), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName); } LogWriteLog(2, TEXT("%-20s"), Lids(IDS_S_42)); if (!TConversion) if (NTGroupUserAdd(Lids(IDS_S_42), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName, FALSE)) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_196)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_195), Users->UserBuffer[Count].NewName, Lids(IDS_S_42)); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } } } } // Only put blank line if we logged this user if (SecEquivUser) LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } FreeMemory((LPBYTE) GUsers); } } // Loop converting security equivalences // Synchronize the domain - we need to synch as Print Operators are a // local group NTDomainSynch(CurrentConvertList->FileServ); // Now set server to appropriate dest server (local group - so must // be on dest server and not PDC or trusted domain)... if ((status = NTServerSet(CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); return; } ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_200)); // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Do Print Operators | // +-------------------------------------------------------------+ SecEquivTitle = FALSE; if (!(status = NWPrintOpsEnum(&GUsers)) && (GUsers != NULL)) { GUserCount = GUsers->Count; GUserBuffer = GUsers->UserBuffer; if (GUserCount > 0) { for (i = 0; i < GUserCount; i++) { if (!SecEquivTitle) { SecEquivTitle = TRUE; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_201)); } pUser = FindUserMatch(GUserBuffer[i].Name, Users, FALSE); if ((pUser == NULL) || ((pUser->err != NWC_ERR_NAMELONG) && (pUser->err != NWC_ERR_NAMEINVALID))) { if (pUser == NULL) NewName = NWSpecialNamesMap(GUserBuffer[i].Name); else NewName = pUser->NewName; LogWriteLog(2, TEXT("%-20s"), NewName); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("Adding User [%s] to Group: %s\n"), NewName, Lids(IDS_S_43) ); #endif if (!TConversion) if (NTGroupUserAdd(Lids(IDS_S_43), NewName, TRUE)) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_196)); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_195), NewName, Lids(IDS_S_43)); } LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); } } } } LogWriteSummary(1, Lids(IDS_L_202), lToStr(TotConv)); } // GroupsConvert /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SupervisorDefaultsConvert() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void SupervisorDefaultsConvert(TRANSFER_LIST *tl) { ULONG i; void *Defaults; BOOL ConvertDefaults = FALSE; NT_DEFAULTS *NTDefaults = NULL; NT_DEFAULTS CDefaults; DEST_SERVER_BUFFER *oDServ = NULL; TRANSFER_BUFFER *TList; CONVERT_OPTIONS *ConvOpt; if (tl == NULL) return; TList = tl->TList; memset(&CDefaults, 0, sizeof(CDefaults)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_LINE)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_BRACE), Lids(IDS_L_203)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_LINE)); // Loop through the server pairs for conversion - this is sorted in order of // destination users servers. for (i = 0; i < tl->Count; i++) { CurrentConvertList = TList[i].ConvertList; ConvOpt = (CONVERT_OPTIONS *) CurrentConvertList->ConvertOptions; if (CurrentConvertList->FileServ != oDServ) { // if this is not the first time through the loop, then we need to save // off the converted defaults if (ConvertDefaults && (oDServ != NULL)) { ConvertDefaults = FALSE; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_204), oDServ->Name); if (NTDefaults != NULL) { NTUserDefaultsLog(*NTDefaults); if (!TConversion) NTUserDefaultsSet(*NTDefaults); } } oDServ = CurrentConvertList->FileServ; // Point to dest server and get defaults NTServerSet(CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); NTUserDefaultsGet(&NTDefaults); memset(&CDefaults, 0, sizeof(CDefaults)); if (NTDefaults != NULL) memcpy(&CDefaults, NTDefaults, sizeof(CDefaults)); } // Supervisor defaults if (ConvOpt->SupervisorDefaults) { // if not flagged for this dest server, then flag and write out original // values if (!ConvertDefaults) { ConvertDefaults = TRUE; if (NTDefaults != NULL) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_205), CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); NTUserDefaultsLog(*NTDefaults); } } NWServerSet(CurrentConvertList->SourceServ->Name); NWUserDefaultsGet(&Defaults); if (Defaults != NULL) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_206), CurrentConvertList->SourceServ->Name); NWUserDefaultsLog(Defaults); NWUserDefaultsMap(Defaults, &CDefaults); // Now map in least restrictive values to the NT one if (NTDefaults != NULL) { if (CDefaults.min_passwd_len < NTDefaults->min_passwd_len) NTDefaults->min_passwd_len = CDefaults.min_passwd_len; if (CDefaults.max_passwd_age < NTDefaults->max_passwd_age) NTDefaults->max_passwd_age = CDefaults.max_passwd_age; if (CDefaults.force_logoff < NTDefaults->force_logoff) NTDefaults->force_logoff = CDefaults.force_logoff; } FreeMemory(Defaults); Defaults = NULL; } } } // Need to catch the last one through the loop if (ConvertDefaults && (oDServ != NULL)) { ConvertDefaults = FALSE; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_204), oDServ->Name); if (NTDefaults != NULL) { NTUserDefaultsLog(*NTDefaults); if (!TConversion) NTUserDefaultsSet(*NTDefaults); } } } // SupervisorDefaultsConvert /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TransferListCompare() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ int __cdecl TransferListCompare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2) { TRANSFER_BUFFER *TBarg1, *TBarg2; TBarg1 = (TRANSFER_BUFFER *) arg1; TBarg2 = (TRANSFER_BUFFER *) arg2; return lstrcmpi( TBarg1->ServerName, TBarg2->ServerName); } // TransferListCompare /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TransferListCreate() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ TRANSFER_LIST *TransferListCreate() { CONVERT_OPTIONS *ConvOpt; static TRANSFER_LIST *tl; TRANSFER_BUFFER *TList; CONVERT_LIST *CList; ULONG Count = 0; tl = NULL; CList = ConvertListStart; while (CList != NULL) { Count++; CList = CList->next; } if (Count == 0) return NULL; tl = AllocMemory(sizeof(TRANSFER_LIST) + (sizeof(TRANSFER_BUFFER) * Count)); if (tl == NULL) return NULL; tl->Count = Count; TList = tl->TList; // init it all to NULL memset(TList, 0, sizeof(TRANSFER_BUFFER) * Count); Count = 0; CList = ConvertListStart; while (CList != NULL) { TList[Count].ConvertList = CList; // If going to a trusted domain then point to it's PDC for user transfers ConvOpt = (CONVERT_OPTIONS *) CList->ConvertOptions; if (ConvOpt->UseTrustedDomain && (ConvOpt->TrustedDomain != NULL) && (ConvOpt->TrustedDomain->PDCName != NULL)) { TList[Count].UserServerType = USER_SERVER_TRUSTED; TList[Count].ServerName = ConvOpt->TrustedDomain->PDCName; } else // If in a domain then point to the PDC for user transfers if (CList->FileServ->InDomain && CList->FileServ->Domain) { TList[Count].UserServerType = USER_SERVER_PDC; TList[Count].ServerName = CList->FileServ->Domain->PDCName; } else { TList[Count].UserServerType = USER_SERVER; TList[Count].ServerName = CList->FileServ->Name; } Count++; CList = CList->next; } // Have setup the main transfer list - now need to sort it in order of the // server names that users are being transfered to. qsort((void *) TList, (size_t) tl->Count, sizeof(TRANSFER_BUFFER), TransferListCompare); #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(TEXT("\nTransfer List:\n")); for (Count = 0; Count < tl->Count; Count++) { dprintf(TEXT(" Name: %s "), TList[Count].ServerName); switch (TList[Count].UserServerType) { case USER_SERVER: dprintf(TEXT("(Normal)\n")); break; case USER_SERVER_PDC: dprintf(TEXT("(PDC)\n")); break; case USER_SERVER_TRUSTED: dprintf(TEXT("(TRUSTED)\n")); break; } } dprintf(TEXT("\n")); #endif return tl; } // TransferListCreate /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DoConversion() | | Main program that does the actuall conversion. Loops through the | convert list and transfer the information. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ void DoConversion(HWND hDlg, BOOL TrialConversion) { TRANSFER_LIST *tl = NULL; TRANSFER_BUFFER *TList; LPTSTR oDServ = NULL; DWORD status = 0; UINT i; BOOL GotUserList; TCHAR sztime[40]; LPTSTR DomainName; time(&StartTime); TransferCancel = FALSE; TConversion = TrialConversion; // Check if going to non NTFS drives - if so, let user abort NTFSCheck(hDlg); if (TransferCancel) return; CursorHourGlass(); PanelDlg_Do(hDlg, Lids(IDS_D_22)); ConvertFilesInit(hDlg); if (Panel_Cancel()) { PanelDlgKill(); TransferCancel = TRUE; CursorNormal(); return; } PanelDlgKill(); // Check if enough space on destination drives, if not allow user to abort CursorNormal(); SpaceCheck(hDlg); if (TransferCancel) return; CursorHourGlass(); tl = TransferListCreate(); TList = tl->TList; DoStatusDlg(hDlg); Status_TotConv((UINT) NumServerPairs); Users = NULL; NTUsers = NULL; Groups = NULL; NTGroups = NULL; UserCount = 0; NTUserCount = 0; GroupCount = 0; NTGroupCount= 0; // Initialize global statistics TotErrors = 0; TotGroups = 0; TotUsers = 0; TotFiles = 0; // Update statistics window Status_TotComplete(0); Status_TotGroups(TotGroups); Status_TotUsers(TotUsers); Status_TotFiles(TotFiles); Status_TotErrors(TotErrors); // Set up logs and do all the header stuff LogInit(); if (TrialConversion) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_207)); } else { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_208)); } LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteErr(Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); // Log the list of servers to be converted ErrorResetAll(); ConvertListLog(); // Loop through source servers and conglomerate defaults into dest servers // and log the results SupervisorDefaultsConvert(tl); // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Done with init - loop through server pairs and do conversion | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Get Local computer name GetLocalName(&LocalName); // Loop through the server pairs for conversion for (i = 0; ((i < tl->Count) && !TransferCancel); i++) { CurrentConvertList = TList[i].ConvertList; // Get source and destination server - update logs and status window Status_CurConv(i + 1); SourceServer = CurrentConvertList->SourceServ->Name; DestServer = CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name; Status_SrcServ(SourceServer); Status_DestServ(DestServer); // Log this server pair - section heading ConvertPairLog(); // SetConvert options and log them out. ConvOpt = (CONVERT_OPTIONS *) CurrentConvertList->ConvertOptions; FileOptions = (FILE_OPTIONS *) CurrentConvertList->FileOptions; ConvertOptionsLog(); OptionsFileLog(); // If our destination server has changed then update the caches if (TList[i].ServerName != oDServ) { oDServ = TList[i].ServerName; GotUserList = TRUE; ListCacheFree(&UserCacheHead); ListCacheFree(&GroupCacheHead); if ((status = NTServerSet(DestServer))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), DestServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), DestServer); goto ConvDo_Loop; } // Put VShares here so it doesn't get lost in user info if (FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) VSharesCreate(CurrentConvertList->FileServ, TConversion); // Get users on NT server and put in cache if (status = NTUsersEnum(&NTUsers)) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err NTUsers = NULL; NTUserCount = 0; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_210), DestServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_210), DestServer); GotUserList = FALSE; } else NTUserCount = NTUsers->Count; if (!ListCachePut(&UserCacheHead, (void *) NTUsers, NTUserCount)) { // Failed - but clean up NT List first GotUserList = FALSE; FreeMemory(NTUsers); } else { // Now get Groups (if users succeded) and put in group cache if (status = NTGroupsEnum(&NTGroups)) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err NTGroupCount = 0; NTGroups = NULL; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_211), DestServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_211), DestServer); FreeMemory(NTUsers); GotUserList = FALSE; } else NTGroupCount = NTGroups->Count; if (!ListCachePut(&GroupCacheHead, (void *) NTGroups, NTGroupCount)) { // Failed - but clean up NT List first GotUserList = FALSE; FreeMemory(NTUsers); FreeMemory(NTGroups); } } } wsprintf(UserServerName, TEXT("\\\\%s"), TList[i].ServerName); if ((status = NTServerSet(TList[i].ServerName))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), TList[i].ServerName); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), TList[i].ServerName); goto ConvDo_Loop; } if (ConvOpt->NetWareInfo) { NTSAMClose(); if (ConvOpt->UseTrustedDomain && (ConvOpt->TrustedDomain != NULL)) DomainName = ConvOpt->TrustedDomain->Name; else if ((CurrentConvertList->FileServ->InDomain) && (CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Domain != NULL)) DomainName = CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Domain->Name; else DomainName = TEXT(""); if ((status = NTSAMConnect(TList[i].ServerName, DomainName))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), TList[i].ServerName); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), TList[i].ServerName); goto ConvDo_Loop; } } if ((status = NWServerSet(SourceServer))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), SourceServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), SourceServer); goto ConvDo_Loop; } // // If we are using mapping file then don't enum users and groups off // the server. Get them from the mapping file instead. // hMap = NULL; if (ConvOpt->UseMappingFile) { // // This is mapping file stuff // hMap = map_Open(ConvOpt->MappingFile); if (hMap == NULL) { ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_217), ConvOpt->MappingFile); goto ConvDo_Loop; } if ((status = map_GroupsEnum(hMap, &Groups))) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err Groups = NULL; GroupCount = 0; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_219), ConvOpt->MappingFile); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_219), ConvOpt->MappingFile); GotUserList = FALSE; } else GroupCount = Groups->Count; if ((status = map_UsersEnum(hMap, &Users))) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err Users = NULL; UserCount = 0; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_218), ConvOpt->MappingFile); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_218), ConvOpt->MappingFile); GotUserList = FALSE; } else UserCount = Users->Count; } else { // // Enuming users and groups from NetWare Server instead of map file // if ((status = NWGroupsEnum(&Groups, TRUE))) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err Groups = NULL; GroupCount = 0; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_211), SourceServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_211), SourceServer); GotUserList = FALSE; } else GroupCount = Groups->Count; if ((status = NWUsersEnum(&Users, TRUE))) { // Failed - make sure we don't try to convert users and log err Users = NULL; UserCount = 0; LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_210), SourceServer); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_210), SourceServer); GotUserList = FALSE; } else UserCount = Users->Count; } if (GotUserList) { // User and Groups if (ConvOpt->TransferUserInfo) { UsersConvert(); if (!TransferCancel) GroupsConvert(); } } // Note GroupsConvert switches servers for Print Operators to the // destination server (and not the PDC). // Files if (!(TransferCancel) && FileOptions->TransferFileInfo) { ErrorCategorySet(Lids(IDS_L_212)); // Now set server to appropriate file dest server if ((status = NTServerSet(CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name))) { // Failed to set server so log it and loop to next server LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_209), CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); ErrorIt(Lids(IDS_L_209), CurrentConvertList->FileServ->Name); goto ConvDo_Loop; } Status_BytesTxt(Lids(IDS_L_213)); Status_Bytes(TEXT("0")); Status_TotBytes(TEXT("0")); Status_BytesSep(Lids(IDS_L_214)); ConvertFiles(hDlg, TConversion, Users, Groups); Status_BytesTxt(TEXT("")); Status_Bytes(TEXT("")); Status_TotBytes(TEXT("")); Status_BytesSep(TEXT("")); } NWServerFree(); ConvDo_Loop: Status_TotComplete(i); if (Users) { FreeMemory(Users); UserCount = 0; } if (Groups) { FreeMemory(Groups); GroupCount = 0; } if (hMap != NULL) map_Close(hMap); } // for loop through transfer list // Free up our caches ListCacheFree(&UserCacheHead); ListCacheFree(&GroupCacheHead); // Log out the finish time LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_CRLF)); GetTime(sztime); if (TransferCancel) { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_215), sztime); LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_L_215), sztime); } else { LogWriteLog(0, Lids(IDS_L_216), sztime); LogWriteSummary(0, Lids(IDS_L_216), sztime); } if (tl != NULL) FreeMemory(tl); NTSAMClose(); StatusDlgKill(); CursorNormal(); TotConversions = i; ConversionEndDlg_Do(hDlg); } // DoConversion /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ConversionSuccessful() | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+*/ BOOL ConversionSuccessful() { if (TotErrors || TransferCancel) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } // ConversionSuccesful