/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ncp.h Abstract: This module defines NCP fields and constants. Author: Manny Weiser (mannyw) 10-Aug-1993 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NCP_ #define _NCP_ ///////////////////////////////// IPX /////////////////////////////////////// #define RIP_SOCKET 0x5304 #define SAP_SOCKET 0x5204 #define NCP_SOCKET 0x5104 // // SAP request types // #define SAP_GENERAL_REQUEST 1 #define SAP_FIND_NEAREST 3 // // SAP services // #define SAP_SERVICE_TYPE_SERVER 4 #define SAP_SERVICE_TYPE_DIR_SERVER 278 ///// IPX driver services: #ifndef NWDOS_INCLUDED typedef UCHAR byte; typedef USHORT word; #endif typedef ULONG NetAddress; typedef byte NodeAddress [6]; typedef struct { NetAddress Net; NodeAddress Node; word Socket; } IPXaddress; NTSTATUS IPX_Get_Local_Target ( IPXaddress*, NodeAddress*, word* ); void IPX_Get_Internetwork_Address ( IPXaddress* ); word IPX_Get_Interval_Marker ( void ); struct _IRP_CONTEXT; struct _NW_TDI_STRUCT; NTSTATUS IPX_Open_Socket( IN struct _IRP_CONTEXT* pIrpC, IN struct _NW_TDI_STRUCT* pTdiStruc ); VOID IPX_Close_Socket( IN struct _NW_TDI_STRUCT* pTdiStruc ); ///// IPX support routines to hide V86/VxD differences: //byte* IPX_Allocate_Low_Memory ( word ); //ESR* IPX_Wrap_Callback ( ESR* ); ///////////////////////////////// SAP /////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { word Command; word ServerType; char Name [48]; IPXaddress Address; word Hops; } SAPpacket; ///////////////////////////////// RIP /////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { word Command; NetAddress Net; word Hops; word Ticks; } RIPpacket; ///////////////////////////////// PEP /////////////////////////////////////// #define PEP_COMMAND_CONNECT 0x1111 #define PEP_COMMAND_REQUEST 0x2222 #define PEP_COMMAND_RESPONSE 0x3333 #define PEP_COMMAND_DISCONNECT 0x5555 #define PEP_COMMAND_BURST 0x7777 #define PEP_COMMAND_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x9999 typedef struct { word command; byte sequence; byte connection; byte x; } PEPrequest; typedef struct { byte error; byte status; } PEPresponse; // // Bindery object types // #define OT_WILD ~0 #define OT_USER 1 #define OT_GROUP 2 #define OT_PRINT_QUEUE 3 #define OT_FILESERVER 4 #define OT_DIRSERVER 0x278 #define OT_JOBQUEUE 0xA #define ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE 8 #define OBJECT_ID_SIZE 4 #define BROADCAST_MESSAGE_WAITING 0x21 // // NCP function codes // #define NCP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION 0x15 #define NCP_DIR_FUNCTION 0x16 #define NCP_ADMIN_FUNCTION 0x17 #define NCP_END_OF_JOB 0x18 #define NCP_LOGOUT 0x19 #define NCP_LOCK_RANGE 0x1A #define NCP_UNLOCK_RANGE 0x1E #define NCP_NEGOTIATE_BUFFER_SIZE 0x21 #define NCP_GET_SHORT_NAME 0x30 #define NCP_FLUSH_FILE 0x3D #define NCP_SEARCH_INITIATE 0x3E #define NCP_SEARCH_CONTINUE 0x3F #define NCP_SEARCH_FILE 0x40 #define NCP_CLOSE 0x42 #define NCP_CREATE_FILE 0x43 #define NCP_DELETE_FILE 0x44 #define NCP_RENAME_FILE 0x45 #define NCP_SET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES 0x46 #define NCP_GET_FILE_SIZE 0x47 #define NCP_READ_FILE 0x48 #define NCP_WRITE_FILE 0x49 #define NCP_SET_FILE_TIME 0x4B #define NCP_OPEN_FILE 0x4C #define NCP_CREATE_NEW_FILE 0x4D #define NCP_LFN_FUNCTION 0x57 #define NCP_NEGOTIATE_LIP_CONNECTION 0x61 #define NCP_NEGOTIATE_BURST_CONNECTION 0x65 // // Subfunctions of NCP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION // #define NCP_GET_MESSAGE 0x01 #define NCP_GET_ENTIRE_MESSAGE 0x0B // // Subfunctions of NCP_DIR_FUNCTION // #define NCP_GET_DIRECTORY_PATH 0x01 #define NCP_GET_VOLUME_NUMBER 0x05 #define NCP_CREATE_DIRECTORY 0x0A #define NCP_DELETE_DIRECTORY 0x0B #define NCP_RENAME_DIRECTORY 0x0F #define NCP_ALLOCATE_DIR_HANDLE 0x12 #define NCP_ALLOCATE_TEMP_DIR_HANDLE 0x13 #define NCP_DEALLOCATE_DIR_HANDLE 0x14 #define NCP_GET_VOLUME_STATS 0x15 #define NCP_GET_VOLUME_INFO 0x2C #define NCP_GET_NAME_SPACE_INFO 0x2F // // Subfunctions of NCP_ADMIN_FUNCTION // #define NCP_GET_SERVER_INFO 0x11 #define NCP_PLAIN_TEXT_LOGIN 0x14 #define NCP_GET_LOGIN_KEY 0x17 #define NCP_ENCRYPTED_LOGIN 0x18 #define NCP_CHANGE_CONN_AUTH_STATUS 0x1D #define NCP_QUERY_OBJECT_ID 0x35 #define NCP_SCAN_BINDERY_OBJECT 0x37 #define NCP_QUERY_PROPERTY_VALUE 0x3D #define NCP_PLAIN_TEXT_VERIFY_PASSWORD 0x3F #define NCP_IS_OBJECT_IN_SET 0x43 #define NCP_ENCRYPTED_VERIFY_PASSWORD 0x4A #define NCP_CREATE_QUEUE_JOB 0x68 #define NCP_CLOSE_FILE_AND_START_JOB 0x69 #define NCP_CLOSE_FILE_AND_CANCEL_JOB 0x6A #define NCP_SUBFUNC_79 0x79 // BUGBUG #define NCP_SUBFUNC_7F 0x7F // BUGBUG // // Values for NCP_CHANGE_CONN_AUTH_STATUS // #define NCP_CONN_NOT_LICENSED 0 #define NCP_CONN_LICENSED 1 // // Subfunctions of NCP_NAME_SPACE_FUNCTION // #define NCP_LFN_OPEN_CREATE 0x01 #define NCP_LFN_SEARCH_INITIATE 0x02 #define NCP_LFN_SEARCH_CONTINUE 0x03 #define NCP_LFN_RENAME_FILE 0x04 #define NCP_LFN_GET_INFO 0x06 #define NCP_LFN_SET_INFO 0x07 #define NCP_LFN_DELETE_FILE 0x08 #define NCP_LFN_ALLOCATE_DIR_HANDLE 0x0C // // Packet types // #define PACKET_TYPE_SAP 0x00 #define PACKET_TYPE_NCP 0x11 // // Special character used to indicate that the next char in the // search mask is a wild card character. // #define LFN_META_CHARACTER (UCHAR)0xFF // // Properties we query and set // #define NET_ADDRESS_PROPERTY "NET_ADDRESS" // // Search attributes // #define SEARCH_ALL_DIRECTORIES 0x16 #define SEARCH_ALL_FILES 0x06 #define SEARCH_EXEC_ONLY_FILES 0x4E // File Attributes #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_SHARABLE 0x80 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 0x20 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY 0x10 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTE_ONLY 0x08 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 0x04 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x02 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY 0x01 #define NW_ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_ONLY 0x4E // Open Flags #define NW_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE 0x10 #define NW_DENY_WRITE 0x08 #define NW_DENY_READ 0x04 #define NW_OPEN_FOR_WRITE 0x02 #define NW_OPEN_FOR_READ 0x01 // // Connection status flags // #define NCP_STATUS_BAD_CONNECTION 0x01 #define NCP_STATUS_NO_CONNECTIONS 0x02 #define NCP_STATUS_SERVER_DOWN 0x04 #define NCP_STATUS_MSG_PENDING 0x08 #define NCP_STATUS_SHUTDOWN 0x10 // // Extended name space (long file name) query information flags // #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_NAME 0x0001 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE 0x0002 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_ATTRIBUTES 0x0004 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_FILE_SIZE 0x0008 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_STREAMS 0x0010 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_EA_INFO 0x0020 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_ARCHIVE_TIME 0x0040 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_MODIFY_TIME 0x0080 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_CREATION_TIME 0x0100 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_CREATOR 0x0200 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_DIR_INFO 0x0400 #define LFN_FLAG_INFO_RIGHTS 0x0800 // // Extended name space (long file name) set information flags // #define LFN_FLAG_SET_NAME 0x0001 // Never used #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_ATTRIBUTES 0x0002 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_CREATE_DATE 0x0004 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_CREATE_TIME 0x0008 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_CREATOR_ID 0x0010 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_ARCHIVE_DATE 0x0020 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_ARCHIVE_TIME 0x0040 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_ARCHIVE_ID 0x0080 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_MODIFY_DATE 0x0100 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_MODIFY_TIME 0x0200 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_MODIFY_ID 0x0400 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_LASTACCESS_DATE 0x0800 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_INHERITANCE 0x1000 #define LFN_FLAG_SET_INFO_MAXIMUM_SPACE 0x2000 // // Extended name space (long file name) open mode flags // #define LFN_FLAG_OM_OPEN 0x01 #define LFN_FLAG_OM_OVERWRITE 0x02 #define LFN_FLAG_OM_CREATE 0x08 // // Long name directory flags // #define LFN_FLAG_SHORT_DIRECTORY 0x00 // // Burst request // #define BURST_REQUEST_READ 0x01 #define BURST_REQUEST_WRITE 0x02 // // Burst flags // #define BURST_FLAG_END_OF_BURST 0x10 #define BURST_FLAG_SYSTEM_PACKET 0x80 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH 48 #include typedef struct _SAP_FIND_NEAREST_RESPONSE { USHORT SapType; // == 4 USHORT SapServiceType; UCHAR ServerName[MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH]; ULONG Network; UCHAR NodeNumber[6]; USHORT HopCount; // Hi-lo order } SAP_FIND_NEAREST_RESPONSE, *PSAP_FIND_NEAREST_RESPONSE; typedef struct _NCP_HEADER { USHORT Command; UCHAR SequenceNumber; UCHAR ConnectionIdLow; UCHAR TaskId; UCHAR ConnectionIdHigh; } NCP_HEADER, *PNCP_HEADER; // // Header format for NCP request with no subfunction. // typedef struct _NCP_REQUEST { NCP_HEADER NcpHeader; UCHAR FunctionCode; // // Function specific stuff follows. // } NCP_REQUEST, *PNCP_REQUEST; // // Header format for NCP request with a subfunction. // typedef struct _NCP_REQUEST_WITH_SUB { NCP_HEADER NcpHeader; UCHAR FunctionCode; USHORT SubfunctionLength; UCHAR SubfunctionCode; // // Function specific stuff follows. // } NCP_REQUEST_WITH_SUB, *PNCP_REQUEST_WITH_SUB; typedef struct _NCP_RESPONSE { NCP_HEADER NcpHeader; UCHAR Error; UCHAR Status; // // Function specific stuff follows. // } NCP_RESPONSE, *PNCP_RESPONSE; typedef struct _NCP_BURST_HEADER { USHORT Command; // 0x7777 UCHAR Flags; UCHAR StreamType; // 0x02 ULONG SourceConnection; ULONG DestinationConnection; ULONG PacketSequenceNo; ULONG SendDelayTime; USHORT BurstSequenceNo; USHORT AckSequenceNo; ULONG DataSize; ULONG BurstOffset; USHORT BurstLength; USHORT MissingFragmentCount; } NCP_BURST_HEADER, *PNCP_BURST_HEADER; typedef struct _NCP_BURST_WRITE_REQUEST { NCP_BURST_HEADER BurstHeader; ULONG Function; // 0x02 = Write ULONG Handle; ULONG TotalWriteOffset; ULONG TotalWriteLength; ULONG Offset; ULONG Length; //UCHAR Data[x]; } NCP_BURST_WRITE_REQUEST, *PNCP_BURST_WRITE_REQUEST; typedef struct _NCP_BURST_READ_RESPONSE { NCP_BURST_HEADER BurstHeader; ULONG Result; ULONG BytesRead; //UCHAR Data[x]; } NCP_BURST_READ_RESPONSE, *PNCP_BURST_READ_RESPONSE; typedef struct _NCP_BURST_READ_REQUEST { NCP_BURST_HEADER BurstHeader; ULONG Function; // 0x02 = Write ULONG Handle; ULONG TotalReadOffset; ULONG TotalReadLength; ULONG Offset; ULONG Length; } NCP_BURST_READ_REQUEST, *PNCP_BURST_READ_REQUEST; typedef struct _NCP_READ_REQUEST { NCP_REQUEST RequestHeader; UCHAR Unused; UCHAR Handle[6]; ULONG FileOffset; USHORT Length; } NCP_READ_REQUEST, *PNCP_READ_REQUEST; typedef struct _NCP_READ_RESPONSE { NCP_RESPONSE ResponseHeader; USHORT Length; //UCHAR Data[x]; } NCP_READ_RESPONSE, *PNCP_READ_RESPONSE; #include #endif // _NCP_