;/*++ ; ;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; segorder.inc ; ;Abstract: ; ; This module contains the segment order and segment macros ; ;Author: ; ; Richard Firth (rfirth) 05-Sep-1991 ; ;Environment: ; ; Dos mode only ; ;Notes: ; ; When initially loaded, the NT VDM redir has the following order: ; ; +----------------------+ ; | | ; | Resident Code | ; | | ; +----------------------+ ; | | ; | Resident Data | ; | | ; +----------------------+ ----------------+ ; | | | ; | Initialisation Code | <- entry point v ; | | ; +----------------------+ ; | | all the stuff between these ; | Initialisation Data | arrows is discarded if we stay ; | | resident. Note that the redir ; +----------------------+ does not uninstall ; | | ; | Initialisation Stack | ^ ; | | | ; +----------------------+ ----------------+ ; ;Revision History: ; ; 05-Sep-1991 rfirth ; Created ; ;--*/ ResidentStart segment public para 'code' ResidentStart ends ResidentCode segment public word 'code' ResidentCode ends ResidentData segment public word 'data' ResidentData ends ResidentEnd segment public para 'data' ResidentEnd ends ResidentGroup group ResidentStart, ResidentCode, ResidentData, ResidentEnd InitCode segment public para 'init' InitCode ends InitData segment public word 'init' InitData ends InitStack segment stack para 'stack' InitStack ends ; ; macros to avoid having to type in/possibly alter segment header guff ; ResidentCodeStart macro ResidentCode segment public word 'code' endm ResidentCodeEnd macro ResidentCode ends endm ResidentDataStart macro ResidentData segment public word 'data' endm ResidentDataEnd macro ResidentData ends endm InitCodeStart macro InitCode segment public para 'init' endm InitCodeEnd macro InitCode ends endm InitDataStart macro InitData segment public word 'init' endm InitDataEnd macro InitData ends endm