/* * OLE2UI.H * * Published definitions, structures, types, and function prototypes for the * OLE 2.0 User Interface support library. * * Copyright (c)1993 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */ /* NOTE: All dialog and string resource ID's defined in this file are * in the range: * 32248 - 32504 (0x7DF8 - 0x7EF8) */ #ifndef _OLE2UI_H_ #define _OLE2UI_H_ #ifndef RC_INVOKED #pragma message ("Including OLE2UI.H from " __FILE__) #endif //RC_INVOKED #ifdef WIN32 #define _INC_OLE #define __RPC_H__ #endif #if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined( __TURBOC__) #define NONAMELESSUNION // use strict ANSI standard (for DVOBJ.H) #endif #include #include #include #include #include //For fileopen dlg; standard include #include "olestd.h" #ifdef __TURBOC__ #define _getcwd getcwd #define _itoa itoa #define __max max #define _find_t find_t #endif // __TURBOC__ #ifdef WIN32 #define _fmemset memset #define _fmemcpy memcpy #define _fmemcmp memcmp #define _fstrcpy strcpy #define _fstrlen strlen #define _fstrrchr strrchr #define _fstrtok strtok #define lstrcpyn strncpy // BUGBUG32: isspace function does not seem to work properly #undef isspace #define isspace(j) (j==' ' || j=='\t' || j=='\n') #endif // WIN32 #if !defined( EXPORT ) #ifdef WIN32 #define EXPORT #else #define EXPORT __export #endif // WIN32 #endif // !EXPORT /* * Initialization / Uninitialization routines. OleUIInitialize * must be called prior to using any functions in OLE2UI, and OleUIUnInitialize * must be called before you app shuts down and when you are done using the * library. * * NOTE: If you are using the DLL version of this library, these functions * are automatically called in the DLL's LibMain and WEP, so you should * not call them directly from your application. */ // Backward compatibility with older library #define OleUIUninitialize OleUIUnInitialize STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIInitialize(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst); STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIUninitialize(void); #if !defined( SZCLASSICONBOX ) #define SZCLASSICONBOX "ole2uiIBCls" #endif #if !defined( SZCLASSRESULTIMAGE ) #define SZCLASSRESULTIMAGE "ole2uiRICls" #endif // object count, used to support DllCanUnloadNow and OleUICanUnloadNow extern DWORD g_dwObjectCount; STDAPI OleUICanUnloadNow(void); STDAPI OleUILockLibrary(BOOL fLock); //Dialog Identifiers as passed in Help messages to identify the source. #define IDD_INSERTOBJECT 32248 #define IDD_CHANGEICON 32249 #define IDD_CONVERT 32250 #define IDD_PASTESPECIAL 32251 #define IDD_EDITLINKS 32252 #define IDD_FILEOPEN 32253 #define IDD_BUSY 32254 #define IDD_UPDATELINKS 32255 #define IDD_CANNOTUPDATELINK 32256 #define IDD_CHANGESOURCE 32257 #define IDD_INSERTFILEBROWSE 32258 #define IDD_CHANGEICONBROWSE 32259 // The following Dialogs are message dialogs used by OleUIPromptUser API #define IDD_LINKSOURCEUNAVAILABLE 32260 #define IDD_SERVERNOTREG 32261 #define IDD_LINKTYPECHANGED 32262 #define IDD_SERVERNOTFOUND 32263 #define IDD_OUTOFMEMORY 32264 // Stringtable identifers #define IDS_OLE2UIUNKNOWN 32300 #define IDS_OLE2UILINK 32301 #define IDS_OLE2UIOBJECT 32302 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDIT 32303 #define IDS_OLE2UICONVERT 32304 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDITLINKCMD_1VERB 32305 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDITOBJECTCMD_1VERB 32306 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDITLINKCMD_NVERB 32307 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDITOBJECTCMD_NVERB 32308 #define IDS_OLE2UIEDITNOOBJCMD 32309 // def. icon label (usu. "Document") #define IDS_DEFICONLABEL 32310 #define IDS_OLE2UIPASTELINKEDTYPE 32311 #define IDS_FILTERS 32320 #define IDS_ICONFILTERS 32321 #define IDS_BROWSE 32322 //Resource identifiers for bitmaps #define IDB_RESULTSEGA 32325 #define IDB_RESULTSVGA 32326 #define IDB_RESULTSHIRESVGA 32327 //Missing from windows.h #ifndef PVOID typedef VOID *PVOID; #endif //Hook type used in all structures. typedef UINT (CALLBACK *LPFNOLEUIHOOK)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); //Strings for registered messages #define SZOLEUI_MSG_HELP "OLEUI_MSG_HELP" #define SZOLEUI_MSG_ENDDIALOG "OLEUI_MSG_ENDDIALOG" #define SZOLEUI_MSG_BROWSE "OLEUI_MSG_BROWSE" #define SZOLEUI_MSG_CHANGEICON "OLEUI_MSG_CHANGEICON" #define SZOLEUI_MSG_CLOSEBUSYDIALOG "OLEUI_MSG_CLOSEBUSYDIALOG" #define SZOLEUI_MSG_FILEOKSTRING "OLEUI_MSG_FILEOKSTRING" //Standard error definitions #define OLEUI_FALSE 0 #define OLEUI_SUCCESS 1 //No error, same as OLEUI_OK #define OLEUI_OK 1 //OK button pressed #define OLEUI_CANCEL 2 //Cancel button pressed #define OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN 100 #define OLEUI_ERR_STRUCTURENULL 101 //Standard field validation #define OLEUI_ERR_STRUCTUREINVALID 102 #define OLEUI_ERR_CBSTRUCTINCORRECT 103 #define OLEUI_ERR_HWNDOWNERINVALID 104 #define OLEUI_ERR_LPSZCAPTIONINVALID 105 #define OLEUI_ERR_LPFNHOOKINVALID 106 #define OLEUI_ERR_HINSTANCEINVALID 107 #define OLEUI_ERR_LPSZTEMPLATEINVALID 108 #define OLEUI_ERR_HRESOURCEINVALID 109 #define OLEUI_ERR_FINDTEMPLATEFAILURE 110 //Initialization errors #define OLEUI_ERR_LOADTEMPLATEFAILURE 111 #define OLEUI_ERR_DIALOGFAILURE 112 #define OLEUI_ERR_LOCALMEMALLOC 113 #define OLEUI_ERR_GLOBALMEMALLOC 114 #define OLEUI_ERR_LOADSTRING 115 #define OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX 116 //Start here for specific errors. //Help Button Identifier #define ID_OLEUIHELP 99 // Help button for fileopen.dlg (need this for resizing) 1038 is pshHelp #define IDHELP 1038 // Static text control (use this instead of -1 so things work correctly for // localization #define ID_STATIC 98 //Maximum key size we read from the RegDB. #define OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX 256 // make any changes to this in geticon.c too //Maximum verb length and length of Object menu #define OLEUI_CCHVERBMAX 32 #define OLEUI_OBJECTMENUMAX 256 //Maximum MS-DOS pathname. #define OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX 256 // make any changes to this in geticon.c too #define OLEUI_CCHFILEMAX 13 //Icon label length #define OLEUI_CCHLABELMAX 40 // make any changes to this in geticon.c too //Length of the CLSID string #define OLEUI_CCHCLSIDSTRING 39 /* * What follows here are first function prototypes for general utility * functions, then sections laid out by dialog. Each dialog section * defines the dialog structure, the API prototype, flags for the dwFlags * field, the dialog-specific error values, and dialog control IDs (for * hooks and custom templates. */ //Miscellaneous utility functions. STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIAddVerbMenu(LPOLEOBJECT lpOleObj, LPSTR lpszShortType, HMENU hMenu, UINT uPos, UINT uIDVerbMin, UINT uIDVerbMax, BOOL bAddConvert, UINT idConvert, HMENU FAR *lphMenu); //Metafile utility functions STDAPI_(HGLOBAL) OleUIMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel(HICON, LPSTR, LPSTR, UINT); STDAPI_(void) OleUIMetafilePictIconFree(HGLOBAL); STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIMetafilePictIconDraw(HDC, LPRECT, HGLOBAL, BOOL); STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIMetafilePictExtractLabel(HGLOBAL, LPSTR, UINT, LPDWORD); STDAPI_(HICON) OleUIMetafilePictExtractIcon(HGLOBAL); STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIMetafilePictExtractIconSource(HGLOBAL,LPSTR,UINT FAR *); /************************************************************************* ** INSERT OBJECT DIALOG *************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagOLEUIINSERTOBJECT { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUIINSERTOBJECT. All are IN-OUT unless otherwise spec. CLSID clsid; //Return space for class ID LPSTR lpszFile; //Filename for inserts or links UINT cchFile; //Size of lpszFile buffer: OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX UINT cClsidExclude; //IN only: CLSIDs in lpClsidExclude LPCLSID lpClsidExclude; //List of CLSIDs to exclude from listing. //Specific to create objects if flags say so IID iid; //Requested interface on creation. DWORD oleRender; //Rendering option LPFORMATETC lpFormatEtc; //Desired format LPOLECLIENTSITE lpIOleClientSite; //Site to be use for the object. LPSTORAGE lpIStorage; //Storage used for the object LPVOID FAR *ppvObj; //Where the object is returned. SCODE sc; //Result of creation calls. HGLOBAL hMetaPict; //OUT: METAFILEPICT containing iconic aspect. //IFF we couldn't stuff it in the cache. } OLEUIINSERTOBJECT, *POLEUIINSERTOBJECT, FAR *LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT; //API prototype STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIInsertObject(LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT); //Insert Object flags #define IOF_SHOWHELP 0x00000001L #define IOF_SELECTCREATENEW 0x00000002L #define IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE 0x00000004L #define IOF_CHECKLINK 0x00000008L #define IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON 0x00000010L #define IOF_CREATENEWOBJECT 0x00000020L #define IOF_CREATEFILEOBJECT 0x00000040L #define IOF_CREATELINKOBJECT 0x00000080L #define IOF_DISABLELINK 0x00000100L #define IOF_VERIFYSERVERSEXIST 0x00000200L #define IOF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON 0x00000400L //Insert Object specific error codes #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPSZFILEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+0) #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPSZLABELINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+1) #define OLEUI_IOERR_HICONINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+2) #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPFORMATETCINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+3) #define OLEUI_IOERR_PPVOBJINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+4) #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPIOLECLIENTSITEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+5) #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPISTORAGEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+6) #define OLEUI_IOERR_SCODEHASERROR (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+7) #define OLEUI_IOERR_LPCLSIDEXCLUDEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+8) #define OLEUI_IOERR_CCHFILEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+9) //Insert Object Dialog identifiers #define ID_IO_CREATENEW 2100 #define ID_IO_CREATEFROMFILE 2101 #define ID_IO_LINKFILE 2102 #define ID_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST 2103 #define ID_IO_DISPLAYASICON 2104 #define ID_IO_CHANGEICON 2105 #define ID_IO_FILE 2106 #define ID_IO_FILEDISPLAY 2107 #define ID_IO_RESULTIMAGE 2108 #define ID_IO_RESULTTEXT 2109 #define ID_IO_ICONDISPLAY 2110 #define ID_IO_OBJECTTYPETEXT 2111 #define ID_IO_FILETEXT 2112 #define ID_IO_FILETYPE 2113 // Strings in OLE2UI resources #define IDS_IORESULTNEW 32400 #define IDS_IORESULTNEWICON 32401 #define IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE1 32402 #define IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE2 32403 #define IDS_IORESULTFROMFILEICON2 32404 #define IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE1 32405 #define IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE2 32406 #define IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON1 32407 #define IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON2 32408 /************************************************************************* ** PASTE SPECIAL DIALOG *************************************************************************/ // Maximum number of link types #define PS_MAXLINKTYPES 8 //NOTE: OLEUIPASTEENTRY and OLEUIPASTEFLAG structs are defined in OLESTD.H typedef struct tagOLEUIPASTESPECIAL { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUIPASTESPECIAL. //IN fields LPDATAOBJECT lpSrcDataObj; //Source IDataObject* (on the // clipboard) for data to paste LPOLEUIPASTEENTRY arrPasteEntries; //OLEUIPASTEENTRY array which // specifies acceptable formats. See // OLEUIPASTEENTRY for more info. int cPasteEntries; //No. of OLEUIPASTEENTRY array entries UINT FAR *arrLinkTypes; //List of link types that are // acceptable. Link types are referred // to using OLEUIPASTEFLAGS in // arrPasteEntries int cLinkTypes; //Number of link types UINT cClsidExclude; //Number of CLSIDs in lpClsidExclude LPCLSID lpClsidExclude; //List of CLSIDs to exclude from list. //OUT fields int nSelectedIndex; //Index of arrPasteEntries[] that the // user selected BOOL fLink; //Indicates if Paste or Paste Link was // selected by the user HGLOBAL hMetaPict; //Handle to Metafile containing icon // and icon title selected by the user // Use the Metafile utility functions // defined in this header to // manipulate hMetaPict SIZEL sizel; // size of object/link in its source // if the display aspect chosen by // the user matches the aspect // displayed in the source. if // different aspect is chosen then // sizel.cx=sizel.cy=0 is returned. // sizel displayed in source is // retrieved from the // ObjectDescriptor if fLink is FALSE // LinkSrcDescriptor if fLink is TRUE } OLEUIPASTESPECIAL, *POLEUIPASTESPECIAL, FAR *LPOLEUIPASTESPECIAL; //API to bring up PasteSpecial dialog STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIPasteSpecial(LPOLEUIPASTESPECIAL); //Paste Special flags // Show Help button. IN flag. #define PSF_SHOWHELP 0x00000001L //Select Paste radio button at dialog startup. This is the default if // PSF_SELECTPASTE or PSF_SELECTPASTELINK are not specified. Also specifies // state of button on dialog termination. IN/OUT flag. #define PSF_SELECTPASTE 0x00000002L //Select PasteLink radio button at dialog startup. Also specifies state of // button on dialog termination. IN/OUT flag. #define PSF_SELECTPASTELINK 0x00000004L //Specfies if DisplayAsIcon button was checked on dialog termination. OUT flag #define PSF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON 0x00000008L #define PSF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON 0x00000010L //Paste Special specific error codes #define OLEUI_IOERR_SRCDATAOBJECTINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+0) #define OLEUI_IOERR_ARRPASTEENTRIESINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+1) #define OLEUI_IOERR_ARRLINKTYPESINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+2) #define OLEUI_PSERR_CLIPBOARDCHANGED (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+3) //Paste Special Dialog identifiers #define ID_PS_PASTE 500 #define ID_PS_PASTELINK 501 #define ID_PS_SOURCETEXT 502 #define ID_PS_PASTELIST 503 #define ID_PS_PASTELINKLIST 504 #define ID_PS_DISPLAYLIST 505 #define ID_PS_DISPLAYASICON 506 #define ID_PS_ICONDISPLAY 507 #define ID_PS_CHANGEICON 508 #define ID_PS_RESULTIMAGE 509 #define ID_PS_RESULTTEXT 510 #define ID_PS_RESULTGROUP 511 #define ID_PS_STXSOURCE 512 #define ID_PS_STXAS 513 // Paste Special String IDs #define IDS_PSPASTEDATA 32410 #define IDS_PSPASTEOBJECT 32411 #define IDS_PSPASTEOBJECTASICON 32412 #define IDS_PSPASTELINKDATA 32413 #define IDS_PSPASTELINKOBJECT 32414 #define IDS_PSPASTELINKOBJECTASICON 32415 #define IDS_PSNONOLE 32416 #define IDS_PSUNKNOWNTYPE 32417 #define IDS_PSUNKNOWNSRC 32418 #define IDS_PSUNKNOWNAPP 32419 /************************************************************************* ** EDIT LINKS DIALOG *************************************************************************/ /* IOleUILinkContainer Interface ** ----------------------------- ** This interface must be implemented by container applications that ** want to use the EditLinks dialog. the EditLinks dialog calls back ** to the container app to perform the OLE functions to manipulate ** the links within the container. */ #define LPOLEUILINKCONTAINER IOleUILinkContainer FAR* #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IOleUILinkContainer DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOleUILinkContainer, IUnknown) { //*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(DWORD,GetNextLink) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetLinkUpdateOptions) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink, DWORD dwUpdateOpt) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetLinkUpdateOptions) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink, DWORD FAR* lpdwUpdateOpt) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetLinkSource) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink, LPSTR lpszDisplayName, ULONG lenFileName, ULONG FAR* pchEaten, BOOL fValidateSource) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetLinkSource) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink, LPSTR FAR* lplpszDisplayName, ULONG FAR* lplenFileName, LPSTR FAR* lplpszFullLinkType, LPSTR FAR* lplpszShortLinkType, BOOL FAR* lpfSourceAvailable, BOOL FAR* lpfIsSelected) PURE; STDMETHOD(OpenLinkSource) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink) PURE; STDMETHOD(UpdateLink) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink, BOOL fErrorMessage, BOOL fErrorAction) PURE; STDMETHOD(CancelLink) (THIS_ DWORD dwLink) PURE; }; typedef struct tagOLEUIEDITLINKS { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUI. All are IN-OUT unless otherwise spec. LPOLEUILINKCONTAINER lpOleUILinkContainer; //IN: Interface to manipulate //links in the container } OLEUIEDITLINKS, *POLEUIEDITLINKS, FAR *LPOLEUIEDITLINKS; //API Prototype STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIEditLinks(LPOLEUIEDITLINKS); // Edit Links flags #define ELF_SHOWHELP 0x00000001L #define ELF_DISABLEUPDATENOW 0x00000002L #define ELF_DISABLEOPENSOURCE 0x00000004L #define ELF_DISABLECHANGESOURCE 0x00000008L #define ELF_DISABLECANCELLINK 0x00000010L // Edit Links Dialog identifiers #define ID_EL_CHANGESOURCE 201 #define ID_EL_AUTOMATIC 202 #define ID_EL_CLOSE 208 #define ID_EL_CANCELLINK 209 #define ID_EL_UPDATENOW 210 #define ID_EL_OPENSOURCE 211 #define ID_EL_MANUAL 212 #define ID_EL_LINKSOURCE 216 #define ID_EL_LINKTYPE 217 #define ID_EL_UPDATE 218 #define ID_EL_NULL -1 #define ID_EL_LINKSLISTBOX 206 #define ID_EL_COL1 220 #define ID_EL_COL2 221 #define ID_EL_COL3 222 /************************************************************************* ** CHANGE ICON DIALOG *************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagOLEUICHANGEICON { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUICHANGEICON. All are IN-OUT unless otherwise spec. HGLOBAL hMetaPict; //Current and final image. Source of the //icon is embedded in the metafile itself. CLSID clsid; //IN only: class used to get Default icon char szIconExe[OLEUI_CCHPATHMAX]; int cchIconExe; } OLEUICHANGEICON, *POLEUICHANGEICON, FAR *LPOLEUICHANGEICON; //API prototype STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIChangeIcon(LPOLEUICHANGEICON); //Change Icon flags #define CIF_SHOWHELP 0x00000001L #define CIF_SELECTCURRENT 0x00000002L #define CIF_SELECTDEFAULT 0x00000004L #define CIF_SELECTFROMFILE 0x00000008L #define CIF_USEICONEXE 0x0000000aL //Change Icon specific error codes #define OLEUI_CIERR_MUSTHAVECLSID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+0) #define OLEUI_CIERR_MUSTHAVECURRENTMETAFILE (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+1) #define OLEUI_CIERR_SZICONEXEINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+2) //Change Icon Dialog identifiers #define ID_GROUP 120 #define ID_CURRENT 121 #define ID_CURRENTICON 122 #define ID_DEFAULT 123 #define ID_DEFAULTICON 124 #define ID_FROMFILE 125 #define ID_FROMFILEEDIT 126 #define ID_ICONLIST 127 #define ID_LABEL 128 #define ID_LABELEDIT 129 #define ID_BROWSE 130 #define ID_RESULTICON 132 #define ID_RESULTLABEL 133 // Stringtable defines for Change Icon #define IDS_CINOICONSINFILE 32430 #define IDS_CIINVALIDFILE 32431 #define IDS_CIFILEACCESS 32432 #define IDS_CIFILESHARE 32433 #define IDS_CIFILEOPENFAIL 32434 /************************************************************************* ** CONVERT DIALOG *************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagOLEUICONVERT { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUICONVERT. All are IN-OUT unless otherwise spec. CLSID clsid; //Class ID sent in to dialog: IN only CLSID clsidConvertDefault; //Class ID to use as convert default: IN only CLSID clsidActivateDefault; //Class ID to use as activate default: IN only CLSID clsidNew; //Selected Class ID: OUT only DWORD dvAspect; //IN-OUT, either DVASPECT_CONTENT or //DVASPECT_ICON WORD wFormat; //Original data format BOOL fIsLinkedObject; //IN only; true if object is linked HGLOBAL hMetaPict; //IN-OUT: METAFILEPICT containing iconic aspect. LPSTR lpszUserType; //IN-OUT: user type name of original class. // We'll do lookup if it's NULL. // This gets freed on exit. BOOL fObjectsIconChanged; // OUT; TRUE if ChangeIcon was called (and not cancelled) LPSTR lpszDefLabel; //IN-OUT: default label to use for icon. // if NULL, the short user type name // will be used. if the object is a // link, the caller should pass the // DisplayName of the link source // This gets freed on exit. UINT cClsidExclude; //IN: No. of CLSIDs in lpClsidExclude LPCLSID lpClsidExclude; //IN: List of CLSIDs to exclude from list } OLEUICONVERT, *POLEUICONVERT, FAR *LPOLEUICONVERT; //API prototype STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIConvert(LPOLEUICONVERT); // Determine if there is at least one class that can Convert or ActivateAs // the given clsid. STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs( REFCLSID rClsid, BOOL fIsLinkedObject, WORD wFormat ); //Convert Dialog flags // IN only: Shows "HELP" button #define CF_SHOWHELPBUTTON 0x00000001L // IN only: lets you set the convert default object - the one that is // selected as default in the convert listbox. #define CF_SETCONVERTDEFAULT 0x00000002L // IN only: lets you set the activate default object - the one that is // selected as default in the activate listbox. #define CF_SETACTIVATEDEFAULT 0x00000004L // IN/OUT: Selects the "Convert To" radio button, is set on exit if // this button was selected #define CF_SELECTCONVERTTO 0x00000008L // IN/OUT: Selects the "Activate As" radio button, is set on exit if // this button was selected #define CF_SELECTACTIVATEAS 0x00000010L #define CF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON 0x00000020L #define CF_DISABLEACTIVATEAS 0x00000040L //Convert specific error codes #define OLEUI_CTERR_CLASSIDINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+1) #define OLEUI_CTERR_DVASPECTINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+2) #define OLEUI_CTERR_CBFORMATINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+3) #define OLEUI_CTERR_HMETAPICTINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+4) #define OLEUI_CTERR_STRINGINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+5) //Convert Dialog identifiers #define IDCV_OBJECTTYPE 150 #define IDCV_DISPLAYASICON 152 #define IDCV_CHANGEICON 153 #define IDCV_ACTIVATELIST 154 #define IDCV_CONVERTTO 155 #define IDCV_ACTIVATEAS 156 #define IDCV_RESULTTEXT 157 #define IDCV_CONVERTLIST 158 #define IDCV_ICON 159 #define IDCV_ICONLABEL1 160 #define IDCV_ICONLABEL2 161 #define IDCV_STXCURTYPE 162 #define IDCV_GRPRESULT 163 #define IDCV_STXCONVERTTO 164 // String IDs for Convert dialog #define IDS_CVRESULTCONVERTLINK 32440 #define IDS_CVRESULTCONVERTTO 32441 #define IDS_CVRESULTNOCHANGE 32442 #define IDS_CVRESULTDISPLAYASICON 32443 #define IDS_CVRESULTACTIVATEAS 32444 #define IDS_CVRESULTACTIVATEDIFF 32445 /************************************************************************* ** BUSY DIALOG *************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagOLEUIBUSY { //These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI dialog functions. DWORD cbStruct; //Structure Size DWORD dwFlags; //IN-OUT: Flags ** NOTE ** this dialog has no flags HWND hWndOwner; //Owning window LPCSTR lpszCaption; //Dialog caption bar contents LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; //Hook callback LPARAM lCustData; //Custom data to pass to hook HINSTANCE hInstance; //Instance for customized template name LPCSTR lpszTemplate; //Customized template name HRSRC hResource; //Customized template handle //Specifics for OLEUIBUSY. HTASK hTask; //IN: HTask which is blocking HWND FAR * lphWndDialog; //IN: Dialog's HWND is placed here } OLEUIBUSY, *POLEUIBUSY, FAR *LPOLEUIBUSY; //API prototype STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIBusy(LPOLEUIBUSY); // Flags for this dialog // IN only: Disables "Cancel" button #define BZ_DISABLECANCELBUTTON 0x00000001L // IN only: Disables "Switch To..." button #define BZ_DISABLESWITCHTOBUTTON 0x00000002L // IN only: Disables "Retry" button #define BZ_DISABLERETRYBUTTON 0x00000004L // IN only: Generates a "Not Responding" dialog as opposed to the // "Busy" dialog. The wording in the text is slightly different, and // the "Cancel" button is grayed out if you set this flag. #define BZ_NOTRESPONDINGDIALOG 0x00000008L // Busy specific error/return codes #define OLEUI_BZERR_HTASKINVALID (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+0) // SWITCHTOSELECTED is returned when user hit "switch to" #define OLEUI_BZ_SWITCHTOSELECTED (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+1) // RETRYSELECTED is returned when user hit "retry" #define OLEUI_BZ_RETRYSELECTED (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+2) // CALLUNBLOCKED is returned when call has been unblocked #define OLEUI_BZ_CALLUNBLOCKED (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMAX+3) // Busy dialog identifiers #define IDBZ_RETRY 600 #define IDBZ_ICON 601 #define IDBZ_MESSAGE1 602 #define IDBZ_SWITCHTO 604 // Busy dialog stringtable defines #define IDS_BZRESULTTEXTBUSY 32447 #define IDS_BZRESULTTEXTNOTRESPONDING 32448 // Links dialog stringtable defines #define IDS_LINK_AUTO 32450 #define IDS_LINK_MANUAL 32451 #define IDS_LINK_UNKNOWN 32452 #define IDS_LINKS 32453 #define IDS_FAILED 32454 #define IDS_CHANGESOURCE 32455 #define IDS_INVALIDSOURCE 32456 #define IDS_ERR_GETLINKSOURCE 32457 #define IDS_ERR_GETLINKUPDATEOPTIONS 32458 #define IDS_ERR_ADDSTRING 32459 #define IDS_CHANGEADDITIONALLINKS 32460 #define IDS_CLOSE 32461 /************************************************************************* ** PROMPT USER DIALOGS *************************************************************************/ #define ID_PU_LINKS 900 #define ID_PU_TEXT 901 #define ID_PU_CONVERT 902 #define ID_PU_BROWSE 904 #define ID_PU_METER 905 #define ID_PU_PERCENT 906 #define ID_PU_STOP 907 // used for -1 ids in dialogs: #define ID_DUMMY 999 /* inside ole2ui.c */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif int EXPORT FAR CDECL OleUIPromptUser(WORD nTemplate, HWND hwndParent, ...); #define UPDATELINKS_STARTDELAY 2000 // Delay before 1st link updates // to give the user a chance to // dismiss the dialog before any // links update. STDAPI_(BOOL) OleUIUpdateLinks( LPOLEUILINKCONTAINER lpOleUILinkCntr, HWND hwndParent, LPSTR lpszTitle, int cLinks); /************************************************************************* ** OLE OBJECT FEEDBACK EFFECTS *************************************************************************/ #define OLEUI_HANDLES_USEINVERSE 0x00000001L #define OLEUI_HANDLES_NOBORDER 0x00000002L #define OLEUI_HANDLES_INSIDE 0x00000004L #define OLEUI_HANDLES_OUTSIDE 0x00000008L #define OLEUI_SHADE_FULLRECT 1 #define OLEUI_SHADE_BORDERIN 2 #define OLEUI_SHADE_BORDEROUT 3 /* objfdbk.c function prototypes */ STDAPI_(void) OleUIDrawHandles(LPRECT lpRect, HDC hdc, DWORD dwFlags, UINT cSize, BOOL fDraw); STDAPI_(void) OleUIDrawShading(LPRECT lpRect, HDC hdc, DWORD dwFlags, UINT cWidth); STDAPI_(void) OleUIShowObject(LPCRECT lprc, HDC hdc, BOOL fIsLink); /************************************************************************* ** Hatch window definitions and prototypes ** *************************************************************************/ #define DEFAULT_HATCHBORDER_WIDTH 4 STDAPI_(BOOL) RegisterHatchWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInst); STDAPI_(HWND) CreateHatchWindow(HWND hWndParent, HINSTANCE hInst); STDAPI_(UINT) GetHatchWidth(HWND hWndHatch); STDAPI_(void) GetHatchRect(HWND hWndHatch, LPRECT lpHatchRect); STDAPI_(void) SetHatchRect(HWND hWndHatch, LPRECT lprcHatchRect); STDAPI_(void) SetHatchWindowSize( HWND hWndHatch, LPRECT lprcIPObjRect, LPRECT lprcClipRect, LPPOINT lpptOffset ); /************************************************************************* ** VERSION VERIFICATION INFORMATION *************************************************************************/ // The following magic number is used to verify that the resources we bind // to our EXE are the same "version" as the LIB (or DLL) file which // contains these routines. This is not the same as the Version information // resource that we place in OLE2UI.RC, this is a special ID that we will // have compiled in to our EXE. Upon initialization of OLE2UI, we will // look in our resources for an RCDATA called "VERIFICATION" (see OLE2UI.RC), // and make sure that the magic number there equals the magic number below. #define OLEUI_VERSION_MAGIC 0x4D42 #endif //_OLE2UI_H_