/* * OLE2UI.RC * * Icon, menus, strings, and dialogs for the OLE 2.0 UI Support Library. * * Copyright (c)1992 Microsoft Corporation, All Right Reserved */ #undef PURE #include "ole2ui.h" //Bitmaps for ResultImage control IDB_RESULTSEGA BITMAP egares.bmp IDB_RESULTSVGA BITMAP vgares.bmp IDB_RESULTSHIRESVGA BITMAP hivgares.bmp // Version Verification Resource (see OLE2UI.H) VERIFICATION RCDATA BEGIN OLEUI_VERSION_MAGIC END //Include string tables here. #include "strings.rc" //Include each dialog template here. #include "insobj.dlg" #include "icon.dlg" #include "links.dlg" #include "pastespl.dlg" #include "busy.dlg" #include "convert.dlg" #include "fileopen.dlg" #include "prompt.dlg" // Only include the version resource if we are compiling the DLL version #ifdef DLL_VER //Version Information #include "RES\OLE2UI.RCV" #endif