#include "windows.h" #include #include "fontedit.h" #include "fcntl.h" #include "stdio.h" #define ATTRDIRLIST 0x4010 /* Include directories and drives in listbox */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Shared Variables */ /****************************************************************************/ extern LONG lSizeOfOldFontHeader; /* Old font header type. */ extern FontHeaderType font; /* Structure of Font File Header */ extern FontHeaderType fontBuffer; /* temp structure of font file header */ CHAR szFontFileFull[FILENAMEMAX] = {"*.FNT"}; /* Name of Font File */ CHAR szFontFile[FILENAMEMAX] = {"*.FNT"}; /* Name of Font File */ CHAR szNewFile[FILENAMEMAX] = {"*.FNT"}; /* Name of New File */ extern CHAR szFaceName[]; /* Face Name of Font */ extern BOOL NewFile; /* flag indicating if file was opened by selecting NEW on menu */ extern CHAR *vrgsz[CSTRINGS]; /* string table */ extern BOOL fChanged; /* Note if we did anything */ extern INT swH; extern BYTE iChar, jChar; extern HWND hFont; /* Handle to Show window */ extern HWND hBox; /* Handle to Edit Window */ extern HDC hMemDC; /* Handle to Memory Display Context */ extern CHAR szAppName[]; extern INT iFontFormat; /* format of font currently being edited */ extern DWORD cTable; /* offset table size */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Local Variables */ /****************************************************************************/ WORD newCharSet; /* Temporary value of font.CharSet */ WORD newFamily; /* Temporary value of font.Family << 4 */ BOOL newFV; /* Temporay value of Fixed/Variable flag */ WORD newItalic, newUnderline, newStrikeOut; WORD newWeight; /* Temporary value of font.Weight */ BOOL fMsgBoxUp; /* Bug Fix Hack explained in ReSizeProc */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Local Functions */ /****************************************************************************/ VOID SetCharSet(HWND hDial); VOID SetFamily(HWND hDial); VOID SetFixed(HWND hDial, BOOL fFV); VOID SetWeight(HWND hDial); /**************************************************************************** * BOOL APIENTRY HeaderProc(hDial, message, wParam, lParam) * * purpose : Dialog function which verifies and accepts inputs which may * alter font's header information (font attributes) * * params : Same as for all dialog functions * * side effects: may alter font attributes * ***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY HeaderProc( HWND hDial, WORD message, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam ) { FontHeaderType FAR * lpFont; BOOL fOk; /* for GetDlgItemInt errors! */ UINT i; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); lpFont = (FontHeaderType FAR *)&font; switch (message) { default: return FALSE; case WM_INITDIALOG: newCharSet = font.CharSet; SetCharSet(hDial); /* Set OEM/ANSI buttons */ newFamily = (WORD) (font.Family >> 4); /* Working value */ SetFamily(hDial); /* Set Font Family */ CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_ITALIC, newItalic = font.Italic); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_UNDERLINE, newUnderline = font.Underline); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_STRIKEOUT, newStrikeOut = font.StrikeOut); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_POINTS, lpFont->Points, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_VERT_RES, lpFont->VertRes, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_HORIZ_RES, lpFont->HorizRes, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_ASCENT, lpFont->Ascent, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_EXT_LEADING, lpFont->ExtLeading, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_INT_LEADING, lpFont->IntLeading, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_DEFAULT_CHAR,lpFont->DefaultChar , FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_BREAK_CHAR, lpFont->BreakChar, FALSE); SetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_COPYRIGHT, lpFont->Copyright); SetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_FACE_NAME, (LPSTR)szFaceName); SetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_FONT_NAME, (LPSTR)szFontFile); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ID_ANSI: newCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; SetCharSet(hDial); /* Set OEM/ANSI buttons */ break; case ID_SYMBOL: newCharSet = SYMBOL_CHARSET; SetCharSet(hDial); /* Set OEM/ANSI buttons */ break; case ID_OEM: newCharSet = OEM_CHARSET; SetCharSet(hDial); /* Set OEM/ANSI buttons */ break; #ifdef JAPAN case ID_SHIFTJIS: newCharSet = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; SetCharSet(hDial); /* Set OEM/ANSI buttons */ break; #endif case ID_UNKNOWN: newFamily = 0; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_ROMAN: newFamily = 1; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_SWISS: newFamily = 2; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_MODERN: newFamily = 3; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_SCRIPT: newFamily = 4; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_DECORATIVE: newFamily = 5; SetFamily(hDial); break; case ID_ITALIC: newItalic = (WORD) !newItalic; CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_ITALIC, newItalic); break; case ID_UNDERLINE: newUnderline = (WORD) !newUnderline; CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_UNDERLINE, newUnderline); break; case ID_STRIKEOUT: newStrikeOut = (WORD) !newStrikeOut; CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_STRIKEOUT, newStrikeOut); break; case ID_CHAR_SET : i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_CHAR_SET, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk && (i < 256)) { font.CharSet = (BYTE) (newCharSet = (WORD) i); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_ANSI, (WORD) (i == ANSI_CHARSET)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SYMBOL, (WORD) (i == SYMBOL_CHARSET)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_OEM, (WORD) (i == OEM_CHARSET)); #ifdef JAPAN CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SHIFTJIS,i == SHIFTJIS_CHARSET); #endif } break; case IDOK: font.CharSet = (BYTE) newCharSet; font.Family = (BYTE) ((newFamily << 4) | (font.Family & 1)); font.Italic = (BYTE) newItalic; font.Underline = (BYTE) newUnderline; font.StrikeOut = (BYTE) newStrikeOut; fChanged = TRUE; /* nominal point size */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_POINTS, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) lpFont->Points = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszNomPtSizeNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_POINTS)); break; } /* nominal vertical resolution */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_VERT_RES, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) lpFont->VertRes = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszNomVertResNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_VERT_RES)); break; } /* nominal horizontal resolution */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_HORIZ_RES, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) lpFont->HorizRes = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszNomHorResNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_HORIZ_RES)); break; } /* font ascent */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_ASCENT, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) { if (i <= font.PixHeight) lpFont->Ascent = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszAscentTooBig); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_ASCENT)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszAscentNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_ASCENT)); break; } /* font external leading */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_EXT_LEADING, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) lpFont->ExtLeading = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszExtLeadNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_EXT_LEADING)); break; } /* font internal leading */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_INT_LEADING, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) { if (i <= font.Ascent) lpFont->IntLeading = (WORD) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszIntLeadTooBig); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_INT_LEADING)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszIntLeadNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_INT_LEADING)); break; } /* font character set */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_CHAR_SET, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk && i < 256) { font.CharSet = (BYTE) i; SetCharSet(hDial); } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszCharSetOutOfBounds); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_CHAR_SET)); break; } /* font default char number */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_DEFAULT_CHAR, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) { if (i <= (UINT)font.LastChar - (UINT)font.FirstChar) lpFont->DefaultChar = (BYTE) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszDefCharOutsideFont); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_DEFAULT_CHAR)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszDefCharNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_DEFAULT_CHAR)); break; } /* break char number */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_BREAK_CHAR, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) { if (i <= (UINT)(font.LastChar - font.FirstChar)) lpFont->BreakChar = (BYTE) i; else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszBreakCharOutsideFont); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_BREAK_CHAR)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszBreakCharNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_BREAK_CHAR)); break; } /* facename string */ GetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_COPYRIGHT, lpFont->Copyright, 60); GetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_FACE_NAME, (LPSTR)szFaceName, szNamesMax); if (!lstrlen((LPSTR)szFaceName)) { lstrcpy((LPSTR)szFaceName, (LPSTR)vszUnknown); ErrorBox(hDial, vszUnknownFace); } /* fall thru to enddialog */ case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDial, wParam != IDCANCEL); break; default: break; } } return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************** * char * VerifyHeaderContents() * * purpose: Checks if the Header information of the file just read makes * sense. If not, returns an error message string to FontLoad * * params : none * * returns :char *szError : ptr to error string if error occurs * NULL otherwise * * side effects: none * ***************************************************************************/ CHAR * PASCAL VerifyHeaderContents( VOID ) { if (fontBuffer.Points > 999) return vszNomPtSizeNotOk; if (fontBuffer.VertRes > 999) return vszNomVertResNotOk; if (fontBuffer.HorizRes > 999) return vszNomHorResNotOk; if (fontBuffer.Ascent > fontBuffer.PixHeight) return vszAscentTooBig; if (fontBuffer.Ascent > 999) return vszAscentNotOk; if (fontBuffer.ExtLeading > 999) return vszExtLeadNotOk; if (fontBuffer.IntLeading > fontBuffer.Ascent) return vszIntLeadTooBig; if (fontBuffer.IntLeading > 999) return vszIntLeadNotOk; if (fontBuffer.LastChar > 255) return vszCharSetOutOfBounds; if (fontBuffer.DefaultChar > fontBuffer.FirstChar + (fontBuffer.LastChar - fontBuffer.FirstChar)) #if 0 fontBuffer.DefaultChar = 0; #else return vszDefCharOutsideFont; #endif if (fontBuffer.DefaultChar > 255) return vszDefCharNotOk; if (fontBuffer.BreakChar > (fontBuffer.LastChar - fontBuffer.FirstChar)) return vszBreakCharOutsideFont; if (fontBuffer.BreakChar > 255) return vszBreakCharNotOk; if (fontBuffer.PixHeight > 64) return vszHeightOutOfBounds; if (fontBuffer.MaxWidth > 64) return vszMaxWidthOutOfBounds; if (fontBuffer.AvgWidth > 64) return vszAvgWidthOutOfBounds; if (iFontFormat == ID_FORMAT2) if (fontBuffer.BitsOffset > (DWORD)SEGMENT_SIZE) return vszBitsOffsetNotOk; return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * BOOL PASCAL Format20FileTooBig(iHeight, iWidth) * * purpose: Checks if the 2.0 font file size is within the 64k * limit imposed by the 2.0 format offset table.( if file over * size limit is saved in 2.0 format, loss of information will * result) * * params: WORD iHeight : current height of font in pixels * WORD iWidth : current width of font in pixels * * returns: TRUE : file too large * FALSE : ok to save * * side effects: none * ***************************************************************************/ BOOL PASCAL Format20FileTooBig( WORD iHeight, WORD iWidth ) { if ((DWORD)lSizeOfOldFontHeader + (DWORD)cTable + (font.LastChar - font.FirstChar +1) * (((DWORD)iHeight * (DWORD)iWidth ) >> 3) >= WORD_LIMIT) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************** * BOOL APIENTRY ReSizeProc(hDial, message, wParam, lParam) * * purpose : dialog fn. which verifies and accepts font resize (stretch, * shrink...) input and calls the appropriate routine to perform * the function. Also alters font weight attributes (bold, light, * extra light...) * * params : same as for all dialog functions * * side effects: alters header information regarding font dimensions and font * weight * ***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ReSizeProc( HWND hDial, WORD message, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam ) { FontHeaderType FAR * lpFont; BOOL fOk; /* for GetDlgItemInt errors! */ UINT i; HMENU hMenu; static BOOL fFV; /* temporary fixed/var width flag */ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); lpFont = (FontHeaderType FAR *)&font; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: fMsgBoxUp = FALSE; newWeight = (WORD) font.Weight; newFV = (BOOL) (font.Family & 1); fFV = newFV; SetFixed(hDial, fFV); /* Set Fixed or Variable width */ SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_PIX_HEIGHT, lpFont->PixHeight, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_FIRST_CHAR, lpFont->FirstChar, FALSE); #ifdef JAPAN if (!fFV) SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_WIDTH, lpFont->AvgWidth, FALSE); else SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_WIDTH, lpFont->MaxWidth, FALSE); #else SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_WIDTH, lpFont->MaxWidth, FALSE); #endif SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_AVERAGE, lpFont->AvgWidth, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_LAST_CHAR, lpFont->LastChar, FALSE); SetWeight(hDial); SetFixed(hDial, fFV); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ID_THIN: newWeight = FW_THIN; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_EXTRALIGHT: newWeight = FW_EXTRALIGHT; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_LIGHT: newWeight = FW_LIGHT; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_NORMAL: newWeight = FW_NORMAL; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_MEDIUM: newWeight = FW_MEDIUM; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_BOLD: newWeight = FW_BOLD; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_SEMIBOLD: newWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_EXTRABOLD: newWeight = FW_EXTRABOLD; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_HEAVY: newWeight = FW_HEAVY; SetWeight(hDial); break; case ID_FIXED: fFV = 0; SetFixed(hDial, fFV); break; case ID_VARIABLE: fFV = 1; SetFixed(hDial, fFV); break; case IDOK: fChanged = TRUE; font.Weight = newWeight; /* give warning if user attempts to change from variable to fixed width */ if ((fFV == 0) && (newFV != 0)) { fMsgBoxUp = TRUE; ErrorBox(hDial, vszNoVarToFixChange); fMsgBoxUp = FALSE; SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_VARIABLE)); break; } else newFV = fFV; if (newFV && !(font.Family & 1)) { font.PixWidth = 0; /* All we need to do to make this */ font.Family |= 1; /* .. font variable width */ } /* change height command */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_PIX_HEIGHT, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk && i && i < kBoxLim && i>0 ) { if (i != font.PixHeight){ /* Same size ? */ /* No: Resize body height */ if (!ResizeBody(font.WidthBytes, i)){ SetFocus(hDial); break; } } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszHeightOutOfBounds); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_PIX_HEIGHT)); break; } /* change width command */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_WIDTH, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk && i < wBoxLim && i > 0){ #ifdef JAPAN int kki; kki = (newFV) ? font.MaxWidth : font.AvgWidth; if (i != (UINT)kki){ if (newFV){ if (!SpreadWidths(i)){ SetFocus(hDial); break; /* new variable widths */ } } else{ if (!ResizeWidths(i)){ SetFocus(hDial); break; /* new fixed widths */ } } } #else if (i != font.MaxWidth){ if (newFV){ if (!SpreadWidths(i)){ SetFocus(hDial); break; /* New Variable Widths */ } } else{ if (!ResizeWidths(i)){ SetFocus(hDial); break; /* New Fixed Widths */ } } } #endif } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszWidthOutOfBounds); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_WIDTH)); break; } /* new first char command */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_FIRST_CHAR, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk) { if ((i <= font.LastChar) && (i <= font.DefaultChar)) { if (i != font.FirstChar) { if (!NewFirstChar(i)) break; iChar = jChar = (CHAR) i; swH = 0; ScrollFont(); /* Show front end */ } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszChar1MoreThanDChar); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_FIRST_CHAR)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszChar1NotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_FIRST_CHAR)); break; } /* new last char command */ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_LAST_CHAR, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE); if (fOk && i < 256) { if ((i >= font.FirstChar) && (i >= font.DefaultChar)) { if (i != font.LastChar) { if (!NewLastChar(i)) break; iChar = jChar = (CHAR) i; swH = 100; ScrollFont(); /* Show back end */ } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszLastCharTooSmall); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_LAST_CHAR)); break; } } else{ ErrorBox(hDial, vszLastCharNotOk); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDial, ID_LAST_CHAR)); break; } /* this is moved from SetFixed, since it should only be done * if idok pressed. */ if (newFV) { /* Enable "width" if variable-width font */ hMenu = GetMenu(hBox); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, 4, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_ENABLED); DrawMenuBar(hBox); } /* fall thru to enddialog...*/ case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDial, wParam != IDCANCEL); break; default: return FALSE; break; } /* end switch wParam */ default: return FALSE; } /* end switch message */ return TRUE; } VOID ErrorBox( HWND hWndparent, CHAR * szMessage ) /* Show Message Box */ { MessageBox(hWndparent, (LPSTR)szMessage, (LPSTR)szAppName, MB_OK | MB_ICONASTERISK | MB_APPLMODAL); } /**************************************************************************** * SetCharSet(hDial) * * purpose : Set ANSI/OEM dialog button and set the number in edit window * * param : HWND hDial : handle to dialog box window * * returns : none * ***************************************************************************/ VOID SetCharSet( HWND hDial ) { CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_ANSI, (WORD) (newCharSet == ANSI_CHARSET)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SYMBOL, (WORD) (newCharSet == SYMBOL_CHARSET)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_OEM, (WORD) (newCharSet == OEM_CHARSET)); #ifdef JAPAN CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SHIFTJIS, newCharSet == SHIFTJIS_CHARSET); #endif SetDlgItemInt(hDial, ID_CHAR_SET, newCharSet, FALSE); } /**************************************************************************** * SetFixed(hDial) * * purpose : Set fixed/variable dialog button * * params : HWND hDial : handle to dialog box window * BOOL fFV : variable or fixed * * returns : none * ***************************************************************************/ VOID SetFixed( HWND hDial, BOOL fFV ) { CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_FIXED, (WORD)(fFV == 0)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_VARIABLE, (WORD)(fFV == 1)); if (newFV) SetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_WIDTH_TEXT, (LPSTR)vszMaxWidth); else SetDlgItemText(hDial, ID_WIDTH_TEXT, (LPSTR)vszCharPixelWidth); } /**************************************************************************** * SetWeight(hDial) * * purpose : Set font weight dialog button * * params : HWND hDial : handle to dialog box window * * returns : none * ****************************************************************************/ VOID SetWeight( HWND hDial ) { CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_THIN, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_THIN)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_EXTRALIGHT, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_EXTRALIGHT)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_LIGHT, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_LIGHT)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_NORMAL, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_NORMAL)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_MEDIUM, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_MEDIUM)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SEMIBOLD, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_SEMIBOLD)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_BOLD, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_BOLD)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_EXTRABOLD, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_EXTRABOLD)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_HEAVY, (WORD)(newWeight == FW_HEAVY)); } /**************************************************************************** * SetFamily(hDial) * * purpose : Set font family dialog button * * params : HWND hDial : handle to dialog box window * * returns : none * ***************************************************************************/ VOID SetFamily( HWND hDial ) { CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_UNKNOWN, (WORD) (newFamily == 0)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_ROMAN, (WORD)(newFamily == 1)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SWISS, (WORD)(newFamily == 2)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_MODERN, (WORD)(newFamily == 3)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_SCRIPT, (WORD)(newFamily == 4)); CheckDlgButton(hDial, ID_DECORATIVE, (WORD) (newFamily == 5)); }