/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rebase.c Abstract: Source file for the REBASE utility that takes a group of image files and rebases them so they are packed as closely together in the virtual address space as possible. Author: Mark Lucovsky (markl) 30-Apr-1993 Revision History: --*/ #include #define REBASE_ERR 99 #define REBASE_OK 0 static PVOID RvaToVa( PVOID Rva, PLOADED_IMAGE Image ); typedef PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION (WINAPI *LPRELOCATE_ROUTINE)( IN ULONG VA, IN ULONG SizeOfBlock, IN PUSHORT NextOffset, IN LONG Diff ); static LPRELOCATE_ROUTINE RelocRoutine; static PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION xxLdrProcessRelocationBlock( IN ULONG VA, IN ULONG SizeOfBlock, IN PUSHORT NextOffset, IN LONG Diff ); static LOADED_IMAGE CurrentImage; #define x256MEG (256*(1024*1024)) #define x256MEGSHIFT 28 #define ROUND_UP( Size, Amount ) (((ULONG)(Size) + ((Amount) - 1)) & ~((Amount) - 1)) VOID AdjImageBaseSize( PULONG pImageBase, PULONG ImageSize, BOOL fGoingDown ); BOOL RelocateImage( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, ULONG NewBase, ULONG *Diff, ULONG tstamp ); BOOL ReBaseImage( IN LPSTR CurrentImageName, IN LPSTR SymbolPath, // Symbol path (if IN BOOL fReBase, // TRUE if actually rebasing, false if only summing IN BOOL fRebaseSysfileOk, // TRUE is system images s/b rebased IN BOOL fGoingDown, // TRUE if the image s/b rebased below the given base IN ULONG CheckImageSize, // Max size allowed (0 if don't care) OUT ULONG *OldImageSize, // Returned from the header OUT ULONG *OldImageBase, // Returned from the header OUT ULONG *NewImageSize, // Image size rounded to next separation boundary IN OUT ULONG *NewImageBase, // (in) Desired new address. // (out) Next new address (above/below this one) IN ULONG tstamp // new timestamp for image ) { BOOL fSymbolsAlreadySplit = FALSE; CHAR DebugFileName[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; CHAR DebugFilePath[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; ULONG CurrentImageSize; ULONG DesiredImageBase; ULONG OldChecksum; ULONG Diff = 0; ULONG UpdateSymbolsError = 0; // Map and load the current image if ( MapAndLoad( CurrentImageName, NULL, &CurrentImage, FALSE, fReBase ? FALSE : TRUE ) ) { if (!(!fRebaseSysfileOk && CurrentImage.fSystemImage)) { fSymbolsAlreadySplit = CurrentImage.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED ? TRUE : FALSE; if ( fSymbolsAlreadySplit ) { // Find DebugFileName for later use. PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY DebugDirectories; ULONG DebugDirectoriesSize; PIMAGE_DEBUG_MISC MiscDebug; strcpy( DebugFileName, CurrentImageName ); DebugDirectories = (PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryEntryToData( CurrentImage.MappedAddress, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG, &DebugDirectoriesSize ); if (DebugDirectoryIsUseful(DebugDirectories, DebugDirectoriesSize)) { while (DebugDirectoriesSize != 0) { if (DebugDirectories->Type == IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC) { MiscDebug = (PIMAGE_DEBUG_MISC) ((PCHAR)CurrentImage.MappedAddress + DebugDirectories->PointerToRawData ); strcpy( DebugFileName, (PCHAR) MiscDebug->Data ); break; } else { DebugDirectories += 1; DebugDirectoriesSize -= sizeof( *DebugDirectories ); } } } } CurrentImageSize = CurrentImage.FileHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; // Save the current settings for the caller. *OldImageSize = CurrentImageSize; *OldImageBase = CurrentImage.FileHeader->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; *NewImageSize = ROUND_UP( CurrentImageSize, IMAGE_SEPARATION ); if (CheckImageSize) { // The user asked for a max size test. if ( *NewImageSize > ROUND_UP(CheckImageSize, IMAGE_SEPARATION) ) { *NewImageBase = 0; return(FALSE); } } DesiredImageBase = *NewImageBase; // So long as we're not basing to zero or rebasing to the same address, // go for it. if (fReBase) { if (fGoingDown) { DesiredImageBase -= *NewImageSize; AdjImageBaseSize( &DesiredImageBase, &CurrentImageSize, fGoingDown ); } if ((DesiredImageBase) && (DesiredImageBase != *OldImageBase) ) { OldChecksum = CurrentImage.FileHeader->OptionalHeader.CheckSum; if ( !RelocateImage( &CurrentImage, DesiredImageBase, &Diff, tstamp ) ) { return(FALSE); } if ( fSymbolsAlreadySplit && Diff ) { if (UpdateDebugInfoFileEx( DebugFileName, SymbolPath, DebugFilePath, CurrentImage.FileHeader, OldChecksum )) { UpdateSymbolsError = GetLastError(); } else { UpdateSymbolsError = 0; } } } else { // // Should this be -1?? shouldn't it be 0 instead? - kentf // Diff = (ULONG) -1; } if (!fGoingDown && Diff) { DesiredImageBase += *NewImageSize; AdjImageBaseSize( &DesiredImageBase, &CurrentImageSize, fGoingDown ); } } } UnmapViewOfFile( CurrentImage.MappedAddress ); if ( CurrentImage.hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( CurrentImage.hFile ); } ZeroMemory( &CurrentImage, sizeof( CurrentImage ) ); if (fReBase) { if (Diff) { *NewImageBase = DesiredImageBase; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS); return(FALSE); } } } else { if (CurrentImage.fDOSImage == TRUE) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); } // Couldn't Map and Load the current image return(FALSE); } SetLastError(UpdateSymbolsError); return(TRUE); } VOID AdjImageBaseSize ( PULONG pulImageBase, PULONG pulImageSize, BOOL fGoingDown ) { DWORD Meg1, Meg2, Delta; // // ImageBase is the base for the current image. Make sure that // the image does not span a 256Mb boundry. This is due to an r4000 // chip bug that has problems computing the correct address for absolute // jumps that occur in the last few instructions of a 256mb region // Meg1 = *pulImageBase >> x256MEGSHIFT; Meg2 = ( *pulImageBase + ROUND_UP( *pulImageSize, IMAGE_SEPARATION ) ) >> x256MEGSHIFT; if ( Meg1 != Meg2 ) { // // If we are going down, then subtract the overlap from ThisBase // if ( fGoingDown ) { Delta = ( *pulImageBase + ROUND_UP( *pulImageSize, IMAGE_SEPARATION ) ) - ( Meg2 << x256MEGSHIFT ); Delta += IMAGE_SEPARATION; *pulImageBase = *pulImageBase - Delta; *pulImageSize += Delta; } else { Delta = ( Meg2 << x256MEGSHIFT ) - *pulImageBase; *pulImageBase += Delta; *pulImageSize += Delta; } } } BOOL RelocateImage( PLOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage, ULONG NewBase, ULONG *Diff, ULONG tstamp ) { ULONG TotalCountBytes, VA, OldBase, SizeOfBlock; PUSHORT NextOffset; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION NextBlock; ULONG CheckSum; ULONG HeaderSum; static BOOL fInit = FALSE; HINSTANCE hNTdll; if (!fInit) { hNTdll = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle("ntdll"); if ( hNTdll ) { RelocRoutine = (LPRELOCATE_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(hNTdll, "LdrProcessRelocationBlock"); } if ( !RelocRoutine ) { RelocRoutine = xxLdrProcessRelocationBlock; } } NtHeaders = LoadedImage->FileHeader; OldBase = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; // // Locate the relocation section. // NextBlock = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)ImageDirectoryEntryToData( LoadedImage->MappedAddress, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC, &TotalCountBytes ); if (!NextBlock || !TotalCountBytes) { // // The image does not contain a relocation table, and therefore // cannot be relocated. // return TRUE; } *Diff = (LONG)NewBase - (LONG)OldBase; // // If the image has a relocation table, then apply the specified fixup // information to the image. // while (TotalCountBytes) { SizeOfBlock = NextBlock->SizeOfBlock; TotalCountBytes -= SizeOfBlock; SizeOfBlock -= sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION); SizeOfBlock /= sizeof(USHORT); NextOffset = (PUSHORT)(NextBlock + 1); // // Compute the address and value for the fixup. // if ( SizeOfBlock ) { VA = (ULONG)RvaToVa((PVOID)NextBlock->VirtualAddress,LoadedImage); if ( !VA ) { NtHeaders->Signature = (ULONG)-1; return FALSE; } if ( !(NextBlock = (RelocRoutine)(VA,SizeOfBlock,NextOffset,*Diff)) ) { NtHeaders->Signature = (ULONG)-1; return FALSE; } } else { NextBlock++; } } NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase = NewBase; if (tstamp) { LoadedImage->FileHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = tstamp; } // // recompute the checksum. // if ( LoadedImage->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { LoadedImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0; CheckSumMappedFile( (PVOID)LoadedImage->MappedAddress, GetFileSize(LoadedImage->hFile, NULL), &HeaderSum, &CheckSum ); LoadedImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = CheckSum; } FlushViewOfFile(LoadedImage->MappedAddress,0); TouchFileTimes(LoadedImage->hFile,NULL); return TRUE; } PVOID RvaToVa( PVOID Rva, PLOADED_IMAGE Image ) { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER Section; ULONG i; PVOID Va; Va = NULL; Section = Image->LastRvaSection; if (Rva == NULL) { // a NULL Rva will be sent if there are relocs before the first page // (ie: we're relocating a system image) Va = Image->MappedAddress; } else { if ( (ULONG)Rva >= Section->VirtualAddress && (ULONG)Rva < Section->VirtualAddress + Section->SizeOfRawData ) { Va = (PVOID)((ULONG)Rva - Section->VirtualAddress + Section->PointerToRawData + Image->MappedAddress); } else { for(Section = Image->Sections,i=0; iNumberOfSections; i++,Section++) { if ( (ULONG)Rva >= Section->VirtualAddress && (ULONG)Rva < Section->VirtualAddress + Section->SizeOfRawData ) { Va = (PVOID)((ULONG)Rva - Section->VirtualAddress + Section->PointerToRawData + Image->MappedAddress); Image->LastRvaSection = Section; break; } } } } return Va; } PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION xxLdrProcessRelocationBlock( IN ULONG VA, IN ULONG SizeOfBlock, IN PUSHORT NextOffset, IN LONG Diff ) { PUCHAR FixupVA; USHORT Offset; LONG Temp; while (SizeOfBlock--) { Offset = *NextOffset & (USHORT)0xfff; FixupVA = (PUCHAR)(VA + Offset); // // Apply the fixups. // switch ((*NextOffset) >> 12) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW : // // HighLow - (32-bits) relocate the high and low half // of an address. // *(PLONG)FixupVA += Diff; break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH : // // High - (16-bits) relocate the high half of an address. // Temp = *(PUSHORT)FixupVA << 16; Temp += Diff; *(PUSHORT)FixupVA = (USHORT)(Temp >> 16); break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ : // // Adjust high - (16-bits) relocate the high half of an // address and adjust for sign extension of low half. // Temp = *(PUSHORT)FixupVA << 16; ++NextOffset; --SizeOfBlock; Temp += (LONG)(*(PSHORT)NextOffset); Temp += Diff; Temp += 0x8000; *(PUSHORT)FixupVA = (USHORT)(Temp >> 16); break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW : // // Low - (16-bit) relocate the low half of an address. // Temp = *(PSHORT)FixupVA; Temp += Diff; *(PUSHORT)FixupVA = (USHORT)Temp; break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR : // // JumpAddress - (32-bits) relocate a MIPS jump address. // Temp = (*(PULONG)FixupVA & 0x3ffffff) << 2; Temp += Diff; *(PULONG)FixupVA = (*(PULONG)FixupVA & ~0x3ffffff) | ((Temp >> 2) & 0x3ffffff); break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE : // // Absolute - no fixup required. // break; default : // // Illegal - illegal relocation type. // return (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)NULL; } ++NextOffset; } return (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)NextOffset; }