/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: frsstruc.hxx Abstract: This class models a file record segment structure. Author: Norbert P. Kusters (norbertk) 17-Sep-91 Environment: ULIB, User Mode --*/ #if !defined( _NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE_DEFN_ ) #define _NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE_DEFN_ #include "volume.hxx" #include "ntfssa.hxx" DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE ); DECLARE_CLASS( MEM ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE ); DECLARE_CLASS( LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_CLUSTER_RUN ); DECLARE_CLASS( WSTRING ); DECLARE_CLASS( MESSAGE ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_BITMAP ); DECLARE_CLASS( NTFS_UPCASE_TABLE ); class NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE : public OBJECT { public: UNTFS_EXPORT DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR( NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT ~NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE( ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Initialize( IN OUT PMEM Mem, IN OUT PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE MftData, IN VCN FileNumber, IN ULONG ClusterFactor, IN BIG_INT VolumeSectors, IN ULONG FrsSize, IN PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE UpcaseTable OPTIONAL ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Initialize( IN OUT PMEM Mem, IN OUT PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN LCN StartOfMft, IN ULONG ClusterFactor, IN BIG_INT VolumeSectors, IN ULONG FrsSize, IN PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE UpcaseTable DEFAULT NULL, IN ULONG Offset DEFAULT 0 ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN VerifyAndFix( IN FIX_LEVEL FixLevel, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message, IN PCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS AttributeDefTable OPTIONAL, IN OUT PBOOLEAN DiskErrorsFound DEFAULT NULL ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN LoneFrsAllocationCheck( IN OUT PNTFS_BITMAP VolumeBitmap, IN OUT PNTFS_CHKDSK_REPORT ChkdskReport, IN OUT PNTFS_CHKDSK_INFO ChkdskInfo, IN FIX_LEVEL FixLevel, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message, IN OUT PBOOLEAN DiskErrorsFound DEFAULT NULL ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN CheckInstanceTags( IN FIX_LEVEL FixLevel, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message, OUT PBOOLEAN Changes, IN OUT PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList DEFAULT NULL ); VIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Read( ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN Write( ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT PVOID GetNextAttributeRecord( IN PCVOID AttributeRecord, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message DEFAULT NULL, OUT PBOOLEAN ErrorsFound DEFAULT NULL ); NONVIRTUAL VOID DeleteAttributeRecord( IN OUT PVOID AttributeRecord ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN InsertAttributeRecord( IN OUT PVOID Position, IN PCVOID AttributeRecord ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN QueryAttributeList( OUT PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList ); NONVIRTUAL PVOID GetAttribute( IN ULONG TypeCode ); NONVIRTUAL PVOID GetAttributeList( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN UpdateAttributeList( IN PCNTFS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList, IN BOOLEAN WriteList ); NONVIRTUAL UNTFS_EXPORT BOOLEAN SafeQueryAttribute( IN ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODE TypeCode, IN OUT PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE MftData, OUT PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE Attribute ); NONVIRTUAL MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE QuerySegmentReference( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL FILE_REFERENCE QueryBaseFileRecordSegment( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsBase( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsInUse( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID ClearInUse( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsSystemFile( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID SetSystemFile( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsViewIndexPresent( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID SetViewIndexPresent( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN IsIndexPresent( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID SetIndexPresent( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID ClearIndexPresent( ); NONVIRTUAL VCN QueryFileNumber( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL ULONG QueryClusterFactor( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL ULONG QuerySize( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE GetDrive( ); NONVIRTUAL USHORT QueryReferenceCount( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL VOID SetReferenceCount( IN USHORT ReferenceCount ); NONVIRTUAL BIG_INT QueryVolumeSectors( ) CONST; NONVIRTUAL PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE GetUpcaseTable( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID SetUpcaseTable( IN PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE UpcaseTable ); NONVIRTUAL LSN QueryLsn( ) CONST; protected: NONVIRTUAL ULONG QueryAvailableSpace( ); PFILE_RECORD_SEGMENT_HEADER _FrsData; private: NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Sort( OUT PBOOLEAN Changes, OUT PBOOLEAN Duplicates ); NONVIRTUAL VOID Construct( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID Destroy( ); PSECRUN _secrun; PNTFS_ATTRIBUTE _mftdata; PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE _upcase_table; VCN _file_number; ULONG _cluster_factor; ULONG _size; PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE _drive; BIG_INT _volume_sectors; }; INLINE MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QuerySegmentReference( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes the segment reference value for this FRS. Arguments: None. Return Value: The segment reference value for this FRS. --*/ { MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE SegmentReference; DebugAssert( _FrsData ); SegmentReference.LowPart = _file_number.GetLowPart(); SegmentReference.HighPart = (USHORT) _file_number.GetHighPart(); SegmentReference.SequenceNumber = _FrsData->SequenceNumber; return SegmentReference; } INLINE FILE_REFERENCE NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryBaseFileRecordSegment( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This field contains a pointer to the base file record segment for this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: A FILE_REFERENCE to the base file record segment for this file record segment. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return _FrsData->BaseFileRecordSegment; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::IsBase( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method determines whether this File Record Segment is the Base File Record Segment for its file. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if this is a Base File Record Segment; FALSE otherwise. --*/ { return( _FrsData->BaseFileRecordSegment.LowPart == 0 && _FrsData->BaseFileRecordSegment.HighPart == 0 && _FrsData->BaseFileRecordSegment.SequenceNumber == 0 ); } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::IsInUse( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes whether or not this file record segment is in use. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - This file record segment is not in use. TRUE - This file record segment is in use. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return (_FrsData->Flags & FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT_IN_USE) ? TRUE : FALSE; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::ClearInUse( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine clears the in use bit on this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); _FrsData->Flags &= ~FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT_IN_USE; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::IsSystemFile( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes whether or not this file record segment is a system file. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - This file record segment is not a system file. TRUE - This file record segment is a system file. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return (_FrsData->Flags & FILE_SYSTEM_FILE) ? TRUE : FALSE; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::SetSystemFile( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the system file bit on this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); _FrsData->Flags |= FILE_SYSTEM_FILE; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::IsViewIndexPresent( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes whether or not the indices of file record segment can be viewed. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - The indices of this file record segment cannot be viewed. TRUE - The indices of this file record segment can be viewed. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return (_FrsData->Flags & FILE_VIEW_INDEX_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::SetViewIndexPresent( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the view index present bit on this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); _FrsData->Flags |= FILE_VIEW_INDEX_PRESENT; } INLINE BOOLEAN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::IsIndexPresent( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes whether or not this file record segment's FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT flag is set. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - This file record segment's FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT is NOT set. TRUE - This file record segment's FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT is set. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return (_FrsData->Flags & FILE_FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::ClearIndexPresent( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine clears the index present bit on this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); _FrsData->Flags &= ~FILE_FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::SetIndexPresent( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the index present bit on this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); _FrsData->Flags |= FILE_FILE_NAME_INDEX_PRESENT; } INLINE ULONG NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QuerySize( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine computes the number of bytes in this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: The number of bytes in this file record segment. --*/ { return _size; } INLINE VCN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryFileNumber( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method returns the File Number of the File Record Segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: the File Number (i.e. ordinal number within the MFT) of this File Record Segment. --*/ { return _file_number; } INLINE ULONG NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryClusterFactor( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This method returns the cluster factor. Arguments: None. Return Value: The cluster factor with which this File Record Segment was initialized. --*/ { return _cluster_factor; } INLINE PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::GetDrive( ) /*++ Routine Description: This method returns the drive on which the File Record Segment resides. This functionality enables clients to initialize other File Record Segments on the same drive. Arguments: None. Return Value: The drive on which the File Record Segment resides. --*/ { return _drive; } INLINE USHORT NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryReferenceCount( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the value of the reference count field in this frs. Arguments: None. Return Value: The value of the reference count field in this frs. --*/ { return _FrsData->ReferenceCount; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::SetReferenceCount( IN USHORT ReferenceCount ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the value of the reference count field in this frs. Arguments: ReferenceCount - Supplies the new reference count. Return Value: None. --*/ { _FrsData->ReferenceCount = ReferenceCount; } INLINE BIG_INT NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryVolumeSectors( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the number of sectors on the volume as recorded in the boot sector. Arguments: None. Return Value: The number of volume sectors. --*/ { return _volume_sectors; } INLINE PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::GetUpcaseTable( ) /*++ Routine Description: This method fetches the upcase table for the volume on which this FRS resides. Arguments: None. Return Value: The volume upcase table. --*/ { return _upcase_table; } INLINE VOID NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::SetUpcaseTable( IN PNTFS_UPCASE_TABLE UpcaseTable ) /*++ Routine Description: This method sets the upcase table for the volume on which this FRS resides. Arguments: UpcaseTable -- Supplies the volume upcase table. Return Value: None. --*/ { _upcase_table = UpcaseTable; } INLINE LSN NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE::QueryLsn( ) CONST /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the logical sequence number for this file record segment. Arguments: None. Return Value: The logical sequence number for this file record segment. --*/ { DebugAssert( _FrsData ); return _FrsData->Lsn; } #endif // _NTFS_FRS_STRUCTURE_DEFN_