path: root/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/mappedPrelightWindow.mel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/mappedPrelightWindow.mel')
1 files changed, 1118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/mappedPrelightWindow.mel b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/mappedPrelightWindow.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3b39cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/mappedPrelightWindow.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,1118 @@
+ File: mappedPrelightWindow.mel
+ Created: January 28, 2002
+ Author: Harold Westlund
+ Copyright (c) 2002 Radical Entertainment, Inc.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Updated: April 12, 2002
+ Version: 1.2.0
+ mappedPrelightWindow is the user interface for mappedPrelight.
+ This program provides a means to map from a specified cbv brightness
+ range to another colour. Up to six maps may be specifed and used in
+ any combination.
+// Gather global data from other functions and apply to the window.
+global proc P3Dmp_updateAllMappedPrelightGlobal( int $mpNumMaps )
+ // Prepare for forced min value if checked.
+ P3Dmp_forceValues ( $mpNumMaps );
+// Add Context Sensitive Help
+global proc P3Dmp_buildMappedPrelightContextHelpItems(string $nameRoot, string $menuParent)
+ menuItem -label "Help on Mapped Prelight..."
+ -enableCommandRepeat false
+ -command "showHelp -d \"UserGuide/ModelingPoly/PolyColoring3.html\"";
+// Prelight the selected object using default options.
+global proc P3Dmp_performPrelight ()
+ toggleMaterialMapping(0);
+ polyGeoSampler
+ -sf 0
+ -su
+ -colorBlend overwrite
+ -alphaBlend overwrite;
+ toggleMaterialMapping(1);
+// Prelight conditional upon prelight checkbox being checked
+// Either way, set the persistent data.
+global proc P3Dmp_conditionalPerformPrelight ()
+ int $usePrelight;
+ $usePrelight = `checkBox -q -v performPrelightCheckBox`;
+ optionVar -intValue P3D_mpPerformPrelight $usePrelight;
+ if ($usePrelight)
+ {
+ print "Performing prelight\n";
+ P3Dmp_performPrelight();
+ }
+// Modify the UI through interaction
+// Force the minimum value of one map to be the maximum value
+// of the previous map.
+global proc P3Dmp_forceValues ( int $mapID )
+ int $forceMinValue;
+ $forceMinValue = `checkBox -q -v forceMinValueCheckBox`;
+ int $lastMapUsed = 0;
+ // Check every map's UI settings
+ int $i;
+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $mapID; $i++ )
+ {
+ if( $forceMinValue == true )
+ {
+ int $mapUse;
+ $mapUse = `checkBox -q -v ( "mpMap" + $i + "CheckBox" )`;
+ if($mapUse)
+ {
+ // Nothing is done to the first map in use.
+ // Other maps have the min set to the max of the
+ // last in use map, and then the min is disabled.
+ if( $lastMapUsed != 0 )
+ {
+ float $mapMin = `floatField -q -v ("mpMap" + $lastMapUsed + "MaxField")`;
+ floatField -edit -v $mapMin ("mpMap" + $i + "MinField");
+ floatField -edit -enable 0 ("mpMap" + $i + "MinField");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ floatField -edit -enable 1 ("mpMap" + $i + "MinField");
+ }
+ $lastMapUsed = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int $mapUse;
+ $mapUse = `checkBox -q -v ( "mpMap" + $i + "CheckBox" )`;
+ if($mapUse)
+ {
+ floatField -edit -enable 1 ("mpMap" + $i + "MinField");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Turn a particular map on or off.
+global proc P3Dmp_changeMapUse ( int $mapID )
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $mapID );
+ string $checkBox = ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ string $layout = ( $mapName + "DetailsLayout" );
+ int $isOn = `checkBox -q -v $checkBox`;
+ // Now enable or disable the map.
+ columnLayout -edit
+ -enable $isOn
+ $layout;
+ // Changing the map use will affect forced minimums.
+ P3Dmp_forceValues ( $mapID );
+// Apply the numeric RGB values to the colour slider.
+global proc P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( int $mapID, string $srcDst)
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $mapID + $srcDst );
+ string $RedField = ( $mapName + "RedField" );
+ string $GreenField = ( $mapName + "GreenField" );
+ string $BlueField = ( $mapName + "BlueField" );
+ float $red, $green, $blue;
+ $red = `floatField -q -v $RedField`;
+ $green = `floatField -q -v $GreenField`;
+ $blue = `floatField -q -v $BlueField`;
+ colorSliderButtonGrp -edit
+ -rgbValue $red $green $blue
+ ( $mapName + "ColorSlider" );
+// Apply the colour slider values to the numeric RGB values.
+global proc P3Dmp_changeMapRGBSlider ( int $mapID, string $srcDst )
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $mapID + $srcDst );
+ float $rgb[3];
+ $rgb = `colorSliderButtonGrp -q -rgbValue ( $mapName + "ColorSlider" )`;
+ string $RedField = ( $mapName + "RedField" );
+ string $GreenField = ( $mapName + "GreenField" );
+ string $BlueField = ( $mapName + "BlueField" );
+ $red = `floatField -edit -v ( $rgb[0] ) $RedField`;
+ $green = `floatField -edit -v ( $rgb[1] ) $GreenField`;
+ $blue = `floatField -edit -v ( $rgb[2] ) $BlueField`;
+ clear $rgb;
+// Apply the prelight maps in the range specified to the selected objects.
+global proc P3Dmp_applyPrelightMaps( int $minMapNum, int $maxMapNum )
+ int $i;
+ int $numMapsInUse;
+ float $mapsMin[], $mapsMax[];
+ float $mapsRed[], $mapsGreen[], $mapsBlue[];
+ float $mapMin, $mapMax;
+ float $mapRed, $mapGreen, $mapBlue;
+ waitCursor -state on;
+ for( $i = $minMapNum; $i <= $maxMapNum; $i++ )
+ {
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $i );
+ int $mapUse;
+ string $checkBox = ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ string $MinField = ( $mapName + "MinField" );
+ string $MaxField = ( $mapName + "MaxField" );
+ string $RedField = ( $mapName + "SrcRedField" );
+ string $GreenField = ( $mapName + "SrcGreenField" );
+ string $BlueField = ( $mapName + "SrcBlueField" );
+ $mapUse = `checkBox -q -v $checkBox`;
+ $mapMin = `floatField -q -v $MinField`;
+ $mapMax = `floatField -q -v $MaxField`;
+ $mapRed = `floatField -q -v $RedField`;
+ $mapGreen = `floatField -q -v $GreenField`;
+ $mapBlue = `floatField -q -v $BlueField`;
+ if ($mapUse)
+ {
+ $mapsMin[$numMapsInUse] = $mapMin;
+ $mapsMax[$numMapsInUse] = $mapMax;
+ $mapsRed[$numMapsInUse] = $mapRed;
+ $mapsGreen[$numMapsInUse] = $mapGreen;
+ $mapsBlue[$numMapsInUse] = $mapBlue;
+ $numMapsInUse++;
+ }
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ optionVar -intValue ( $varName + "Use" ) $mapUse;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Min" ) $mapMin;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Max" ) $mapMax;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcRed" ) $mapRed;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcGreen" ) $mapGreen;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcBlue" ) $mapBlue;
+ }
+ // Perform prelighting if selected
+ P3Dmp_conditionalPerformPrelight();
+ // Store current UI settings
+ int $forceMinValue, $useAveSides;
+ $forceMinValue = `checkBox -q -v forceMinValueCheckBox`;
+ $useAveSides = `checkBox -q -v useAverageSideCheckBox`;
+ optionVar -intValue P3D_mpforceMinValue $forceMinValue;
+ optionVar -intValue P3D_mpUseAveSides $useAveSides;
+ if( $useAveSides )
+ {
+ mappedAvePrelight $mapsMin $mapsMax $mapsRed $mapsGreen $mapsBlue;
+ }
+ else {
+ mappedPrelight $mapsMin $mapsMax $mapsRed $mapsGreen $mapsBlue;
+ }
+ clear $mapsMin;
+ clear $mapsMax;
+ clear $mapsRed;
+ clear $mapsGreen;
+ clear $mapsBlue;
+ waitCursor -state off;
+// Apply the colour maps in the range specified to the selected objects.
+global proc P3Dmp_applyColourMaps( int $minMapNum, int $maxMapNum, int $forward )
+ int $i;
+ int $numMapsInUse;
+ float $mapsTolerance[];
+ float $mapsSrcRed[], $mapsSrcGreen[], $mapsSrcBlue[];
+ float $mapsDstRed[], $mapsDstGreen[], $mapsDstBlue[];
+ float $mapTolerance;
+ float $mapSrcRed, $mapSrcGreen, $mapSrcBlue;
+ float $mapDstRed, $mapDstGreen, $mapDstBlue;
+ waitCursor -state on;
+ for( $i = $minMapNum; $i <= $maxMapNum; $i++ )
+ {
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $i );
+ int $mapUse;
+ string $checkBox = ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ string $SrcRedField = ( $mapName + "SrcRedField" );
+ string $SrcGreenField = ( $mapName + "SrcGreenField" );
+ string $SrcBlueField = ( $mapName + "SrcBlueField" );
+ string $ToleranceField = ( $mapName + "ToleranceField" );
+ string $DstRedField = ( $mapName + "DstRedField" );
+ string $DstGreenField = ( $mapName + "DstGreenField" );
+ string $DstBlueField = ( $mapName + "DstBlueField" );
+ $mapUse = `checkBox -q -v $checkBox`;
+ $mapSrcRed = `floatField -q -v $SrcRedField`;
+ $mapSrcGreen = `floatField -q -v $SrcGreenField`;
+ $mapSrcBlue = `floatField -q -v $SrcBlueField`;
+ $mapTolerance = `floatField -q -v $ToleranceField`;
+ $mapDstRed = `floatField -q -v $DstRedField`;
+ $mapDstGreen = `floatField -q -v $DstGreenField`;
+ $mapDstBlue = `floatField -q -v $DstBlueField`;
+ if ($mapUse)
+ {
+ $mapsSrcRed[$numMapsInUse] = $mapSrcRed;
+ $mapsSrcGreen[$numMapsInUse] = $mapSrcGreen;
+ $mapsSrcBlue[$numMapsInUse] = $mapSrcBlue;
+ $mapsTolerance[$numMapsInUse] = $mapTolerance;
+ $mapsDstRed[$numMapsInUse] = $mapDstRed;
+ $mapsDstGreen[$numMapsInUse] = $mapDstGreen;
+ $mapsDstBlue[$numMapsInUse] = $mapDstBlue;
+ $numMapsInUse++;
+ }
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ optionVar -intValue ( $varName + "Use" ) $mapUse;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcRed" ) $mapSrcRed;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcGreen" ) $mapSrcGreen;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcBlue" ) $mapSrcBlue;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) $mapTolerance;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstRed" ) $mapDstRed;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstGreen" ) $mapDstGreen;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstBlue" ) $mapDstBlue;
+ }
+ // Do the action
+ if( $forward == 1 )
+ {
+ mappedColour $mapsSrcRed $mapsSrcGreen $mapsSrcBlue $mapsDstRed $mapsDstGreen $mapsDstBlue $mapsTolerance;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mappedColour $mapsDstRed $mapsDstGreen $mapsDstBlue $mapsSrcRed $mapsSrcGreen $mapsSrcBlue $mapsTolerance;
+ }
+ clear $mapsSrcRed;
+ clear $mapsSrcGreen;
+ clear $mapsSrcBlue;
+ clear $mapsTolerance;
+ clear $mapsDstRed;
+ clear $mapsDstGreen;
+ clear $mapsDstBlue;
+ waitCursor -state off;
+// Deselect all maps and set their colour values to zero.
+global proc P3Dmp_resetAllValues ( int $mpNumMaps )
+ string $cancel = `confirmDialog -message "Reset map values to zero. Are you sure?"
+ -button "Yes" -button "No"
+ -defaultButton "No" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
+ if ($cancel == "No")
+ return;
+ int $i;
+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $mpNumMaps; $i++ )
+ {
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $i );
+ int $mapUse;
+ string $checkBox = ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ string $MinField = ( $mapName + "MinField" );
+ string $MaxField = ( $mapName + "MaxField" );
+ string $SrcRedField = ( $mapName + "SrcRedField" );
+ string $SrcGreenField = ( $mapName + "SrcGreenField" );
+ string $SrcBlueField = ( $mapName + "SrcBlueField" );
+ string $ToleranceField = ( $mapName + "ToleranceField" );
+ string $DstRedField = ( $mapName + "DstRedField" );
+ string $DstGreenField = ( $mapName + "DstGreenField" );
+ string $DstBlueField = ( $mapName + "DstBlueField" );
+ checkBox -edit -v 0 $checkBox;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $MinField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $MaxField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $SrcRedField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $SrcGreenField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $SrcBlueField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0.01 $ToleranceField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $DstRedField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $DstGreenField;
+ floatField -edit -v 0 $DstBlueField;
+ P3Dmp_changeMapUse ( $i );
+ P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( $i, "Src" );
+ P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( $i, "Dst" );
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ optionVar -intValue ( $varName + "Use" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Min" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Max" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcRed" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcGreen" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "SrcBlue" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) 0.01;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstRed" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstGreen" ) 0;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "DstBlue" ) 0;
+ }
+// File IO
+// Read in a colour map from file.
+global proc P3Dmp_openColourMap ( int $mpNumMaps, string $srcDst, string $fileName, string $fileType )
+ if( $fileName == "" )
+ {
+ print ("Open cancelled.\n");
+ return; // Dialogue cancelled
+ }
+ print ("Retrieving map.\n");
+ int $i;
+ int $n_lines;
+ string $lines[];
+ int $fileId = `fopen $fileName "r"`;
+ if ( $fileId != 0 )
+ {
+ // Store each valid data line of the file in array.
+ string $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId`;
+ while( size( $nextLine ) > 0 )
+ {
+ // Discard comments and blank lines
+ string $ch = `substring $nextLine 1 1`;
+ if( $ch != "#" && $ch != "\n" )
+ {
+ $lines[$n_lines] = $nextLine;
+ $n_lines++;
+ }
+ // Get the next line
+ $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId`;
+ }
+ fclose($fileId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ("Unable to read from " + $fileName + "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int $maxMapNumber = $lines[0];
+ // Ensure that the correct number of valid lines were read.
+ if( ( $maxMapNumber * 3 ) != ( $n_lines - 1 ) )
+ {
+ warning -sl true ( "Invalid data in file: " + $fileName );
+ warning "Map not loaded";
+ return;
+ }
+ int $mapUse[];
+ float $mapMin[], $mapMax[], $mapTolerance[];
+ float $mapRed[], $mapGreen[], $mapBlue[];
+ int $lineNumber = 1;
+ int $readError = false;
+ // Read in the data for each map.
+ // Perform simple check for data format error.
+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $maxMapNumber; $i++ )
+ {
+ $mapUse[$i] = $lines[$lineNumber++];
+ string $minmax[];
+ tokenize $lines[$lineNumber++] $minmax;
+ if( size($minmax) != 2 && size($minmax) != 3 )
+ {
+ $readError = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ $mapMin[$i] = $minmax[0];
+ $mapMax[$i] = $minmax[1];
+ if( size($minmax) == 2 )
+ {
+ $mapTolerance[$i] = 0.01;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $mapTolerance[$i] = $minmax[2];
+ }
+ clear $minmax;
+ string $rgb[];
+ tokenize $lines[$lineNumber++] $rgb;
+ if( size($rgb) != 3 )
+ {
+ $readError = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ $mapRed[$i] = $rgb[0];
+ $mapGreen[$i] = $rgb[1];
+ $mapBlue[$i] = $rgb[2];
+ clear $rgb;
+ }
+ if( $readError )
+ {
+ warning -sl true ( "Invalid data in file: " + $fileName );
+ warning "Map not loaded";
+ return;
+ }
+ clear $lines;
+ // Now update the UI and Maya's persistent data.
+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $maxMapNumber; $i++ )
+ {
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $i );
+ string $mapName2 = ( $mapName + $srcDst );
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ string $varName2 = ( $varName + $srcDst );
+ if( $srcDst == "Src" )
+ {
+ optionVar -intValue ( $varName + "Use" ) $mapUse[$i];
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Min" ) $mapMin[$i];
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Max" ) $mapMax[$i];
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) $mapTolerance[$i];
+ }
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Red" ) $mapRed[$i];
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Green" ) $mapGreen[$i];
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Blue" ) $mapBlue[$i];
+ if( $srcDst == "Src" )
+ {
+ checkBox -edit -v ( $mapUse[$i] ) ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapMin[$i] ) ( $mapName + "MinField" );
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapMax[$i] ) ( $mapName + "MaxField" );
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapTolerance[$i] ) ( $mapName + "ToleranceField" );
+ }
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapRed[$i] ) ( $mapName2 + "RedField" );
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapGreen[$i] ) ( $mapName2 + "GreenField" );
+ floatField -edit -v ( $mapBlue[$i] ) ( $mapName2 + "BlueField" );
+ P3Dmp_changeMapUse ( $i );
+ P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( $i, $srcDst );
+ }
+ clear $mapUse;
+ clear $mapMin;
+ clear $mapMax;
+ clear $mapTolerance;
+ clear $mapRed;
+ clear $mapGreen;
+ clear $mapBlue;
+ print ("Open complete.\n");
+// Write out a colour map to file.
+global proc P3Dmp_saveColourMap ( int $mpNumMaps, string $srcDst, string $fileName, string $fileType )
+ if( $fileName == "" )
+ {
+ print ("Save cancelled.\n");
+ return; // Dialogue cancelled
+ }
+ print ("Saving map.\n");
+ int $i;
+ int $fileId = `fopen $fileName "w"`;
+ if ( $fileId != 0 )
+ {
+ // Save out the descriptive information
+ string $username = strip( `system "echo %USERNAME%"` );
+ string $date = strip( `system "date /t"` );
+ string $time = strip( `system "time /t"` );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## Generated by " + $username + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## on " + $date + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## at " + $time + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "##\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## This file contains the map specifications for the\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## Maya mappedPrelightWindow mel script.\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "##\r\n" );
+ // Save the number of maps.
+ fprint $fileId ( "# Number of maps\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "" + $mpNumMaps + "\r\n" );
+ for( $i = 1; $i <= $mpNumMaps; $i++ )
+ {
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $i );
+ string $mapName2 = ( $mapName + $srcDst );
+ int $mapUse;
+ float $mapMin, $mapMax, $tolerance;
+ float $mapRed, $mapGreen, $mapBlue;
+ $mapUse = `checkBox -q -v ( $mapName + "CheckBox" )`;
+ $mapMin = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName + "MinField" )`;
+ $mapMax = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName + "MaxField" )`;
+ $mapTolerance = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName + "ToleranceField" )`;
+ $mapRed = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName2 + "RedField" )`;
+ $mapGreen = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName2 + "GreenField" )`;
+ $mapBlue = `floatField -q -v ( $mapName2 + "BlueField" )`;
+ // Write out the information for this map.
+ fprint $fileId ( "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "## Map " + $i + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "# UseMap\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "" + $mapUse + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "# Min Max Tolerance\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "" + $mapMin + " " + $mapMax +
+ " " + $mapTolerance + "\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "# Red Green Blue\r\n" );
+ fprint $fileId ( "" + $mapRed + " " + $mapGreen +
+ " " + $mapBlue + "\r\n" );
+ // Save the to Maya's persistent data
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ string $varName2 = ( "P3D_" + $mapName2 );
+ // Save the data to persistent variables
+ optionVar -intValue ( $varName + "Use" ) $mapUse;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Min" ) $mapMin;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Max" ) $mapMax;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) $mapTolerance;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Red" ) $mapRed;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Green" ) $mapGreen;
+ optionVar -floatValue ( $varName2 + "Blue" ) $mapBlue;
+ }
+ fclose($fileId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ("Unable to write to " + $fileName + "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ print ("Save complete.\n");
+// Starting the UI creation section
+proc createSamplingOptions ( string $parent )
+ setUITemplate -pushTemplate attributeEditorTemplate;
+ setParent $parent;
+ // Place sampling options here.
+ setParent ..;
+ setUITemplate -popTemplate;
+proc createBasicPrelight ()
+ setUITemplate -pushTemplate attributeEditorTemplate;
+ columnLayout
+ -adjustableColumn true
+ mpCreateBasicPrelightLayout;
+ {
+ columnLayout -rs 5-cat "left" 150;
+ {
+ int $performPrelight;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists P3D_mpPerformPrelight` )
+ $performPrelight = `optionVar -q P3D_mpPerformPrelight `;
+ checkBox
+ -value $performPrelight
+ -al left
+ -w 200
+ -label "Prelight on each Apply"
+ performPrelightCheckBox;
+ button
+ -label " Prelight "
+ -height 22
+ -command P3Dmp_performPrelight
+ mpPrelightButton;
+ } setParent ..;
+ } setParent ..;
+ setUITemplate -popTemplate;
+// Create the UI for one map.
+proc createMapLayout ( int $mapID, int $mpNumMaps )
+ setUITemplate -pushTemplate attributeEditorTemplate;
+ string $mapName = ( "mpMap" + $mapID );
+ float $rgbWidth = 45;
+ float $toleranceWidth = 30;
+ float $buttonWidth = 20;
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
+ -rat 1 "top" 5
+ -co 1 "left" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 65
+ -cal 2 "left"
+ -columnWidth 2 500
+ ( $mapName + "Layout" );
+ {
+ string $checkCallback = ( "P3Dmp_changeMapUse (" + $mapID + ");" +
+ "P3Dmp_forceValues (" + $mpNumMaps + ")" );
+ int $mapUse=0;
+ float $mapMin=0, $mapMax=0;
+ float $mapSrcRed=0, $mapSrcGreen=0, $mapSrcBlue=0;
+ float $mapTolerance=0.01;
+ float $mapDstRed=0, $mapDstGreen=0, $mapDstBlue=0;
+ string $varName = ( "P3D_" + $mapName );
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "Use" ) ` )
+ $mapUse = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "Use" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "Min" ) ` )
+ $mapMin = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "Min" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "Max" ) ` )
+ $mapMax = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "Max" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "SrcRed" ) ` )
+ $mapSrcRed = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "SrcRed" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "SrcGreen" ) ` )
+ $mapSrcGreen = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "SrcGreen" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "SrcBlue" ) ` )
+ $mapSrcBlue = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "SrcBlue" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) ` )
+ $mapTolerance = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "Tolerance" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "DstRed" ) ` )
+ $mapDstRed = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "DstRed" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "DstGreen" ) ` )
+ $mapDstGreen = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "DstGreen" ) `;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists ( $varName + "DstBlue" ) ` )
+ $mapDstBlue = `optionVar -q ( $varName + "DstBlue" ) `;
+ checkBox
+ -v $mapUse
+ -label ( "Map " + $mapID + ":" )
+ -cc ( $checkCallback )
+ ( $mapName + "CheckBox" );
+ columnLayout
+ -adjustableColumn true
+ -rs 3
+ ( $mapName + "DetailsLayout" );
+ {
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 10
+ -columnOffset 1 "left" 10
+ -columnWidth 1 ( $rgbWidth + 10 )
+ -columnWidth 2 $rgbWidth
+ -columnOffset 3 "left" 5
+ -columnWidth 3 ( $buttonWidth + 10 )
+ -columnOffset 3 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 4 $rgbWidth
+ -columnWidth 5 $rgbWidth
+ -columnWidth 6 $rgbWidth
+ -columnWidth 7 ( $buttonWidth + $toleranceWidth + $buttonWidth + 10 )
+ -columnWidth 8 $rgbWidth
+ -columnWidth 9 $rgbWidth
+ -columnWidth 10 ( $rgbWidth + 10 )
+ -columnOffset 10 "right" 10
+ ( $mapName + "SelectSubLayout" );
+ {
+ text -al "center" "Min (0-1)";
+ text -al "center" "Max (0-1)";
+ text -al "center" " ";
+ text -l "Red" -al "center" "SrcRed";
+ text -l "Green" -al "center" "SrcGreen";
+ text -l "Blue" -al "center" "SrcBlue";
+ text -al "center" "Tolerance";
+ text -l "Red" -al "center" "DstRed";
+ text -l "Green" -al "center" "DstGreen";
+ text -l "Blue" -al "center" "DstBlue";
+ string $minMaxCallback = ( "P3Dmp_forceValues (" + $mpNumMaps + ")" );
+ string $srcRGBCallback = ( "P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( " + $mapID + ", \"Src\"" + " )" );
+ string $dstRGBCallback = ( "P3Dmp_changeMapRGB ( " + $mapID + ", \"Dst\"" + " )" );
+ string $buttonCallback = ( "P3Dmp_applyPrelightMaps ( " + $mapID + ", " + $mapID + ")" );
+ string $forwardCallback = ( "P3Dmp_applyColourMaps ( " + $mapID + ", " + $mapID + ", 1 )" );
+ string $backwardCallback = ( "P3Dmp_applyColourMaps ( " + $mapID + ", " + $mapID + ", 0 )" );
+ floatField -value $mapMin
+ -cc $minMaxCallback
+ ( $mapName + "MinField" );
+ floatField -value $mapMax
+ -cc $minMaxCallback
+ ( $mapName + "MaxField" );
+ button -l "=>" -c $buttonCallback
+ ( $mapName + "ApplyUpToMap" );
+ floatField -value $mapSrcRed -cc $srcRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "SrcRedField" );
+ floatField -value $mapSrcGreen -cc $srcRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "SrcGreenField" );
+ floatField -value $mapSrcBlue -cc $srcRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "SrcBlueField" );
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3
+ -columnOffset 1 "left" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 ( $buttonWidth + 5 )
+ -columnWidth 2 $toleranceWidth
+ -columnWidth 3 ( $buttonWidth + 5 )
+ -columnOffset 3 "right" 5
+ ( $mapName + "ToleranceSubLayout" );
+ {
+ button -l "<-" -c $backwardCallback
+ ( $mapName + "ApplyForward" );
+ floatField -value $mapTolerance
+ ( $mapName + "ToleranceField" );
+ button -l "->" -c $forwardCallback
+ ( $mapName + "ApplyBackward" );
+ } setParent ..;
+ floatField -value $mapDstRed -cc $dstRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "DstRedField" );
+ floatField -value $mapDstGreen -cc $dstRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "DstGreenField" );
+ floatField -value $mapDstBlue -cc $dstRGBCallback
+ ( $mapName + "DstBlueField" );
+ } setParent ..; // rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 10
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
+ -columnOffset 1 "left" 0
+ -columnWidth 1 325
+ -columnWidth 2 300
+ -columnOffset 2 "right" 10
+ ( $mapName + "ColorsSublayout" );
+ {
+ string $srcColorSliderCallback = ( "P3Dmp_changeMapRGBSlider (" + $mapID + ", \"Src\"" + ")" );
+ string $dstColorSliderCallback = ( "P3Dmp_changeMapRGBSlider (" + $mapID + ", \"Dst\"" + ")" );
+ colorSliderButtonGrp
+ -rgbValue $mapSrcRed $mapSrcGreen $mapSrcBlue
+ -cat 1 "left" 115
+ -cw 1 10
+ -cw 2 50
+ -cw 3 115
+ -cat 4 "left" 500
+ -cw 4 180
+ -label ""
+ -symbolButtonDisplay false
+ -cc $srcColorSliderCallback
+ ( $mapName + "SrcColorSlider" );
+ colorSliderButtonGrp
+ -rgbValue $mapDstRed $mapDstGreen $mapDstBlue
+ -cw 1 10
+ -cw 2 50
+ -cw 3 115
+ -cat 4 "left" 500
+ -cw 4 180
+ -label ""
+ -symbolButtonDisplay false
+ -cc $dstColorSliderCallback
+ ( $mapName + "DstColorSlider" );
+ } setParent ..; // rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
+ } setParent ..; // columnLayout
+ columnLayout -edit
+ -enable $mapUse
+ ( $mapName + "DetailsLayout" );
+ } setParent ..; //rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
+ setUITemplate -popTemplate;
+// Create the maps section of the UI
+proc createMappedPrelight ( int $mpNumMaps )
+ setUITemplate -pushTemplate attributeEditorTemplate;
+ columnLayout
+ -adjustableColumn true
+ mpLayout;
+ {
+ columnLayout -rs 5 -cat "left" 150;
+ {
+ int $forceMinValue;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists P3D_mpforceMinValue` )
+ $forceMinValue = `optionVar -q P3D_mpforceMinValue`;
+ string $forceCallback = ( "P3Dmp_forceValues ( " + $mpNumMaps + " ) " );
+ checkBox
+ -value $forceMinValue
+ -al left
+ -w 200
+ -label "Force minimum values"
+ -cc $forceCallback
+ forceMinValueCheckBox;
+ int $useAveSides;
+ if ( `optionVar -exists P3D_mpUseAveSides` )
+ $useAveSides = `optionVar -q P3D_mpUseAveSides`;
+ checkBox
+ -value $useAveSides
+ -al left
+ -w 200
+ -label "Use average of side vertex colours"
+ useAverageSideCheckBox;
+ string $averageCallback = "waitCursor -st on; avePrelight; waitCursor -st off;";
+ button
+ -label " Set to average "
+ -height 22
+ -command $averageCallback
+ mpAverageSideButton;
+ } setParent ..;
+ separator;
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2
+ -rat 1 "top" 5
+ -co 1 "left" 212
+ -columnWidth 1 312
+ -cal 2 "left"
+ -columnWidth 2 330
+ "P3mp_colourHeader";
+ {
+ text -al "center" "Colour 1";
+ text -al "center" "Colour 2";
+ } setParent ..;
+ int $i;
+ for ( $i = 1; $i <= $mpNumMaps ; $i++ )
+ {
+ separator;
+ createMapLayout ( $i, $mpNumMaps );
+ }
+ } setParent ..;
+ setUITemplate -popTemplate;
+// Create the main window for all prelighting.
+global proc mappedPrelightWindow()
+ int $mpNumMaps = 6;
+ string $windowName = "mappedPrelightWindow";
+ string $windowTitle = "Mapped Prelight (ver. 1.2.0 April 12, 2002)";
+ string $iconTitle = "Map Prelight";
+ int $windowWidth = 450;
+ int $windowHeight = 500;
+ int $windowPosTop = 200;
+ int $windowPosLft = 220;
+ // If the window already exists, just make it visible.
+ if (`window -exists $windowName`)
+ {
+ showWindow $windowName;
+ P3Dmp_updateAllMappedPrelightGlobal( $mpNumMaps );
+ return;
+ }
+ // No window exists so build it.
+ window
+ -t $windowTitle
+ -in $iconTitle
+ -wh $windowWidth $windowHeight
+ -tlc $windowPosTop $windowPosLft
+ -mb true
+ $windowName;
+ // Create the menus
+ menu -l "File";
+ menuItem -l "New colour map"
+ -c ( "P3Dmp_resetAllValues( " + $mpNumMaps + " )" );
+ string $openColour1Callback = ("fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc \"P3Dmp_openColourMap " +
+ $mpNumMaps + " Src \" -ft map -an Open" );
+ menuItem -l "Open colour 1..."
+ -c $openColour1Callback;
+ string $openColour1Callback = ("fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc \"P3Dmp_openColourMap " +
+ $mpNumMaps + " Dst \" -ft map -an Open" );
+ menuItem -l "Open colour 2..."
+ -c $openColour1Callback;
+ menuItem -d true;
+ string $saveColour1Callback = ("fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc \"P3Dmp_saveColourMap " +
+ $mpNumMaps + " Src \" -ft map -an Save" );
+ menuItem -l "Save colour 1..."
+ -c $saveColour1Callback;
+ string $saveColour2Callback = ("fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc \"P3Dmp_saveColourMap " +
+ $mpNumMaps + " Dst \" -ft map -an Save" );
+ menuItem -l "Save colour 2..."
+ -c $saveColour2Callback;
+// menu -l "Edit";
+ // Create the help menu
+ addContextHelpProc "mappedPrelightWindow" "P3Dmp_buildMappedPrelightContextHelpItems";
+ doHelpMenu "mappedPrelightWindow" "mappedPrelightWindow";
+ // Create main form
+ setUITemplate -pushTemplate attributeEditorTemplate;
+ formLayout
+ mpMainForm;
+ {
+ scrollLayout
+ -hst 0 mpMainLayout;
+ {
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true mpMainColumnLayout;
+ {
+ // Sampling Options
+ frameLayout -label "Sampling Options"
+ -cll 1 -cl 1
+ -preExpandCommand "createSamplingOptions (\"mpSamplingOptionsFrame\")"
+ mpSamplingOptionsFrame;
+ {
+ } setParent ..;
+ // Basic Prelight
+ frameLayout -label "Basic Prelight"
+ -cll 1 -cl 1
+ mpBasicPrelight;
+ {
+ createBasicPrelight();
+ } setParent ..;
+ // Mapped Prelight
+ frameLayout -label "Mapped Prelight"
+ -cll 1 -cl 0
+ mpMappedPrelight;
+ {
+ createMappedPrelight ( $mpNumMaps );
+ } setParent ..; // mpMainColumnLayout
+ } setParent..; // mpMainLayout
+ } setParent..; // mpMainForm
+ } setParent..; // $windowName
+ // Create the main window action buttons
+ formLayout
+ -numberOfDivisions 5
+ mpActionButtons;
+ {
+ button
+ -label "Prelight => Colour 1"
+ -height 26
+ -command ( "P3Dmp_applyPrelightMaps( 1, " + $mpNumMaps + " )" )
+ mpApplyButton;
+ button
+ -label "Colour 1 <- Colour 2"
+ -command ( "P3Dmp_applyColourMaps( 1, " + $mpNumMaps + ", 0 )" )
+ -height 26
+ mpBackwardButton;
+ button
+ -label "Colour 1 -> Colour 2"
+ -command ( "P3Dmp_applyColourMaps( 1, " + $mpNumMaps + ", 1 )" )
+ -height 26
+ mpForwardButton;
+ button
+ -label "Reset"
+ -height 26
+ -command ( "P3Dmp_resetAllValues( " + $mpNumMaps + " )" )
+ mpResetButton;
+ button
+ -label "Close"
+ -height 26
+ -command ( "deleteUI " + $windowName )
+ mpCloseButton;
+ formLayout
+ -edit
+ -af mpApplyButton left 5
+ -ap mpApplyButton right 2 1
+ -af mpApplyButton top 5
+ -af mpApplyButton bottom 5
+ -ap mpBackwardButton left 3 1
+ -ap mpBackwardButton right 2 2
+ -af mpBackwardButton top 5
+ -af mpBackwardButton bottom 5
+ -ap mpForwardButton left 3 2
+ -ap mpForwardButton right 2 3
+ -af mpForwardButton top 5
+ -af mpForwardButton bottom 5
+ -ap mpResetButton left 3 3
+ -ap mpResetButton right 2 4
+ -af mpResetButton top 5
+ -af mpResetButton bottom 5
+ -ap mpCloseButton left 3 4
+ -af mpCloseButton right 5
+ -af mpCloseButton top 5
+ -af mpCloseButton bottom 5
+ mpActionButtons;
+ } setParent ..; // mpActionButtons
+ // Set the layout
+ formLayout -edit
+ -af mpMainLayout "top" 0
+ -af mpMainLayout "left" 0
+ -af mpMainLayout "right" 0
+ -ac mpMainLayout "bottom" 5 mpActionButtons
+ -an mpActionButtons "top"
+ -af mpActionButtons "bottom" 5
+ -af mpActionButtons "left" 5
+ -af mpActionButtons "right" 5
+ mpMainForm;
+ setUITemplate -popTemplate ;
+ // Make sure associated procedures are loaded
+ source mappedPrelight;
+ // Make the window visible
+ showWindow $windowName;
+ // Apply any other global settings to the window.
+ P3Dmp_updateAllMappedPrelightGlobal( $mpNumMaps );