path: root/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/others/TerrainType.mel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/others/TerrainType.mel')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/others/TerrainType.mel b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/others/TerrainType.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79026d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/others/TerrainType.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+// Copyright ©2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// Component: TerrainType.mel
+// Description: Provides a UI for applying the Pure3D Game Attribute
+// '.TerrainType' to Materials.
+// version
+// Description: Returns the current version for this MEL script.
+// Used for version control.
+proc float version()
+ return ( 1.1 );
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// rootNode
+// Description: Strips the dot-suffix of the specified string.
+// e.g. "object.attribute" is returned as "object"
+proc string rootNode( string $object )
+ string $buffer[];
+ tokenize $object "." $buffer;
+ return $buffer[0];
+proc string getFacetSG( string $facet )
+// Input (string) - facet component to query (e.g. "pSphere1.f[0]")
+// Result (string) - Shading Group shading facet (e.g. "lambert2SG")
+ string $facetSG = "";
+ // Get array of all Shading Groups
+ string $shadingGroups[] = `ls -type shadingEngine`;
+ for ( $shadingGroup in $shadingGroups )
+ {
+ // If this facet is a member of the shading set for this
+ // Shading Group, tag this as the facet's shader
+ // NOTE: This _fails!_ if the entire object is assigned to the shader,
+ // and no face components are represented in the Shading Group set.
+ if ( `sets -isMember $shadingGroup $facet` )
+ {
+ $facetSG = $shadingGroup;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $facetSG;
+// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// getMaterialFromSG
+// Description: Returns the Material node feeing the '.surfaceShader'
+// attribute of the specified Shading Group node (shadingEngine).
+proc string getMaterialFromSG( string $SG )
+ string $material = "";
+ if ( "shadingEngine" == `nodeType $SG` && `connectionInfo -id ( $SG + ".surfaceShader" )` )
+ $material = rootNode( `connectionInfo -sfd ( $SG + ".surfaceShader" )` );
+ return $material;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// getSGFromMaterial
+// Description: Returns the Shading Group node being fed by the '.outColor'
+// attribute of the specified Material node
+proc string[] getSGFromMaterial( string $material )
+ string $SG[];
+ string $class[] = getClassification( `nodeType $material` );
+ if ( "shader/surface" == $class[0] && `connectionInfo -is ( $material + ".outColor" )` )
+ {
+ string $dests[] = `connectionInfo -dfs ( $material + ".outColor" )`;
+ for ( $dest in $dests )
+ {
+ if ( "shadingEngine" == `nodeType $dest` )
+ {
+ $SG[`size $SG`] = rootNode( $dest );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $SG;
+proc int TerrainTypeEnum()
+ string $enumUI = "TerrainTypeEnumUI";
+ string $interiorUI = "TerrainTypeInteriorUI";
+ int $enumType = `optionMenu -q -select $enumUI`;
+ $enumType--; // Convert from 1-based to 0-based
+ $enumType--; // Skip "Undefined"
+ int $isInterior = `checkBox -q -value $interiorUI`;
+ if ( $isInterior ) $enumType += 1073741824; // ( 2 ** 30 )
+ return $enumType;
+proc SetTerrainTypeEnum( int $enumType )
+ int $bIsInterior = false;
+ if ( $enumType > 1073741823 )
+ {
+ $enumType -= 1073741824; // ( 2 ** 30 )
+ $bIsInterior = true;
+ }
+ $enumType++; // Skip "Undefined"
+ $enumType++; // Convert from 0-based to 1-based
+ string $enumUI = "TerrainTypeEnumUI";
+ string $interiorUI = "TerrainTypeInteriorUI";
+ optionMenu -e -select $enumType $enumUI;
+ checkBox -e -value $bIsInterior $interiorUI;
+proc string[] GetSelectionAsFaces()
+ string $select[] = `ls -sl`;
+ $select = `polyListComponentConversion -tf $select`;
+ $select = `filterExpand -sm 34 -ex true $select`;
+ return $select;
+proc int HasTerrainAttr( string $node, string $TerrainAttr )
+ if ( `attributeQuery -node $node -exists $TerrainAttr` ) return true;
+ return false;
+proc AssignTerrainType( string $node, string $TerrainAttr, int $type )
+ if ( HasTerrainAttr( $node, $TerrainAttr ) )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $node + "." + $TerrainAttr ) $type;
+ }
+proc int GetTerrainType( string $node, string $TerrainAttr )
+ int $type = 0;
+ if ( HasTerrainAttr( $node, $TerrainAttr ) )
+ {
+ $type = `getAttr ( $node + "." + $TerrainAttr )`;
+ }
+ return $type;
+proc int AddTerrainTypeAttr( string $node, string $TerrainAttr )
+ // Does the .TerrainType attr exist?
+ if ( `attributeQuery -node $node -exists $TerrainAttr` )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Add the P3DGameAttr
+ if ( !`attributeQuery -node $node -exists "P3D_GameAttr"` )
+ {
+ addAttr -ln P3D_GameAttr -dt "string" -hidden true $node;
+ }
+ // Add the TerrainAttr to the P3DGameAttr
+ string $gameAttr = `getAttr ( $node + ".P3D_GameAttr" )`;
+ if ( $gameAttr != "" )
+ {
+ $gameAttr += "~";
+ }
+ $gameAttr = $gameAttr + $TerrainAttr;
+ setAttr -type "string" ( $node + ".P3D_GameAttr" ) $gameAttr;
+ // Add the .TerrainType attribute
+ addAttr -ln $TerrainAttr -at "long" -hidden true $node;
+ return true;
+global proc TerrainType_Apply( string $TerrainAttr )
+ int $type = TerrainTypeEnum();
+ if ( $type < 0 ) return; // Don't bother with "Undefined"
+ string $materials[] = `ls -sl -materials`;
+ for ( $m in $materials )
+ {
+ if ( ( $m == "lambert1" ) || ( $m == "particleCloud1" ) ) continue;
+ AddTerrainTypeAttr( $m, $TerrainAttr );
+ AssignTerrainType( $m, $TerrainAttr, $type );
+ }
+global proc TerrainType_ApplyIndirect( string $TerrainAttr )
+ int $type = TerrainTypeEnum();
+ if ( $type < 0 ) return; // Don't bother with "Undefined"
+ string $select[] = GetSelectionAsFaces();
+ for ( $f in $select )
+ {
+ string $sg = getFacetSG( $f );
+ if ( ( $sg == "" ) || ( $sg == "initialShadingGroup" ) ) continue;
+ string $mat = getMaterialFromSG( $sg );
+ if ( $mat != "" )
+ {
+ AddTerrainTypeAttr( $mat, $TerrainAttr );
+ AssignTerrainType( $mat, $TerrainAttr, $type );
+ }
+ }
+global proc TerrainType_Select( string $TerrainAttr )
+ int $enumType = TerrainTypeEnum();
+ string $matches[];
+ string $materials[] = `ls -materials`;
+ for ( $m in $materials )
+ {
+ if ( ( $m == "lambert1" ) || ( $m == "particleCloud1" ) ) continue;
+ if (
+ ( HasTerrainAttr( $m, $TerrainAttr ) && GetTerrainType( $m, $TerrainAttr ) == $enumType ) ||
+ ( $enumType < 0 ) && ( !HasTerrainAttr( $m, $TerrainAttr ) )
+ )
+ {
+ $matches[`size $matches`] = $m;
+ }
+ }
+ select $matches;
+global proc TerrainType_SelectIndirect( string $TerrainAttr )
+ int $enumType = TerrainTypeEnum();
+ string $matches[];
+ string $materials[] = `ls -materials`;
+ for ( $m in $materials )
+ {
+ if (
+ ( HasTerrainAttr( $m, $TerrainAttr ) && GetTerrainType( $m, $TerrainAttr ) == $enumType ) ||
+ ( $enumType < 0 ) && ( !HasTerrainAttr( $m, $TerrainAttr ) )
+ )
+ {
+ string $sg[] = getSGFromMaterial( $m );
+ for ( $s in $sg )
+ {
+ $matches[`size $matches`] = $s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't alter user selection if nothing found.
+ if ( `size $matches` > 0 )
+ {
+ select $matches;
+ }
+global proc TerrainType_SelectionCallback( string $TerrainAttr )
+ string $materials[] = `ls -sl -materials`;
+ if ( `size $materials` > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( HasTerrainAttr( $materials[0], $TerrainAttr ) )
+ {
+ int $type = `getAttr ( $materials[0] + "." + $TerrainAttr )`;
+ SetTerrainTypeEnum( $type );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetTerrainTypeEnum( -1 );
+ }
+ TerrainType_EnumCallback(); // update the optionMenu
+ }
+global proc TerrainType_EnumCallback()
+ string $enumUI = "TerrainTypeEnumUI";
+ string $applyMaterialUI = "TerrainTypeApplyMaterialUI";
+ string $applyObjectUI = "TerrainTypeApplyObjectUI";
+ int $enable = `optionMenu -q -select $enumUI` > 1;
+ button -e -enable $enable $applyMaterialUI;
+ button -e -enable $enable $applyObjectUI;
+global proc TerrainType()
+ string $TerrainAttr = "TerrainType";
+ string $windowUI = "TerrainTypeUI";
+ string $enumUI = "TerrainTypeEnumUI";
+ string $interiorUI = "TerrainTypeInteriorUI";
+ string $applyMaterialUI = "TerrainTypeApplyMaterialUI";
+ string $applyObjectUI = "TerrainTypeApplyObjectUI";
+ string $enumArray[] =
+ {
+ "* Undefined *",
+ "Road",
+ "Grass",
+ "Sand",
+ "Gravel",
+ "Water",
+ "Wood",
+ "Metal",
+ "Dirt"
+ };
+ if ( `window -exists $windowUI` )
+ deleteUI -window $windowUI;
+ window -title ( "Terrain Type v" + version() ) $windowUI;
+ columnLayout -adj true;
+ frameLayout -label "Surface";
+ columnLayout -adj true;
+ optionMenu $enumUI;
+ for ( $e = 0; $e < `size $enumArray`; $e++ )
+ {
+ menuItem -label $enumArray[$e];
+ }
+ checkBox -label "Interior" -align "left" $interiorUI;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ frameLayout -label "Materials";
+ columnLayout -adj true;
+ button
+ -label "Apply To Materials"
+ -c ( "TerrainType_Apply \"" + $TerrainAttr + "\"" )
+ -ann "Applies the displayed Terrain Type to all selected Materials."
+ $applyMaterialUI;
+ button
+ -label "Select Assigned Materials"
+ -c ( "TerrainType_Select \"" + $TerrainAttr + "\"" )
+ -ann "Selects all Materials assigned to the displayed Terrain Type.";
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ frameLayout -label "Objects";
+ columnLayout -adj true;
+ button
+ -label "Apply To Objects"
+ -c ( "TerrainType_ApplyIndirect \"" + $TerrainAttr + "\"" )
+ -ann "Applies the displayed Terrain Type to all Materials assigned to the selected objects."
+ $applyObjectUI;
+ button
+ -label "Select Assigned Objects"
+ -c ( "TerrainType_SelectIndirect \"" + $TerrainAttr + "\"" )
+ -ann "Selects all objects assigned to Materials bearing the displayed Terrain Type.";
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ // Option Menu should respond to user selection, to reflect current type
+ // of selected material
+ scriptJob -parent $enumUI -event "SelectionChanged" ( "TerrainType_SelectionCallback \"" + $TerrainAttr + "\"" );
+ optionMenu -e
+ -cc TerrainType_EnumCallback
+ -select 2
+ $enumUI;
+ checkBox -e
+ -value off
+ $interiorUI;
+ TerrainType_SelectionCallback $TerrainAttr;
+ showWindow $windowUI;
+source TerrainType; TerrainType;