path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_editorwindow.mel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_editorwindow.mel')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_editorwindow.mel b/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_editorwindow.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1504a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_editorwindow.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+global int $gMAX_LANES = 4;
+global string $gSelectedName;
+global string $gOriginField;
+global string $gRoadField;
+global string $gTopField;
+global string $gBottomField;
+global string $gLanesField;
+global string $gShoulderField;
+global int $gSelectionScriptJob;
+global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+global proc teOpenEditorWindow()
+ global string $gSelectedName;
+ global string $gOriginField;
+ global string $gRoadField;
+ global string $gTopField;
+ global string $gBottomField;
+ global string $gLanesField;
+ global string $gShoulderField;
+ global int $gMAX_LANES;
+ if ( `window -exists TE_TileEditor` )
+ {
+ deleteUI -window TE_TileEditor;
+ }
+ window -rtf true -title "TE Tile Editor" TE_TileEditor;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
+ string $selectedRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 3 -columnWidth 1 170`;
+ $gSelectedName = `textField -editable false -text "" -width 170`;
+ string $selectedButton = `button -label "Select Mesh" -command ("teSelectMesh()")`;
+ string $doneButton = `button -label "Done" -command ("teDoneEditingMesh()")`;
+ setParent ..;
+ string $originRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2`;
+ string $originButton = `button -label "Set Origin" -command ("teSelectOrigin()")`;
+ $gOriginField = `intField -value -1 -editable false`;
+ setParent ..;
+ string $roadRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2`;
+ string $roadButton = `button -label "Set Road Dir" -command ("teSelectRoadDir()")`;
+ $gRoadField = `intField -value -1 -editable false`;
+ setParent ..;
+ string $topRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2`;
+ string $topButton = `button -label "Set TOP" -command ("teSelectTOP()")`;
+ $gTopField = `intField -value -1 -editable false`;
+ setParent ..;
+ string $bottomRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2`;
+ string $bottomButton = `button -label "Set BOTTOM" -command ("teSelectBOTTOM()")`;
+ $gBottomField = `intField -value -1 -editable false`;
+ setParent ..;
+ //The following #1 is a trick that the scripting system converts into the value of the field/control...
+ string $laneRow = `rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2`;
+ string $laneLabel = `text -label "Num. Lanes" -align "center"`;
+ $gLanesField = `intField -value 1 -min 0 -max $gMAX_LANES -step 1 -editable true -changeCommand ("teSetNumLanes(#1)")`;
+ setParent ..;
+ $gShoulderField = `checkBox -label "Has Shoulder" -value true -changeCommand ("teSetShoulder(#1)")`;
+ setParent ..; //columnLayout
+ showWindow;
+global proc teCloseEditorWindow()
+ global string $gSelectedName;
+ global string $gOriginField;
+ global string $gRoadField;
+ global string $gTopField;
+ global string $gBottomField;
+ global string $gLanesField;
+ global string $gShoulderField;
+ global int $gSelectionScriptJob;
+ if ( `window -exists TE_TileEditor` )
+ {
+ deleteUI -window TE_TileEditor;
+ }
+ $gSelectedName = "";
+ $gOriginField = "";
+ $gRoadField = "";
+ $gTopField = "";
+ $gBottomField = "";
+ $gLanesField = "";
+ $gShoulderField = "";
+ $gSelectionScriptJob = 0;
+global proc teSelectMesh()
+ global string $gSelectedName;
+ global int $gSelectionScriptJob;
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ //May want to inform the TrackEditor of this selection if it is good.
+ string $selectedObjects[] = `ls -sl -dag`;
+ string $selectedObjectName = $selectedObjects[0];
+ string $selectedNodeType;
+ if ( $selectedObjectName != "" )
+ {
+ //There is something selected
+ $selectedNodeType = `nodeType $selectedObjectName `;
+ if ( $selectedNodeType == "transform" )
+ {
+ //We don't want the transform, we want the child node.
+ $selectedObjectName = $selectedObjects[1];
+ }
+ if ( $selectedObjectName != "" )
+ {
+ $selectedNodeType = `nodeType $selectedObjectName `;
+ if ( $selectedNodeType == "mesh" )
+ {
+ //We're in business
+ textField -edit -text $selectedObjectName $gSelectedName;
+ teSwitchToVertexSelection( 1 ); //Turn on vertex selection.
+ teAddSettingsToObject( $selectedObjectName );
+ $gSelectedObjectName = $selectedObjectName;
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+global proc teUpdateEditorWindow()
+ global string $gSelectedName;
+ global string $gOriginField;
+ global string $gRoadField;
+ global string $gTopField;
+ global string $gBottomField;
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ global string $gLanesField;
+ global string $gShoulderField;
+ //Update the fields according to the selected object.
+ int $valsSet = false;
+ if ( $gSelectedObjectName != "" )
+ {
+ string $attr[] = `listAttr -st teOrigin $gSelectedObjectName`;
+ if ( $attr[0] != "" )
+ {
+ textField -edit -text $gSelectedObjectName $gSelectedName;
+ float $origin = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teOrigin")`;
+ intField -edit -value $origin $gOriginField;
+ float $road = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teRoad")`;
+ intField -edit -value $road $gRoadField;
+ float $top = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teTop")`;
+ intField -edit -value $top $gTopField;
+ float $bottom = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teBottom")`;
+ intField -edit -value $bottom $gBottomField;
+ int $lanes = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teLanes")`;
+ intField -edit -value $lanes $gLanesField;
+ int $hasShoulder = `getAttr ($gSelectedObjectName + ".teShoulder")`;
+ checkBox -edit -value $hasShoulder $gShoulderField;
+ $valsSet = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$valsSet )
+ {
+ textField -edit -text "" $gSelectedName;
+ intField -edit -value -1 $gOriginField;
+ intField -edit -value -1 $gRoadField;
+ intField -edit -value -1 $gTopField;
+ intField -edit -value -1 $gBottomField;
+ intField -edit -value 0 $gLanesField;
+ checkBox -edit -value false $gShoulderField;
+ }
+global proc teSwitchToVertexSelection( int $on )
+ if ( $on )
+ {
+ selectMode -component;
+ selectType -vertex true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selectMode -object;
+ }
+global proc teDoneEditingMesh()
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ $gSelectedObjectName = ""; //Clear the selection.
+ teSwitchToVertexSelection( 0 ); //Turn on vertex selection.
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+global proc teAddSettingsToObject( string $objectName )
+ string $attr[] = `listAttr -st teOrigin $objectName`;
+ if ( $attr[0] == "" )
+ {
+ addAttr -ln teOrigin -sn teO -at long -defaultValue -1 $objectName;
+ addAttr -ln teRoad -sn teR -at long -defaultValue -1 $objectName;
+ addAttr -ln teTop -sn teT -at long -defaultValue -1 $objectName;
+ addAttr -ln teBottom -sn teB -at long -defaultValue -1 $objectName;
+ addAttr -ln teLanes -sn teL -at long -defaultValue 1 $objectName;
+ addAttr -ln teShoulder -sn teS -at bool -defaultValue true $objectName;
+ //This is for connecting to roads
+ addAttr -ln teWhichRoad -sn teWR -at message $objectName;
+ //This is a hint of the type
+ addAttr -ln teTypeHint -sn teTH -at long -defaultValue -1 $objectName;
+ }
+global proc teSelectOrigin()
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ int $pos = `TE_GetSelectedVertexIndex`;
+ if ( $pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teOrigin" ) $pos;
+ }
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+global proc teSelectRoadDir()
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ int $pos = `TE_GetSelectedVertexIndex`;
+ if ( $pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teRoad" ) $pos;
+ }
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+global proc teSelectTOP()
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ int $pos = `TE_GetSelectedVertexIndex`;
+ if ( $pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teTop" ) $pos;
+ }
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+global proc teSelectBOTTOM()
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ int $pos = `TE_GetSelectedVertexIndex`;
+ if ( $pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teBottom" ) $pos;
+ }
+ teUpdateEditorWindow();
+global proc teSetNumLanes( int $numLanes )
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ if ( $gSelectedObjectName != "" )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teLanes" ) $numLanes;
+ }
+global proc teSetShoulder( int $hasShoulder )
+ global string $gSelectedObjectName;
+ if ( $gSelectedObjectName != "" )
+ {
+ setAttr ( $gSelectedObjectName + ".teShoulder" ) $hasShoulder;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file