path: root/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/breakablecameralocatornode.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/breakablecameralocatornode.cpp')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/breakablecameralocatornode.cpp b/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/breakablecameralocatornode.cpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/breakablecameralocatornode.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// File: BreakableCameraLocatorNode.cpp
+// Description: Implement BreakableCameraLocatorNode
+// History: 9/17/2002 + Created -- Cary Brisebois
+// System Includes
+// Foundation Tech
+#include <raddebug.hpp>
+// Project Includes
+#include "BreakableCameraLocatorNode.h"
+#include "main/constants.h"
+#include "main/worldbuilder.h"
+#include "utility/glext.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include "utility/nodehelper.h"
+#include "utility/transformmatrix.h"
+#include "resources/resource.h"
+#include "../../../game/code/meta/locatortypes.h"
+// Global Data, Local Data, Local Classes
+MTypeId BreakableCameraLocatorNode::id( WBConstants::TypeIDPrefix, WBConstants::NodeIDs::BreakableCameraLocator );
+const char* BreakableCameraLocatorNode::stringId = "BreakableCameraLocatorNode";
+const int BreakableCameraLocatorNode::ACTIVE_COLOUR = 15;
+const int BreakableCameraLocatorNode::INACTIVE_COLOUR = 12;
+const float BreakableCameraLocatorNode::SCALE = 1.0f * WBConstants::Scale;
+char BreakableCameraLocatorNode::sNewName[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+const char* BreakableCameraLocatorNode::FOV_NAME_SHORT = "fov";
+const char* BreakableCameraLocatorNode::FOV_NAME_LONG = "fieldOfView";
+MObject BreakableCameraLocatorNode::sFOV;
+// Callbacks
+BOOL CALLBACK BreakableCameraLocatorNameCallBack( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, long lParam )
+ switch (uMsg)
+ {
+ {
+ SetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_EDIT2, WorldBuilder::GetPrefix() );
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ {
+ if ( LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_BUTTON1 || LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK )
+ {
+ //Get the entry in the text field.
+ char name[BreakableCameraLocatorNode::MAX_NAME_LEN];
+ GetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_EDIT1, name, BreakableCameraLocatorNode::MAX_NAME_LEN );
+ if ( strcmp(name, "") == 0 )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning("You must input a new name for the Breakable Camera Locator!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ MString newName( WorldBuilder::GetPrefix() );
+ newName += MString( name );
+ BreakableCameraLocatorNode::SetNewName( newName.asChar() );
+ EndDialog( hWnd, 0 ); //this is how you close the window.
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL )
+ {
+ BreakableCameraLocatorNode::SetNewName( "" );
+ EndDialog( hWnd, 0 ); //this is how you close the window.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+// Public Member Functions
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::BreakableCameraLocatorNode
+// Description: Constructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::~BreakableCameraLocatorNode
+// Description: Destructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* BreakableCameraLocatorNode::creator()
+ return new BreakableCameraLocatorNode();
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::draw
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( M3dView& view, const MDagPath& path, M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle, M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus )
+// Return: void
+void BreakableCameraLocatorNode::draw( M3dView& view,
+ const MDagPath& path,
+ M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle,
+ M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus )
+ if ( WorldBuilder::GetDisplayLevel() & WorldBuilder::DIRECTIONAL_LOCATORS )
+ {
+ view.beginGL();
+ //When we are in render mode, we draw the lines between the nodes.
+ //If this was in GL_SELECTION_MODE, we would not draw the lines, so they won't interfere
+ //with selection.
+ GLint value;
+ glGetIntegerv( GL_RENDER_MODE, &value );
+ //Draw things here we don't want selectable.
+ if ( (value == GL_RENDER) )
+ {
+ }
+ if ( displayStatus == M3dView::kDormant )
+ {
+ int colour = NodeHelper::OverrideNodeColour( thisMObject(), INACTIVE_COLOUR );
+ view.setDrawColor( colour, M3dView::kDormantColors );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ view.setDrawColor( ACTIVE_COLOUR, M3dView::kActiveColors );
+ }
+ //Draw a star to represent the locator.
+ GLExt::drawCrossHair3D( SCALE * 0.15f, 0,0,0, 5.0f );
+ GLExt::drawCamera3D( SCALE * 0.3f, 0,0.5f,0, 5.0 );
+ glPopAttrib();
+ view.endGL();
+ }
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::initialize
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus BreakableCameraLocatorNode::initialize()
+ MStatus status;
+ MFnNumericAttribute numAttr;
+ sFOV = numAttr.create( FOV_NAME_LONG, FOV_NAME_SHORT, MFnNumericData::kFloat, 90.0f, &status );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( numAttr.setReadable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( numAttr.setWritable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( numAttr.setMin(0.1f) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( numAttr.setMax(180.0f) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( addAttribute( sFOV ) );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::postConstructor
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void BreakableCameraLocatorNode::postConstructor()
+// BreakableCameraLocatorNode::Export
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& breakableCameraLocatorNode )
+// Return: tlDataChunk
+tlDataChunk* BreakableCameraLocatorNode::Export( MObject& breakableCameraLocatorNode )
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( breakableCameraLocatorNode );
+ if ( fnNode.typeId() == BreakableCameraLocatorNode::id )
+ {
+ //Create a tlDataChunk and return it filled with the appropriate data.
+ tlWBLocatorChunk* locator = new tlWBLocatorChunk;
+ locator->SetName( );
+ locator->SetType( LocatorType::BREAKABLE_CAMERA );
+ //Also get the direction.
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnNode.parent( 0 );
+ MFnTransform fnTransform( transform );
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ MExt::FindDagNodeByName( &dagPath, );
+ TransformMatrix tm( dagPath );
+ tlMatrix hmatrix;
+ tm.GetHierarchyMatrixLHS( hmatrix );
+ //Make this p3d friendly...
+ hmatrix.element[3][0] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ hmatrix.element[3][1] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ hmatrix.element[3][2] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ unsigned int length = (3 * 3) + 1; //3 vectors + 1 float
+ unsigned long* data;
+ data = new unsigned long[ length ];
+ unsigned int row;
+ for ( row = 0; row < 3; ++row )
+ {
+ tlPoint point = hmatrix.GetRow( row );
+ memcpy( &data[row * 3], &point.x, sizeof(float) * 3 );
+ }
+ float fov = 90.0f;
+ fnNode.findPlug( sFOV ).getValue( fov );
+ memcpy( &data[row * 3], &fov, sizeof(float) );
+ locator->SetDataElements( data, length );
+ locator->SetNumDataElements( length );
+ MPoint thisPosition;
+ MExt::GetWorldPosition( &thisPosition, breakableCameraLocatorNode );
+ //Set the values.
+ tlPoint point;
+ point[0] = thisPosition[0] / WBConstants::Scale;
+ point[1] = thisPosition[1] / WBConstants::Scale;
+ point[2] = -thisPosition[2] / WBConstants::Scale; //Maya vs. P3D...
+ locator->SetPosition( point );
+ return locator;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Private Member Functions