path: root/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/triggervolumenode.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/triggervolumenode.cpp')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/triggervolumenode.cpp b/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/triggervolumenode.cpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/worldbuilder/code/nodes/triggervolumenode.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// File: TriggerVolumeNode.cpp
+// Description: Implement TriggerVolumeNode
+// History: 23/05/2002 + Created -- Cary Brisebois
+// System Includes
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+#include "main/toolhack.h"
+#include <toollib.hpp>
+// Project Includes
+#include "nodes/TriggerVolumeNode.h"
+#include "main/constants.h"
+#include "main/worldbuilder.h"
+#include "utility/glext.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include "utility/nodehelper.h"
+#include "utility/transformmatrix.h"
+// Global Data, Local Data, Local Classes
+MTypeId TriggerVolumeNode::id( WBConstants::TypeIDPrefix, WBConstants::NodeIDs::TriggerVolume );
+const char* TriggerVolumeNode::stringId = "TriggerVolumeNode";
+const int TriggerVolumeNode::ACTIVE_COLOUR = 15;
+const int TriggerVolumeNode::INACTIVE_COLOUR = 22;
+const float TriggerVolumeNode::SCALE = 1.0f * WBConstants::Scale;
+const float TriggerVolumeNode::LINE_WIDTH = 5.0f;
+const char* TriggerVolumeNode::LOCATOR_NAME_SHORT = "l";
+const char* TriggerVolumeNode::LOCATOR_NAME_LONG = "locator";
+MObject TriggerVolumeNode::sLocator;
+const char* TriggerVolumeNode::TYPE_NAME_SHORT = "typ";
+const char* TriggerVolumeNode::TYPE_NAME_LONG = "type";
+MObject TriggerVolumeNode::sType;
+// Public Member Functions
+// TriggerVolumeNode::TriggerVolumeNode
+// Description: Constructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+TriggerVolumeNode::TriggerVolumeNode() :
+ mType( SPHERE )
+// TriggerVolumeNode::~TriggerVolumeNode
+// Description: Destructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+// TriggerVolumeNode::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* TriggerVolumeNode::creator()
+ return new TriggerVolumeNode();
+// TriggerVolumeNode::draw
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( M3dView& view, const MDagPath& path, M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle, M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus )
+// Return: void
+void TriggerVolumeNode::draw( M3dView& view, const MDagPath& path, M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle, M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus )
+ if ( WorldBuilder::GetDisplayLevel() & WorldBuilder::TRIGGER_VOLUMES )
+ {
+ view.beginGL();
+ //When we are in render mode, we draw the lines between the nodes.
+ //If this was in GL_SELECTION_MODE, we would not draw the lines, so they won't interfere
+ //with selection.
+ GLint value;
+ glGetIntegerv( GL_RENDER_MODE, &value );
+ //Draw things here we don't want selectable.
+ if ( (value == GL_RENDER) )
+ {
+ // view.setDrawColor( INACTIVE_COLOUR, M3dView::kDormantColors );
+ // GLExt::drawLine( localOrigin, localPosNN );
+ }
+ if ( displayStatus == M3dView::kDormant )
+ {
+ int colour = NodeHelper::OverrideNodeColour( thisMObject(), INACTIVE_COLOUR );
+ view.setDrawColor( colour, M3dView::kDormantColors );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ view.setDrawColor( ACTIVE_COLOUR, M3dView::kActiveColors );
+ }
+ //Determine the type of trigger volume.
+ MFnDagNode fnDag( thisMObject() );
+ MStatus status;
+ MPlug typePlug = fnDag.findPlug( sType, &status );
+ assert( status );
+ int type;
+ typePlug.getValue( type );
+ //Test to see if there was a change.
+ if( (Type)type != mType )
+ {
+ //Hmm, changing trigger volume types...
+ if ( (Type)type == SPHERE )
+ {
+ //Becoming a sphere.
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnDag.parent( 0 );
+ assert( !transform.isNull() );
+ MFnDagNode fnTransDag( transform );
+ //Test the scaling factors. If one is larger than
+ //another, set them all to the same value.
+ MPlug scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ;
+ double x, y, z;
+ scaleX = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sx"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleX.getValue( x );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleY = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sy"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleY.getValue( y );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleZ = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sz"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleZ.getValue( z );
+ assert( status );
+ //which is larger?
+ double largest = 0;
+ if ( x > largest )
+ {
+ largest = x;
+ }
+ if ( y > largest )
+ {
+ largest = y;
+ }
+ if ( z > largest )
+ {
+ largest = z;
+ }
+ x = largest;
+ y = largest;
+ z = largest;
+ scaleX.setValue( x );
+ scaleY.setValue( y );
+ scaleZ.setValue( z );
+ mType = SPHERE;
+ }
+ else if ( (Type)type == RECTANGLE )
+ {
+ //Becoming a rectangle.
+ mType = RECTANGLE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Don't know what this is!
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( mType == SPHERE )
+ {
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnDag.parent( 0 );
+ assert( !transform.isNull() );
+ MFnDagNode fnTransDag( transform );
+ //Test the scaling factors. If one is larger than
+ //another, set them all to the same value.
+ MPlug scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ;
+ double x;
+ scaleX = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sx"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleX.getValue( x );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleY = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sy"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleZ = fnTransDag.findPlug( MString("sz"), &status );
+ assert( status );
+ scaleY.setValue( x );
+ scaleZ.setValue( x );
+ GLExt::drawSphere( SCALE, 0,0,0, 5.0 );
+ }
+ else if ( mType == RECTANGLE )
+ {
+ MPoint p1( SCALE, SCALE, -SCALE );
+ MPoint p2( -SCALE, -SCALE, SCALE );
+ GLExt::drawBox( p1, p2, 5.0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ }
+ glPopAttrib();
+ view.endGL();
+ }
+// TriggerVolumeNode::initialize
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus TriggerVolumeNode::initialize()
+ MFnMessageAttribute msgAttr;
+ MStatus status;
+ sLocator = msgAttr.create( LOCATOR_NAME_LONG, LOCATOR_NAME_SHORT, &status );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( msgAttr.setReadable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( msgAttr.setWritable( false ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( addAttribute( sLocator ) );
+ MFnEnumAttribute enumAttr;
+ //Default to a SPHERE!
+ sType = enumAttr.create( TYPE_NAME_LONG, TYPE_NAME_SHORT, 0, &status );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( enumAttr.setReadable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( enumAttr.setWritable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( enumAttr.addField( MString( "sphere" ), SPHERE ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( enumAttr.addField( MString( "rectangle" ), RECTANGLE ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( addAttribute( sType ) );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// TriggerVolumeNode::postConstructor
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void TriggerVolumeNode::postConstructor()
+ //When my locator goes away, so do I.
+ setExistWithoutOutConnections( false );
+// TriggerVolumeNode::Export
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& triggerVolumeNode )
+// Return: tlDataChunk
+tlDataChunk* TriggerVolumeNode::Export( MObject& triggerVolumeNode )
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( triggerVolumeNode );
+ if ( fnNode.typeId() == TriggerVolumeNode::id )
+ {
+ //Create a tlDataChunk and return it filled with the appropriate data.
+ tlWBTriggerVolumeChunk* trigger = new tlWBTriggerVolumeChunk;
+ trigger->SetName( );
+ int type;
+ fnNode.findPlug( sType ).getValue( type );
+ trigger->SetType( type );
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnNode.parent( 0 );
+ MFnTransform fnTransform( transform );
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ MExt::FindDagNodeByName( &dagPath, );
+ TransformMatrix tm( dagPath );
+ tlMatrix hmatrix;
+ tm.GetHierarchyMatrixLHS( hmatrix );
+ //Make this p3d friendly...
+ hmatrix.element[3][0] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ hmatrix.element[3][1] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ hmatrix.element[3][2] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ //This is the translation / rotation matrix
+ trigger->SetMatrix( hmatrix );
+ //This is the scale.
+ double scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ;
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sx" ) ).getValue( scaleX );
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sy" ) ).getValue( scaleY );
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sz" ) ).getValue( scaleZ );
+ trigger->SetScale( tlPoint( scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ ) );
+ return trigger;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// TriggerVolumeNode::GetScaleAndMatrix
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& triggerVolumeNode, tlMatrix& mat, tlPoint& point)
+// Return: void
+void TriggerVolumeNode::GetScaleAndMatrix( MObject& triggerVolumeNode, tlMatrix& mat, tlPoint& point)
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( triggerVolumeNode );
+ if ( fnNode.typeId() == TriggerVolumeNode::id )
+ {
+ int type;
+ fnNode.findPlug( sType ).getValue( type );
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnNode.parent( 0 );
+ MFnTransform fnTransform( transform );
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ MExt::FindDagNodeByName( &dagPath, );
+ TransformMatrix tm( dagPath );
+ tlMatrix hmatrix;
+ tm.GetHierarchyMatrixLHS( mat );
+ //Make this p3d friendly...
+ mat.element[3][0] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ mat.element[3][1] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ mat.element[3][2] /= WBConstants::Scale;
+ //This is the scale.
+ double scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ;
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sx" ) ).getValue( scaleX );
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sy" ) ).getValue( scaleY );
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sz" ) ).getValue( scaleZ );
+ point = tlPoint( scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ );
+ }
+// Private Member Functions