-- ########################################################################################## -- # -- # FCB Dynamic Content for UicBarcodeHeader.level2SignedData.level2Data.data -- # (identified as "FDC1" in UicBarcodeHeader.level2SignedData.level2Data.dataFormat) -- # -- # Draft version 0.1 -- # -- ########################################################################################## UicDynamicContentData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Moment of generation of the dynamic content, expressed in UTC : -- * dynamicContentDay is the number of days from issuing date -- (UicRailTicketData.issuingDetail.issuingYear and issuingDay) -- The range 0..1070 allows a validity equal to that of the validFrom (700) plus -- validUntil (370) elements of the different transport documents of UicRailTicketData. -- * dynamicContentTime is the number of seconds of the day -- (from 0 = 0:00:00 to 86399 = 23:59:59) -- These two elements shall be either both present, either both absent dynamicContentDay INTEGER (0..1070) DEFAULT 0, dynamicContentTime INTEGER (0..86399) OPTIONAL, -- Coordinates of the place where the dynamic content has been generated -- (same GeoCoordinateType type as in UicRailTicketData) dynamicContentGeoCoordinate GeoCoordinateType OPTIONAL, -- Response from the mobile to any data received from the terminal. -- The data received from the terminal may be a random number, or any other information. -- The response may be the data itself, a hashing of this data, or any other response. -- This response may be completed with other information: IMEI, mobile phone number... -- The type used is ExtensionData, as it is fully adapted. -- extensionId shall be set to: -- * "=" if the data included in extensionData is exactly the one that was transmitted by the terminal, -- * any other value (chosen by the issuer) in other cases. dynamicContentResponseToChallenge ExtensionData OPTIONAL, -- proprietary data defined bilaterally dynamicContentExtension ExtensionData OPTIONAL, -- challenge string asked by the TCO challengeString IA5String OPTIONAL, -- phoneIdHash hashed phone id to be made available via 90918-4 ticket control data phoneIdHash OCTETSTRING OPTIONAL, -- e-passport-id hash to be read by the phone at control and to be made available via 90918-4 ticket control data phoneIdHash OCTETSTRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- ########################################################################################## -- # Generic type for geo coordinates -- ########################################################################################## GeoCoordinateType ::= SEQUENCE { geoUnit GeoUnitType DEFAULT milliDegree, coordinateSystem GeoCoordinateSystemType DEFAULT wgs84, hemisphereLongitude HemisphereLongitudeType DEFAULT north, -- separate hemishpere flag reduces the data size hemisphereLatitude HemisphereLatitudeType DEFAULT east, -- separate hemishpere flag reduces the data size longitude INTEGER, latitude INTEGER, accuracy GeoUnitType OPTIONAL } GeoCoordinateSystemType ::= ENUMERATED { wgs84 (0), -- WGS 84 standard system grs80 (1) -- (outdated) GRS 80 coordinate system } GeoUnitType ::= ENUMERATED { microDegree (0), -- approx. 11 cm on earth surface tenthmilliDegree (1), -- 1 / 10000 degree is approx. 11 meter on earth surface milliDegree (2), -- approx 110 meter on earth surface centiDegree (3), deciDegree (4) } HemisphereLongitudeType ::= ENUMERATED { north (0), south (1) } HemisphereLatitudeType ::= ENUMERATED { east (0), west (1) } -- ########################################################################################### ExtensionData ::= SEQUENCE { extensionId IA5String, extensionData OCTET STRING }