value UicRailTicketData ::= { issuingDetail { securityProviderNum 1, securityProviderIA5 "1", issuerNum 32000, issuerIA5 "1", issuingYear 2018, issuingDay 1, issuingTime 600, issuerName "name", specimen TRUE, securePaperTicket FALSE, activated TRUE, currency "SRF", currencyFract 3, issuerPNR "issuerTestPNR", extension { extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H }, issuedOnTrainNum 123, issuedOnTrainIA5 "123", issuedOnLine 12, pointOfSale { geoUnit microDegree, coordinateSystem wgs84 hemisphereLongitude north, hemisphereLatitude east, longitude 12345, latitude 56789, accuracy microDegree } }, travelerDetail{ traveler { { firstName "John", secondName "Little", lastName "Dow", idCard "12345", passportId "JDTS", title "PhD", gender male, customerIdIA5 "DZE5gT", customerIdNum 12345, yearOfBirth 1901, monthOfBirth 12, dayOfBirthInMonth 31, ticketHolder TRUE, passengerType senior, passengerWithReducedMobility FALSE, countryOfResidence 101, countryOfPassport 102, countryOfIdCard 103, status { {customerStatus 1, customerStatusDescr "senior" } } } }, preferredLanguage "EN", groupName "myGroup" }, transportDocument { { ticket reservation : { trainNum 12345, trainIA5 "12345", departureDate 2, referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 80123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", serviceBrand 12, serviceBrandAbrUTF8 "TGV", serviceBrandNameUTF8 "Lyria", service couchette, stationCodeTable stationUIC, fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", departureTime 1439, departureUTCOffset -60, arrivalDate 20, arrivalTime 0, arrivalUTCOffset 10, carrierNum {1080, 1181}, carrierIA5 {"1080", "1181"}, classCode first, serviceLevel "A", places { coach "31A", placeString "31-47", placeDescription "Window", placeIA5 {"31A", "31B"}, placeNum {31, 32} }, additionalPlaces { coach "31A", placeString "31-47", placeDescription "Window", placeIA5 {"31A", "31B"}, placeNum {31, 32} }, bicyclePlaces { coach "31A", placeString "31-47", placeDescription "Window", placeIA5 {"31A", "31B"}, placeNum {31, 32} }, compartmentDetails { coachType 1, compartmentType 99, specialAllocation 50, coachTypeDescr "xwz", compartmentTypeDescr "xwz", specialAllocationDescr "xwz", position upperLevel }, numberOfOverbooked 200, berth { { berthType single, numberOfBerths 999, gender female } }, tariff { { numberOfPassengers 1, passengerType senior, ageBelow 64, ageAbove 60, travelerid { 1 }, restrictedToCountryOfResidence FALSE, restrictedToRouteSection { stationCodeTable stationERA, fromStationNum 123, fromStationIA5 "123", toStationNum 234, toStationIA5 "234", fromStationNameUTF8 "A", toStationNameUTF8 "B" }, seriesDataDetails { supplyingCarrier 12345, offerIdentification 99, series 23456 }, tariffIdNum 72, tariffIdIA5 "72", tariffDesc "Leasure Fare", reductionCard { { cardIssuerNum 1234, cardIssuerIA5 "1234", cardIdNum 5678, cardIdIA5 "5678", cardName "testcard", cardType 123, leadingCardIdNum 3456, leadingCardIdIA5 "3456", trailingCardIdNum 100, trailingCardIdIA5 "100" } } } }, priceType travelPrice, price 12345, vatDetail { { country 80, percentage 70, amount 10, vatId "IUDGTE" } }, typeOfSupplement 9, numberOfSupplements 2, luggage { maxHandLuggagePieces 2, maxNonHandLuggagePieces 1, registeredLuggage { { registrationId "IODHUV", maxWeight 20, maxSize 100 }, { registrationId "XXDHUV", maxWeight 21, maxSize 101 } } }, infoText "reservation", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { token { tokenProviderNum 123, tokenProviderIA5 "VDV", tokenSpecification "TEST", token '82DA'H }, ticket carCarriageReservation : { trainNum 123, trainIA5 "123", beginLoadingDate 10, beginLoadingTime 0, endLoadingTime 500, loadingUTCOffset 30, referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", serviceBrand 100, serviceBrandAbrUTF8 "AZ", serviceBrandNameUTF8 "special train", stationCodeTable stationERA, fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", coach "21", place "41", compartmentDetails { coachType 1, compartmentType 99, specialAllocation 50, coachTypeDescr "xwz", compartmentTypeDescr "xwz", specialAllocationDescr "xwz", position upperLevel }, numberPlate "AD-DE-123", trailerPlate "DX-AB-123", carCategory 3, boatCategory 5, textileRoof FALSE, roofRackType bicycleRack, roofRackHeight 20, attachedBoats 2, attachedBicycles 1, attachedSurfboards 2, loadingListEntry 421, loadingDeck upper, carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, tariff { numberOfPassengers 1, restrictedToCountryOfResidence FALSE, tariffIdNum 72, tariffDesc "Large Car Full Fare" }, priceType travelPrice, price 12345, vatDetail { { country 80, percentage 70, amount 10, vatId "IUDGTE" } }, infoText "car carriage", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket openTicket : { referenceNum 810123456789, referenceIA5 "810123456789", productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", extIssuerId 12, issuerAutorizationId 13, returnIncluded FALSE, stationCodeTable stationERA, fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", validRegionDesc "From A to B via C", validRegion { viaStations { route { { stationNum 123455, stationIA5 "123455", border FALSE }, { stationNum 123456, border FALSE }, { alternativeRoutes { { route { {stationNum 23455, border FALSE},{stationNum 23456, border FALSE }}, border FALSE }, { route { {stationNum 3455, border FALSE },{stationNum 3456, border FALSE }}, border FALSE } }, border FALSE }, { stationNum 123457, border FALSE } }, border FALSE, seriesId 999, routeId 21, includedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, excludedServiceBrands { 108, 118 } }, zones { carrierNum 1080, carrierIA5 "1080", stationCodeTable stationERA, entryStationNum 1234, entryStationIA5 "1234", terminatingStationNum 2345, terminatingStationIA5 "2345", city 123456, zoneId {100,200}, binaryZoneId '82DA'H, nutsCode "DE4711" }, lines { carrierNum 1080, carrierIA5 "1080", lineId {100,200}, stationCodeTable stationERA, entryStationNum 1234, entryStationIA5 "1234", terminatingStationNum 2345, terminatingStationIA5 "2345", city 123456 }, trainLink { trainNum 12345, trainIA5 "12345", travelDate 2, departureTime 1439, departureUTCOffset -60, fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION" }, polygone { firstEdge { longitude 12345, latitude 56789 } edges { {longitude 12345, latitude 56789 }, {longitude 12345, latitude 56789 } } } }, returnDescription { fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", validReturnRegionDesc "return", validReturnRegion { zones { carrierNum 1080, carrierIA5 "1080", stationCodeTable stationERA, zoneId {100,200} } } }, validFromDay 700, validFromTime 0, validFromUTCOffset 60, validUntilDay 370, validUntilTime 1439, validUntilUTCOffset 10, activatedDay { 1 , 2 }, classCode first serviceLevel "A", carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, includedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, excludedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, tariffs { { numberOfPassengers 1, restrictedToCountryOfResidence FALSE, tariffIdNum 72, tariffDesc "Large Car Full Fare" } }, price 12345, vatDetail {{ country 80, percentage 70 }}, infoText "openTicketInfo" includedAddOns { { productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", externalIssuerId 12, issuerAutorizationId 13, stationCodeTable stationERA, validRegion { zones { zoneId { 100 } } }, validFromDay 0, validFromTime 1000, validUntilDay 1, validUntilTime 1000, classCode second, serviceLevel "A", carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, includedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, excludedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, tariffs { { numberOfPassengers 1, restrictedToCountryOfResidence FALSE, tariffIdNum 72, tariffDesc "Large Car Full Fare" } }, infoText "included ticket", includedTransportType { 10, 11 }, excludedTransportType { 10, 18 }, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, luggage { maxHandLuggagePieces 2, maxNonHandLuggagePieces 1}, includedTransportType { 10, 11 }, excludedTransportType { 10, 18 }, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket pass : { referenceNum 810123456789, referenceIA5 "810123456789", productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", passType 2, passDescription "Eurail FlexPass", classCode first, validFromDay 0, validFromTime 1000, validFromUTCOffset 1, validUntilDay 1, validUntilTime 1000, validUntilUTCOffset 1, validityPeriodDetails { validityPeriod { { validFromDay 0, validFromTime 1000, validFromUTCOffset 1, validUntilDay 1, validUntilTime 1000, validUntilUTCOffset 1 } }, excludedTimeRange { { fromTime 6, untilTime 9 } } }, numberOfValidityDays 5, trainValidity { validFromDay 0, validFromTime 1000, validUntilDay 1, validUntilTime 1000, includedCarrierNum {1234, 5678}, boardingOrArrival boarding }, numberOfPossibleTrips 3, numberOfDaysOfTravel 10, activatedDay {200, 201}, countries {10, 20}, includedCarrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, includedCarrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, excludedCarrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, excludedCarrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, includedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, excludedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, validRegion { zones { zoneId { 100 } } }, tariffs { { numberOfPassengers 1, restrictedToCountryOfResidence FALSE, tariffIdNum 72, tariffDesc "Large Car Full Fare" } }, price 10000, vatDetail { { country 80, percentage 70, amount 10, vatId "IUDGTE" } }, infoText "pass info", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket voucher : { referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "COFFEEMACHINE", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", validFromYear 2022, validFromDay 1, validUntilYear 2022, validUntilDay 1, value 500, type 123, infoText "coffee voucher", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket customerCard : { customer { customerIdIA5 "1234", ticketHolder FALSE, passengerType senior }, cardIdIA5 "2345", cardIdNum 123456, validFromYear 2269, validFromDay 2, validUntilYear 1, validUntilDay 5, classCode second, cardType 15, cardTypeDescr "RAILPLUS", customerStatus 1, customerStatusDescr "gold", includedServices { 1 , 2 }, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket counterMark : { referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", ticketReferenceIA5 "810123456789", ticketReferenceNum 810123456789, numberOfCountermark 12, totalOfCountermarks 24, groupName "groupName", stationCodeTable stationERA, fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", validRegionDesc "From A to B via C", validRegion { viaStations { route { { stationNum 123455, stationIA5 "123455", border FALSE }, { stationNum 123456, border FALSE }, { alternativeRoutes { { route { {stationNum 23455, border FALSE},{stationNum 23456, border FALSE }}, border FALSE }, { route { {stationNum 3455, border FALSE },{stationNum 3456, border FALSE }}, border FALSE } }, border FALSE }, { stationNum 123457, border FALSE } }, border FALSE, carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, seriesId 999, routeId 21 } }, returnIncluded FALSE, returnDescription { fromStationNum 8100001, fromStationIA5 "8100001", toStationNum 8000002, toStationIA5 "8100002", fromStationNameUTF8 "A-STATION", toStationNameUTF8 "B-STATION", validReturnRegionDesc "return", validReturnRegion { zones { carrierNum 1080, carrierIA5 "1181", stationCodeTable stationERA, zoneId {100,200} } } }, validFromDay 700, validFromTime 0, validFromUTCOffset 60, validUntilDay 370, validUntilTime 1439, validUntilUTCOffset 10, classCode first carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, includedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, excludedServiceBrands { 108, 118 }, infoText "counterMark", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket parkingGround : { referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, parkingGroundId "IA5", fromParkingDate 370, untilParkingDate 370, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", accessCode "4ga" location "Parking Frankfurt Main West", stationCodeTable stationUIC, stationNum 8000001, stationIA5 "8000001", specialInformation "outdoor parking", entryTrack "left", numberPlate "AA-DE-12345", price 500, vatDetail { { country 80, percentage 70, amount 10, vatId "IUDGTE" } }, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket fipTicket : { referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", validFromDay -367, validUntilDay -1, activatedDay {1,13,14,15}, carrierNum { 1080, 1181 }, carrierIA5 { "1080", "1181" }, numberOfTravelDays 8, includesSupplements TRUE, classCode first, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket stationPassage : { referenceIA5 "810123456789", referenceNum 810123456789, productOwnerNum 23456, productOwnerIA5 "23456", productIdNum 123456, productIdIA5 "123456", productName "passage", stationCodeTable stationUIC, stationNum {8200001}, stationIA5 {"AMS"}, stationNameUTF8 {"Amsterdam"}, areaCodeNum {8200001}, areaCodeIA5 {"AMS"}, areaNameUTF8 {"Amsterdam"}, validFromDay 5, validFromTime 0, validFromUTCOffset 1, validUntilDay 5, validUntilTime 1000, validUntilUTCOffset 1, numberOfDaysValid 5 extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } }, { ticket extension : { extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H } }, { ticket delayConfirmation : { referenceIA5 "ABDJ12345", referenceNum 12345, trainNum 100, trainIA5 "100", departureYear 2022, departureDay 12, departureTime 1000, departureUTCOffset 30, stationCodeTable stationUIC, stationNum 8000001, stationIA5 "DJE" delay 31, trainCancelled FALSE, confirmationType travelerDelayConfirmation, affectedTickets { { referenceIA5 "KDJET", referenceNum 801234567890, issuerName "XYZ", issuerPNR "LDWDUR45", productOwnerNum 1080, productOwnerIA5 "IEFHU", ticketType openTicket, linkMode issuedTogether } }, infoText "delay confirmation", extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} } } }, controlDetail { identificationByCardReference { { cardIssuerNum 1234, cardIssuerIA5 "1234", cardIdNum 5678, cardIdIA5 "5678", cardName "testcard", cardType 123, leadingCardIdNum 3456, leadingCardIdIA5 "3456", trailingCardIdNum 100, trailingCardIdIA5 "100" } }, identificationByIdCard FALSE, identificationByPassportId FALSE identificationItem 12, passportValidationRequired FALSE, onlineValidationRequired FALSE, randomDetailedValidationRequired 50, ageCheckRequired FALSE , reductionCardCheckRequired FALSE, infoText "control", includedTickets { { referenceIA5 "KDJET", referenceNum 801234567890, issuerName "XYZ", issuerPNR "LDWDUR45", productOwnerNum 1080, productOwnerIA5 "IEFHU", ticketType openTicket, linkMode issuedTogether } }, extension {extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H} }, extension { { extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H }, { extensionId "2", extensionData '83DA'H } } }