package org.uic.barcode.ssbFrame; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.EncodingFormatException; import org.uic.barcode.utils.AlgorithmNameResolver; import org.uic.barcode.utils.SecurityUtils; public class SsbFrame { private SsbHeader header = new SsbHeader(); private byte[] signaturePart1 = null; private byte[] signaturePart2 = null; private SsbNonUic nonUicData = null; private SsbNonReservation nonReservationData = null; private SsbReservation reservationData = null; private SsbGroup groupData = null; private SsbPass passData = null; public void decode(byte[] bytes) throws EncodingFormatException { if (bytes.length != 114) { throw new EncodingFormatException("Data size does not fit to SSB"); } if (header == null) { header = new SsbHeader(); } int offset = 0; offset = offset + header.decodeContent(bytes,0); if (header.getTicketType().equals(SsbTicketType.UIC_1_IRT_RES_BOA)) { reservationData = new SsbReservation(); offset = offset + reservationData.decodeContent(bytes,offset); } else if (header.getTicketType().equals(SsbTicketType.UIC_2_NRT)) { nonReservationData = new SsbNonReservation(); offset = offset + nonReservationData.decodeContent(bytes,offset); } else if (header.getTicketType().equals(SsbTicketType.UIC_3_GRP)) { groupData = new SsbGroup(); offset = offset + groupData.decodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (header.getTicketType().equals(SsbTicketType.UIC_4_RPT)) { passData = new SsbPass(); offset = offset + passData.decodeContent(bytes,offset); } else { nonUicData = new SsbNonUic(); offset = offset + nonUicData.decodeContent(bytes,offset); } byte[] signatureBytes = new byte[56]; try { //check for non-standard signature encoding BigInteger[] bInts = SecurityUtils.decodeSignatureIntegerSequence(signatureBytes); SecurityUtils.encodeSignatureIntegerSequence(bInts[0],bInts[1]); signaturePart1 = bInts[0].toByteArray(); signaturePart2 = bInts[1].toByteArray(); //decoding the entire signature was ok, so there was no split } catch (Exception e) { //the signature is correctly implemented, continue with recombination signaturePart1 = new byte[28]; signaturePart2 = new byte[28]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 28;i++) { signaturePart1[i] = bytes[58 + i]; signaturePart2[i] = bytes[58 + 28 + i]; } } } public byte[] encode() throws EncodingFormatException { byte[] bytes = new byte[114]; int offset = header.encodeContent(bytes,0); if (nonUicData != null) { offset = nonUicData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (nonReservationData != null) { offset = nonReservationData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (reservationData != null) { offset = reservationData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (groupData != null) { offset = groupData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (passData != null) { offset = passData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else { throw new EncodingFormatException("Data Content for SSB missing"); }; if (signaturePart1.length > 28) { throw new EncodingFormatException("Signature too large"); } if (signaturePart2.length > 28) { throw new EncodingFormatException("Signature too large"); } for (int i = 1 ; i < 29; i++) { int sigInd = signaturePart1.length - i; if (sigInd < signaturePart1.length && sigInd >= 0) { bytes[58 + 28 - i] = signaturePart1[sigInd]; } else { bytes[58 + 28 - i] = '\0'; } sigInd = signaturePart2.length - i; if (sigInd < signaturePart2.length && sigInd >= 0) { bytes[58 + 28 + 28 - i] = signaturePart2[sigInd]; } else { bytes[58 + 28 + 28 - i] = '\0'; } } return bytes; } public byte[] getDataForSignature() throws EncodingFormatException { byte[] bytes = new byte[58]; int offset = header.encodeContent(bytes,0); if (nonUicData != null) { offset = nonUicData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (nonReservationData != null) { offset = nonReservationData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (reservationData != null) { offset = reservationData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (groupData != null) { offset = groupData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else if (passData != null) { offset = passData.encodeContent(bytes, offset); } else { throw new EncodingFormatException("Data Content for SSB missing"); }; return bytes; } public SsbHeader getHeader() { return header; } public void setHeader(SsbHeader header) { this.header = header; } public byte[] getSignaturePart1() { return signaturePart1; } public void setSignaturePart1(byte[] signaturePart1) { this.signaturePart1 = signaturePart1; } public byte[] getSignaturePart2() { return signaturePart2; } public void setSignaturePart2(byte[] signaturePart2) { this.signaturePart2 = signaturePart2; } public SsbNonUic getNonUicData() { return nonUicData; } public void setNonUicData(SsbNonUic nonUicData) { this.nonUicData = nonUicData; this.nonReservationData = null; this.reservationData = null; this.groupData = null; this.passData = null; } public SsbNonReservation getNonReservationData() { return nonReservationData; } public void setNonReservationData(SsbNonReservation nonReservationData) { this.nonReservationData = nonReservationData; header.setTicketType(SsbTicketType.UIC_2_NRT); this.reservationData = null; this.nonUicData = null; this.groupData = null; this.passData = null; } public SsbReservation getReservationData() { return reservationData; } public void setReservationData(SsbReservation reservationData) { header.setTicketType(SsbTicketType.UIC_1_IRT_RES_BOA); this.nonReservationData = null; this.nonUicData = null; this.groupData = null; this.passData = null; this.reservationData = reservationData; } public SsbGroup getGroupData() { return groupData; } public void setGroupData(SsbGroup groupData) { this.groupData = groupData; header.setTicketType(SsbTicketType.UIC_3_GRP); this.nonReservationData = null; this.nonUicData = null; this.reservationData = null; this.passData = null; } public SsbPass getPassData() { return passData; } public void setPassData(SsbPass passData) { this.passData = passData; header.setTicketType(SsbTicketType.UIC_4_RPT); this.nonReservationData = null; this.nonUicData = null; this.groupData = null; this.reservationData = null; } public void signLevel1(PrivateKey key, Provider prov, String keyId, String algorithmOid) throws Exception { this.header.setKeyId(Integer.parseInt(keyId)); byte[] data = getDataForSignature(); if (prov == null) { //check for a provider supporting the key prov = SecurityUtils.findPrivateKeyProvider(key); } //find the algorithm name for the signature OID String algo = AlgorithmNameResolver.getSignatureAlgorithmName(algorithmOid, prov); Signature sig = null; if (prov != null) { sig = Signature.getInstance(algo, prov); } else { sig = Signature.getInstance(algo); } sig.initSign(key); sig.update(data); byte[] signature = sig.sign(); BigInteger[] bInts = SecurityUtils.decodeSignatureIntegerSequence(signature); signaturePart1 = toUnsignedBytes(bInts[0]); signaturePart2 = toUnsignedBytes(bInts[1]); } private static byte[] toUnsignedBytes(BigInteger i) { byte[] b = i.abs().toByteArray(); //remove top sign bit if (b[0] == 0) { b = Arrays.copyOfRange(b, 1, b.length); } return b; } /** * Verify the signature * * Note: an appropriate security provider (e.g. BC) must be registered before * * @param key the key * @param singningAlg the Object ID of the signing algorithm * @param a dedicated security provider to validate the signature * @return true, if successful * @throws InvalidKeyException the invalid key exception * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException the no such algorithm exception * @throws SignatureException the signature exception * @throws IllegalArgumentException the illegal argument exception * @throws UnsupportedOperationException the unsupported operating exception * @throws EncodingFormatException * @throws IOException */ public boolean verifyByAlgorithmOid(PublicKey key, String signingAlg, Provider prov) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedOperationException, IOException, EncodingFormatException { //find the algorithm name for the signature OID String algo = null; BigInteger r = new BigInteger(1,signaturePart1); BigInteger s = new BigInteger(1,signaturePart2); byte[] signature = SecurityUtils.encodeSignatureIntegerSequence(r,s); String signatureAlgorithmOid = signingAlg; // guess the signature algorithm based on the signature size if ((signingAlg == null || signingAlg.length() < 1) && signature != null) { signatureAlgorithmOid = SecurityUtils.getDsaAlgorithm(signature); } if (prov != null) { Service service = prov.getService("Signature",signatureAlgorithmOid); if (service != null) { algo = service.getAlgorithm(); } } else { Provider[] provs = Security.getProviders(); for (Provider p : provs) { if (algo == null) { Service service = p.getService("Signature",signatureAlgorithmOid); if (service != null) { algo = service.getAlgorithm(); } } } } if (algo == null) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("No service for algorithm found: " + signingAlg); } Signature sig = null; if (prov != null) { sig = Signature.getInstance(algo,prov); } else { sig = Signature.getInstance(algo); } sig.initVerify(key); sig.update(getDataForSignature()); return sig.verify(signature); } }