/* * This file was generated by openASN.1 - an open source ASN.1 toolkit for java * * openASN.1 is Copyright (C) 2007 Clayton Hoss, Marc Weyland * * openASN.1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * openASN.1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with openASN.1. If not, see . * */ package org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv2; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Asn1BigInteger; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Default; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Optional; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.CharacterRestriction; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.FieldOrder; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.HasExtensionMarker; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.IntRange; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.RestrictedString; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Sequence; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.SizeRange; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypesimpl.SequenceOfStringIA5; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.utils.DateTimeUtils; @Sequence @HasExtensionMarker public class ReservationData extends Object { public ReservationData() { } @FieldOrder(order = 0) @Asn1Optional public Asn1BigInteger trainNum; @FieldOrder(order = 1) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String trainIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 2) @Asn1Default(value="0") @IntRange(minValue=-1,maxValue=370) @Asn1Optional public Long departureDate; @FieldOrder(order = 3) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String referenceIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 4) @Asn1Optional public Asn1BigInteger referenceNum; @FieldOrder(order = 5) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=32000) @Asn1Optional public Long productOwnerNum; @FieldOrder(order = 6) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String productOwnerIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 7) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=65535) @Asn1Optional public Long productIdNum; @FieldOrder(order = 8) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String productIdIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 9) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=32000) @Asn1Optional public Long serviceBrand; @FieldOrder(order = 10) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.UTF8String) @Asn1Optional public String serviceBrandAbrUTF8; @FieldOrder(order = 11) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.UTF8String) @Asn1Optional public String serviceBrandNameUTF8; @FieldOrder(order = 12) @Asn1Default("seat") @Asn1Optional public ServiceType service; @FieldOrder(order = 13) @Asn1Default("stationUICReservation") @Asn1Optional public CodeTableType stationCodeTable; @FieldOrder(order = 14) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=9999999) @Asn1Optional public Long fromStationNum; @FieldOrder(order = 15) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String fromStationIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 16) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=9999999) @Asn1Optional public Long toStationNum; @FieldOrder(order = 17) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String toStationIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 18) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.UTF8String) @Asn1Optional public String fromStationNameUTF8; @FieldOrder(order = 19) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.UTF8String) @Asn1Optional public String toStationNameUTF8; @FieldOrder(order = 20) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=1440) public Long departureTime; @FieldOrder(order = 21) @IntRange(minValue=-60, maxValue=60) @Asn1Optional public Long departureUTCOffset; @FieldOrder(order = 22) @IntRange(minValue=-1,maxValue=20) @Asn1Default(value="0") @Asn1Optional public Long arrivalDate; @FieldOrder(order = 23) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=1439) @Asn1Optional public Long arrivalTime; @FieldOrder(order = 24) @IntRange(minValue=-60, maxValue=60) @Asn1Optional public Long arrivalUTCOffset; @FieldOrder(order = 25) @Asn1Optional public SequenceOfCarrierNum carrierNum; @FieldOrder(order = 26) @Asn1Optional public SequenceOfStringIA5 carrierIA5; @FieldOrder(order = 27) @Asn1Default("second") @Asn1Optional public TravelClassType classCode; @FieldOrder(order = 28) @SizeRange(minValue = 1, maxValue = 2) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String serviceLevel; @FieldOrder(order = 29) @Asn1Optional public PlacesType places; @FieldOrder(order = 30) @Asn1Optional public PlacesType additionalPlaces; @FieldOrder(order = 31) @Asn1Optional public PlacesType bicyclePlaces; @FieldOrder(order = 32) @Asn1Optional public CompartmentDetailsType compartmentDetails; @FieldOrder(order = 33) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=200) @Asn1Default(value="0") @Asn1Optional public Long numberOfOverbooked; @FieldOrder(order = 34) @Asn1Optional public SequenceOfBerthDetailData berth; @FieldOrder(order = 35) @Asn1Optional public SequenceOfTariffType tariff; @FieldOrder(order = 36) @Asn1Default("travelPrice") @Asn1Optional public PriceTypeType priceType; @FieldOrder(order = 37) @Asn1Optional Asn1BigInteger price; @FieldOrder(order = 38) @Asn1Optional SequenceOfVatDetail vatDetails; @FieldOrder(order = 39) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=9) @Asn1Default("0") @Asn1Optional public Long typeOfSupplement; @FieldOrder(order = 40) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=200) @Asn1Default("0") @Asn1Optional public Long numberOfSupplements; @FieldOrder(order = 41) @Asn1Optional public LuggageRestrictionType luggage; @FieldOrder(order = 42) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.UTF8String) @Asn1Optional public String infoText; @FieldOrder(order = 43) @Asn1Optional public ExtensionData extension; public Long getTrainNum() { return Asn1BigInteger.toLong(this.trainNum); } public String getTrainIA5() { return this.trainIA5; } public Long getDepartureDate() { return this.departureDate; } public String getReferenceIA5() { return this.referenceIA5; } public Long getReferenceNum() { return Asn1BigInteger.toLong(this.referenceNum); } public Long getProductOwnerNum() { return this.productOwnerNum; } public String getProductOwnerIA5() { return this.productOwnerIA5; } public Long getProductIdNum() { return this.productIdNum; } public String getProductIdIA5() { return this.productIdIA5; } public Long getServiceBrand() { return this.serviceBrand; } public String getServiceBrandAbrUTF8() { return this.serviceBrandAbrUTF8; } public String getServiceBrandNameUTF8() { return this.serviceBrandNameUTF8; } public ServiceType getService() { if (service == null){ return ServiceType.seat; } return this.service; } public CodeTableType getStationCodeTable() { if (stationCodeTable == null) { return CodeTableType.stationUICReservation; } return this.stationCodeTable; } public Long getFromStationNum() { return this.fromStationNum; } public String getFromStationIA5() { return this.fromStationIA5; } public Long getToStationNum() { return this.toStationNum; } public String getToStationIA5() { return this.toStationIA5; } public String getFromStationNameUTF8() { return this.fromStationNameUTF8; } public String getToStationNameUTF8() { return this.toStationNameUTF8; } public Long getDepartureTime() { return this.departureTime; } public Long getArrivalDate() { if (arrivalDate == null) { return Long.valueOf(0); } return this.arrivalDate; } public Long getArrivalTime() { return this.arrivalTime; } public List getCarrierNum() { return this.carrierNum; } public List getCarrierIA5() { return this.carrierIA5; } public TravelClassType getClassCode() { if (classCode == null) { return TravelClassType.second; } return this.classCode; } public String getServiceLevel() { return this.serviceLevel; } public PlacesType getPlaces() { return this.places; } public PlacesType getAdditionalPlaces() { return this.additionalPlaces; } public PlacesType getBicyclePlaces() { return this.bicyclePlaces; } public CompartmentDetailsType getCompartmentDetails() { return this.compartmentDetails; } public Long getNumberOfOverbooked() { return this.numberOfOverbooked; } public List getBerth() { return this.berth; } public List getTariff() { return this.tariff; } public PriceTypeType getPriceType() { if (priceType == null) { return PriceTypeType.travelPrice; } return this.priceType; } public Long getTypeOfSupplement() { if (typeOfSupplement == null){ return Long.valueOf(0); } return this.typeOfSupplement; } public Long getNumberOfSupplements() { if (numberOfSupplements == null) { return Long.valueOf(0); } return this.numberOfSupplements; } public LuggageRestrictionType getLuggage() { return this.luggage; } public String getInfoText() { return this.infoText; } public ExtensionData getExtension() { return this.extension; } public void setTrainNum(Long trainNum) { this.trainNum = Asn1BigInteger.toAsn1(trainNum); } public void setTrainIA5(String trainIA5) { this.trainIA5 = trainIA5; } public void setDepartureDate(Long departureDate) { this.departureDate = departureDate; } public void setReferenceIA5(String referenceIA5) { this.referenceIA5 = referenceIA5; } public void setReferenceNum(Long referenceNum) { this.referenceNum = Asn1BigInteger.toAsn1(referenceNum); } public void setProductOwnerNum(Long productOwnerNum) { this.productOwnerNum = productOwnerNum; } public void setProductOwnerIA5(String productOwnerIA5) { this.productOwnerIA5 = productOwnerIA5; } public void setProductIdNum(Long productIdNum) { this.productIdNum = productIdNum; } public void setProductIdIA5(String productIdIA5) { this.productIdIA5 = productIdIA5; } public void setServiceBrand(Long serviceBrand) { this.serviceBrand = serviceBrand; } public void setServiceBrandAbrUTF8(String serviceBrandAbrUTF8) { this.serviceBrandAbrUTF8 = serviceBrandAbrUTF8; } public void setServiceBrandNameUTF8(String serviceBrandNameUTF8) { this.serviceBrandNameUTF8 = serviceBrandNameUTF8; } public void setService(ServiceType service) { this.service = service; } public void setStationCodeTable(CodeTableType stationCodeTable) { this.stationCodeTable = stationCodeTable; } public void setFromStationNum(Long fromStationNum) { this.fromStationNum = fromStationNum; } public void setFromStationIA5(String fromStationIA5) { this.fromStationIA5 = fromStationIA5; } public void setToStationNum(Long toStationNum) { this.toStationNum = toStationNum; } public void setToStationIA5(String toStationIA5) { this.toStationIA5 = toStationIA5; } public void setFromStationNameUTF8(String fromStationNameUTF8) { this.fromStationNameUTF8 = fromStationNameUTF8; } public void setToStationNameUTF8(String toStationNameUTF8) { this.toStationNameUTF8 = toStationNameUTF8; } public void setDepartureTime(Long departureTime) { this.departureTime = departureTime; } public void setArrivalDate(Long arrivalDate) { this.arrivalDate = arrivalDate; } public void setArrivalTime(Long arrivalTime) { this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime; } public void setCarrierNum(SequenceOfCarrierNum carrierNum) { this.carrierNum = carrierNum; } public void setCarriersNum(List longs) { if (longs == null) return; this.carrierNum = new SequenceOfCarrierNum(); this.carrierNum.addAll(longs); } public void setCarrierIA5(SequenceOfStringIA5 carrierIA5) { this.carrierIA5 = carrierIA5; } public void setClassCode(TravelClassType classCode) { this.classCode = classCode; } public void setServiceLevel(String serviceLevel) { this.serviceLevel = serviceLevel; } public void setPlaces(PlacesType places) { this.places = places; } public void setAdditionalPlaces(PlacesType additionalPlaces) { this.additionalPlaces = additionalPlaces; } public void setBicyclePlaces(PlacesType bicyclePlaces) { this.bicyclePlaces = bicyclePlaces; } public void setCompartmentDetails(CompartmentDetailsType compartmentDetails) { this.compartmentDetails = compartmentDetails; } public void setNumberOfOverbooked(Long numberOfOverbooked) { this.numberOfOverbooked = numberOfOverbooked; } public void setBerth(SequenceOfBerthDetailData berth) { this.berth = berth; } public void setTariff(SequenceOfTariffType tariff) { this.tariff = tariff; } public void setPriceType(PriceTypeType priceType) { this.priceType = priceType; } public void setTypeOfSupplement(Long typeOfSupplement) { this.typeOfSupplement = typeOfSupplement; } public void setNumberOfSupplements(Long numberOfSupplements) { this.numberOfSupplements = numberOfSupplements; } public void setLuggage(LuggageRestrictionType luggage) { this.luggage = luggage; } public void setInfoText(String infoText) { this.infoText = infoText; } public void setExtension(ExtensionData extension) { this.extension = extension; } public Long getPrice() { return Asn1BigInteger.toLong(price); } public void setPrice(Long price) { this.price = Asn1BigInteger.toAsn1(price); } public SequenceOfVatDetail getVatDetails() { return vatDetails; } public void setVatDetails(SequenceOfVatDetail vatDetails) { this.vatDetails = vatDetails; } public void addVatDetail(VatDetailType vatDetail) { if (this.vatDetails == null) { this.vatDetails = new SequenceOfVatDetail(); } this.vatDetails.add(vatDetail); } public void setDepartureArrivalDates (Date departure, Date arrival, Date issuingDate){ if (issuingDate == null || departure == null) return; this.departureDate = DateTimeUtils.getDateDifference(issuingDate,departure); this.departureTime = DateTimeUtils.getTime(departure); if (arrival != null){ this.arrivalDate = DateTimeUtils.getDateDifference(departure, arrival); this.arrivalTime = DateTimeUtils.getTime(arrival); } } public Date getDepartureDate(Date issuingDate){ return DateTimeUtils.getDate(issuingDate, this.departureDate, this.departureTime); } public Date getArrivalDate(Date issuingDate){ if (this.departureDate == null) { this.departureDate = 0L; } if (this.arrivalDate == null) { return null; } return DateTimeUtils.getDate(issuingDate, this.departureDate + this.arrivalDate, this.arrivalTime); } public Long getDepartureUTCOffset() { return departureUTCOffset; } public void setDepartureUTCOffset(Long departureUTCOffset) { this.departureUTCOffset = departureUTCOffset; } public Long getArrivalUTCOffset() { return arrivalUTCOffset; } public void setArrivalUTCOffset(Long arrivalUTCOffset) { this.arrivalUTCOffset = arrivalUTCOffset; } }