/* Copyright 2013 to 2017 TeamWin TWRP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TWRP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TWRP. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "twadbstream.h" #include "twrpback.hpp" #include "libtwadbbu.hpp" #include "../twrpDigest/twrpDigest.hpp" #include "../twrpDigest/twrpMD5.hpp" #include "../twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp" twrpback::twrpback(void) { adbd_fp = NULL; read_fd = 0; write_fd = 0; adb_control_twrp_fd = 0; adb_control_bu_fd = 0; adb_read_fd = 0; adb_write_fd = 0; ors_fd = 0; debug_adb_fd = 0; firstPart = true; createFifos(); adbloginit(); } twrpback::~twrpback(void) { adblogfile.close(); closeFifos(); } void twrpback::printErrMsg(std::string msg, int errNum) { std::stringstream str; str << strerror(errNum); adblogwrite(msg + " " + str.str() + "\n"); } void twrpback::createFifos(void) { if (mkfifo(TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL, 0666) < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to create TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL fifo: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); } if (mkfifo(TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL, 0666) < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to create TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL fifo: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); unlink(TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL); } } void twrpback::closeFifos(void) { if (unlink(TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL) < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to remove TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); } if (unlink(TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL) < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to remove TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); } } void twrpback::adbloginit(void) { adblogfile.open("/tmp/adb.log", std::fstream::app); } void twrpback::adblogwrite(std::string writemsg) { adblogfile << writemsg << std::flush; } void twrpback::close_backup_fds() { if (ors_fd > 0) close(ors_fd); if (write_fd > 0) close(write_fd); if (adb_read_fd > 0) close(adb_read_fd); if (adb_control_bu_fd > 0) close(adb_control_bu_fd); #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP if (debug_adb_fd > 0) close(debug_adb_fd); #endif if (adbd_fp != NULL) fclose(adbd_fp); if (access(TW_ADB_BACKUP, F_OK) == 0) unlink(TW_ADB_BACKUP); } void twrpback::close_restore_fds() { if (ors_fd > 0) close(ors_fd); if (write_fd > 0) close(write_fd); if (adb_control_bu_fd > 0) close(adb_control_bu_fd); if (adb_control_twrp_fd > 0) close(adb_control_twrp_fd); if (adbd_fp != NULL) fclose(adbd_fp); if (access(TW_ADB_RESTORE, F_OK) == 0) unlink(TW_ADB_RESTORE); #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP if (debug_adb_fd > 0) close(debug_adb_fd); #endif } bool twrpback::backup(std::string command) { twrpMD5 digest; int bytes = 0, errctr = 0; char adbReadStream[MAX_ADB_READ]; uint64_t totalbytes = 0, dataChunkBytes = 0, fileBytes = 0; uint64_t md5fnsize = 0; struct AdbBackupControlType endadb; ADBSTRUCT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(endadb) == MAX_ADB_READ); bool writedata = true; bool compressed = false; bool firstDataPacket = true; adbd_fp = fdopen(adbd_fd, "w"); if (adbd_fp == NULL) { adblogwrite("Unable to open adb_fp\n"); return false; } if (mkfifo(TW_ADB_BACKUP, 0666) < 0) { adblogwrite("Unable to create TW_ADB_BACKUP fifo\n"); return false; } adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_FIFO\n"); write_fd = open(TW_ADB_FIFO, O_WRONLY); while (write_fd < 0) { write_fd = open(TW_ADB_FIFO, O_WRONLY); usleep(10000); errctr++; if (errctr > ADB_BU_MAX_ERROR) { std::string msg = "Unable to open TW_ADB_FIFO"; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_backup_fds(); return false; } } memset(operation, 0, sizeof(operation)); if (snprintf(operation, sizeof(operation), "adbbackup %s", command.c_str()) >= sizeof(operation)) { adblogwrite("Operation too big to write to ORS_INPUT_FILE\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } if (write(write_fd, operation, sizeof(operation)) != sizeof(operation)) { adblogwrite("Unable to write to ORS_INPUT_FILE\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } memset(&adbReadStream, 0, sizeof(adbReadStream)); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL\n"); adb_control_bu_fd = open(TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (adb_control_bu_fd < 0) { adblogwrite("Unable to open TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL for reading.\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_BACKUP\n"); adb_read_fd = open(TW_ADB_BACKUP, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (adb_read_fd < 0) { adblogwrite("Unable to open TW_ADB_BACKUP for reading.\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } //loop until TWENDADB sent while (true) { if (read(adb_control_bu_fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) > 0) { struct AdbBackupControlType structcmd; memcpy(&structcmd, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); std::string cmdtype = structcmd.get_type(); //we received an error, exit and unlink if (cmdtype == TWERROR) { writedata = false; adblogwrite("Error received. Quitting...\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } //we received the end of adb backup stream so we should break the loop else if (cmdtype == TWENDADB) { writedata = false; adblogwrite("Recieved TWENDADB\n"); memcpy(&endadb, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); std::stringstream str; str << totalbytes; adblogwrite(str.str() + " total bytes written\n"); break; } //we recieved the TWSTREAMHDR structure metadata to write to adb else if (cmdtype == TWSTREAMHDR) { writedata = false; adblogwrite("writing TWSTREAMHDR\n"); if (fwrite(cmd, 1, sizeof(cmd), adbd_fp) != sizeof(cmd)) { std::string msg = "Error writing TWSTREAMHDR to adbd"; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_backup_fds(); return false; } fflush(adbd_fp); } //we will be writing an image from TWRP else if (cmdtype == TWIMG) { struct twfilehdr twimghdr; adblogwrite("writing TWIMG\n"); digest.init(); memset(&twimghdr, 0, sizeof(twimghdr)); memcpy(&twimghdr, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); md5fnsize = twimghdr.size; compressed = false; #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP std::string debug_fname = "/data/media/"; debug_fname.append(basename(twimghdr.name)); debug_fname.append("-backup.img"); debug_adb_fd = open(debug_fname.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); adblogwrite("Opening adb debug tar\n"); #endif if (fwrite(cmd, 1, sizeof(cmd), adbd_fp) != sizeof(cmd)) { adblogwrite("Error writing TWIMG to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } fflush(adbd_fp); writedata = true; } //we will be writing a tar from TWRP else if (cmdtype == TWFN) { struct twfilehdr twfilehdr; adblogwrite("writing TWFN\n"); digest.init(); ADBSTRUCT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(twfilehdr) == MAX_ADB_READ); memset(&twfilehdr, 0, sizeof(twfilehdr)); memcpy(&twfilehdr, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); md5fnsize = twfilehdr.size; compressed = twfilehdr.compressed == 1 ? true: false; #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP std::string debug_fname = "/data/media/"; debug_fname.append(basename(twfilehdr.name)); debug_fname.append("-backup.tar"); debug_adb_fd = open(debug_fname.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); adblogwrite("Opening adb debug tar\n"); #endif if (fwrite(cmd, 1, sizeof(cmd), adbd_fp) != sizeof(cmd)) { adblogwrite("Error writing TWFN to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } fflush(adbd_fp); writedata = true; } /* We received the command that we are done with the file stream. We will flush the remaining data stream. Update md5 and write final results to adb stream. If we need padding because the total bytes are not a multiple of 512, we pad the end with 0s to we reach 512. We also write the final md5 to the adb stream. */ else if (cmdtype == TWEOF) { adblogwrite("received TWEOF\n"); while ((bytes = read(adb_read_fd, &adbReadStream, sizeof(adbReadStream)) != 0)) { totalbytes += bytes; fileBytes += bytes; dataChunkBytes += bytes; char *writeAdbReadStream = new char [bytes]; memcpy(writeAdbReadStream, adbReadStream, bytes); digest.update((unsigned char *) writeAdbReadStream, bytes); if (fwrite(writeAdbReadStream, 1, bytes, adbd_fp) < 0) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adbd stream: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); } #if defined(_DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP) if (write(debug_adb_fd, writeAdbReadStream, bytes) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #endif fflush(adbd_fp); delete [] writeAdbReadStream; memset(adbReadStream, 0, sizeof(adbReadStream)); } if (fileBytes % DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE != 0) { int64_t count = fileBytes / DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE + 1; uint64_t ceilingBytes = count * DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; char padding[ceilingBytes - fileBytes]; int paddingBytes = sizeof(padding); memset(padding, 0, paddingBytes); std::stringstream paddingStr; paddingStr << paddingBytes; adblogwrite("writing padding to stream: " + paddingStr.str() + " bytes\n"); if (fwrite(padding, 1, paddingBytes, adbd_fp) != sizeof(padding)) { adblogwrite("Error writing padding to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } #if defined(_DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP) if (write(debug_adb_fd, padding, paddingBytes) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #endif totalbytes += paddingBytes; digest.update((unsigned char *) padding, paddingBytes); fflush(adbd_fp); } AdbBackupFileTrailer md5trailer; memset(&md5trailer, 0, sizeof(md5trailer)); std::string md5string = digest.return_digest_string(); strncpy(md5trailer.start_of_trailer, TWRP, sizeof(md5trailer.start_of_trailer)); strncpy(md5trailer.type, MD5TRAILER, sizeof(md5trailer.type)); strncpy(md5trailer.md5, md5string.c_str(), sizeof(md5trailer.md5)); md5trailer.crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); md5trailer.crc = crc32(md5trailer.crc, (const unsigned char*) &md5trailer, sizeof(md5trailer)); md5trailer.ident = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); md5trailer.ident = crc32(md5trailer.ident, (const unsigned char*) &md5trailer, sizeof(md5trailer)); md5trailer.ident = crc32(md5trailer.ident, (const unsigned char*) &md5fnsize, sizeof(md5fnsize)); if (fwrite(&md5trailer, 1, sizeof(md5trailer), adbd_fp) != sizeof(md5trailer)) { adblogwrite("Error writing md5trailer to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } fflush(adbd_fp); writedata = false; firstDataPacket = true; fileBytes = 0; } memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); dataChunkBytes = 0; } //If we are to write data because of a new file stream, lets write all the data. //This will allow us to not write data after a command structure has been written //to the adb stream. //If the stream is compressed, we need to always write the data. if (writedata || compressed) { while ((bytes = read(adb_read_fd, &adbReadStream, sizeof(adbReadStream))) > 0) { if (firstDataPacket) { if (!twadbbu::Write_TWDATA(adbd_fp)) { close_backup_fds(); return false; } fileBytes += MAX_ADB_READ; fflush(adbd_fp); firstDataPacket = false; dataChunkBytes += sizeof(adbReadStream); } char *writeAdbReadStream = new char [bytes]; memcpy(writeAdbReadStream, adbReadStream, bytes); digest.update((unsigned char *) writeAdbReadStream, bytes); totalbytes += bytes; fileBytes += bytes; dataChunkBytes += bytes; if (fwrite(writeAdbReadStream, 1, bytes, adbd_fp) != bytes) { adblogwrite("Error writing backup data to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP if (write(debug_adb_fd, writeAdbReadStream, bytes) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #endif fflush(adbd_fp); delete [] writeAdbReadStream; memset(&adbReadStream, 0, sizeof(adbReadStream)); if (dataChunkBytes == DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) { dataChunkBytes = 0; firstDataPacket = true; } else if (dataChunkBytes > (DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - sizeof(adbReadStream))) { int bytesLeft = DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - dataChunkBytes; char extraData[bytesLeft]; memset(&extraData, 0, bytesLeft); while ((bytes = read(adb_read_fd, &extraData, bytesLeft)) != 0) { if (bytes > 0) { totalbytes += bytes; fileBytes += bytes; dataChunkBytes += bytes; bytesLeft -= bytes; char *writeAdbReadStream = new char [bytes]; memcpy(writeAdbReadStream, extraData, bytes); digest.update((unsigned char *) writeAdbReadStream, bytes); if (fwrite(writeAdbReadStream, 1, bytes, adbd_fp) < 0) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adbd stream: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP if (write(debug_adb_fd, writeAdbReadStream, bytes) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #endif fflush(adbd_fp); delete [] writeAdbReadStream; } memset(&extraData, 0, bytesLeft); if (bytesLeft == 0) { break; } } fflush(adbd_fp); dataChunkBytes = 0; firstDataPacket = true; } } } } //Write the final end adb structure to the adb stream if (fwrite(&endadb, 1, sizeof(endadb), adbd_fp) != sizeof(endadb)) { adblogwrite("Error writing endadb to adbd\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } fflush(adbd_fp); close_backup_fds(); return true; } bool twrpback::restore(void) { twrpMD5 digest; char cmd[MAX_ADB_READ]; char readAdbStream[MAX_ADB_READ]; struct AdbBackupControlType structcmd; int errctr = 0; uint64_t totalbytes = 0, dataChunkBytes = 0; uint64_t md5fnsize = 0, fileBytes = 0; bool writedata, read_from_adb; bool eofsent, md5trsent, md5sumdata; bool compressed, tweofrcvd, extraData; read_from_adb = true; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); adbd_fp = fdopen(adbd_fd, "r"); if (adbd_fp == NULL) { adblogwrite("Unable to open adb_fp\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } if(mkfifo(TW_ADB_RESTORE, 0666)) { adblogwrite("Unable to create TW_ADB_RESTORE fifo\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_FIFO\n"); write_fd = open(TW_ADB_FIFO, O_WRONLY); while (write_fd < 0) { write_fd = open(TW_ADB_FIFO, O_WRONLY); errctr++; if (errctr > ADB_BU_MAX_ERROR) { std::string msg = "Unable to open TW_ADB_FIFO."; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } memset(operation, 0, sizeof(operation)); sprintf(operation, "adbrestore"); if (write(write_fd, operation, sizeof(operation)) != sizeof(operation)) { adblogwrite("Unable to write to TW_ADB_FIFO\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } memset(&readAdbStream, 0, sizeof(readAdbStream)); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL\n"); adb_control_bu_fd = open(TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (adb_control_bu_fd < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to open TW_ADB_BU_CONTROL for writing."; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL\n"); adb_control_twrp_fd = open(TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (adb_control_twrp_fd < 0) { std::string msg = "Unable to open TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL for writing. Retrying..."; printErrMsg(msg, errno); while (adb_control_twrp_fd < 0) { adb_control_twrp_fd = open(TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); usleep(10000); errctr++; if (errctr > ADB_BU_MAX_ERROR) { adblogwrite("Unable to open TW_ADB_TWRP_CONTROL\n"); close_backup_fds(); return false; } } } //Loop until we receive TWENDADB from TWRP while (true) { memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); if (read(adb_control_bu_fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) > 0) { struct AdbBackupControlType structcmd; memcpy(&structcmd, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); std::string cmdtype = structcmd.get_type(); //If we receive TWEOF from TWRP close adb data fifo if (cmdtype == TWEOF) { adblogwrite("Received TWEOF\n"); read_from_adb = true; tweofrcvd = true; close(adb_write_fd); } //Break when TWRP sends TWENDADB else if (cmdtype == TWENDADB) { adblogwrite("Received TWENDADB\n"); break; } //we received an error, exit and unlink else if (cmdtype == TWERROR) { adblogwrite("Error received. Quitting...\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } //If we should read from the adb stream, write commands and data to TWRP if (read_from_adb) { int readbytes; if ((readbytes = fread(readAdbStream, 1, sizeof(readAdbStream), adbd_fp)) == sizeof(readAdbStream)) { memcpy(&structcmd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); std::string cmdtype = structcmd.get_type(); //Tell TWRP we have read the entire adb stream if (cmdtype == TWENDADB) { struct AdbBackupControlType endadb; uint32_t crc, endadbcrc; md5sumdata = false; memset(&endadb, 0, sizeof(endadb)); memcpy(&endadb, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); endadbcrc = endadb.crc; memset(&endadb.crc, 0, sizeof(endadb.crc)); crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); crc = crc32(crc, (const unsigned char*) &endadb, sizeof(endadb)); if (crc == endadbcrc) { adblogwrite("sending TWENDADB\n"); if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, &endadb, sizeof(endadb)) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } read_from_adb = false; } else { adblogwrite("ADB TWENDADB crc header doesn't match\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } //Send TWRP partition metadata else if (cmdtype == TWSTREAMHDR) { struct AdbBackupStreamHeader cnthdr; uint32_t crc, cnthdrcrc; ADBSTRUCT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(cnthdr) == MAX_ADB_READ); md5sumdata = false; memset(&cnthdr, 0, sizeof(cnthdr)); memcpy(&cnthdr, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); cnthdrcrc = cnthdr.crc; memset(&cnthdr.crc, 0, sizeof(cnthdr.crc)); crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); crc = crc32(crc, (const unsigned char*) &cnthdr, sizeof(cnthdr)); if (crc == cnthdrcrc) { adblogwrite("Restoring TWSTREAMHDR\n"); if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)) < 0) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adb_control_twrp_fd: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } else { adblogwrite("ADB TWSTREAMHDR crc header doesn't match\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } //Tell TWRP we are sending a partition image else if (cmdtype == TWIMG) { struct twfilehdr twimghdr; uint32_t crc, twimghdrcrc; md5sumdata = false; fileBytes = 0; read_from_adb = true; dataChunkBytes = 0; extraData = false; digest.init(); adblogwrite("Restoring TWIMG\n"); memset(&twimghdr, 0, sizeof(twimghdr)); memcpy(&twimghdr, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); md5fnsize = twimghdr.size; twimghdrcrc = twimghdr.crc; memset(&twimghdr.crc, 0, sizeof(twimghdr.crc)); crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); crc = crc32(crc, (const unsigned char*) &twimghdr, sizeof(twimghdr)); if (crc == twimghdrcrc) { if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adb_control_twrp_fd: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } else { adblogwrite("ADB TWIMG crc header doesn't match\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP std::string debug_fname = "/data/media/"; debug_fname.append(basename(twimghdr.name)); debug_fname.append("-restore.img"); adblogwrite("image: " + debug_fname + "\n"); debug_adb_fd = open(debug_fname.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); adblogwrite("Opened restore image\n"); #endif adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_RESTORE\n"); adb_write_fd = open(TW_ADB_RESTORE, O_WRONLY); } //Tell TWRP we are sending a tar stream else if (cmdtype == TWFN) { struct twfilehdr twfilehdr; uint32_t crc, twfilehdrcrc; fileBytes = 0; md5sumdata = false; read_from_adb = true; dataChunkBytes = 0; extraData = false; digest.init(); adblogwrite("Restoring TWFN\n"); memset(&twfilehdr, 0, sizeof(twfilehdr)); memcpy(&twfilehdr, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); md5fnsize = twfilehdr.size; twfilehdrcrc = twfilehdr.crc; memset(&twfilehdr.crc, 0, sizeof(twfilehdr.crc)); crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); crc = crc32(crc, (const unsigned char*) &twfilehdr, sizeof(twfilehdr)); if (crc == twfilehdrcrc) { if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adb_control_twrp_fd: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } else { adblogwrite("ADB TWFN crc header doesn't match\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP std::string debug_fname = "/data/media/"; debug_fname.append(basename(twfilehdr.name)); debug_fname.append("-restore.tar"); adblogwrite("tar: " + debug_fname + "\n"); debug_adb_fd = open(debug_fname.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); adblogwrite("Opened restore tar\n"); #endif compressed = twfilehdr.compressed == 1 ? true: false; adblogwrite("opening TW_ADB_RESTORE\n"); adb_write_fd = open(TW_ADB_RESTORE, O_WRONLY); } else if (cmdtype == MD5TRAILER) { if (fileBytes >= md5fnsize) close(adb_write_fd); if (tweofrcvd) { read_from_adb = true; tweofrcvd = false; } else read_from_adb = false; //don't read from adb until TWRP sends TWEOF md5sumdata = false; if (!checkMD5Trailer(readAdbStream, md5fnsize, &digest)) { close_restore_fds(); break; } continue; } //Send the tar or partition image md5 to TWRP else if (cmdtype == TWDATA) { dataChunkBytes += sizeof(readAdbStream); while (true) { if ((readbytes = fread(readAdbStream, 1, sizeof(readAdbStream), adbd_fp)) != sizeof(readAdbStream)) { close_restore_fds(); return false; } memcpy(&structcmd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); std::string cmdtype = structcmd.get_type(); dataChunkBytes += readbytes; totalbytes += readbytes; fileBytes += readbytes; if (cmdtype == MD5TRAILER) { if (fileBytes >= md5fnsize) close(adb_write_fd); if (tweofrcvd) { tweofrcvd = false; read_from_adb = true; } else read_from_adb = false; //don't read from adb until TWRP sends TWEOF if (!checkMD5Trailer(readAdbStream, md5fnsize, &digest)) { close_restore_fds(); break; } break; } digest.update((unsigned char*)readAdbStream, readbytes); read_from_adb = true; #ifdef _DEBUG_ADB_BACKUP if (write(debug_adb_fd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)) < 0) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to ADB_CONTROL_READ_FD: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } #endif if (write(adb_write_fd, readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)) < 0) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to TWRP ADB FIFO: "; md5sumdata = true; printErrMsg(msg, errno); adblogwrite("end of stream reached.\n"); break; } if (dataChunkBytes == DATA_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) { dataChunkBytes = 0; md5sumdata = false; break; } } } else if (md5sumdata) { digest.update((unsigned char*)readAdbStream, sizeof(readAdbStream)); md5sumdata = true; } } } } std::stringstream str; str << totalbytes; close_restore_fds(); adblogwrite(str.str() + " bytes restored from adbbackup\n"); return true; } void twrpback::streamFileForTWRP(void) { adblogwrite("streamFileForTwrp" + streamFn + "\n"); } void twrpback::setStreamFileName(std::string fn) { streamFn = fn; adbd_fd = open(fn.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (adbd_fd < 0) { adblogwrite("Unable to open adb_fd\n"); close(adbd_fd); return; } restore(); } void twrpback::threadStream(void) { pthread_t thread; ThreadPtr streamPtr = &twrpback::streamFileForTWRP; PThreadPtr p = *(PThreadPtr*)&streamPtr; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, p, this); pthread_join(thread, NULL); } bool twrpback::checkMD5Trailer(char readAdbStream[], uint64_t md5fnsize, twrpMD5 *digest) { struct AdbBackupFileTrailer md5tr; uint32_t crc, md5trcrc, md5ident, md5identmatch; ADBSTRUCT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(md5tr) == MAX_ADB_READ); memcpy(&md5tr, readAdbStream, MAX_ADB_READ); md5ident = md5tr.ident; memset(&md5tr.ident, 0, sizeof(md5tr.ident)); md5identmatch = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); md5identmatch = crc32(md5identmatch, (const unsigned char*) &md5tr, sizeof(md5tr)); md5identmatch = crc32(md5identmatch, (const unsigned char*) &md5fnsize, sizeof(md5fnsize)); if (md5identmatch == md5ident) { adblogwrite("checking MD5TRAILER\n"); md5trcrc = md5tr.crc; memset(&md5tr.crc, 0, sizeof(md5tr.crc)); crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); crc = crc32(crc, (const unsigned char*) &md5tr, sizeof(md5tr)); if (crc == md5trcrc) { if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, &md5tr, sizeof(md5tr)) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adb_control_twrp_fd: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } } else { adblogwrite("ADB MD5TRAILER crc header doesn't match\n"); close_restore_fds(); return false; } AdbBackupFileTrailer md5; memset(&md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); strncpy(md5.start_of_trailer, TWRP, sizeof(md5.start_of_trailer)); strncpy(md5.type, TWMD5, sizeof(md5.type)); std::string md5string = digest->return_digest_string(); strncpy(md5.md5, md5string.c_str(), sizeof(md5.md5)); adblogwrite("sending MD5 verification: " + md5string + "\n"); if (write(adb_control_twrp_fd, &md5, sizeof(md5)) < 1) { std::string msg = "Cannot write to adb_control_twrp_fd: "; printErrMsg(msg, errno); close_restore_fds(); return false; } return true; } return false; }