LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_CFLAGS := -fno-strict-aliasing LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ gui.cpp \ resources.cpp \ pages.cpp \ text.cpp \ image.cpp \ action.cpp \ console.cpp \ fill.cpp \ button.cpp \ checkbox.cpp \ fileselector.cpp \ progressbar.cpp \ animation.cpp \ object.cpp \ slider.cpp \ slidervalue.cpp \ listbox.cpp \ keyboard.cpp \ input.cpp \ blanktimer.cpp \ partitionlist.cpp \ mousecursor.cpp \ scrolllist.cpp \ patternpassword.cpp \ textbox.cpp \ terminal.cpp \ twmsg.cpp ifneq ($(TWRP_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD),) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(TWRP_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD) else LOCAL_SRC_FILES += hardwarekeyboard.cpp endif LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libminuitwrp libc libstdc++ libminzip libaosprecovery libselinux LOCAL_MODULE := libguitwrp #TWRP_EVENT_LOGGING := true ifeq ($(TWRP_EVENT_LOGGING), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -D_EVENT_LOGGING endif ifneq ($(TW_USE_KEY_CODE_TOUCH_SYNC),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_USE_KEY_CODE_TOUCH_SYNC=$(TW_USE_KEY_CODE_TOUCH_SYNC) endif ifneq ($(TW_NO_SCREEN_BLANK),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_NO_SCREEN_BLANK endif ifneq ($(TW_NO_SCREEN_TIMEOUT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_NO_SCREEN_TIMEOUT endif ifeq ($(TW_OEM_BUILD), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_OEM_BUILD endif ifneq ($(TW_X_OFFSET),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_X_OFFSET=$(TW_X_OFFSET) endif ifneq ($(TW_Y_OFFSET),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_Y_OFFSET=$(TW_Y_OFFSET) endif ifneq ($(TW_W_OFFSET),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_W_OFFSET=$(TW_W_OFFSET) endif ifneq ($(TW_H_OFFSET),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_H_OFFSET=$(TW_H_OFFSET) endif ifeq ($(TW_ROUND_SCREEN), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTW_ROUND_SCREEN endif LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += bionic system/core/libpixelflinger/include ifeq ($(shell test $(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION) -lt 23; echo $$?),0) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += external/stlport/stlport endif LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTWRES=\"$(TWRES_PATH)\" include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) # Transfer in the resources for the device include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := twrp LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := RECOVERY_EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)$(TWRES_PATH) # The extra blank line before *** is intentional to ensure it ends up on its own line define TW_THEME_WARNING_MSG **************************************************************************** Could not find ui.xml for TW_THEME: $(TW_THEME) Set TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH and TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT to automatically select an appropriate theme, or set TW_THEME to one of the following: $(notdir $(wildcard $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/*_*)) **************************************************************************** endef define TW_CUSTOM_THEME_WARNING_MSG **************************************************************************** Could not find ui.xml for TW_CUSTOM_THEME: $(TW_CUSTOM_THEME) Expected to find cutom theme's ui.xml at: $(TWRP_THEME_LOC)/ui.xml Please fix this or set TW_THEME to one of the following: $(notdir $(wildcard $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/*_*)) **************************************************************************** endef TWRP_RES := $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/common/fonts TWRP_RES += $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/common/languages ifeq ($(TW_EXTRA_LANGUAGES),true) TWRP_RES += $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/extra-languages/fonts TWRP_RES += $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages endif ifeq ($(TW_CUSTOM_THEME),) ifeq ($(TW_THEME),) ifeq ($(DEVICE_RESOLUTION),) GUI_WIDTH := $(TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH) GUI_HEIGHT := $(TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT) else SPLIT_DEVICE_RESOLUTION := $(subst x, ,$(DEVICE_RESOLUTION)) GUI_WIDTH := $(word 1, $(SPLIT_DEVICE_RESOLUTION)) GUI_HEIGHT := $(word 2, $(SPLIT_DEVICE_RESOLUTION)) endif # Minimum resolution of 100x100 # This also ensures GUI_WIDTH and GUI_HEIGHT are numbers ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -ge 100; echo $$?),0) ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_HEIGHT) -ge 100; echo $$?),0) ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -gt $(GUI_HEIGHT); echo $$?),0) ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -ge 1280; echo $$?),0) TW_THEME := landscape_hdpi else TW_THEME := landscape_mdpi endif else ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -lt $(GUI_HEIGHT); echo $$?),0) ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -ge 720; echo $$?),0) TW_THEME := portrait_hdpi else TW_THEME := portrait_mdpi endif else ifeq ($(shell test $(GUI_WIDTH) -eq $(GUI_HEIGHT); echo $$?),0) # watch_hdpi does not yet exist TW_THEME := watch_mdpi endif endif endif endif TWRP_THEME_LOC := $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/$(TW_THEME) ifeq ($(wildcard $(TWRP_THEME_LOC)/ui.xml),) $(warning $(TW_THEME_WARNING_MSG)) $(error Theme selection failed; exiting) endif TWRP_RES += $(commands_recovery_local_path)/gui/theme/common/$(word 1,$(subst _, ,$(TW_THEME))).xml # for future copying of used include xmls and fonts: # UI_XML := $(TWRP_THEME_LOC)/ui.xml # TWRP_INCLUDE_XMLS := $(shell xmllint --xpath '/recovery/include/xmlfile/@name' $(UI_XML)|sed -n 's/[^\"]*\"\([^\"]*\)\"[^\"]*/\1\n/gp'|sort|uniq) # TWRP_FONTS_TTF := $(shell xmllint --xpath '/recovery/resources/font/@filename' $(UI_XML)|sed -n 's/[^\"]*\"\([^\"]*\)\"[^\"]*/\1\n/gp'|sort|uniq)niq) else TWRP_THEME_LOC := $(TW_CUSTOM_THEME) ifeq ($(wildcard $(TWRP_THEME_LOC)/ui.xml),) $(warning $(TW_CUSTOM_THEME_WARNING_MSG)) $(error Theme selection failed; exiting) endif endif TWRP_RES += $(TW_ADDITIONAL_RES) TWRP_RES_GEN := $(intermediates)/twrp $(TWRP_RES_GEN): mkdir -p $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)$(TWRES_PATH) cp -fr $(TWRP_RES) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)$(TWRES_PATH) cp -fr $(TWRP_THEME_LOC)/* $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)$(TWRES_PATH) LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES := $(TWRP_RES_GEN) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := twrp $(TWRP_RES_GEN) include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)