/* Copyright 2013 bigbiff/Dees_Troy TeamWin This file is part of TWRP/TeamWin Recovery Project. TWRP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TWRP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TWRP. If not, see . */ // pages.cpp - Source to manage GUI base objects #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../twrp-functions.hpp" #include "../partitions.hpp" #include extern "C" { #include "../twcommon.h" #include "../minuitwrp/minui.h" #include "../minzip/SysUtil.h" #include "../minzip/Zip.h" #include "gui.h" } #include "rapidxml.hpp" #include "objects.hpp" #include "blanktimer.hpp" extern int gGuiRunning; // From ../twrp.cpp extern bool datamedia; // From console.cpp extern size_t last_message_count; extern std::vector gConsole; extern std::vector gConsoleColor; std::map PageManager::mPageSets; PageSet* PageManager::mCurrentSet; PageSet* PageManager::mBaseSet = NULL; MouseCursor *PageManager::mMouseCursor = NULL; HardwareKeyboard *PageManager::mHardwareKeyboard = NULL; bool PageManager::mReloadTheme = false; std::string PageManager::mStartPage = "main"; std::vector Language_List; int tw_x_offset = 0; int tw_y_offset = 0; // Helper routine to convert a string to a color declaration int ConvertStrToColor(std::string str, COLOR* color) { // Set the default, solid black memset(color, 0, sizeof(COLOR)); color->alpha = 255; // Translate variables DataManager::GetValue(str, str); // Look for some defaults if (str == "black") return 0; else if (str == "white") { color->red = color->green = color->blue = 255; return 0; } else if (str == "red") { color->red = 255; return 0; } else if (str == "green") { color->green = 255; return 0; } else if (str == "blue") { color->blue = 255; return 0; } // At this point, we require an RGB(A) color if (str[0] != '#') return -1; str.erase(0, 1); int result; if (str.size() >= 8) { // We have alpha channel string alpha = str.substr(6, 2); result = strtol(alpha.c_str(), NULL, 16); color->alpha = result & 0x000000FF; str.resize(6); result = strtol(str.c_str(), NULL, 16); color->red = (result >> 16) & 0x000000FF; color->green = (result >> 8) & 0x000000FF; color->blue = result & 0x000000FF; } else { result = strtol(str.c_str(), NULL, 16); color->red = (result >> 16) & 0x000000FF; color->green = (result >> 8) & 0x000000FF; color->blue = result & 0x000000FF; } return 0; } // Helper APIs xml_node<>* FindNode(xml_node<>* parent, const char* nodename, int depth /* = 0 */) { if (!parent) return NULL; xml_node<>* child = parent->first_node(nodename); if (child) return child; if (depth == 10) { LOGERR("Too many style loops detected.\n"); return NULL; } xml_node<>* style = parent->first_node("style"); if (style) { while (style) { if (!style->first_attribute("name")) { LOGERR("No name given for style.\n"); continue; } else { std::string name = style->first_attribute("name")->value(); xml_node<>* node = PageManager::FindStyle(name); if (node) { // We found the style that was named xml_node<>* stylenode = FindNode(node, nodename, depth + 1); if (stylenode) return stylenode; } } style = style->next_sibling("style"); } } else { // Search for stylename in the parent node xml_attribute<>* attr = parent->first_attribute("style"); // If no style is found anywhere else and the node wasn't found in the object itself // as a special case we will search for a style that uses the same style name as the // object type, so would search for a style named "button" if (!attr) attr = parent->first_attribute("type"); // if there's no attribute type, the object type must be the element name std::string stylename = attr ? attr->value() : parent->name(); xml_node<>* node = PageManager::FindStyle(stylename); if (node) { xml_node<>* stylenode = FindNode(node, nodename, depth + 1); if (stylenode) return stylenode; } } return NULL; } std::string LoadAttrString(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, const char* defaultvalue) { if (!element) return defaultvalue; xml_attribute<>* attr = element->first_attribute(attrname); return attr ? attr->value() : defaultvalue; } int LoadAttrInt(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, int defaultvalue) { string value = LoadAttrString(element, attrname); // resolve variables DataManager::GetValue(value, value); return value.empty() ? defaultvalue : atoi(value.c_str()); } int LoadAttrIntScaleX(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, int defaultvalue) { return scale_theme_x(LoadAttrInt(element, attrname, defaultvalue)); } int LoadAttrIntScaleY(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, int defaultvalue) { return scale_theme_y(LoadAttrInt(element, attrname, defaultvalue)); } COLOR LoadAttrColor(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, bool* found_color, COLOR defaultvalue) { string value = LoadAttrString(element, attrname); *found_color = !value.empty(); // resolve variables DataManager::GetValue(value, value); COLOR ret = defaultvalue; if (ConvertStrToColor(value, &ret) == 0) return ret; else return defaultvalue; } COLOR LoadAttrColor(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname, COLOR defaultvalue) { bool found_color = false; return LoadAttrColor(element, attrname, &found_color, defaultvalue); } FontResource* LoadAttrFont(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname) { std::string name = LoadAttrString(element, attrname, ""); if (name.empty()) return NULL; else return PageManager::GetResources()->FindFont(name); } ImageResource* LoadAttrImage(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname) { std::string name = LoadAttrString(element, attrname, ""); if (name.empty()) return NULL; else return PageManager::GetResources()->FindImage(name); } AnimationResource* LoadAttrAnimation(xml_node<>* element, const char* attrname) { std::string name = LoadAttrString(element, attrname, ""); if (name.empty()) return NULL; else return PageManager::GetResources()->FindAnimation(name); } bool LoadPlacement(xml_node<>* node, int* x, int* y, int* w /* = NULL */, int* h /* = NULL */, Placement* placement /* = NULL */) { if (!node) return false; if (node->first_attribute("x")) *x = LoadAttrIntScaleX(node, "x") + tw_x_offset; if (node->first_attribute("y")) *y = LoadAttrIntScaleY(node, "y") + tw_y_offset; if (w && node->first_attribute("w")) *w = LoadAttrIntScaleX(node, "w"); if (h && node->first_attribute("h")) *h = LoadAttrIntScaleY(node, "h"); if (placement && node->first_attribute("placement")) *placement = (Placement) LoadAttrInt(node, "placement"); return true; } int ActionObject::SetActionPos(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (x < 0 || y < 0) return -1; mActionX = x; mActionY = y; if (w || h) { mActionW = w; mActionH = h; } return 0; } Page::Page(xml_node<>* page, std::vector*> *templates) { mTouchStart = NULL; // We can memset the whole structure, because the alpha channel is ignored memset(&mBackground, 0, sizeof(COLOR)); // With NULL, we make a console-only display if (!page) { mName = "console"; GUIConsole* element = new GUIConsole(NULL); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); return; } if (page->first_attribute("name")) mName = page->first_attribute("name")->value(); else { LOGERR("No page name attribute found!\n"); return; } LOGINFO("Loading page %s\n", mName.c_str()); // This is a recursive routine for template handling ProcessNode(page, templates, 0); } Page::~Page() { for (std::vector::iterator itr = mObjects.begin(); itr != mObjects.end(); ++itr) delete *itr; } bool Page::ProcessNode(xml_node<>* page, std::vector*> *templates, int depth) { if (depth == 10) { LOGERR("Page processing depth has exceeded 10. Failing out. This is likely a recursive template.\n"); return false; } for (xml_node<>* child = page->first_node(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { std::string type = child->name(); if (type == "background") { mBackground = LoadAttrColor(child, "color", COLOR(0,0,0,0)); continue; } if (type == "object") { // legacy format : xml_attribute<>* attr = child->first_attribute("type"); type = attr ? attr->value() : "*unspecified*"; } if (type == "text") { GUIText* element = new GUIText(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "image") { GUIImage* element = new GUIImage(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); } else if (type == "fill") { GUIFill* element = new GUIFill(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); } else if (type == "action") { GUIAction* element = new GUIAction(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "console") { GUIConsole* element = new GUIConsole(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "button") { GUIButton* element = new GUIButton(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "checkbox") { GUICheckbox* element = new GUICheckbox(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "fileselector") { GUIFileSelector* element = new GUIFileSelector(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "animation") { GUIAnimation* element = new GUIAnimation(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); } else if (type == "progressbar") { GUIProgressBar* element = new GUIProgressBar(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "slider") { GUISlider* element = new GUISlider(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "slidervalue") { GUISliderValue *element = new GUISliderValue(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "listbox") { GUIListBox* element = new GUIListBox(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "keyboard") { GUIKeyboard* element = new GUIKeyboard(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "input") { GUIInput* element = new GUIInput(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); mInputs.push_back(element); } else if (type == "partitionlist") { GUIPartitionList* element = new GUIPartitionList(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "patternpassword") { GUIPatternPassword* element = new GUIPatternPassword(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "textbox") { GUITextBox* element = new GUITextBox(child); mObjects.push_back(element); mRenders.push_back(element); mActions.push_back(element); } else if (type == "template") { if (!templates || !child->first_attribute("name")) { LOGERR("Invalid template request.\n"); } else { std::string name = child->first_attribute("name")->value(); xml_node<>* node; bool node_found = false; // We need to find the correct template for (std::vector*>::iterator itr = templates->begin(); itr != templates->end(); itr++) { node = (*itr)->first_node("template"); while (node) { if (!node->first_attribute("name")) continue; if (name == node->first_attribute("name")->value()) { if (!ProcessNode(node, templates, depth + 1)) return false; else { node_found = true; break; } } if (node_found) break; node = node->next_sibling("template"); } // [check] why is there no if (node_found) here too? } } } else { LOGERR("Unknown object type: %s.\n", type.c_str()); } } return true; } int Page::Render(void) { // Render background gr_color(mBackground.red, mBackground.green, mBackground.blue, mBackground.alpha); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); // Render remaining objects std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mRenders.begin(); iter != mRenders.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->Render()) LOGERR("A render request has failed.\n"); } return 0; } int Page::Update(void) { int retCode = 0; std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mRenders.begin(); iter != mRenders.end(); iter++) { int ret = (*iter)->Update(); if (ret < 0) LOGERR("An update request has failed.\n"); else if (ret > retCode) retCode = ret; } return retCode; } int Page::NotifyTouch(TOUCH_STATE state, int x, int y) { // By default, return 1 to ignore further touches if nobody is listening int ret = 1; // Don't try to handle a lack of handlers if (mActions.size() == 0) return ret; // We record mTouchStart so we can pass all the touch stream to the same handler if (state == TOUCH_START) { std::vector::reverse_iterator iter; // We work backwards, from top-most element to bottom-most element for (iter = mActions.rbegin(); iter != mActions.rend(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->IsInRegion(x, y)) { mTouchStart = (*iter); ret = mTouchStart->NotifyTouch(state, x, y); if (ret >= 0) break; mTouchStart = NULL; } } } else if (state == TOUCH_RELEASE && mTouchStart != NULL) { ret = mTouchStart->NotifyTouch(state, x, y); mTouchStart = NULL; } else if ((state == TOUCH_DRAG || state == TOUCH_HOLD || state == TOUCH_REPEAT) && mTouchStart != NULL) { ret = mTouchStart->NotifyTouch(state, x, y); } return ret; } int Page::NotifyKey(int key, bool down) { std::vector::reverse_iterator iter; int ret = 1; // We work backwards, from top-most element to bottom-most element for (iter = mActions.rbegin(); iter != mActions.rend(); iter++) { ret = (*iter)->NotifyKey(key, down); if (ret == 0) return 0; if (ret < 0) { LOGERR("An action handler has returned an error\n"); ret = 1; } } return ret; } int Page::NotifyCharInput(int ch) { std::vector::reverse_iterator iter; // We work backwards, from top-most element to bottom-most element for (iter = mInputs.rbegin(); iter != mInputs.rend(); iter++) { int ret = (*iter)->NotifyCharInput(ch); if (ret == 0) return 0; else if (ret < 0) LOGERR("A char input handler has returned an error"); } return 1; } int Page::SetKeyBoardFocus(int inFocus) { std::vector::reverse_iterator iter; // We work backwards, from top-most element to bottom-most element for (iter = mInputs.rbegin(); iter != mInputs.rend(); iter++) { int ret = (*iter)->SetInputFocus(inFocus); if (ret == 0) return 0; else if (ret < 0) LOGERR("An input focus handler has returned an error"); } return 1; } void Page::SetPageFocus(int inFocus) { // Render remaining objects std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mRenders.begin(); iter != mRenders.end(); iter++) (*iter)->SetPageFocus(inFocus); return; } int Page::NotifyVarChange(std::string varName, std::string value) { std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mObjects.begin(); iter != mObjects.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->NotifyVarChange(varName, value)) LOGERR("An action handler errored on NotifyVarChange.\n"); } return 0; } PageSet::PageSet(const char* xmlFile) { mResources = new ResourceManager; mCurrentPage = NULL; if (!xmlFile) mCurrentPage = new Page(NULL, NULL); } PageSet::~PageSet() { mOverlays.clear(); for (std::vector::iterator itr = mPages.begin(); itr != mPages.end(); ++itr) delete *itr; delete mResources; } int PageSet::LoadLanguage(char* languageFile, ZipArchive* package) { xml_document<> lang; xml_node<>* parent; xml_node<>* child; std::string resource_source; if (languageFile) { printf("parsing languageFile\n"); lang.parse<0>(languageFile); printf("parsing languageFile done\n"); } else { return -1; } parent = lang.first_node("language"); if (!parent) { LOGERR("Unable to locate language node in language file.\n"); lang.clear(); return -1; } child = parent->first_node("display"); if (child) { DataManager::SetValue("tw_language_display", child->value()); resource_source = child->value(); } else { LOGERR("language file does not have a display value set\n"); DataManager::SetValue("tw_language_display", "Not Set"); resource_source = languageFile; } child = parent->first_node("resources"); if (child) mResources->LoadResources(child, package, resource_source); else return -1; lang.clear(); return 0; } int PageSet::Load(ZipArchive* package, char* xmlFile, char* languageFile) { xml_document<> mDoc; xml_node<>* parent; xml_node<>* child; xml_node<>* xmltemplate; xml_node<>* xmlstyle; mDoc.parse<0>(xmlFile); parent = mDoc.first_node("recovery"); if (!parent) parent = mDoc.first_node("install"); set_scale_values(1, 1); // Reset any previous scaling values // Now, let's parse the XML LOGINFO("Checking resolution...\n"); child = parent->first_node("details"); if (child) { xml_node<>* resolution = child->first_node("resolution"); if (resolution) { xml_attribute<>* width_attr = resolution->first_attribute("width"); xml_attribute<>* height_attr = resolution->first_attribute("height"); xml_attribute<>* noscale_attr = resolution->first_attribute("noscaling"); if (width_attr && height_attr && !noscale_attr) { int width = atoi(width_attr->value()); int height = atoi(height_attr->value()); int offx = 0, offy = 0; #ifdef TW_ROUND_SCREEN xml_node<>* roundscreen = child->first_node("roundscreen"); if (roundscreen) { LOGINFO("TW_ROUND_SCREEN := true, using round screen XML settings.\n"); xml_attribute<>* offx_attr = roundscreen->first_attribute("offset_x"); xml_attribute<>* offy_attr = roundscreen->first_attribute("offset_y"); if (offx_attr) { offx = atoi(offx_attr->value()); } if (offy_attr) { offy = atoi(offy_attr->value()); } } #endif if (width != 0 && height != 0) { float scale_w = ((float)gr_fb_width() - ((float)offx * 2.0)) / (float)width; float scale_h = ((float)gr_fb_height() - ((float)offy * 2.0)) / (float)height; #ifdef TW_ROUND_SCREEN float scale_off_w = (float)gr_fb_width() / (float)width; float scale_off_h = (float)gr_fb_height() / (float)height; tw_x_offset = offx * scale_off_w; tw_y_offset = offy * scale_off_h; #endif if (scale_w != 1 || scale_h != 1) { LOGINFO("Scaling theme width %fx and height %fx, offsets x: %i y: %i\n", scale_w, scale_h, tw_x_offset, tw_y_offset); set_scale_values(scale_w, scale_h); } } } else { LOGINFO("XML does not contain width and height, no scaling will be applied\n"); } } else { LOGINFO("XML contains no resolution tag, no scaling will be applied.\n"); } } else { LOGINFO("XML contains no details tag, no scaling will be applied.\n"); } if (languageFile) LoadLanguage(languageFile, package); LOGINFO("Loading resources...\n"); child = parent->first_node("resources"); if (child) mResources->LoadResources(child, package, "theme"); LOGINFO("Loading variables...\n"); child = parent->first_node("variables"); if (child) LoadVariables(child); LOGINFO("Loading mouse cursor...\n"); child = parent->first_node("mousecursor"); if(child) PageManager::LoadCursorData(child); LOGINFO("Loading pages...\n"); // This may be NULL if no templates are present xmltemplate = parent->first_node("templates"); if (xmltemplate) templates.push_back(xmltemplate); // Load styles if present xmlstyle = parent->first_node("styles"); if (xmlstyle) styles.push_back(xmlstyle); child = parent->first_node("pages"); if (child) { if (LoadPages(child)) { LOGERR("PageSet::Load returning -1\n"); mDoc.clear(); return -1; } } int ret = CheckInclude(package, &mDoc); mDoc.clear(); templates.clear(); return ret; } int PageSet::CheckInclude(ZipArchive* package, xml_document<> *parentDoc) { xml_node<>* par; xml_node<>* par2; xml_node<>* chld; xml_node<>* parent; xml_node<>* child; xml_node<>* xmltemplate; xml_node<>* xmlstyle; long len; char* xmlFile = NULL; string filename; xml_document<> *doc = NULL; par = parentDoc->first_node("recovery"); if (!par) { par = parentDoc->first_node("install"); } if (!par) { return 0; } par2 = par->first_node("include"); if (!par2) return 0; chld = par2->first_node("xmlfile"); while (chld != NULL) { xml_attribute<>* attr = chld->first_attribute("name"); if (!attr) break; if (!package) { // We can try to load the XML directly... filename = TWRES; filename += attr->value(); } else { filename += attr->value(); } xmlFile = PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer(filename, package); if (xmlFile == NULL) { LOGERR("PageSet::CheckInclude unable to load '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); return -1; } doc = new xml_document<>(); doc->parse<0>(xmlFile); parent = doc->first_node("recovery"); if (!parent) parent = doc->first_node("install"); // Now, let's parse the XML LOGINFO("Loading included resources...\n"); child = parent->first_node("resources"); if (child) mResources->LoadResources(child, package, "theme"); LOGINFO("Loading included variables...\n"); child = parent->first_node("variables"); if (child) LoadVariables(child); LOGINFO("Loading mouse cursor...\n"); child = parent->first_node("mousecursor"); if(child) PageManager::LoadCursorData(child); LOGINFO("Loading included pages...\n"); // This may be NULL if no templates are present xmltemplate = parent->first_node("templates"); if (xmltemplate) templates.push_back(xmltemplate); // Load styles if present xmlstyle = parent->first_node("styles"); if (xmlstyle) styles.push_back(xmlstyle); child = parent->first_node("pages"); if (child && LoadPages(child)) { templates.pop_back(); doc->clear(); delete doc; free(xmlFile); return -1; } if (CheckInclude(package, doc)) { doc->clear(); delete doc; free(xmlFile); return -1; } doc->clear(); delete doc; free(xmlFile); chld = chld->next_sibling("xmlfile"); } return 0; } int PageSet::SetPage(std::string page) { Page* tmp = FindPage(page); if (tmp) { if (mCurrentPage) mCurrentPage->SetPageFocus(0); mCurrentPage = tmp; mCurrentPage->SetPageFocus(1); mCurrentPage->NotifyVarChange("", ""); return 0; } else { LOGERR("Unable to locate page (%s)\n", page.c_str()); } return -1; } int PageSet::SetOverlay(Page* page) { if (page) { if (mOverlays.size() >= 10) { LOGERR("Too many overlays requested, max is 10.\n"); return -1; } std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mOverlays.begin(); iter != mOverlays.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->GetName() == page->GetName()) { mOverlays.erase(iter); // SetOverlay() is (and should stay) the only function which // adds to mOverlays. Then, each page can appear at most once. break; } } page->SetPageFocus(1); page->NotifyVarChange("", ""); if (!mOverlays.empty()) mOverlays.back()->SetPageFocus(0); mOverlays.push_back(page); } else { if (!mOverlays.empty()) { mOverlays.back()->SetPageFocus(0); mOverlays.pop_back(); if (!mOverlays.empty()) mOverlays.back()->SetPageFocus(1); else if (mCurrentPage) mCurrentPage->SetPageFocus(1); // Just in case somehow the regular page lost focus, we'll set it again } } return 0; } const ResourceManager* PageSet::GetResources() { return mResources; } Page* PageSet::FindPage(std::string name) { std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mPages.begin(); iter != mPages.end(); iter++) { if (name == (*iter)->GetName()) return (*iter); } return NULL; } int PageSet::LoadVariables(xml_node<>* vars) { xml_node<>* child; xml_attribute<> *name, *value, *persist; int p; child = vars->first_node("variable"); while (child) { name = child->first_attribute("name"); value = child->first_attribute("value"); persist = child->first_attribute("persist"); if(name && value) { if (strcmp(name->value(), "tw_x_offset") == 0) { tw_x_offset = atoi(value->value()); child = child->next_sibling("variable"); continue; } if (strcmp(name->value(), "tw_y_offset") == 0) { tw_y_offset = atoi(value->value()); child = child->next_sibling("variable"); continue; } p = persist ? atoi(persist->value()) : 0; string temp = value->value(); string valstr = gui_parse_text(temp); if (valstr.find("+") != string::npos) { string val1str = valstr; val1str = val1str.substr(0, val1str.find('+')); string val2str = valstr; val2str = val2str.substr(val2str.find('+') + 1, string::npos); int val1 = atoi(val1str.c_str()); int val2 = atoi(val2str.c_str()); int val = val1 + val2; DataManager::SetValue(name->value(), val, p); } else if (valstr.find("-") != string::npos) { string val1str = valstr; val1str = val1str.substr(0, val1str.find('-')); string val2str = valstr; val2str = val2str.substr(val2str.find('-') + 1, string::npos); int val1 = atoi(val1str.c_str()); int val2 = atoi(val2str.c_str()); int val = val1 - val2; DataManager::SetValue(name->value(), val, p); } else { DataManager::SetValue(name->value(), valstr, p); } } child = child->next_sibling("variable"); } return 0; } int PageSet::LoadPages(xml_node<>* pages) { xml_node<>* child; if (!pages) return -1; child = pages->first_node("page"); while (child != NULL) { Page* page = new Page(child, &templates); if (page->GetName().empty()) { LOGERR("Unable to process load page\n"); delete page; } else { mPages.push_back(page); } child = child->next_sibling("page"); } if (mPages.size() > 0) return 0; return -1; } int PageSet::IsCurrentPage(Page* page) { return ((mCurrentPage && mCurrentPage == page) ? 1 : 0); } std::string PageSet::GetCurrentPage() const { return mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->GetName() : ""; } int PageSet::Render(void) { int ret; ret = (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->Render() : -1); if (ret < 0) return ret; std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mOverlays.begin(); iter != mOverlays.end(); iter++) { ret = ((*iter) ? (*iter)->Render() : -1); if (ret < 0) return ret; } return ret; } int PageSet::Update(void) { int ret; ret = (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->Update() : -1); if (ret < 0 || ret > 1) return ret; std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mOverlays.begin(); iter != mOverlays.end(); iter++) { ret = ((*iter) ? (*iter)->Update() : -1); if (ret < 0) return ret; } return ret; } int PageSet::NotifyTouch(TOUCH_STATE state, int x, int y) { if (!mOverlays.empty()) return mOverlays.back()->NotifyTouch(state, x, y); return (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->NotifyTouch(state, x, y) : -1); } int PageSet::NotifyKey(int key, bool down) { if (!mOverlays.empty()) return mOverlays.back()->NotifyKey(key, down); return (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->NotifyKey(key, down) : -1); } int PageSet::NotifyCharInput(int ch) { if (!mOverlays.empty()) return mOverlays.back()->NotifyCharInput(ch); return (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->NotifyCharInput(ch) : -1); } int PageSet::SetKeyBoardFocus(int inFocus) { if (!mOverlays.empty()) return mOverlays.back()->SetKeyBoardFocus(inFocus); return (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->SetKeyBoardFocus(inFocus) : -1); } int PageSet::NotifyVarChange(std::string varName, std::string value) { std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = mOverlays.begin(); iter != mOverlays.end(); iter++) (*iter)->NotifyVarChange(varName, value); return (mCurrentPage ? mCurrentPage->NotifyVarChange(varName, value) : -1); } void PageSet::AddStringResource(std::string resource_source, std::string resource_name, std::string value) { mResources->AddStringResource(resource_source, resource_name, value); } char* PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer(std::string filename, ZipArchive* package) { size_t len; char* buffer = NULL; if (!package) { // We can try to load the XML directly... LOGINFO("PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '%s' directly\n", filename.c_str()); struct stat st; if(stat(filename.c_str(),&st) != 0) { // This isn't always an error, sometimes we request files that don't exist. return NULL; } len = (size_t)st.st_size; buffer = (char*) malloc(len + 1); if (!buffer) { LOGERR("PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer failed to malloc\n"); return NULL; } int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { LOGERR("PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer failed to open '%s' - (%s)\n", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); free(buffer); return NULL; } if (read(fd, buffer, len) < 0) { LOGERR("PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer failed to read '%s' - (%s)\n", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); free(buffer); close(fd); return NULL; } close(fd); } else { LOGINFO("PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '%s' from zip\n", filename.c_str()); const ZipEntry* zipentry = mzFindZipEntry(package, filename.c_str()); if (zipentry == NULL) { LOGERR("Unable to locate '%s' in zip file\n", filename.c_str()); return NULL; } // Allocate the buffer for the file len = mzGetZipEntryUncompLen(zipentry); buffer = (char*) malloc(len + 1); if (!buffer) return NULL; if (!mzExtractZipEntryToBuffer(package, zipentry, (unsigned char*) buffer)) { LOGERR("Unable to extract '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); free(buffer); return NULL; } } // NULL-terminate the string buffer[len] = 0x00; return buffer; } void PageManager::LoadLanguageListDir(string dir) { if (!TWFunc::Path_Exists(dir)) { LOGERR("LoadLanguageListDir '%s' path not found\n", dir.c_str()); return; } DIR *d = opendir(dir.c_str()); struct dirent *p; if (d == NULL) { LOGERR("LoadLanguageListDir error opening dir: '%s', %s\n", dir.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } while ((p = readdir(d))) { if (!strcmp(p->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(p->d_name, "..") || strlen(p->d_name) < 5) continue; string file = p->d_name; if (file.substr(strlen(p->d_name) - 4) != ".xml") continue; string path = dir + p->d_name; string file_no_extn = file.substr(0, strlen(p->d_name) - 4); struct language_struct language_entry; language_entry.filename = file_no_extn; char* xmlFile = PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer(dir + p->d_name, NULL); if (xmlFile == NULL) { LOGERR("LoadLanguageListDir unable to load '%s'\n", language_entry.filename.c_str()); continue; } xml_document<> *doc = new xml_document<>(); doc->parse<0>(xmlFile); xml_node<>* parent = doc->first_node("language"); if (!parent) { LOGERR("Invalid language XML file '%s'\n", language_entry.filename.c_str()); } else { xml_node<>* child = parent->first_node("display"); if (child) { language_entry.displayvalue = child->value(); } else { LOGERR("No display value for '%s'\n", language_entry.filename.c_str()); language_entry.displayvalue = language_entry.filename; } Language_List.push_back(language_entry); } doc->clear(); delete doc; free(xmlFile); } closedir(d); } void PageManager::LoadLanguageList(ZipArchive* package) { Language_List.clear(); if (TWFunc::Path_Exists(TWRES "customlanguages")) TWFunc::removeDir(TWRES "customlanguages", true); if (package) { TWFunc::Recursive_Mkdir(TWRES "customlanguages"); struct utimbuf timestamp = { 1217592000, 1217592000 }; // 8/1/2008 default mzExtractRecursive(package, "languages", TWRES "customlanguages/", ×tamp, NULL, NULL, NULL); LoadLanguageListDir(TWRES "customlanguages/"); } else { LoadLanguageListDir(TWRES "languages/"); } } void PageManager::LoadLanguage(string filename) { string actual_filename; if (TWFunc::Path_Exists(TWRES "customlanguages/" + filename + ".xml")) actual_filename = TWRES "customlanguages/" + filename + ".xml"; else actual_filename = TWRES "languages/" + filename + ".xml"; char* xmlFile = PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer(actual_filename, NULL); if (xmlFile == NULL) LOGERR("Unable to load '%s'\n", actual_filename.c_str()); else { mCurrentSet->LoadLanguage(xmlFile, NULL); free(xmlFile); } PartitionManager.Translate_Partition_Display_Names(); } int PageManager::LoadPackage(std::string name, std::string package, std::string startpage) { int fd; ZipArchive zip, *pZip = NULL; long len; char* xmlFile = NULL; char* languageFile = NULL; PageSet* pageSet = NULL; int ret; MemMapping map; mReloadTheme = false; mStartPage = startpage; // Open the XML file LOGINFO("Loading package: %s (%s)\n", name.c_str(), package.c_str()); if (package.size() > 4 && package.substr(package.size() - 4) != ".zip") { LOGINFO("Load XML directly\n"); tw_x_offset = TW_X_OFFSET; tw_y_offset = TW_Y_OFFSET; LoadLanguageList(NULL); languageFile = LoadFileToBuffer(TWRES "languages/en.xml", NULL); } else { LOGINFO("Loading zip theme\n"); tw_x_offset = 0; tw_y_offset = 0; if (!TWFunc::Path_Exists(package)) return -1; if (sysMapFile(package.c_str(), &map) != 0) { LOGERR("Failed to map '%s'\n", package.c_str()); goto error; } if (mzOpenZipArchive(map.addr, map.length, &zip)) { LOGERR("Unable to open zip archive '%s'\n", package.c_str()); sysReleaseMap(&map); goto error; } pZip = &zip; package = "ui.xml"; LoadLanguageList(pZip); languageFile = LoadFileToBuffer("languages/en.xml", pZip); } xmlFile = LoadFileToBuffer(package, pZip); if (xmlFile == NULL) { goto error; } // Before loading, mCurrentSet must be the loading package so we can find resources pageSet = mCurrentSet; mCurrentSet = new PageSet(xmlFile); ret = mCurrentSet->Load(pZip, xmlFile, languageFile); if (languageFile) { free(languageFile); languageFile = NULL; } if (ret == 0) { mCurrentSet->SetPage(startpage); mPageSets.insert(std::pair(name, mCurrentSet)); } else { LOGERR("Package %s failed to load.\n", name.c_str()); } // The first successful package we loaded is the base if (mBaseSet == NULL) mBaseSet = mCurrentSet; mCurrentSet = pageSet; if (pZip) { mzCloseZipArchive(pZip); sysReleaseMap(&map); } free(xmlFile); if (languageFile) free(languageFile); return ret; error: // Sometimes we get here without a real error if (pZip) { mzCloseZipArchive(pZip); sysReleaseMap(&map); } if (xmlFile) free(xmlFile); return -1; } PageSet* PageManager::FindPackage(std::string name) { std::map::iterator iter; iter = mPageSets.find(name); if (iter != mPageSets.end()) return (*iter).second; LOGERR("Unable to locate package %s\n", name.c_str()); return NULL; } PageSet* PageManager::SelectPackage(std::string name) { LOGINFO("Switching packages (%s)\n", name.c_str()); PageSet* tmp; tmp = FindPackage(name); if (tmp) { mCurrentSet = tmp; mCurrentSet->NotifyVarChange("", ""); } else LOGERR("Unable to find package.\n"); return mCurrentSet; } int PageManager::ReloadPackage(std::string name, std::string package) { std::map::iterator iter; mReloadTheme = false; iter = mPageSets.find(name); if (iter == mPageSets.end()) return -1; if(mMouseCursor) mMouseCursor->ResetData(gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); PageSet* set = (*iter).second; mPageSets.erase(iter); if (LoadPackage(name, package, mStartPage) != 0) { LOGINFO("Failed to load package '%s'.\n", package.c_str()); mPageSets.insert(std::pair(name, set)); return -1; } if (mCurrentSet == set) SelectPackage(name); if (mBaseSet == set) mBaseSet = mCurrentSet; delete set; GUIConsole::Translate_Now(); return 0; } void PageManager::ReleasePackage(std::string name) { std::map::iterator iter; iter = mPageSets.find(name); if (iter == mPageSets.end()) return; PageSet* set = (*iter).second; mPageSets.erase(iter); delete set; return; } int PageManager::RunReload() { int ret_val = 0; std::string theme_path; if (!mReloadTheme) return 0; mReloadTheme = false; theme_path = DataManager::GetSettingsStoragePath(); if (PartitionManager.Mount_By_Path(theme_path.c_str(), 1) < 0) { LOGERR("Unable to mount %s during gui_reload_theme function.\n", theme_path.c_str()); ret_val = 1; } theme_path += "/TWRP/theme/ui.zip"; if (ret_val != 0 || ReloadPackage("TWRP", theme_path) != 0) { // Loading the custom theme failed - try loading the stock theme LOGINFO("Attempting to reload stock theme...\n"); if (ReloadPackage("TWRP", TWRES "ui.xml")) { LOGERR("Failed to load base packages.\n"); ret_val = 1; } } if (ret_val == 0) { if (DataManager::GetStrValue("tw_language") != "en.xml") { LOGINFO("Loading language '%s'\n", DataManager::GetStrValue("tw_language").c_str()); LoadLanguage(DataManager::GetStrValue("tw_language")); } } // This makes the console re-translate last_message_count = 0; gConsole.clear(); gConsoleColor.clear(); return ret_val; } void PageManager::RequestReload() { mReloadTheme = true; } int PageManager::ChangePage(std::string name) { DataManager::SetValue("tw_operation_state", 0); int ret = (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->SetPage(name) : -1); return ret; } std::string PageManager::GetCurrentPage() { return mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->GetCurrentPage() : ""; } int PageManager::ChangeOverlay(std::string name) { if (name.empty()) return mCurrentSet->SetOverlay(NULL); else { Page* page = mBaseSet ? mBaseSet->FindPage(name) : NULL; return mCurrentSet->SetOverlay(page); } } const ResourceManager* PageManager::GetResources() { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->GetResources() : NULL); } int PageManager::IsCurrentPage(Page* page) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->IsCurrentPage(page) : 0); } int PageManager::Render(void) { if(blankTimer.isScreenOff()) return 0; int res = (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->Render() : -1); if(mMouseCursor) mMouseCursor->Render(); return res; } HardwareKeyboard *PageManager::GetHardwareKeyboard() { if(!mHardwareKeyboard) mHardwareKeyboard = new HardwareKeyboard(); return mHardwareKeyboard; } xml_node<>* PageManager::FindStyle(std::string name) { for (std::vector*>::iterator itr = mCurrentSet->styles.begin(); itr != mCurrentSet->styles.end(); itr++) { xml_node<>* node = (*itr)->first_node("style"); while (node) { if (!node->first_attribute("name")) continue; if (name == node->first_attribute("name")->value()) return node; node = node->next_sibling("style"); } } return NULL; } MouseCursor *PageManager::GetMouseCursor() { if(!mMouseCursor) mMouseCursor = new MouseCursor(gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); return mMouseCursor; } void PageManager::LoadCursorData(xml_node<>* node) { if(!mMouseCursor) mMouseCursor = new MouseCursor(gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); mMouseCursor->LoadData(node); } int PageManager::Update(void) { if(blankTimer.isScreenOff()) return 0; if (RunReload()) return -2; int res = (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->Update() : -1); if(mMouseCursor) { int c_res = mMouseCursor->Update(); if(c_res > res) res = c_res; } return res; } int PageManager::NotifyTouch(TOUCH_STATE state, int x, int y) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->NotifyTouch(state, x, y) : -1); } int PageManager::NotifyKey(int key, bool down) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->NotifyKey(key, down) : -1); } int PageManager::NotifyCharInput(int ch) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->NotifyCharInput(ch) : -1); } int PageManager::SetKeyBoardFocus(int inFocus) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->SetKeyBoardFocus(inFocus) : -1); } int PageManager::NotifyVarChange(std::string varName, std::string value) { return (mCurrentSet ? mCurrentSet->NotifyVarChange(varName, value) : -1); } void PageManager::AddStringResource(std::string resource_source, std::string resource_name, std::string value) { if (mCurrentSet) mCurrentSet->AddStringResource(resource_source, resource_name, value); } extern "C" void gui_notifyVarChange(const char *name, const char* value) { if (!gGuiRunning) return; PageManager::NotifyVarChange(name, value); }