from xml.dom import minidom import sys import getopt HELP = """ [ -o file.xml ] -f file.xml -h - help info """ enfile = "en.xml" otherfile = "" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hfo:koz", ["device="]) except getopt.GetoptEror: print HELP sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-h": print HELP sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit() elif opt == "-o": otherfile = arg elif opt == "-f": enfile = arg if otherfile == "": print HELP exit() print "Comparing %s and %s" % (enfile, otherfile) print "" endoc = minidom.parse(enfile) enstrings = endoc.getElementsByTagName('string') otherdoc = minidom.parse(otherfile) otherstrings = otherdoc.getElementsByTagName('string') for ens in enstrings: found = False for others in otherstrings: if ens.attributes['name'].value == others.attributes['name'].value: found = True break if found == False: print "'%s' present in %s and not in %s" % (ens.attributes['name'].value, enfile, otherfile) print "" for others in otherstrings: found = False for ens in enstrings: if ens.attributes['name'].value == others.attributes['name'].value: found = True break if found == False: print "'%s' present in %s and not in %s" % (others.attributes['name'].value, otherfile, enfile)