-- main.lua -- Implements the plugin entrypoint (in this case the entire plugin) -- Global variables: g_Plugin = nil; function Initialize(Plugin) g_Plugin = Plugin; Plugin:SetName("APIDump"); Plugin:SetVersion(1); LOG("Initialized " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion()) -- dump all available API functions and objects: -- DumpAPITxt(); -- DEBUG: Convert the wiki dump into APIDesc ConvertWikiToDesc(); -- Dump all available API object in HTML format into a subfolder: DumpAPIHtml(); return true end function DumpAPITxt() LOG("Dumping all available functions to API.txt..."); function dump (prefix, a, Output) for i, v in pairs (a) do if (type(v) == "table") then if (GetChar(i, 1) ~= ".") then if (v == _G) then -- LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G, CYCLE, ignoring"); elseif (v == _G.package) then -- LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G.package, ignoring"); else dump(prefix .. i .. ".", v, Output) end end elseif (type(v) == "function") then if (string.sub(i, 1, 2) ~= "__") then table.insert(Output, prefix .. i .. "()"); end end end end local Output = {}; dump("", _G, Output); table.sort(Output); local f = io.open("API.txt", "w"); for i, n in ipairs(Output) do f:write(n, "\n"); end f:close(); LOG("API.txt written."); end function CreateAPITables() --[[ We want an API table of the following shape: local API = { { Name = "cCuboid", Functions = { {Name = "Sort"}, {Name = "IsInside"} }, Constants = { } }}, { Name = "cBlockArea", Functions = { {Name = "Clear"}, {Name = "CopyFrom"}, ... } Constants = { {Name = "baTypes", Value = 0}, {Name = "baMetas", Value = 1}, ... } ... }} }; local Globals = { Functions = { ... }, Constants = { ... } }; --]] local Globals = {Functions = {}, Constants = {}}; local API = {}; local function Add(a_APIContainer, a_ClassName, a_ClassObj) if (type(a_ClassObj) == "function") then table.insert(a_APIContainer.Functions, {Name = a_ClassName}); elseif (type(a_ClassObj) == "number") then table.insert(a_APIContainer.Constants, {Name = a_ClassName, Value = a_ClassObj}); end end local function SortClass(a_ClassAPI) -- Sort the function list and constant lists: table.sort(a_ClassAPI.Functions, function(f1, f2) return (f1.Name < f2.Name); end ); table.sort(a_ClassAPI.Constants, function(c1, c2) return (c1.Name < c2.Name); end ); end; local function ParseClass(a_ClassName, a_ClassObj) local res = {Name = a_ClassName, Functions = {}, Constants = {}}; for i, v in pairs(a_ClassObj) do Add(res, i, v); end SortClass(res); return res; end for i, v in pairs(_G) do if (type(v) == "table") then -- It is a table - probably a class local StartLetter = GetChar(i, 0); if (StartLetter == "c") then -- Starts with a "c", handle it as a MCS API class table.insert(API, ParseClass(i, v)); end else Add(Globals, i, v); end end SortClass(Globals); table.sort(API, function(c1, c2) return (c1.Name < c2.Name); end ); return API, Globals; end function DumpAPIHtml() LOG("Dumping all available functions and constants to API subfolder..."); local API, Globals = CreateAPITables(); Globals.Name = "Globals"; table.insert(API, Globals); -- Read in the descriptions: ReadDescriptions(API); -- Create a "class index" file, write each class as a link to that file, -- then dump class contents into class-specific file local f = io.open("API/index.html", "w"); if (f == nil) then -- Create the output folder os.execute("mkdir API"); local err; f, err = io.open("API/index.html", "w"); if (f == nil) then LOGINFO("Cannot output HTML API: " .. err); return; end end f:write([[MCServer API - class index "); f:close(); LOG("API subfolder written"); end function ReadDescriptions(a_API) local UnexportedDocumented = {}; -- List of API objects that are documented but not exported, simply a list of names for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do local APIDesc = g_APIDesc.Classes[cls.Name]; if (APIDesc ~= nil) then cls.Desc = APIDesc.Desc; if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) then -- Assign function descriptions: for j, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do -- func is {"FuncName"}, add Parameters, Return and Notes from g_APIDesc local FnDesc = APIDesc.Functions[func.Name]; if (FnDesc ~= nil) then func.Params = FnDesc.Params; func.Return = FnDesc.Return; func.Notes = FnDesc.Notes; FnDesc.IsExported = true; end end -- for j, func -- Add all non-exported function descriptions to UnexportedDocumented: for j, func in pairs(APIDesc.Functions) do -- TODO end end -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) then -- Assign constant descriptions: for j, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do local CnDesc = APIDesc.Constants[cons.Name]; if (CnDesc ~= nil) then cons.Notes = CnDesc.Notes; CnDesc.IsExported = true; end end -- for j, cons -- Add all non-exported constant descriptions to UnexportedDocumented: for j, cons in pairs(APIDesc.Constants) do -- TODO end end -- if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) end end -- for i, class end function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI) local cf, err = io.open("API/" .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. ".html", "w"); if (cf == nil) then return; end local function LinkifyString(a_String) -- TODO: Make a link out of anything with the special linkifying syntax {{link|title}} -- a_String:gsub("{{([^|]*)|[^}]*}}", "%2"); return a_String; end cf:write([[MCServer API - ]] .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. [[


"); -- Write the class description: cf:write("

" .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. "

\n"); if (a_ClassAPI.Desc ~= nil) then cf:write("

"); cf:write(a_ClassAPI.Desc); cf:write("

\n"); end; -- Write the constants: if (#a_ClassAPI.Constants > 0) then cf:write("


\n"); cf:write("\n"); for i, cons in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.Constants) do cf:write(""); cf:write(""); cf:write("\n"); end cf:write("
" .. cons.Name .. "" .. cons.Value .. "" .. LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "") .. "
\n"); end -- Write the functions: if (#a_ClassAPI.Functions > 0) then cf:write("


\n"); cf:write("\n"); for i, func in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.Functions) do cf:write(""); cf:write(""); cf:write(""); cf:write("\n"); end cf:write("
NameParametersReturn valueNotes
" .. func.Name .. "" .. LinkifyString(func.Params or "").. "" .. LinkifyString(func.Return or "").. "" .. LinkifyString(func.Notes or "") .. "
\n"); end cf:write(""); cf:close(); end -- This function converts the wiki dump, as provided by FakeTruth, into the APIDesc format. -- Dump available in forum: http://forum.mc-server.org/showthread.php?tid=1214&pid=9892#pid9892 -- The dump is expected unpacked as "wikipages/api/*.txt", in the executable folder -- Only Windows-style paths are supported for now, since this is a one-time action function ConvertWikiToDesc() local fout = io.open("APIDesc.wiki.lua", "w"); fout:write("g_APIDesc =\n{\n\tClasses =\n\t{\n"); for filename in io.popen([[dir wikipages\\api\\*.txt /b]]):lines() do -- Read file local fin = io.open("wikipages\\api\\" .. filename, "r"); local ClassName = filename:match("[^\.]*"); local AddNextTime = ""; if (fin ~= nil) then -- Read and parse the info from the file local state = 0; local Desc = ""; local Constants = {}; local Functions = {}; local ConstructorNumber = 1; for line in fin:lines() do -- Replace wiki-style markup: line = line:gsub("%[%[.-:.-:(.-)|(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%2}}"); -- Replaces [[API:Plugin:Hook|LinkText]] line = line:gsub("%[%[.-:.-:(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%1}}"); -- Replaces [[API:Plugin:Hook]] line = line:gsub("%[%[.-:(.-)|(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%2}}"); -- Replaces [[API:Class|LinkText]] line = line:gsub("%[%[.-:(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%1}}"); -- Replaces [[API:Class]] line = line:gsub("%[%[(.-)|(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%2}}"); -- Replaces [[Class|LinkText]] line = line:gsub("%[%[(.-)%]%]", "{{%1|%1}}"); -- Replaces [[Class]] if (line:find("======") ~= nil) then state = 1; -- The following is the class description ClassName = line:gsub("======", ""); ClassName = ClassName:match("%w+"); if (ClassName == nil) then -- Reset to default ClassName = filename:match("[^\.]*"); end AddNextTime = ""; elseif (line:find("===== Constants") ~= nil) then state = 2; -- The following is the constants description elseif (line:find("===== Functions") ~= nil) then state = 3; -- The following is the functions description elseif (line:find("=====") ~= nil) then state = 4; -- The following is an unknown text, skip it entirely elseif (state == 1) then -- Class description: if (line == "") then AddNextTime = "


"; -- Replace empty lines with paragraph delimiters; add only when there's a followup text on next line else Desc = Desc .. AddNextTime .. line .. "\n"; AddNextTime = ""; end elseif (state == 2) then -- Constants: line = line:gsub("| ", "\n"); local Split = StringSplitAndTrim(line, "\n"); if (#Split >= 3) then -- Split[1] is always "", because the line starts with a "|" local notes = Split[3] or ""; notes = notes:sub(1, notes:len() - 2); -- Remove the trailing " |" table.insert(Constants, {Name = Split[2], Notes = notes}); end elseif (state == 3) then -- Functions: line = string.gsub(line, "| ", "\n"); local Split = StringSplitAndTrim(line, "\n"); if (#Split >= 5) then -- Split[1] is always "", because the line starts with a "|" local notes = Split[5] or ""; notes = notes:sub(1, notes:len() - 2); -- Remove the trailing " |" local name = (Split[2] or ""); if ((name == "( )") or (name == "()")) then name = "constructor" .. ConstructorNumber; -- Special name is used for the constructor in the wiki ConstructorNumber = ConstructorNumber + 1; end table.insert(Functions, {Name = name, Params = Split[3], Return = Split[4], Notes = notes}); end end end -- for line fin:close(); -- Write the info into the output file: fout:write("\t\t" .. ClassName .. " =\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tDesc = [[" .. Desc .. "]],\n\t\t\tFunctions =\n\t\t\t{\n"); for i, func in ipairs(Functions) do fout:write(string.format("\t\t\t\t{ %s = { Params = %q, Return = %q, Notes = %q } },\n", func.Name, func.Params, func.Return, func.Notes )); end fout:write("\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tConstants =\n\t\t\t{\n"); for i, cons in ipairs(Constants) do fout:write(string.format("\t\t\t\t{ %s = { Notes = %q } },\n", cons.Name, cons.Notes )); end fout:write("\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\n"); end -- if fin ~= nil end -- for file fout:write("\t}\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"); fout:close(); end