local function Buttons_Player( Name ) return "
" end local function Button_World( Name ) return "
" end function HandleRequest_Generation( Request ) local Content = "" if ( Request.PostParams["FormSetWorld"] ) then WORK_WORLD = Request.PostParams["FormWorldName"] WW_instance = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD) end if( Request.PostParams["SelectWorld"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["WorldName"] ~= nil ) then -- World is selected! WORK_WORLD = Request.PostParams["WorldName"] WW_instance = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD) end if(Request.PostParams["OperationGenerate"] ~= nil) then OPERATION_CODE = 0 end if(Request.PostParams["OperationReGenerate"] ~= nil) then OPERATION_CODE = 1 end if (GENERATION_STATE == 0) then if( Request.PostParams["FormAreaStartX"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormAreaStartZ"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndX"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndZ"] ~= nil ) then --(Re)Generation valid! -- COMMON (Re)gen if( Request.PostParams["StartArea"]) then AreaStartX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaStartX"]) AreaStartZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaStartZ"]) AreaEndX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndX"]) AreaEndZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndZ"]) PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "StartX") PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "StartZ") PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "EndX") PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "EndZ") PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartX", AreaStartX) PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartZ", AreaStartZ) PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndX", AreaEndX) PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndZ", AreaEndZ) if (OPERATION_CODE == 0) then GENERATION_STATE = 1 elseif (OPERATION_CODE == 1) then GENERATION_STATE = 3 end PLUGIN.IniFile:WriteFile() end end if( Request.PostParams["FormRadialX"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormRadialZ"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormRadius"] ~= nil ) then --(Re)Generation valid! -- COMMON (Re)gen if( Request.PostParams["StartRadial"]) then RadialX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialX"]) RadialZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialZ"]) Radius = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadius"]) AreaStartX = RadialX - Radius AreaStartZ = RadialZ - Radius AreaEndX = RadialX + Radius AreaEndZ = RadialZ + Radius PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "RadialX") PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "RadialZ") PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "Radius") PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialX", RadialX) PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialZ", RadialZ) PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "Radius", Radius) if (OPERATION_CODE == 0) then GENERATION_STATE = 1 elseif (OPERATION_CODE == 1) then GENERATION_STATE = 3 end PLUGIN.IniFile:WriteFile() end end -- POINT REGEN! if( Request.PostParams["FormPointX"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["FormPointZ"] ~= nil ) then --ReGeneration valid! -- EXACT if ( Request.PostParams["PointExact"] ~= nil) then AreaStartX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormPointX"]) AreaStartZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormPointZ"]) AreaEndX = AreaStartX AreaEndZ = AreaStartZ GENERATION_STATE = 3 end -- 3x3 if ( Request.PostParams["Point3x3"] ~= nil) then AreaStartX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormPointX"]) - 1 AreaStartZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormPointZ"]) - 1 AreaEndX = AreaStartX + 2 AreaEndZ = AreaStartZ + 2 GENERATION_STATE = 3 end end -- PLAYERS REGEN! if( Request.PostParams["PlayerExact"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["PlayerName"] ~= nil ) then -- Making BOOM! I meant, regenereate... AreaStartX = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD):GetPlayer(Request.PostParams["PlayerName"]):GetChunkX() AreaStartZ = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD):GetPlayer(Request.PostParams["PlayerName"]):GetChunkZ() AreaEndX = AreaStartX AreaEndZ = AreaStartZ GENERATION_STATE = 3 end if( Request.PostParams["Player3x3"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["PlayerName"] ~= nil ) then -- Making BOOM! I meant, regenereate... AreaStartX = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD):GetPlayer(Request.PostParams["PlayerName"]):GetChunkX() - 1 AreaStartZ = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD):GetPlayer(Request.PostParams["PlayerName"]):GetChunkZ() - 1 AreaEndX = AreaStartX + 2 AreaEndZ = AreaStartZ + 2 GENERATION_STATE = 3 end end --Content = Content .. "

World for operations: " .. WORK_WORLD .. "

" --Content = Content .. "
" --Content = Content .. "" --Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING WORK_WORLD Content = Content .. "

World for operations: " .. WORK_WORLD .. "

" Content = Content .. "" local WorldNum = 0 local AddWorldToTable = function(World) WorldNum = WorldNum + 1 Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" end cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(AddWorldToTable) if( WorldNum == 0 ) then Content = Content .. "" end Content = Content .. "
" .. WorldNum .. "." .. World:GetName() .. "" .. Button_World(World:GetName()) .. "
No worlds! O_O
" Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING OPERATION if (OPERATION_CODE == 0) then Content = Content .. "

Operation: Generation

" elseif (OPERATION_CODE == 1) then Content = Content .. "

Operation: Regeneration

" end Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING AREA Content = Content .. "


Start X, Start Z; End X, End Z" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING RADIAL Content = Content .. "


Center X, Center Z, Raduis (0 to any)" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING POINT Content = Content .. "

Point regeneration:

X, Z" Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "
" -- SELECTING PLAYERS Content = Content .. "

Player-based regeneration:

" Content = Content .. "" local PlayerNum = 0 local AddPlayerToTable = function( Player ) PlayerNum = PlayerNum + 1 Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" Content = Content .. "" end if (cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD) == nil) then Content = Content .. "" else cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORK_WORLD):ForEachPlayer( AddPlayerToTable ) if( PlayerNum == 0 ) then Content = Content .. "" end end Content = Content .. "
" .. PlayerNum .. "." .. Player:GetName() .. "" .. Buttons_Player(Player:GetName()) .. "
Incorrect world selection
No connected players
" Content = Content .. "
" return Content end