-- Implements things related to console commands function InitConsoleCommands() local PluginMgr = cPluginManager:Get(); -- Please keep the list alpha-sorted PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("ban", HandleConsoleBan, " ~ Bans a player by name"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("banlist ips", HandleConsoleBanList, " - Lists all players banned by IP"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("banlist", HandleConsoleBanList, " - Lists all players banned by name"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("getversion", HandleConsoleVersion, " - Gets server version reported to 1.4+ clients"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("help", HandleConsoleHelp, " - Lists all commands"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("give", HandleConsoleGive, " - Gives items to the specified player.") PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("list", HandleConsoleList, " - Lists all players in a machine-readable format"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("listgroups", HandleConsoleListGroups, " - Shows a list of all the groups"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("numchunks", HandleConsoleNumChunks, " - Shows number of chunks currently loaded"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("players", HandleConsolePlayers, " - Lists all connected players"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("rank", HandleConsoleRank, " ~ Add a player to a group"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("reload", HandleConsoleReload, " - Reloads all plugins"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("save-all", HandleConsoleSaveAll, " - Saves all chunks"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("say", HandleConsoleSay, " - Sends a chat message to all players"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("setversion", HandleConsoleVersion, " ~ Sets server version reported to 1.4+ clients"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("unban", HandleConsoleUnban, " ~ Unbans a player by name"); PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("unload", HandleConsoleUnload, " - Unloads all unused chunks"); end function HandleConsoleGive(Split) -- Make sure there are a correct number of arguments. if #Split ~= 3 and #Split ~= 4 and #Split ~= 5 then return true, "Usage: give [amount] [meta]" end -- Get the item from the arguments and check it's valid. local Item = cItem() if #Split == 5 then local FoundItem = StringToItem(Split[3] .. ":" .. Split[5], Item) else local FoundItem = StringToItem(Split[3], Item) end if not IsValidItem(Item.m_ItemType) then -- StringToItem does not check if item is valid FoundItem = false end if not FoundItem then return true, "Invalid item id or name!" end -- Work out how many items the user wants. local ItemAmount = 1 if #Split > 3 then ItemAmount = tonumber(Split[4]) if ItemAmount == nil or ItemAmount < 1 or ItemAmount > 512 then return true, "Invalid amount!" end end Item.m_ItemCount = ItemAmount -- Get the playername from the split. local playerName = Split[2] local function giveItems(newPlayer) local ItemsGiven = newPlayer:GetInventory():AddItem(Item) if ItemsGiven == ItemAmount then newPlayer:SendMessage(cChatColor.Green .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "There you go!" ) LOG("Gave " .. newPlayer:GetName() .. " " .. Item.m_ItemCount .. " times " .. Item.m_ItemType .. ":" .. Item.m_ItemDamage) else Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Rose .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Not enough space in inventory, only gave " .. ItemsGiven) return true, "Only " .. Item.m_ItemCount .. " out of " .. ItemsGiven .. "items could be delivered.") end end -- Finally give the items to the player. itemStatus = cRoot:Get():FindAndDoWithPlayer(playerName, giveItems) -- Check to make sure that giving items was successful. if not itemStatus then return true, "There was no player that matched your query." end return true end end function HandleConsoleBan(Split) if (#Split < 2) then return true, "Usage: ban [Player] "; end local Reason = cChatColor.Red .. "You have been banned." .. cChatColor.White .. " Did you do something illegal?" if( #Split > 2 ) then Reason = table.concat(Split, " ", 3) end if KickPlayer(Split[2], Reason) == false then BannedPlayersIni:DeleteValue("Banned", Split[2]) BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], true) BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() LOGINFO("Could not find player, but banned anyway" ) else BannedPlayersIni:DeleteValue("Banned", Split[2]) BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], true) BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() LOGINFO("Successfully kicked and banned player" ) end return true end function HandleConsoleUnban(Split) if( #Split < 2 ) then return true, "Usage: unban [Player]" end if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false) == false ) then return true, Split[2] .. " is not banned!" end BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false, false) BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer() return true, "Unbanned " .. Split[2] end function HandleConsoleBanList(Split) if (#Split == 1) then return true, BanListByName(); end if (string.lower(Split[2]) == "ips") then return true, BanListByIPs(); end return true, "Unknown banlist subcommand"; end function HandleConsoleHelp(Split) local Commands = {}; -- {index => {"Command", "HelpString"} } local MaxLength = 0; local AddToTable = function(Command, HelpString) table.insert(Commands, { Command, HelpString }); local CmdLen = Command:len(); if (CmdLen > MaxLength) then MaxLength = CmdLen; end end cPluginManager:Get():ForEachConsoleCommand(AddToTable); -- Sort the table: local CompareCommands = function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1]; -- compare command strings end table.sort(Commands, CompareCommands); local Out = ""; Out = "'-' denotes no prefix, '~' denotes that a value is required.\n" for i, Command in ipairs(Commands) do Out = Out .. Command[1] .. string.rep(" ", MaxLength - Command[1]:len()); -- Align to a table Out = Out .. Command[2] .. "\n"; end return true, Out; end function HandleConsoleList(Split) -- Get a list of all players, one playername per line local Out = ""; cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( function (a_World) a_World:ForEachPlayer( function (a_Player) Out = Out .. a_Player:GetName() .. "\n"; end ); end ); return true, Out; end function HandleConsoleListGroups(Split) -- Read the groups.ini file: local GroupsIni = cIniFile("groups.ini"); if (not(GroupsIni:ReadFile())) then return true, "No groups found"; end -- Read the groups: Number = GroupsIni:NumKeys(); Groups = {}; for i = 0, Number do table.insert(Groups, GroupsIni:KeyName(i)) end -- Output the groups, concatenated to a string: local Out = "Groups:\n" Out = Out .. table.concat(Groups, ", "); return true, Out; end function HandleConsoleNumChunks(Split) local Output = {}; local AddNumChunks = function(World) Output[World:GetName()] = World:GetNumChunks(); end; cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(AddNumChunks); local Total = 0; local Out = ""; for name, num in pairs(Output) do Out = Out .. " " .. name .. ": " .. num .. " chunks\n"; Total = Total + num; end Out = Out .. "Total: " .. Total .. " chunks\n"; return true, Out; end function HandleConsolePlayers(Split) local PlayersInWorlds = {}; -- "WorldName" => [players array] local AddToTable = function(Player) local WorldName = Player:GetWorld():GetName(); if (PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] == nil) then PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] = {}; end table.insert(PlayersInWorlds[WorldName], Player:GetName() .. " @ " .. Player:GetIP()); end cRoot:Get():ForEachPlayer(AddToTable); local Out = ""; for WorldName, Players in pairs(PlayersInWorlds) do Out = Out .. "World " .. WorldName .. ":\n"; for i, PlayerName in ipairs(Players) do Out = Out .. " " .. PlayerName .. "\n"; end end return true, Out; end function HandleConsoleVersion(Split) if (#Split == 1) then -- Display current version: local Version = cRoot:Get():GetPrimaryServerVersion(); return true, "Primary server version: #" .. Version .. ", " .. cRoot:GetProtocolVersionTextFromInt(Version); end -- Set new value as the version: cRoot:Get():SetPrimaryServerVersion(tonumber(Split[2])); local Version = cRoot:Get():GetPrimaryServerVersion(); return true, "Primary server version is now #" .. Version .. ", " .. cRoot:GetProtocolVersionTextFromInt(Version); end function HandleConsoleRank(Split) if (Split[2] == nil) or (Split[3] == nil) then return true, "Usage: /rank [Player] [Group]"; end local Out = ""; -- Read the groups.ini file: local GroupsIni = cIniFile("groups.ini") if (not(GroupsIni:ReadFile())) then Out = "Could not read groups.ini, creating anew!\n" end -- Find the group: if (GroupsIni:FindKey(Split[3]) == -1) then return true, Out .. "Group does not exist"; end -- Read the users.ini file: local UsersIni = cIniFile("users.ini"); if (not(UsersIni:ReadFile())) then Out = Out .. "Could not read users.ini, creating anew!\n"; end -- Write the new group value to users.ini: UsersIni:DeleteKey(Split[2]); UsersIni:GetValueSet(Split[2], "Groups", Split[3]); UsersIni:WriteFile(); -- Reload the player's permissions: cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( function (World) World:ForEachPlayer( function (Player) if (Player:GetName() == Split[2]) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Yellow .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "You were moved to group " .. Split[3]); Player:LoadPermissionsFromDisk(); end end ); end ) return true, Out .. "Player " .. Split[2] .. " was moved to " .. Split[3]; end function HandleConsoleReload(Split) Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer(); Server:SendMessage(cChatColor.Rose .. "[WARNING] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Reloading all plugins!"); cPluginManager:Get():ReloadPlugins(); return true; end function HandleConsoleSaveAll(Split) Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer(); Server:SendMessage(cChatColor.Rose .. "[WARNING] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Saving all chunks!"); cRoot:Get():SaveAllChunks(); return true; end function HandleConsoleSay(Split) table.remove(Split, 1); local Message = ""; for i, Text in ipairs(Split) do Message = Message .. " " .. Text; end Message = Message:sub(2); -- Cut off the first space cRoot:Get():GetServer():BroadcastChat(cChatColor.Gold .. "[SERVER] " .. cChatColor.Yellow .. Message); return true; end function HandleConsoleUnload(Split) local UnloadChunks = function(World) World:UnloadUnusedChunks(); end local Out = "Num loaded chunks before: " .. cRoot:Get():GetTotalChunkCount() .. "\n"; cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(UnloadChunks); Out = Out .. "Num loaded chunks after: " .. cRoot:Get():GetTotalChunkCount(); return true, Out; end -- Helper functions: --- Returns the list of players banned by name, separated by ", " function BanListByName() local NumValues = BannedPlayersIni:NumValues("Banned"); local Banned = {}; local KeyID = BannedPlayersIni:FindKey("Banned"); for i = 1, NumValues do local PlayerName = BannedPlayersIni:ValueName(KeyID, i - 1); if (BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", PlayerName)) then -- Player listed AND banned table.insert(Banned, PlayerName); end end return table.concat(Banned, ", "); end --- Returns the list of players banned by IP, separated by ", " function BanListByIPs() -- TODO: No IP ban implemented yet return ""; end