function HandleMOTDCommand( Split, Player ) ShowMOTDTo( Player ) return true end function LoadMotd() local File ="motd.txt", "r") if not File then CreateFile ="motd.txt", "w") CreateFile:write("@6Welcome to the MCServer test server!\n@6\n@6Type /help for all commands") CreateFile:close() else File:close() end for line in io.lines("motd.txt") do local TempMessage = line for I=1, string.len(TempMessage) do if string.sub(TempMessage, I, I) == "@" then local Color, Char = ReturnColor(TempMessage, I + 1) if (Color ~= "") then TempMessage = string.gsub(TempMessage, "@" .. Char, Color) end end end Messages[#Messages + 1] = TempMessage end end function ShowMOTDTo( Player ) for I=1, #Messages do Player:SendMessage(Messages[I]) end end function ReturnColor( Split, char ) if string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "0" then return cChatColor.Black, 0 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "1" then return cChatColor.Navy, 1 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "2" then return cChatColor.Green, 2 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "3" then return cChatColor.Blue, 3 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "4" then return cChatColor.Red, 4 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "5" then return cChatColor.Purple, 5 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "6" then return cChatColor.Gold, 6 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "7" then return cChatColor.LightGray, 7 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "8" then return cChatColor.Gray, 8 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "9" then return cChatColor.DarkPurple, 9 elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "a" then return cChatColor.LightGreen, "a" elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "b" then return cChatColor.LightBlue, "b" elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "c" then return cChatColor.Rose, "c" elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "d" then return cChatColor.LightPurple, "d" elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "e" then return cChatColor.Yellow, "e" elseif string.sub( Split, char, char ) == "f" then return cChatColor.White, "f" else return "" end end