function HandleTPCommand(a_Split, a_Player) if #a_Split == 2 or #a_Split == 3 then -- Teleport to player specified in a_Split[2], tell them unless a_Split[3] equals "-h": TeleportToPlayer( a_Player, a_Split[2], (a_Split[3] ~= "-h") ) return true elseif #a_Split == 4 then -- Teleport to XYZ coords specified in a_Split[2, 3, 4]: SetBackCoordinates(a_Player) a_Player:TeleportToCoords( a_Split[2], a_Split[3], a_Split[4] ) SendMessageSuccess( a_Player, "You teleported to [X:" .. a_Split[2] .. " Y:" .. a_Split[3] .. " Z:" .. a_Split[4] .. "]" ) return true else SendMessage( a_Player, "Usage: /tp [PlayerName] (-h) or /tp [X Y Z]" ) return true end end function HandleTPACommand( Split, Player ) if Split[2] == nil then SendMessage( Player, "Usage: /tpa [Player]" ) return true end local loopPlayer = function( OtherPlayer ) if OtherPlayer:GetName() == Split[2] then SendMessage( OtherPlayer, Player:GetName() .. " send a teleport request" ) SendMessageSuccess( Player, "You send a teleport request to " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() ) Destination[OtherPlayer:GetName()] = Player:GetName() end end local loopWorlds = function( World ) World:ForEachPlayer( loopPlayer ) end cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( loopWorlds ) return true end function HandleTPAcceptCommand( Split, Player ) if Destination[Player:GetName()] == nil then SendMessageFailure( Player, "Nobody has send you a teleport request" ) return true end local loopPlayer = function( OtherPlayer ) if Destination[Player:GetName()] == OtherPlayer:GetName() then if OtherPlayer:GetWorld():GetName() ~= Player:GetWorld():GetName() then OtherPlayer:MoveToWorld( Player:GetWorld():GetName() ) end OtherPlayer:TeleportToEntity( Player ) SendMessage( Player, OtherPlayer:GetName() .. " teleported to you" ) SendMessageSuccess( OtherPlayer, "You teleported to " .. Player:GetName() ) Destination[Player:GetName()] = nil end end local loopWorlds = function( World ) World:ForEachPlayer( loopPlayer ) end cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( loopWorlds ) return true end -- Teleports a_SrcPlayer to a player named a_DstPlayerName; if a_TellDst is true, will send a notice to the destination player function TeleportToPlayer( a_SrcPlayer, a_DstPlayerName, a_TellDst ) local teleport = function(OtherPlayer) if OtherPlayer == a_SrcPlayer then -- Asked to teleport to self? SendMessageFailure( a_SrcPlayer, "Y' can't teleport to yerself!" ) else SetBackCoordinates( a_SrcPlayer ) a_SrcPlayer:TeleportToEntity( OtherPlayer ) SendMessageSuccess( a_SrcPlayer, "You teleported to " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() .. "!" ) if (a_TellDst) then SendMessage( OtherPlayer, Player:GetName().." teleported to you!" ) end end end local World = a_SrcPlayer:GetWorld() if not World:DoWithPlayer(a_DstPlayerName, teleport) then SendMessageFailure( a_SrcPlayer, "Can't find player " .. a_DstPlayerName) end end