-- Global variables PLUGIN = {} -- Reference to own plugin object ShouldDumpFunctions = false -- If set to true, all available functions are logged upon plugin initialization function Initialize(Plugin) PLUGIN = Plugin Plugin:SetName("Debuggers") Plugin:SetVersion(1) PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager() PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM) PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_TAKE_DAMAGE) LOG("Initialized " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion()) -- dump all available functions to console: if (ShouldDumpFunctions) then LOG("Dumping all available functions:"); function dump (prefix, a) for i, v in pairs (a) do if (type(v) == "table") then if (v == _G) then LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G, CYCLE, ignoring"); elseif (v == _G.package) then LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G.package, ignoring"); else dump(prefix .. i .. ".", v) end elseif (type(v) == "function") then LOG(prefix .. i .. "()") end end end dump("", _G); end return true end function OnPlayerUsingItem(Player, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ) -- dont check if the direction is in the air if (BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_NONE) then return false end local HeldItem = Player:GetEquippedItem(); if (HeldItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_STICK) then -- Magic sTick of ticking: set the pointed block for ticking at the next tick Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Setting next block tick to {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}") Player:GetWorld():SetNextBlockTick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ); return true end if (HeldItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BLAZE_ROD) then -- Magic rod of query: show block types and metas for both neighbors of the pointed face local Type = 0; local Meta = 0; local Valid = false; Valid, Type, Meta = Player:GetWorld():GetBlockTypeMeta(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Type, Meta); if (Type == E_BLOCK_AIR) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}: air:" .. Meta); else local TempItem = cItem(Type, 1, Meta); Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}: " .. ItemToFullString(TempItem) .. " (" .. Type .. ":" .. Meta .. ")"); end local X = BlockX; local Y = BlockY; local Z = BlockZ; X, Y, Z = AddFaceDirection(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace); Valid, Type, Meta = Player:GetWorld():GetBlockTypeMeta(X, Y, Z, Type, Meta); if (Type == E_BLOCK_AIR) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. X .. ", " .. Y .. ", " .. Z .. "}: air:" .. Meta); else local TempItem = cItem(Type, 1, Meta); Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. X .. ", " .. Y .. ", " .. Z .. "}: " .. ItemToFullString(TempItem) .. " (" .. Type .. ":" .. Meta .. ")"); return true; end end end function OnTakeDamage(Receiver, TDI) -- Receiver is cPawn -- TDI is TakeDamageInfo LOG(Receiver:GetClass() .. " was dealt RawDamage " .. TDI.RawDamage .. ", FinalDamage " .. TDI.FinalDamage .. " (that is, " .. (TDI.RawDamage - TDI.FinalDamage) .. " HPs covered by armor)"); end