#!/usr/bin/lua -- InfoDump.lua -- Goes through all subfolders, loads Info.lua and dumps its g_PluginInfo into various text formats -- This is used for generating plugin documentation for the forum and for GitHub's INFO.md files -- This script requires LuaRocks with LFS installed, instructions are printed when this is not present. -- Check Lua version. We use 5.1-specific construct when loading the plugin info, 5.2 is not compatible! if (_VERSION ~= "Lua 5.1") then print("Unsupported Lua version. This script requires Lua version 5.1, this Lua is version " .. (_VERSION or "")); return; end -- Try to load lfs, do not abort if not found local lfs, err = pcall( function() return require("lfs") end ); -- Rather, print a nice message with instructions: if not(lfs) then print([[ Cannot load LuaFileSystem Install it through luarocks by executing the following command: sudo luarocks install luafilesystem If you don't have luarocks installed, you need to install them using your OS's package manager, usually: sudo apt-get install luarocks On windows, a binary distribution can be downloaded from the LuaRocks homepage, http://luarocks.org/en/Download ]]); print("Original error text: ", err); return; end -- We now know that LFS is present, get it normally: lfs = require("lfs"); --- Returns an array-table of all commands that are in the specified category -- Each item is a table {Command = "/command string", Info = {}} local function GetCategoryCommands(a_PluginInfo, a_CategoryName) local res = {}; local function AppendCategoryCommand(a_Prefix, a_Commands) for cmd, info in pairs(a_Commands) do info.Category = info.Category or {}; if (type(info.Category) == "string") then info.Category = {info.Category}; end for idx, cat in ipairs(info.Category) do if (cat == a_CategoryName) then table.insert(res, {Command = a_Prefix .. cmd, Info = info}); end end if (info.Subcommands ~= nil) then AppendCategoryCommand(a_Prefix .. cmd .. " ", info.Subcommands); end end end AppendCategoryCommand("", a_PluginInfo.Commands); return res; end --- Builds an array of categories, each containing all the commands belonging to the category, -- and the category description, if available. -- Returns the array table, each item has the following format: -- { Name = "CategoryName", Description = "CategoryDescription", Commands = {{CommandString = "/cmd verb", Info = {...}}, ...}} local function BuildCategories(a_PluginInfo) -- The returned result -- This will contain both an array and a dict of the categories, to allow fast search local res = {}; -- For each command add a reference to it into all of its categories: local function AddCommands(a_CmdPrefix, a_Commands) for cmd, info in pairs(a_Commands) do local NewCmd = { CommandString = a_CmdPrefix .. cmd, Info = info, } if ((info.HelpString ~= nil) and (info.HelpString ~= "")) then -- Add to each specified category: local Category = info.Category; if (type(Category) == "string") then Category = {Category}; end for idx, cat in ipairs(Category or {""}) do local CatEntry = res[cat]; if (CatEntry == nil) then -- First time we came across this category, create it: local NewCat = {Name = cat, Description = "", Commands = {NewCmd}}; table.insert(res, NewCat); res[cat] = NewCat; else -- We already have this category, just add the command to its list of commands: table.insert(CatEntry.Commands, NewCmd); end end -- for idx, cat - Category[] end -- if (HelpString valid) -- Recurse all subcommands: if (info.Subcommands ~= nil) then AddCommands(a_CmdPrefix .. cmd .. " ", info.Subcommands); end end -- for cmd, info - a_Commands[] end -- AddCommands() AddCommands("", a_PluginInfo.Commands); -- Assign descriptions to categories: for name, desc in pairs(a_PluginInfo.Categories or {}) do local CatEntry = res[name]; if (CatEntry ~= nil) then -- The result has this category, add the description: CatEntry.Description = desc.Description; end end -- Alpha-sort each category's command list: for idx, cat in ipairs(res) do table.sort(cat.Commands, function (cmd1, cmd2) return (string.lower(cmd1.CommandString) < string.lower(cmd2.CommandString)); end ); end return res; end local function WriteCommandsCategoryForum(a_Category, f) -- Write category name: local CategoryName = a_Category.Name; if (CategoryName == "") then CategoryName = "General"; end f:write("\n[size=Large]", CategoryName, "[/size]\n"); -- Write description: if (a_Category.Description ~= "") then f:write(a_Category.Description, "\n"); end -- Write commands: f:write("\n[list]"); for idx2, cmd in ipairs(a_Category.Commands) do f:write("\nCommand: [b]", cmd.CommandString, "[/b] - ", (cmd.Info.HelpString or "UNDOCUMENTED"), "\n"); if (cmd.Info.Permission ~= nil) then f:write("Permission required: ", cmd.Info.Permission, "\n"); end if (cmd.Info.DetailedDescription ~= nil) then f:write(cmd.Info.DetailedDescription); end end f:write("[/list]\n\n") end local function DumpCommandsForum(a_PluginInfo, f) -- Copy all Categories from a dictionary into an array: local Categories = BuildCategories(a_PluginInfo); -- Sort the categories by name: table.sort(Categories, function(cat1, cat2) return (string.lower(cat1.Name) < string.lower(cat2.Name)); end ); -- Dump per-category commands: for idx, cat in ipairs(Categories) do WriteCommandsCategoryForum(cat, f); end end local function DumpPluginInfoForum(a_PluginFolder, a_PluginInfo) -- Open the output file: local f, msg = io.open(a_PluginInfo.Name .. "_forum.txt", "w"); if (f == nil) then print("\tCannot dump forum info for plugin " .. a_PluginFolder .. ": " .. msg); return; end -- Write the description: f:write(a_PluginInfo.Description); DumpCommandsForum(a_PluginInfo, f); -- TODO: Write the AdditionalInfo f:close(); end local function DumpPluginInfoGitHub() -- TODO end --- Tries to load the g_PluginInfo from the plugin's Info.lua file -- Returns the g_PluginInfo table on success, or nil and error message on failure local function LoadPluginInfo(a_FolderName) -- Check if the Info file is present at all: local Attribs = lfs.attributes(a_FolderName .. "/Info.lua"); if ((Attribs == nil) or (Attribs.mode ~= "file")) then return nil; end -- Load and compile the Info file: local cfg, err = loadfile(a_FolderName .. "/Info.lua"); if (cfg == nil) then return nil, "Cannot open 'Info.lua': " .. err; end -- Execute the loaded file in a sandbox: -- This is Lua-5.1-specific and won't work in Lua 5.2! local Sandbox = {}; setfenv(cfg, Sandbox); cfg(); if (Sandbox.g_PluginInfo == nil) then return nil, "Info.lua doesn't contain the g_PluginInfo declaration"; end return Sandbox.g_PluginInfo; end local function ProcessPluginFolder(a_FolderName) local PluginInfo, Msg = LoadPluginInfo(a_FolderName); if (PluginInfo == nil) then if (Msg ~= nil) then print("\tCannot load Info.lua: " .. Msg); end return; end DumpPluginInfoForum(a_FolderName, PluginInfo); end print("Processing plugin subfolders:"); for fnam in lfs.dir(".") do if ((fnam ~= ".") and (fnam ~= "..")) then local Attributes = lfs.attributes(fnam); if (Attributes ~= nil) then if (Attributes.mode == "directory") then print(fnam); ProcessPluginFolder(fnam); end end end end