-- CommandHandlers.lua -- Defines the individual command handlers function InitializeCommandHandlers() local PlgMgr = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager(); for idx, Cmd in ipairs(CommandReg()) do PlgMgr:BindCommand(Cmd[2], Cmd[3], Cmd[1], Cmd[4]); end end --- Handles the ProtAdd command function HandleAddArea(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtAdd username1 [username2] [username3] ... if (#a_Split < 2) then a_Player:SendMessage("Not enough parameters. Expected a list of usernames."); return true; end -- Get the cuboid that the player had selected local CmdState = GetCommandStateForPlayer(a_Player); if (CmdState == nil) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot add area, internal plugin error (CmdState == nil)"); return true; end local Cuboid = CmdState:GetCurrentCuboid(); if (Cuboid == nil) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot add area, no area has been selected. Use a ProtWand lclk / rclk to select area first"); return true; end -- Put all allowed players into a table: AllowedNames = {}; for i = 2, #a_Split do table.insert(AllowedNames, a_Split[i]); end -- Add the area to the storage g_Storage:AddArea(Cuboid, a_Player:GetWorld():GetName(), a_Player:GetName(), AllowedNames); a_Player:SendMessage("Area added"); -- Reload all currently logged in players ReloadAllPlayersInWorld(a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end function HandleAddAreaCoords(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtAddCoords x1 z1 x2 z2 username1 [username2] [username3] ... if (#a_Split < 6) then a_Player:SendMessage("Not enough parameters. Expected coords and a list of usernames."); return true; end -- Convert the coords to a cCuboid local x1, z1 = tonumber(a_Split[2]), tonumber(a_Split[3]); local x2, z2 = tonumber(a_Split[4]), tonumber(a_Split[5]); if ((x1 == nil) or (z1 == nil) or (x2 == nil) or (z2 == nil)) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot parse coords."); return true; end local Cuboid = cCuboid(x1, 0, z1, x2, 255, z1); Cuboid:Sort(); -- Put all allowed players into a table: AllowedNames = {}; for i = 6, #a_Split do table.insert(AllowedNames, a_Split[i]); end -- Add the area to the storage g_Storage:AddArea(Cuboid, a_Player:GetWorld():GetName(), a_Player:GetName(), AllowedNames); a_Player:SendMessage("Area added"); -- Reload all currently logged in players ReloadAllPlayersInWorld(a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end function HandleAddAreaUser(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtAddUser AreaID username1 [username2] [username3] ... if (#a_Split < 3) then a_Player:SendMessage("Not enough parameters. Expected and a list of usernames."); return true; end -- Put all allowed players into a table: AllowedNames = {}; for i = 3, #a_Split do table.insert(AllowedNames, a_Split[i]); end -- Add the area to the storage g_Storage:AddAreaUsers(tonumber(a_Split[2]), a_Player:GetWorld():GetName(), a_Player:GetName(), AllowedNames); a_Player:SendMessage("Users added: " .. table.concat(AllowedNames, ", ")); -- Reload all currently logged in players ReloadAllPlayersInWorld(a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end function HandleDelArea(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtDelArea AreaID if (#a_Split ~= 2) then a_Player:SendMessage("Parameter mismatch. Expected ."); return true; end -- Parse the AreaID local AreaID = tonumber(a_Split[2]); if (AreaID == nil) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot parse ."); return true; end -- Delete the area g_Storage:DelArea(a_Player:GetWorld():GetName(), AreaID); -- Reload all currently logged in players ReloadAllPlayersInWorld(a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end function HandleGiveWand(a_Split, a_Player) local NumGiven = a_Player:GetInventory():AddItem(cConfig:GetWandItem()); if (NumGiven == 1) then a_Player:SendMessage("Wand given"); else a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot give wand, no space in your inventory"); end return true; end function HandleListAreas(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtListAreas [x, z] local x, z; if (#a_Split == 1) then -- Get the last "wanded" coord local CmdState = GetCommandStateForPlayer(a_Player); if (CmdState == nil) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot list area, internal plugin error (CmdState == nil)"); return true; end x, z = CmdState:GetLastCoords(); if ((x == nil) or (z == nil)) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot list areas, no query point has been selected. Use a ProtWand lclk / rclk to select a point first"); return true; end elseif (#a_Split == 3) then -- Parse the coords from the command params x = tonumber(a_Split[2]); z = tonumber(a_Split[3]); if ((x == nil) or (z == nil)) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot list areas, cannot parse coords in params"); return true; end else -- Wrong number of params, report back to the user a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot list areas, syntax error. Expected either no params or ."); return true; end a_Player:SendMessage("Listing protection areas intersecting block column {" .. x .. ", " .. z .. "}:"); -- List areas intersecting the coords local Areas = g_PlayerAreas[a_Player:GetUniqueID()] Areas:ForEachArea( function(a_Cuboid, a_IsAllowed) if (not(a_Cuboid:IsInside(x, 1, z))) then -- This cuboid doesn't intersect the column return; end -- Column intersected, send to the player local Coords = "{" .. a_Cuboid.p1.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p1.z .. "} - {" .. a_Cuboid.p2.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.z .. "} "; local Allowance; if (a_IsAllowed) then Allowance = "Allowed"; else Allowance = "NOT allowed"; end a_Player:SendMessage(" " .. Coords .. Allowance); end ); a_Player:SendMessage("Area list finished"); return true; end function HandleRemoveUser(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtRemUser AreaID UserName if (#a_Split ~= 3) then a_Player:SendMessage("Parameter mismatch. Expected ."); return true; end -- Parse the AreaID local AreaID = tonumber(a_Split[2]); if (AreaID == nil) then a_Player:SendMessage("Cannot parse ."); return true; end -- Remove the user from the DB g_Storage:RemoveUser(AreaID, a_Split[3], a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end function HandleRemoveUserAll(a_Split, a_Player) -- Command syntax: ProtRemUserAll UserName if (#a_Split ~= 2) then a_Player:SendMessage("Parameter mismatch. Expected ."); return true; end -- Remove the user from the DB g_Storage.RemoveUserAll(a_Split[2], a_Player:GetWorld():GetName()); return true; end