function Initialize(a_Plugin) a_Plugin:SetName("DumpInfo") a_Plugin:SetVersion(1) -- Check if the infodump file exists. if (not cFile:IsFile("Plugins/InfoDump.lua")) then LOGWARN("InfoDump.lua was not found.") return false end -- Add the webtab. a_Plugin:AddWebTab("DumpPlugin", HandleDumpPluginRequest) return true end function HandleDumpPluginRequest(a_Request) local Content = "" -- Check if it already was requested to dump a plugin. if (a_Request.PostParams["DumpInfo"] ~= nil) then local F = loadfile("Plugins/InfoDump.lua") F("Plugins/" .. cPluginManager:Get():GetPluginFolderName(a_Request.PostParams["DumpInfo"])) end Content = Content .. [[ ]] -- Loop through each plugin that is found. cPluginManager:Get():ForEachPlugin( function(a_Plugin) -- Check if there is a file called 'Info.lua' if (cFile:IsFile(a_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/Info.lua")) then Content = Content .. "\n\n" Content = Content .. "\t\n" Content = Content .. "\t\n" Content = Content .. "\n" end end ) Content = Content .. [[
" .. a_Plugin:GetName() .. "
]] return Content end